
第17章 P


n. an unbound printed work, usu. with a paper cover 小册子

distribute pamphlets among 在……中散发小册子/issue a pamphlet 一本政治小册子/a pamphlet on childcare 关于儿童养育问题的活页文章/a single article pamphlet 单行本

Does the tourist office have any pamphlets dealing with local history?



n. sudden uncontrollable terror often accompanied by fight 恐慌,惊慌,慌乱 v. to cause to feel panic (使)恐慌,(使)惊惶失措

panic作“惊恐,恐慌”解时,用作可数名词或不可数名词均可,用作复数形式较少。如:Panic overwhelmed me.(我惊恐万状。)She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car.(她突然一阵惊恐,把车停了下来。)

push the panic button 发警报,惊惶失措

The audience was thrown into a panic when the fire started.



n. (常作 Paradise) the Garden of Eden 天堂

an earthly/terrestrial paradise 人间天堂,世上乐园/a sheer paradise 十足的天堂/a paradise for children 儿童乐园/a vacation paradise 度假仙境/a fool s paradise 虚幻的乐境,黄粱美梦

It s sheer paradise to relax in a hot bath after a hard day s work.



n. a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true 似是而非的论点,自相矛盾的话

It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people.



vt. to affect with paralysis; cause to be paralytic 使瘫痪,使麻痹

completely paralyze 使完全瘫痪/partially paralyze 使局部瘫痪/permanently paralyze 使终身瘫痪/be paralyzed in both legs 双腿瘫痪的

The strike has paralyzed the region s public transport system.



n. a constant in an equation that varies in other equations of the same general form, esp. such a constant in the equation of a curve or surface that can be varied to represent a family of curves or surfaces 参数,参量,起限定作用的因素

The driver can also choose parameters for determining the route: fastest, shortest or no freeways, for example.



n. one that participates, shares, or takes part in sth. 参与者,共享者 adj. sharing in or taking part; participating 参与的

participant democracy (公民)参与决策的民主/participant observation 参与性观察/active participants in the Olympic Games 奥运会的积极参加者/treaty participants 缔约国/useful participants 起作用的参加者/a participant in sth.……的参加者

The problem, most participants in the debate acknowledge, is that the MBA has acquired an aura of future riches and power far beyond its actual importance and usefulness.

大部分参加辩论的人认为,问题的关键是MBA 获得者即将得到的未来财富和权利的光环大大超越了其实际重要性和作用。(2003年1月阅读理解)

Staff are to be active participants in the decisionmaking process.



n. the act or process of divding sth.into parts 分割,划分,瓜分,分开,隔离物vt. to divide into parts pieces,or sections 区分,隔开,分割

split into partitions 裂成几块/partition a room into three parts 把房间隔成三部分/partition a room with a screen 用屏风把房间隔开/partition in a ward 病房里的小隔间

You could hear what he was saying on the phone through the partition.



n. an activity that occupies one s spare time pleasantly 消遣,娱乐

an exciting pastime 令人激动的娱乐/a favorite pastime 最喜爱的消遣/openair pastime 户外游戏/an allyear pastime 一年四季可进行的娱乐活动/the national pastime 全国性的娱乐活动

In America, the national pastime is baseball.



n. grass or other vegetation eaten as food by grazing animals 牧地,草原,牧场 v. to head (animals) into a pasture to graze 放牧,牧(牛、羊) 等,吃草


n. a grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time 专利权,执照,专利adj. protected or conferred by a patent or letters patent 特许的,专利的,显著的,明白的,新奇的 vt. to obtain a patent on or for (an invention, for example) 取得……的专利权,请准专利

nothing patent没啥了不起,不大高明/American patent 美国专利/business patent 营业特许/apply for a patent 申请专利/issue a patent 签发专利/hold a patent 拥有专利/sell a patent 转让专利/infringe a patent 侵犯专利

The designer has applied for a patent for his new invention.


The designer has applied for a patent for his new invention.



adj. causing a feeling of pity or sorrow 可怜的,悲惨的 worthless, hopeless, unsuccessful 无用的,没有希望的

pathetic特别强调受难者所处的凄惨、无助的情况。如:the child s pathetic cries of pain(孩子因疼痛而发出的哀哭声)。sad与pathetic同义,但语义较轻。如:It s sad to think he won t be working here any more.(一想到他将不再在这里工作就很难过。)pitiable主要指值得怜悯的、可怜的。如:He was in a pitiable condition.(他过去的处境可怜。)

pathetic, sad

pathetic 和 sad 均有“悲伤的”意思。pathetic 强调受难者的凄惨无助的境状。如:It s sad to think he won t be working here any more.一想到他将不再在这里工作,就很难过。 sad 在语义上较前者轻。如:The orphan s plight was quite pathetic.那孤儿境况十分悲惨。

a pathetic sight/story 凄惨的景象/故事

It was pathetic to watch her condition deteriorate day by day.



adj. feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for one s country 爱国的,有爱国心的

patriotic overseas Chinese 爱国华侨/a patriotic song 爱国歌曲/patriotic fervor 爱国热忱/people fervidly patriotic 有强烈爱国热忱的人/staunchly patriotic 有坚定爱国心的

