
第32章 美国和欧洲:我们如何应对不断变化的世界秩序(3)

The respect for rights,including in the fight against terrorism,because security,in the long run,is inseparable from justice.Fr ust rat ions a nd ineq ua lit ies nu r tu re conflicts.The best response democraciescan make to terrorism is remaining true to their values.

The second principle is the respect for different identities.They lie at the heart of all tensions.More effectively taking them into account is a moral condition,but our security hinges on it as well.

The third principle is the use of force in a legal framework and the primacy of collective security.It is this condition alone that guarantees the legitimacy of an action and a lasting solution to crises.We"ve just seen this in Lebanon:It was by backing a UN resolution,with the agreement of the parties and the support of all the members of the Security Council,that a bolstered UNIFIL was able to have an effective presence in Lebanon.

On the strength of these principles,we will be able to reestablish a more effective international governance,through renewed multilateralism.This is true in the political sphere.

It implies more representative decision-making bodies.I remain convinced,in particular,that the enlargement of the Security Council is essential to the strengthening of its legitimacy.Better taking into account the weight of Japan,Germany,the major emerging countries and Africa is a guarantee that our collective decisions will be better accepted by all.

That also implies decision-making bodies that are more mobilized in crisis management.I think it wouldbe useful to have a monthly meeting of security council members,at the ministeriallevel,to bring responses to current crises.

More broadly,we need instruments that are on a par with the stakes:

The UN needs the true clout of an armed peacekeeping force.Today nearly 100,000blue -helmeteds oldier sare deployed throughout the world.The UNSecretariat,like all the world"s armies,needs a permanent military staff.In the long run,a real UN army must be our objective.

That is how the international community will be able to fully assume the collective responsibilities imposed upon it.To prevent humanitarian tragedies and face emergencies,we must implement the "responsibility to protect"that the UN recognized at the behest of France .I am thinking in particular of the Darfur tragedy,which is threatening to draw all of East Africa,and perhaps beyond,into a destructive,dangerous conflict.

We must also apply these principles to economics and development in order to humanize globalization.

At the world level:This is why I proposed the creation of a World Economic Council,in order to better structure the dialogue between the major international economic bodies to ensure consistency and a common ambition:that of a more equitable system of trade.To meet the Millennium Goals on health,water,education and infrastructures,we must also go farther in the establishment of innovative means of financing that alone can make it possible to procure the resources that we will never obtain from State budgets.That is what France has done with the solidarity contribution on plane tickets,which it wants to serve as an example and a precedent.This pilot project deservesto be extended.It"s a matter of dignity and justice.

On the European level:Europe is today the leading provider of aid.It is Europe that has the longest experience of cooperation,particularly in Africa.Now we want to go farther.In the area of peace and security,which are the prerequisite for development,Europe has established a European facility for peace that is enabling it,notably,to bethe leading contributor to the financing of the African Union force (AMIS)in Darfur.In the area of trade,France wants new economic partnership agreements between Europe and developing countries,particularly in Africa,that serve their interests.It is up to us to take into account the specificities of the countries concerned.And it is up to us to help them comply with the rules of the WTO.

3.Finding a collective solution to the crises in the Middle East is absolutely urgent in order to maintain our global equilibrium.

The Mideast today is being torn apart by a series of crises and fault lines that threaten to join together.They bring together all the factors of instability:civil and regional wars,terrorism,proliferation risks,the displacement of refugee populations.Our top priority should be building a lasting peace in the region.

Make no mistake:the various crises playing out in the Mideast have their own logic but are linked.Because they have their own logic,we should deal with them separately.Because they are linked and could become linked even further,we must deal with them simultaneously.Indeed,the risk is that those whose interests don"t lie with peace will exploit them,establish new ties between them and make them even more dangerous for the international community.

That is why I would like to share some of our trains of thoughts beginning withthe Israeli-Palestinian conf lict.In this conf lict,the principles and elements of a solution are clear:the renunciation of violence,the creation of two States living in peace and security,are and will remain t he p oint of depa r t u re for a ny v ia ble approach.But to move forward,we must gofarther on three elements:

The first is the absolute need for international reengagement within a precise framework.Because the parties cannot succeed alone.Neither the United States nor Europe is doing enough.

L et"s keep the Quar tet for mat but give it a real power to take initiatives.We need an international conference as soon as possible that together with the parties will establish the framework for a resolution,with which the moderate Arab states in the region must be associated,particularly Saudi Arabia,Egypt and Jordan.

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