
第74章 死亡正如出生一样自然(3)



A few days later, YangZhi sent someone to the Council of Military Affairs with money and gifts to try, bydispensing largesse high and low, to get himself reinstated as palace aide. It cost him a lot, but finally he wasgranted an interview with Marshal Gao. Gao read all the documents concerning his case.“Ten of you aideswere sent to transport grotesque rock. Nine delivered their cargo. Only you, you clod, lost yours,”the marshalsaid angrily.“You didn’t even report back. Instead you ran away. We couldn’t get our hands on you for along time. Now you want a job again? You may have been pardoned, but you still have a criminal record. Wecan’t use you!”He scrawled a refusal on Yang’s application, and had him expelled from the Imperial Guardsheadquaters. Dejectedly, Yang returned to the inn. He thought:“I hoped for a chance to distinguish myselfwith spear and sword in a border post, to win honors for my wife and opportunities for my sons, and reflectglory on my ancestors. I never expected to get such a rebuff! Poisonous cruel Marshal Gao!”



Gao Qiu abuses his power and position not only to attack and persecute talents such as Lin Chong,Yang Zhi, etc but also make use of and frame up talents such as Song Jiang, Lu Junyi and other heroes ofMount Liangshan. Let’s read the text of the last chapter. When Tai Zong succeeded Tai Zu the first Songemperor he proclaimed his aims, but in the end he couldn’t see through the deception being practiced uponhim. Hui Zong the present sovereign was clairvoyant and wise, but corrupt ministers managed to gain controlunder him as well, to the detriment of the virtuous and loyal. It was a great pity. Cai Jing, Tong Guan, GaoQiu and Yang Jian created wide confusion and harmed the country and the people sorely. Gao said,“Wemust remember the old saying:‘Gentlemen scorn the timid, heroes must be truthless.’”“I have aplan.”Said Yang.“We’ll get rid of Lu Junyi first. It will be like cutting off Song’s right arm. The man’stremendously brave. If we dealt with Song first and Lu found out he’d surely turn on us and create a very badsituation.”“Let’s hear your plan.”“Have a couple of Luzhou military men complain to the ministry thatLu is raising an army and storing up grain and fodder with the intent to revolt. We’ll take them to the premierand they’ll ask him to report this to the emperor. Premier Cai will carry through the deception and requestthe emperor to invite Lu to the palace. When His Majesty entertains him at an imperial feast, we’ll slip somemercury into his food. It will lodge in his kidneys and he’ll be incapacitated. He won’t be able to do anythingof any importance. Then we can send an emissary to Song Jiang with imperial wine in which we’ll have puta slow-working poison. In half a month he’ll be beyond saving.”“An excellent idea,”said Gao. The twowicked ministers dispatched a confidant to fetch two local men from Luzhou. They wrote out a complaint forthem and sent them to the Council of Military Affairs. The complaint alleged that Lu Junyi was raising anarmy in Luzhou and storing fodder and grain in preparation for a revolt, also that he was in constant touchwith Song Jiang in Chuzhou and kept him informed of his scheme. Tong Guan the Chancellor of MilitaryAffairs also hated Song Jiang. He accepted the complaint and relayed it to the office of the premier. Cai readit and summoned the others to a conference. Gao and Yang proposed that the accusers be brought directlybefore the emperor. This was done. The emperor agreed. He sent an emissary with a summons to Lu Junyi toappear at the imperial court for an assignment. Premier Cai Jing, Chancellor of Military Affairs Tong Guan,Marshals Gao Qiu and Yang Jian escorted Lu Junyi before the monarch. The emperor chatted with Lu untilnearly noon. The Master of the Imperial Chefs announced that lunch for the traveler was ready if the monarchwished him to dine. Gao and Yang had already placed mercury in the food which was set upon the table. Theemperor directed the Chef Master to serve Lu Junyi. Lu bowed to the sovereign and ate. Lu Junyi respectfullyexpressed his thanks and left for Luzhou. He had no inkling of what the four wicked ministers were plotting.