The concert ended with the singers and audience singing patriotic songs together. 音乐会结束,歌唱演员和观众一起高唱爱国歌曲。


v. (patrolled, patrolled) to engage in a patrol of 出巡,巡逻 n. the act of moving about an area esp. by an authorized and trained person or group, for purposes of observation, inspection, or security 巡逻

policemen on patrol 值勤巡逻的警察/make regular patrols (of) (对……)进行定期巡逻/a foot patrol 徒步巡逻/a day and night/twentyfourhour patrol 昼夜巡逻


v. to cover with a pavement 铺

pave a path with bricks 用砖铺一条小路/a garden well paved with flowers 花团锦簇的花园

Country boys thought the streets of London were paved with gold.



n. a smooth, lustrous, variously colored deposit, chiefly calcium carbonate, formed around a grain of sand or other foreign matter in the shells of certain mollusks and valued as a gem珍珠;珠状物;珍品;尤物(指女子)


n. a footoperated lever used for actuating or controlling a mechanism, as in a loom, a sewing machine, a piano, or an organ 踏板 v. to use or operate a pedal or pedals 踩……的踏板

depress/step a pedal 踩踏板/an accelerator pedal 汽车的油门踏板/a brake pedal 刹车踏板/a clutch pedal 离合器踏板/a pedal cycle 脚踏车/a pedal boat 脚踏船/the pedal of a sewing machine 缝纫机的踩踏板

Organs and pianos have pedals for changing the tone.



n. a person traveling on foot; a walker 步行者 adj. going or performed on foot 徒步的,呆板的,通俗的

pedestrian crossing 人行横道/pedestrian mall/pedestrian precinct 步行商业街

We enjoy all pedestrian activities.



v. to strip or cut away the skin, rind, or bark from 剥,削,剥落

apple peel 苹果皮/candied peel 蜜饯果皮/seasoned orange peel 陈皮/peel a stamp off an envelope 把邮票从信封上揭下/peel off the skin of a banana 剥掉香蕉皮/peel away/peel off 剥落,脱落,脱掉

The skin of my back peeled off with too much exposure to the sun.



vi. to look very carefully or hard, esp. as if not able to see well 仔细看,费力地看 n.an equal in rank, quality or worth 同龄人,同等地位的人

peer在看不清而费力地盯着看,看时常常探头、身体前倾,还带有好奇的意味。如:peer closely into every shop window(贴近着看每个橱窗)。peep则指偷看。如:peep through a keyhole(从锁眼中偷看)。


peep是偷看;peer是因看不清而盯着看,有时探头或身体向前倾费力地看。如:I got a quick peep at him through the crowd. 我从人群中很快地偷看了他一眼。He peered up of each house door, trying to find number five. 他注视每幢房屋的大门,要找出5号门牌。

peer into 凝视/peer to peer 对等的/without peer 无比的,无敌的

He peered through the mist, trying to find the right path.


A 1993 study by the US National Academy of Sciences listed “biological, individual, family, peer, school, and community factors” as all playing their parts.



n. a punishment established by law or authority for a crime or an offense 处罚,罚款;受苦;报应;(犯规)处罚;罚球;罚点球

The court considers a financial penalty to be an appropriate way of punishing him.


He has paid the penalty for his crime with 10 years in prison.



n. a body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity, commonly used to regulate various devices, esp. clocks 摆,钟摆

pendulum motion 钟摆运动/the pendulum of public opinion 舆论的动荡/the political pendulum 变化不定的政治动向/play pendulum 处于不稳定的状态,左右摇摆/swing a pendulum 使钟摆摆动

He is playing pendulum between two opinions.



n. sum of money paid regularly by the state to people above a certain age and to widowed or disabled people, or by an employer to a retired employee 抚恤金,养老金,退休金

The elderly russians find it hard to live on their state pensions.



n. the process, act, or faculty of perceiving 洞察力;理解力;了解;领悟


n. a person or thing considered to be perfect 尽善尽美,完美 the act or process of perfecting 完成

achieve/attain/reach perfection 臻于完美,尽善尽美/strive for perfection 力求完美/come to perfection 圆满,成熟/do sth. to perfection (某事做得)完美,(某事做得)尽善尽美

It makes perfection more perfect.



n. a substance that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor, esp. a volatile liquid distilled from flowers or prepared synthetically 香味,芳香,香水 vt. to impregnate with fragrance; impart a pleasant odor to 使发香,洒香水于,发香味

dab/put/spray on perfume 擦香水,洒香水/smell of perfume 发出香水味/give off/emit a pleasing perfume 发出使人愉快的芳香/the roses heady perfume 令人陶醉的玫瑰香味/perfume with 充满……的香味

They went for a walk in a garden perfumed with flowers.



adj. occurring or appearing at (esp regular) intervals定期的;周期的

periodic fits of coughing 咳嗽的定期发作/periodic law 周期律/periodic table ( 化学) 元素周期表/have periodic health checkup 定期减肥体检

High unemployment is one of the periodic crisis of a capitalist system.



