
第9章 痴汉骑马歌(1)

The Diverting History of John Gilpin

John Gilpin was a citizen “To-morrow is our wedding-day,Of credit and renown, And we will then repair

A train-band captain eke was he, Unto the Bell at Edmonton,Of famous London town. All in a chaise and pair.

John Gilpin‘s spouse said to her dear, “My sister,and my sister’s child,”Though wedded we have been Myself,and children three,

These twice ten tedious years,yet we Will fill the chaise;so you must rideNo holiday have seen.“ On horseback after we.”

He soon replied,“I do admire Quoth Mrs.Gilpin,“That‘s well said;Of womankind but one, And for that wine is dear,

And you are she,my dearest dear, We will be furnished with our own,Therefore it shall be done. Which is both bright and clear.”“I am a linen-draper bold, John Gilpin kissed his loving wife;As all the world doth know, O’erjoyed was he to find,

And my good friend the calender That though on pleasure she was bent,Will lend his horse to go.” She had a frugal mind.

昔有富家翁, 明日是良辰, 富翁对妇言, 君言诚良是,

饶财且有名, 城外好风景, 相敬既如宾, 还当载美酒,

身为团练长, 愿乘双马车, 若不从汝言, 沽市酒值昂,

家居伦敦城。 与君同游骋。 相爱岂是真? 家醅旨且有。

妇对富翁言, 阿姨与其女, 我是贩布客, 妇言良可钦,

结发同苦艰, 妾偕三小儿, 声名驰寰区, 富翁喜不禁,

悠悠二十载, 一家盈车载, 有友情更重, 虽怀行乐志,

未得一日闲。 君当骑马随。 愿借千里驹。 犹存节俭心。

For saddle-tree scarce reached had he,

His journey to begin,

When,turning round his head,

He saw three customers come in.

So down he came;for loss of time,

Although it grieved him sore,

Yet loss of pence,full well he knew,

Would trouble him much more.

The morning came, Smack went the whip,

the chaise was brought, round went the wheels,

But yet was not allowed Were never folk so glad,

To drive up to the door,lest all The stones did rattle underneath,

Should say that she was proud. As if Cheapside were mad.

So three doors off the chaise was stayed, John Gilpin at his horse‘s side

Where they did all get in; Seized fast the flowing mane,

Six precious souls,and all agog And up he got,in haste to ride,

To dash through thick and thin. But soon came down again;

For saddle-tree scarce reached had he, Twas long before the customers

His journey to begin, Were suited to their mind,

When,turning round his head, When Betty screaming came down stairs,He saw three customers come in. “The wine is left behind!”

So down he came;for loss of time, “Good lack,”quoth he,

Although it grieved him sore, “yet bring it me,

Yet loss of pence,full well he knew, My leathern belt likewise,

Would trouble him much more. In which I bear my trusty sword,

When I do exercise.”

诘朝将车来, 鞭声何得得, 富翁方上鞍, 客意实难合,

未许直到门, 轮影何团团, 去心留不住, 相将又费时,

趋车出庭户, 黄尘匝地起, 回首一顾盼, 秋香忽来报,

恐惹他人论。 行人举首观。 有客来买布。 美酒犹在兹。

相去两三户, 富翁立马旁, 欲去不能去, 富翁大惊异,

车马立踟蹰, 双手握马鬃, 欲留心不甘, 命婢将酒来,

大小六家口, 上马不成骑, 失时虽云苦, 取我佩刀带,

登车任驰驱。 下马复匆匆。 失财更难堪。 佩刀慎莫开。

Now Mistress Gilpin (careful soul!) Then over all,that he might be

Had two stone bottles found, Equipped from top to toe,

To hold the liquor that she loved, His long red cloak,well brushed and neat,And keep it safe and sound. He manfully did throw.

Each bottle had a curling ear, Now see him mounted once againThrough which the belt he drew, Upon his nimble steed,

And hung a bottle on each side, Full slowly pacing o’er the stones,To make his balance true. With caution and good heed.

贤妇善绸缪, 富翁既结带, 衣冠既齐整, 富翁复上马,特恐酒味走, 玉壶各有环, 长袍复加身, 石路多崎岖,寻有雨玉壶, 将带穿环口, 侃侃意气扬, 款款行石路,玉壶载美酒。 左右挂腰间。 顾盼无比伦。 兢兢防疏虞。

But finding soon a smoother road 行到康庄道,

Beneath his well-shod feet, 渐觉马蹄忙,

The snorting beast began to trot, 马既适所意,

Which galled him in his seat. 哪顾人张皇。

“So,fair and softly!”John he cried, 呼马缓缓行,

But John he called in vain; 无奈马不听,

That trot became a gallop soon, 缰辔勒不住,

In spite of curb and rein. 长驱莫与竞。

So stooping down,as needs he must, 马上坐不稳,

Who cannot sit upright, 腰折未敢直,

He grasped the mane with both his hands, 两手握长鬃,

And eke with all his might. 长驱莫与竞。

His horse,who never in that sort 名马事人多,

Had handled been before, 未经如此骑,

What thing upon his back had got, 何物覆背上,

Did wonder more and more. 惊疑不可知。

Away went Gilpin,neck or nought; 任马狂奔去,

Away went hat and wig; 冠巾随风飘,

He little dreamt,when he set out, 出门意气高,

Of running such a rig. 到此竟悴憔。

The wind did blow,the cloak did fly, 长袍随风舞,

Like streamer long and gay, 飘飘若悬旌,

Till,loop and button failing both, 钮扣支不住,

At last it flew away. 飞去更无情。

Then might all people well discern 长袍既飘去,

The bottles he had slung; 露出双玉壶,

A bottle swinging at each side, 玉壶左右摆,

As hath been said or sung. 一若悬葫芦。

The dogs did bark,the children screamed, 犬吠杂童呼,

Up flew the windows all; 窗牖家家开,

And every soul cried out,“Well done!” 同声齐喝彩,

As loud as he could bawl. 仿佛听春雷。

Away went Gilpin-who but he? 富翁去如飞,

His fame soon spread around; 四邻尽传谣,

“He carries weight!He rides a race! 此人赛走马,

‘Tis for a thousand pound!” 欲得千金标。

And still as fast as he drew near, 行到北市关,

’T was wonderful to view, 守者望马来,

How in a trice the turnpike-men 急急起欢迎,

Their gates wide open threw. 将门大张开。

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