Lu had been drinking that night, and he insisted on standing on the prow. By then mercury had seeped notonly into his kidneys but into his bones as well. He was unable to stand firmly, and his drunkenness madehim stumble. Lu fell into the Huai River and drowned. When the four plotters received the news, theyreported to the emperor:“Sizhou notifies us that Lu Junyi fell into the Huai and drowned. Song Jiang is sureto become suspicious. He may start something. We suggest Your Majesty send an emissary with imperialwine as a mark of sympathy and calm him down.”In the end he let himself be persuaded by the lies anddeceptions of the four wicked ministers. He directed an emissary to take two bottles of imperial wine toChuzhou. It happened that the man was a trusted crony of Gao and Yang. Fate had determined the day whenSong Jiang must die, but who would have thought that the four would be the instrument of his demise! Theyput a slow-working poison in the wine and directed the emissary to go directly to Chuzhou and deliver it.

Song Jiang ceremoniously drank and the emissary returned to the capital. Song Jiang’s stomach began to painhim soon after, and he suspected something had been added to the wine. Soon he died of the poisonous wine.


Gao Qiu and all other corrupt officials are condemned by posterity!

2.4 主要人物的人生(经验教训)

2.4 Major Characters’ Lives (Experiences and Lessons)




Zhao Ji—Emperor Hui Zong: He is the eleventh child of Emperor Shen Zong and is a brother of thereigning emperor Zhe Zong. In charge of the imperial equipage, the Ninth Royal Prince, as he is called, is anintelligent, handsome young man, and a skilled dilettante in all forms of amusement. His accomplishmentsinclude the lute, chess, calligraphy, painting and football. He is also a good musician, singer and dancer.

One day, Gao fell on his knees,“I’m a retainer of Prince Consort Wang. At my master’s orders I bring YourHighness two jade gifts. I have a letter that goes with them.”“So you know how to kick a ball,”PrinceDuan said to Gao, let his majordomo take away the jade pieces.“Good, come and join the game.”Gao Qiuwas inspired to show everything he had. The next day Prince Duan ordered a feast and sent an invitation tothe Young Prince.“That Gao Qiu of yours plays a good game of football,”said Prince Duan.“I’d like tohave him as a retainer. How about it?”“If he’s of any use to Your Highness, let him serve in the palace, byall means.”Prince Duan raised his wine cup and thanked the Young Prince. After Gao went into the serviceof Prince Duan he lived and dined in the palace and accompanied the prince every day, never taking so muchas a step from his side. Before two months had elapsed, Emperor Zhe Zong died without leaving an heir. Allthe high civil and military officials conferred and made Prince Duan the emperor. He was known as EmperorHui Zong and bore the title of High Priest of Jade Purity and Taoist Sovereign of Provident Truth. Hui Zongassumed the throne and all went well. One day he said to Gao Qiu:“I’d like to raise you in rank, but you’llhave to perform some meritorious deed on the border first. I’ll have the Council of Military Affaris put youdown as available for imperial appointment.”Less than half a year later, he was able to make Gao Qiu amarshal commanding the Imperial Guards. (Chapter 2)



Gradually, darkness fell. Accompanied by a young eunuch, the sovereign arrived through the secrettunnel at the rear door of the courtesan’s house. He was dressed in the white garb of a scholar.“Put onsomething more comfortable and entertain me,”said the emperor. Shishi did so, and led the monarch intoher chamber.“Come, beloved,”he said happily,“sit beside me.”He was obviously in a good mood.“Acousin of mine, who has been wandering around, just arrived today,”said Shishi.“He longs to see YourMajesty, but dares not present himself. He’s asked me to make the request.”“Since he’s your cousin,why not?”The courtesan summoned Yan Qing. He dropped to his knees and kowtowed. The emperor waspleased by his handsome appearance. Shishi directed Yan Qing to entertain the sovereign with some flutemusic while he was drinking his wine. After a while she played the lute, then she told Yan Qing to sing.

The young man again kowtowed before the monarch.“I only know some naughty tunes, which I wouldn’tdare sing!”“Exactly what I need to cheer me,”said the emperor.“I’m here privately in this house ofpleasure. Go right ahead.”Yan Qing cleared his throat and sang a song. Yan Qing was in excellent voice,and the emperor, delighted, made him sing again. The young man kowtowed.“I have another tune that’srather special.”“Good. Let’s hear it.”With feeling, Yang Qing sang: Hear my plea, hear my plea, / Whoknows how I’ve wandered, / Who knows! / In Heaven and on Earth / The innocent oft’ are wronged, / Inthe Fiery Pit,’tis said, / Are hearts that are loyal and true, / Loyal and true! / Surely the day will come /When great benevolence / Will be by men rapayed!“What’s the meaning of this song?”asked the startledmonarch. Weeping bitterly, Yan Qing prostrated himself on the ground. The emperor was puzzled.“If you’lltell me what’s troubling you, perhaps I can find a solution.”“I’ve committed towering crimes! I dare notaddress my sovereign!”“I forgive you. You may speak freely.”“All my life I’ve been a wanderer. Whiletraveling with merchants in Shandong and passing by Liangshan Marsh, we were captured and taken to thebandit stronghold. There I stayed for three full years. Only recently did I escape and return to the capital.