adj. periodic 周期的,定期的 n. a publication issued at regular intervals of more than one day 期刊,杂志


v. to comes to an end; to end 丧生,死亡 to be completely destroyed 消亡,腐烂


die 意为“死亡”,一般用词。如:My father died of cancer.我父亲死于癌症。 perish 为正式用词,指在暴力或困难情况下夭折或惨死。用于比喻,指永远消失。如:Hundreds of people perished in the earthquake.数百人在地震中丧生。

perish from 由……而死/perish of/from disease/hunger/cold 病/饿/冻死/be perished with cold/hunger 被冻/饿坏/perish in the earthquake/fire 在地震/火灾中丧生

Hiroshima which used to be one of the liveliest cities in Japan perished in the atomic disaster.



vt. to spread or pass through or into every part of sth.影响,弥漫 to flow into every part of 渗入,渗透

注意下列用法中permeate的不同意思。如:Bribery and corruption permeated the government.(政府内贿赂盛行,腐败成风。)Damp and moulder can easily permeate the wood.(潮湿和霉菌很容易侵入这种木材。)He is permeated with a good deal of Chinese culture.(他深受中国文化的熏陶。)New ways of thinking are permeating among the students.(新的思想方式正在学生中间扩散开来。)

be permeated with 弥漫着,充满/(new ideas) permeate through/among the people(新思想)深入民心/(water) permeate through/into the soil (水)渗透泥土/(smell) permeate the house (气味)弥漫于整幢房子

The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.



adj. that is or may be allowed容许的;可准许的

Delay is not permissible, even for a single day.



adj. lasting for eternity 永久的continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time 不断的;永续的;一再重复的

perpetual complaints 没完没了的抱怨/the perpetual noise of the machines 机器不断的噪音/the perpetual snows of the mountaintops 终年积雪的山峰/perpetual calendar 万年历/perpetual motion 永恒运动

The spy lives in perpetual fear of being discovered.



vt. to cause to feel confused and troubled by being difficult to understand or answer 使困惑,使费解;使复杂化

puzzle, perplex

puzzle 为一般用词,既指复杂困难的事,使人迷惑失措,又指对某事很好奇,但又难于理解。如:His move puzzled us.他的行动使我们摸不透。 perplex 为正式用词,表示难于理解外,还有疑虑,不安,不知如何决定。如:This problem is hard enough to perplex even the teacher.这道题很难,连老师也给弄糊涂了。

be perplexed about/at/by/over...对……感到困惑/perplex sb.with questions 以问题使某人困窘

When new math was introduced into schools,many students were perplexed by the approach it involved.



adj. continuing to exist, happen or appear esp. for longer than is usual or desirable 持续的,顽强地存在的 continuing to do in spite of warning or opposition 执意的,坚持不懈的

persistent effort/noises执著的努力/持续的噪音/be persistent in (doing) sth.坚持(做)某事

Small boys are persistent questioners. They ask questions all the time.



n. an injurious plant or animal, esp. one harmful to human beings 害虫; 有害动物 nuisance 令人讨厌的人;令人讨厌的物;有害的人;有害的物


n. a request or demand made to a government or other body usu. 请愿(书) signed by man people 申诉状 v. to make a formal request to, to ask earnestly 向……请愿,要求,祈求

petition 可作及物或不及物动词,作及物动词时,可跟名词或动词不定式作宾语,并用介词for引出请愿的内容。

get up/grant a petition 组织/答应请愿/petition for/against 为了/为反对……而请愿/petition sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事/a petition for aid 请求援助 sign a petition 在请愿书上签名

We re petitioning for a new playground for the village children.



adj. of small importance; trivial 小的,不重要的,小规模的,小型的,细微的,小器的,卑鄙的

a petty bourgeois 小资产阶级,小市民/a petty officer 海军军士长/a petty and mean action 卑鄙的小动作/petty theft/crime/larceny 轻罪/petty commodities 小商品/petty rules and restrictions 小的规则和限制/pettyminded 小心眼的

It s petty of him to argue with her over the trivial matter.



adj. (a) of or concerning physiology 生理学的 of or concerning the bodily functions 生理的;生理机能的

physiological cause 生理原因/physiological saline 生理盐水

Since evolution has given rise to few, if any, purposeless physiological responses, it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance survival.


The cause of stuttering speech is unknown, but several physiological, genetic and psychological factors have been implicated.



n. a widespread affication or calamity, esp. one seen as divine retribution 瘟疫;疫病 a cause of annoyance; a nuisance 令人讨厌的人;令人讨厌的物 vt. to pester or annoy persistently or incessantly 折磨;困扰;麻烦 to afflict with or as if with a disease or calamity 使染瘟疫;使遭受灾祸

suffer from a plague 受瘟疫之苦/avoid sb like the plague 极力回避某人/a plague of locusts 蝗灾/a plague of rats 鼠灾

A great plague was then raging in the city.



n. a mixture of lime or gypsum, sand, and water, sometimes with fiber added, that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls and ceilings 灰泥;膏药;胶布vt. to cover, coat, or repair with plaster 涂上灰泥;厚厚地涂抹


n. (pl. eaus 或 eaux) an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland 高原

House prices seem to have reached a plateau, but they may start rising again soon.



adj. (of a statement, argument, etc.) seeming to be true or reasonable (论点等的)貌似有理;(说法等的)貌似真实;花言巧语的

a plausible excuse 貌似有理的借口/a plausible plot 貌似真实的情节/a plausible commentator 花言巧语的评论员

The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally plausible.


It is plausible to assume that they will not accept our invitation.



n. an earnest request; an appeal 恳求,请求 an excuse; a pretext 辩解,借口

putfoward a plea for 对……提出申述,提出……恳求/respond to/answer a plea 回答申述,对请求做出回应/an ardent/passionate plea 激情洋溢的抗辩,感人肺腑的申述/a guilty plea 表示服罪/a plea of not guilty 表示不服罪/a plea for 恳求

The hospital sent out a plea for blooddonors. 医院向社会恳求公民义务献血。


v. to make continual and deeply felt requests 恳求,请求 to speak or argue in support of (为……)辩护,答辩,为(……)抗辩 to give as an excuse for an action 提出……为理由

plead with sb. for sth.( to do sth.)表示“向某人恳求(请求)”,plead for sb. 表示“为(某人)辩护”,plead sth.(that 从句)表示“借口,托辞”。

plead (with sb.) for forgiveness 请求(某人)原谅/plead with sb. to do sth.请求某人做某事/plead sth./that...托辞,借口……

They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.



n. a solemn promise or agreement 保证,誓言v. to make a solemn promise or agreement 保证,许诺

pledge to do(that从句,表示“发誓(做)”。pledge oneself to do sth.=pledge to do sth.。be pledged to sth.(to doing sth., to do sth.) (sb.)(to do sth.)表示“使(人)誓”。

They made a firm pledge to supports us.



v. to push sb. or sth. with one s finger or with a sharp object插(入),戳(进),捅(进) to move sth. in a given direction with a sharp push 伸出,突出

poke about (around) 搜寻,翻找/poke fun at 嘲笑,取笑/poke one s finger at sb. 朝某人指指戳戳/poke one s head out of the window 把头伸出窗外/poke the fire up 把火拨旺/poke at a pile of ashes 拨弄一堆灰烬/poke about/around 到处搜寻/刺探,闲混日子/poke one s nose into 管闲事,干涉别人的事/poke fun at 嘲笑

You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil.



adj. of or near the North or South Pole (南、北)极的;地极的;近地极的 of (one of) the poles of a magnet 磁极的

polar ice 极地的冰/the polar regions 极区/polar attraction 极向引力


n. the giving of votes at an election民意测验 a questioning of a number of people chosen by chance 政治选举,大选 v.to find out the general opinion about something or someone 对……进行民意测验 to receive (a stated number of votes) at an election 获得……的选票

to poll sb. on sth. 就某事对某人进行民意测验/an opinion poll 民意测验/declare the poll 宣布投票结果/go to the polls 去投票处投票/at the head of the poll 得票领先


v. to spend time in considering a fact, difficulty, etc. 思考,考虑,沉思,掂量

ponder用作及物动词或用作不及物动词,在意思上没有明显差别。ponder用作不及物动词时,后接介词on,upon和over等。ponder所指的考虑或深思,主要指权衡各种可能性,以便做出决定,而meditate则指长时间的认真思考,主要是求得深入的认识和理解。如:the author meditated on the theme of his book for a long time.(作者长时间地深思他这本书的主题。)

ponder sb. and what he has done 衡量某人及其所做的事情/ponder deeply over the matter 反复思考这件事

I pondered over the incident, asking myself again and again how it could have happened.


The professor found himself constantly pondering the question:“How could anyone do these things?”



n. the bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic church罗马教皇


n. a covered platform, usu. having a separate roof, at an entrance to a building 门廊;走廊


n. any of the tiny openings in the surface of the skin or of a leaf, through which moisture can pass (皮肤上的)毛孔;(叶子上的)气孔

open pores 开着的毛孔/the pores of a sponge 海绵的孔/at every pore 浑身,全身/ore up/on/over a problem 深入思考一个问题/pore over a books 全神贯注地读书

He was sweating at every pore.



vt. to depict or represent pictorially; make a picture of 画;描绘;描写;扮演;饰演

portray...as 把……描绘成/portray a character poorly 人物描写得很差/faithfully portray 忠实地描绘

When school officials in Kallaska, Michigan, closed classes last week, the media flocked to the story, portraying the town s 2 305 students as victims of stingy taxpayers.

上周,当密执安 Kallaska 的学校官员关闭学校的时候,媒体对此事纷纷报道,认为该镇2 305 名学生成了吝啬纳税人的受害者。(2003年1月阅读理解)

Hamlet is portrayed in our production by a Russian actor.



n. a bodily attitude or position 姿势,姿态 vt. to place (a model, for example) in a specific position (使……)摆好姿势,形成,引起,造成 vi. to assume or hold a particular position or posture 摆姿势,佯装,矫揉造作


n. a large, usu. printed placard, bill, or announcement, often illustrated, that is posted to advertise or publicize sth. 海报,招贴(布告、标语、海报等的)张贴者

They put out posters all round the town advertising the circus.



v. put (sth) forward as a fact or accept (sth) as true, esp as a basis for reasoning or argument 假定,假设(某事物)(尤指作推理或论证之出发点)

The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment.


He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2006.

他推断到 2006年能研究出治愈该病的方法。


adj. that can be successfully used or acted upon 可行的,行得通的

practicable指“能实行的,可行的”。如:That suggestion is practicable.(那个建议是切实可行的。)而practical主要指实际的、切合实际的。如:Your invention is not practical.(你的发明物不实用。)

practicable measures/scheme 切实可行的措施/计划

The Xray is a practicable way of discovering unsuspected diseases.



n. an act of communion with God 祈祷;祷告;祈祷文 one who prays 祈祷者;恳求者


vi.&; vt. to proclaim or put forth in a sermon 传教;宣讲(宗教的主题) to advocate 宣扬;鼓吹;倡导 to give religious or moral instruction, esp. in a tedious manner 唠叨;说教

preach against 宣扬反对/preach at/to 对……说教/传教/preach about 说教关于……/preach up 鼓吹,赞扬/preach down 贬损,用(说教或讲)当众折服/preach a sermon on the need for... 作……必要性的布道

He always preaches that the end of the world is near.



vt. come or go before (sth.) in time, order, rank, etc. (顺序、位置、时间上)在……之前,先于

the calm that preceded the storm 暴风雨前的平静; in the preceding paragraph/the paragraph that precedes 在前一段落(在上一段落)

Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only precedes the crisis.



v. cause (sth) to happen suddenly or soon(er); hasten 使(某事物)突然或迅速地发生;加速 solid matter that has been precipitated from a solution 沉淀物;(液体的)析出物;冷凝物 adj. violently hurried 急促的;迅猛的

events that precipitated his ruin 突然毁了他的事件/a precipitate dash 猛冲

One small error precipitated the disaster.



vt. to prevent; to make impossible 阻止,妨碍,排除


preclude 是指事先防止某事发生,且不是出于人的有意识的行动。它不用人作主语,而用于指事件、环境或决定等事物作主语。如:Walls and bars precluded the possibility of escape.围墙和栏杆排除了逃跑的可能性。 forestall 也是事先防止,但强调主观作用,有意制止。如:She forestalled my question by bringing up the subject herself.她亲自提出了这个问题从而阻止了我的提问。 prevent 是常用词,用于人时是指为阻挠、妨碍或限制某事发生而采取的预防或阻止措施,也可用于指构成妨碍或阻止非人力的作用或偶然因素,此时强调行为结果,也含有事先考虑或准备。如:They tied him up to prevent his escape.他们把他捆起来防止他逃跑。

preclude all doubts 消除一切疑虑/preclude the possibility of... 排除……的可能性/preclude sb.from doing sth. 阻止,妨碍某人做某事

Let us be exact in what we say so as to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.



n. one who precedes another in time, esp. in holding an office or a position 前辈,前任(被取代的)原有事物

sb. s immediate predecessor 某人直接的前任/revolutionary predecessors 革命前辈/excel/surpass one s predecessor 超过前任

His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his predecessors as he developed his own thechnique.


On my desk was a book of poems which had been left by one of my predecessors.



adj. having greatest ascendancy, importance, influence, authority, or force 占主导地位的;(在数量等上)占优势的,有力的

have a predominant role 起主导地位/be absolutely predominant 占绝对优势

English is one of the world s predominant languages.



adj. carrying developing offspring within the body 怀孕的,重要的,富有意义的,孕育的

He knows that even if he gets a dog pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals; abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems.



adj. happening before the proper or expected time 提前后;过早的;未到斯的 (of a baby, its birth, etc.) born or occurring at least three weeks before the expected time (指婴儿、其出生等)早产的(比预产期至少提前三周)

premature death 过早死亡/a premature baby 早产婴儿

A fire in the gallery caused the premature closing of the exhibition.


The baby was five weeks premature.



n. a statement or idea on which reasoning is based 前提,假设 a house or other building with any surrounding land (pl.) (企业、机构等的)房屋及地基,经营场所

premise作表示“(企业、机构等使用的)房屋及地基;生产场所;经营场址”解时,需用其复数形式。如:business premises(事务所)。

premises, house

premises 法律上用语,指一块地基连同上面的建筑物。如:The firm moved to its new business premises. 该公司已迁至新的办公地点。 house 一般用语,泛指一切居住的建筑物。如:She lives in a large house. 她住在一幢大房子里。

business premises 办公楼(室)/major (minor) premise 大(小)前提/on the premises 在房屋内,在场所内/on the premise that...以……为前提/be premised on...以……为前提

Starting with the premise that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his argument.


British and American justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until he s proved guilty.



n. an additional payment, esp. 额外费用,加付费 to a worker, made as a reward for a special effort 保险金

premium wages 奖励工资/premium bond (英)有奖公债/at a premium 以超出一般价格;奇缺的,难得的/put a premium on 高度评价,高度重视/pay a premium for 支付……的附加费用/pay life insurance premiums 支付人寿保险的保险金

That shift, in turn, place an unprecedented premium on “knowledge workers,” a new class of wealthy, educated, and mobile people who view themselves as free agents in a seller s market.


You have to pay a(n) premium for express delivery.



n. the act of prescribing 命令;规定 a prescribed medicine or other treatment 药方;处方的药

fill/make up/prepare a preion 配方,照药方配药/by preion only 须凭处方(才能购买的药品)/a preion drug/medicine 处方药/a preion for a cough 治咳嗽的方子

If you want this painkiller, you ll have to ask the doctor for a preion.



n. presenting or being presented 赠送;引见;提出;出席;显示;演出;举枪致敬 way in which sth is presented 赠送、引见、提出、出度、显示、演出等的方式

The cheque is payable on presentation, ie at the bank.


The presentation of the material was untidy.


She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments.



vi. to hold the position of authority; act as chairperson or president 主持;主管

preside as master of ceremonies/chairman 作为司仪(主席)主持/preside at a public dinner 主持宴会/preside at a trial 主持审讯/ preside at/over 主持(会议等)/preside over a radio programme 负责安排广播节目

The prime Minister presides at meetings of the Cabinet.



n. general respect that results from the good reputation 威信,威望

national prestige 国家声誉/lose one s prestige 失去威望/prestige 盛誉/the political prestige and influence 政治声势/military prestige 军事声誉/lose one s prestige 失去威望

Does she have enough prestige to get the party nomination?



adv. it may be presumed 可假定;可推测

She is aware of the difficulties, presumably ?


He will presumably resign in view of the complete failure of his policy.



vt. to suppose to be true 假设,假定 to take for granted 大胆,敢于 vi. to be so bold as to do 放肆,占便宜 to venture to do 擅自行事

presume +that从句;presume+名+to be+形容词,“推测……为(是)……”;presume +to do,“擅自冒昧地做”,只用于疑问句或否定句。


presume 指凭经验做出合乎逻辑的推测。如:I presume that you are married.我猜想你结婚了。 assume 指根据未证实的材料或有分歧的意见而武断地作假定或设想。如:I assume that you can speak French fluently.我以为你能讲流利的法语。

presume to do sth.冒昧地做某事,擅自做某事/presume sb.to be innocent/presume that sb.is innocent 推测/认为某人是无辜的/presume on/upon 指望,过分依靠;滥用,不正当地利用(别人的好意等)

The committee presumed that its decision would be carried out.



n. an excuse 借口,托辞 v. to allege as an excuse 借口

a pretext for……的借口/find a pretext for 为……找借口/put forward a pretext 提出一个借口/a flimsy pretext 站不住脚的借口/a mere pretext 纯粹的接口/a pretext for banning political activity 禁止政治活动的借口

The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention.



adj. existing commonly流行的,盛行的 generally or widely 普遍的

prevalent常指在某时某地普遍存在的事物。如:Colds are prevalent in the winter.(感冒流行于冬季。) common主要指在许多情况下常发生的同样事物。如:It is an error quite common among students.(这是学生常犯的一个错误。) universal所指的普遍的,有全无例外的意味。如:Food is a universal need.(食物是一种普遍需求。)

prevalent in/among 在……中盛行/a prevalent belief 普遍的信仰

Opinion surveys in the world s two largest economies—Japan and the United States —show consumerist definitions of success becoming ever more prevalent.


Trees are dying in areas where acid rain is most prevalent.



n. an animal hunted or caught for food 被掠食者,牺牲者vi. to hunt, catch, or eat as prey 捕食,掠夺,折磨

pursue a prey 追逐捕食对象/capture one s prey 捕获猎物/fall/become prey to 成为……的牺牲品,深受……之害/ prey on 捕食/prey on one s mind 使……焦虑,烦恼

The ignorant and simpleminded are easy prey for the unscrupulous.



n. in many Christian churches, a member of the second grade of clergy ranking below a bishop but above a deacon and having authority to administer the sacraments (基督教的)牧师,神父


n. a preceding or coming earlier in time 先,前,优先,优先权

At the same time, the politicians demand of scientists that they tailor their research to economics needs , that they award a higher priority to research proposals that are near the market and can be translated into the greatest return on investment in the shortest time.



n. the state of being away from others; alone and undisturbed 独处;隐私;秘密

violate sb. s privacy 打乱了某人离群索居的生活/disturb sb. s privacy 打扰他人的私生活,打扰他人的清净/live in privacy 过隐居生活/protect people s privacy 保护人们的隐私/respect people s privacy 新生人们的隐私权/domestic privacy 家庭隐私/in the privacy of one s thoughts 在内心深处/in privacy 私下

I m telling you this in privacy.



n. a slender, flexible surgical instrument used to explore a wound or body cavity 探针,探测器 vt. to explore with or as if with a probe (以探针等)探查,查明

Zamorano is also using technology that attaches a probe to surgical instruments so that she can track their positions. Zamorano


The newspaper report probing into the activities of drug dealers has attracted widespread attention.



n. a course of action; a procedure 进程 (pl.) a sequence of events occurring at a particular place or occasion 事件;事项 (pl.) the instituting or conducting of legal action 诉讼程序 (pl.) a record of business carried on by a society or other organization 记录

take proceedings against sb. 控告某人


vt. to make known publicly 宣布,宣告,声明

proclaim war against...对……宣战/proclaim independence/a new policy 宣布独立/新政策/proclaim sb.(to be)... 宣告某人为……,表明某人为……

Early in the age of affluence that followed World War II, an American retailing analyst named Victor Lebow proclaimed,“Our enormously productive economy... demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption.... We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced and discarded at an ever increasing rate.”


His pronunciation proclaimed that be was an American.



adj. producing or capable of producing 生产必的,生产的,能产的,多产的

fertile and productive land 肥沃富饶的土地/a productive writer 多产的作家/a productive meeting 卓有成效的会议/commercially productive 有商业效益的/profitably productive 富有经济效益的/be productive an important decision 产生一个重要的决定/be productive of 产生……的,可能产生……结果的

The age was productive of men of genius.



n. the quality of being productive 生产力;生产率


n. the state or quality of being proficient; competence 熟练,精通(in)

demonstrate/display proficiency 表现出精通/acquire proficiency in the English language 熟练地掌握英语/attain/gain technical proficiency 精通技术/language/linguistic proficiency 语言熟练程度/proficiency at/in... 精通……

Specifically, Conrad believes that many of the brain s capabilities stem form the patternrecognition proficiency of the individual molecules that make up each brain cell.


It said in the job ad that they wanted proficiency in at least two languages.



n. a side view of an object or a structure, esp. of the human head 侧面像;简介;个性及生平的简要描述


adj. bringing profit or advantage. 有利的,有赢利的

a profitable experience 有益的经历/a profitable undertaking/deal 有利可图的事业/交易/commercially profitable 商业上有利可图的/financially profitable 财政上有利可图的/make profitable use of 有效地利用

Purchasing the new production line will be a profitable deal for the company.



adj. deep 深刻的 needing, showing, having great knowledge and deep understanding) 很深的,深奥的,渊博的

deep, profound

deep 是一般用词。如:a deep pond 一个很深的池塘a deep hole 很深的洞 profound 是庄重用词,指极深的,一般多用于比喻中。如:a profound book 一本深奥的书a profound gulf 深深的海湾profound learning 渊博学识

a man of profound learning 学识渊博的人/very profound questions 非常深奥的问题/a profound remark 意味深长的话语/profound silence/profound grief 极度悲伤

Could those experiments provide insights profound enough to justify the expense of sending people across interplanetary space?


The scientist s discovery will have a profound influence on mankind.


 In just a few short years, globalization has started a variety of trends with profound consequences: the opening of markets, true global competition, widespread deregulation (解除政府对……的控制) of industry, and an abundance of accessible capital.



vt. to make longer; to lengthen 拉长,延长,拖延

prolong指延续到超过预期的时间。如:The meeting may be prolonged into the evening because so many problems have to be solved tonight.(会议可能要延长到夜里,因为今晚有许多问题要解决。)extend指增加某物的长度、宽度、持续的时间或影响。如:The railway is going to be extended right to the sea coast.(那条铁路将一直延长到海滨。)He is going to extend his visit for a few days longer.(他将把访问延长几天。)

extend,lengthen, prolong

extend 指由于某种原因,长度、宽度、期限、意义、影响等方面都超过目前的范围,可指时间、空间方面扩大或延长。如:extend the subway to the suburbs 把地铁延长到郊区。lengthen 只指长度伸长,不能增加宽度,也可用于期限伸长。如:lengthen this skirt 把这裙子放长。prolong 指时间的延长,超过一般或正常的限度,另有延长得使人感到不必要或不耐烦的意思。如:prolong a visit 延长访问

prolong one s stay for a few days 多停留几天/prolong one s visit 延长访问时间/prolong life 延长寿命

She chewed each delicious mouthful as slowly as she could, prolonging the pleasure.



adj. likely to develop in a desirable manner 有希望的;会成功的;有前途的

a promising young man 一位有前途的年轻人/a promising career/ 有前途的职业/the most promising new band 最有前途的新乐队/look promising 看起来有希望

The young man gave up a promising career in law to fight for his country.



adj. having the probability of 有……倾向的,时常……的,易患……的(to) lying flat esp. 很可能……的 face downwards 俯伏的;面向下的

prone无比较级或最高级,作表语用,后接to或不定式。prone可与某些名词形成复合词。如:an accident prone person(易出事故的人);a hurricaneprone zone(易刮飓风的地带);troubleprone(容易闯祸的);angerprone(易怒的)。

prone, apt, liable,subject

prone 指易招致意外(错误、发怒、迷信、懒惰等)以及令人不快的事。如:One is more prone to make mistakes when one is tired. 人累时更容易出错。 apt指肉体上或精神上的倾向,不分好坏。用于物时,指自然的倾向,后接不定式。如:Milk is apt to go to bad in summer. 牛奶在夏天容易变质。 liable常指易招祸、和其他不祥的倾向。后接介词to或不定式。如:In winter an old man is liable to catch cold. 冬天老人易于感冒。 subject指确实可以察觉的倾向,也就是总结出来的规律,后接介词to。如:Japan is subject to earthquakes. 日本容易发生地震。

be prone to (do) sth. 易于(做)……

William is in hospital again. The poor fellow seems prone to accidents.



n. the systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information 宣传

enemy propaganda 敌方的宣传/ideological propaganda 意识形态方面的宣传/wartime/antiwar propaganda 战时/反战宣传/peace/political propaganda 和平/政治宣传/propaganda campaign 宣传战役/propaganda against 反对……的宣传

They launched propaganda against smoking.



v. to breed (offspring) 繁殖 to make widely known; publicize 传播,宣传

propagate scientific ideas 传播科学思想/propagate rumors 散布谣言/propagate one s cause 宣传自己的事业/propagate in the media 在传媒中散布/propagate by division 分裂繁殖

Water easily propagate sound.



v. move, drive or push (sth) forward 推进,驱动,推(某物)

a propelling pencil 活动铅笔/a rocket propelled grenade 用火箭推进的榴弹

His addiction to drugs propelled him towards a life of crime.



n. a predictor 先知,预言者,提倡者

a false prophet 错误的预言家/a prophet of doom 悲观的预言家/an old Testament prophet 一个旧约中的先知/a calamity prophet 说丧气话的人,悲观论者/a selfappointed prophet 自封的预言家

Let us hear the words of the prophet Isaiah on the coming of the Prince of Peace.



n. a plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal 主张,建议,陈述,命题

a business proposition 商业建议/discuss a proposition 讨论提案/defend a proposition 为提案辩护/ put a proposition to sb. 向某人提出建议/consider a proposition 考虑建议/accept the proposition 接受这项建议/debate the proposition 对……的主张进行辩论

We debated the proposition that “All people are created equal”.



n. language not in verse form 散文


adj. expected to be or to occur 预期的,未来的

a prospective teacher 可能成为教师的人/prospective achievements 预期中的成就/a prospective client 可能成为客户的人/achieve the prospective result 取得预期的成果

They want to sell their house and already have a prospective buyer.



n. first or original example of sth that has been or will be copied or developed; model or preliminary version 事物之原始形态;原型;雏形;模型;蓝本

have no prototype 前无古人/a production prototype 生产原型/a prototype of the new aircraft 一种新型飞机的原型/a prototype of 的……原型/a prototype for 是……的原型

The prototype is, by all accounts, athletic, goodnatured and supersmart.


These writers have no prototypes in English fiction.



adj. ending or intended to arouse anger, annoyance, controversy, etc 激起愤怒、恼恨、争论等的;挑衅的;煽动性的 tending or intended to arouse sexual desire 挑逗的

very provocative 非常具有挑衅的,很有挑逗性的/a provocative comment 煽动的评论/a provocative novel 一本引起争议的小说/in a provocative way 具有挑逗性地/an appearance provocative of curiosity 引起人们好奇心的外表

The magazine is full of partially dressed women in provocative poses.



vt. to make angry or annoyed 对……挑衅,激怒 to cause to occur 激起,引起

表示“激怒,招惹”时,其宾语可指人或指动物,而irritate(激怒),只指人,不指动物;表示“激起,引起”时,provoke+sb.to do(into doing)。

provoke against 激怒

The prospect of increased prices has already provoked worries.


The prison guards were armed and ready to shoot if provoked in anyway.



n. nearness in space or time; closeness (空间或时间上的)邻近,接近

keep sb within close proximity 使某人紧靠/the town s proximity to the coast 紧临海滨的城市/proximity to... 靠近……/in proximity to 靠近/in the proximity of 在……附近的

The restaurant benefits from its proximity to several cinemas.



n. the act of bringing sb. or sth. 宣传,宣扬 to public notice or attention 公众的注意,名声 ;宣传品,广告



publicity和propaganda均有“宣传”意思。前者多指私人企业或招商宣传,近似广告,后者指政府或政党的宣传。The gave the concert a wide publicity. 他们对音乐会做了广泛的宣传。如:We must do active propaganda among the masses. 我们必须在群众中积极进行宣传工作。

seek publicity 求出名,出风头 give publicity to 宣传 publicity department 宣传部

The new play was a good one,but because of had publicity,very few people came.



vt. to make pure 提纯,精炼; 使纯净

在宾语后接of表示“清除(掉)……”,如purify one s spirit of evil thoughts 清除思想中邪念。

purify sb.from sin 洗清某人的罪过/purify the nation of traitors 肃清卖国贼

The music seems to purify one s spirit of evil thoughts.



n. the quality or condition of being pure 纯洁;纯净;纯粹

a woman of purity and goodness 纯洁善良的女人/a symbol of purity 贞洁的象征/purity of languages 语文的纯正/silver/gold purity 银/金的纯度/womanly purity淑女的贞洁/racial/ethnic purity 种族/民族纯净

Exhaust fumes are a threat to the purity of the air we breathe.



n. the act or an instance of chasing or pursuing 追捕;追赶;寻求;追求 an activity, such as a vocation or hobby, engaged in regularly 事务;工作;研究;嗜好

relentless pursuit 紧追/leisure pursuits 业余消遣/indoor pursuits 户内娱乐/in pursuit of happiness 追求幸福/in hot pursuit 穷追不舍/in pursuit of 追踪/the pursuit of 对……的追求

Because it was getting dark, the boy gave up the pursuit of hares.


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