Although I’ve seen Cousin Shishi, I dare not walk the streets for fear that someone will recognize me andreport me to the police. How would I be able to explain?”“He’s been miserable,”Li Shishi added.“Youmust help him, Your Majesty!”“That’s easy,”the emperor laughed.“No one would dare molest theyoung cousin of Leading Courtesan Li.”Yan Qing gave the girl a significant glance. Shishi pouted and saidto the monarch:“All I want is your written pardon. Then my cousin won’t have to worry.”“Ah.”Theemperor wrote: Xuan Ho the Taoist Sovereign does hereby pardon Yan Qing of all crimes. Let no officialarrest or question him. At the bottom, he signed his name. Yan Qing respectfully received the documentand kowtowed. Shishi raised her cup and drank her thanks.“Sine you’ve been in Liangshan Marsh, youmust know the situation there,”said the monarch.“Song Jiang and his band have Act in Heaven’s Behalfwritten on their banner and their hall is called Loyalty Hall. They never attack a government seat or harm thepeople. They kill only corrupt and slanderous officials. They long for an early amnesty so that they can devotethemselves to serving our country.”“But I sent them amnesties twice. Why did they reject them and refuseto surrender?”“The first one contained no words of comfort, and the emissary substituted cheap local brewfor the imperial wine. The second was read in a manner that excluded Song Jiang. The brigands suspected atrick, and that changed everything. Minister Tong led an army against them, but after two engagements only afew escaped with their lives. Marshal Gao organized a huge civilian force to build ships of war, and attacked,but he didn’t gain so much as a broken arrow. In three engagements the bandits slaughtered his men andcut his army in two and captured the marshal. He vowed he would get them an amnesty, and they let him go,sending two of their men with him and keeping Chief of Staff Wen as hostage.”The emperor sighed,“I knewnothing of any of this. Tong Guan said his troops couldn’t stand the summer heat; that’s why they returned.

Gao said he had come back to the capital temporarily because he was ill.”“Although you are a wisesovereign,”said Shishi,“you live deep the palace. How can you know when dishonest ministers conceal thetruth?”What a wise sovereign! (Chapter 81)









The monarch was astonished.“Who are these people?”The first of them, plumes flying from hisgolden helmet, stepped forward and said:“I am Song Jiang of Liangshan Marsh.”“I appointed yougovernor of Chuzhou. What are you doing here?”“Please come to Loyalty Hall, Your Majesty, and I willtell you all about my wrongful demise.”At the hall the emperor got down from his horse, entered the buildingand was seated. He saw many people kowtowing in the mist outside. The monarch couldn’t understand.

Song Jiang mounted the steps and knelt, tears streaming down his face.“Why do you weep?”asked thesovereign.“Although I at one time fought against the imperial troops, I was always loyal to Your Majesty andnever had a seditious thought. After the amnesty, I drove back the Liao Tartars in the north and captured FangLa in the south, at the cost of eight out of ten of my brothers, who were like my arms and legs. In keeping withyour decree, Sire, I took office in Chuzhou. I never squeezed a penny from the army or the people. Heavenand Earth knew the purity of my heart. Your Majesty sent me poisoned wine and I drank it. I died with noregrets.”“But I was afraid Li Kui would be angry, and rebel. So I summoned him from Runzhou and killedhim with the poisoned wine. Wu Yong and Hua Rong visited my grave and hung themselves out of chivalry.

We four are buried above Liao Er Flats outside of Chuzhou’s South Gate. Pitying us, the villagers have built ashrine there. But although we are dead, our souls will not depart. We have remained to inform Your Majesty ofour unwavering fidelity and to beg you to determine the justice of the matter.”The monarch was amazed.“Isent an emissary with sealed imperial vintage. Who could have substituted poisoned wine?”“Ask youremissary. Then you’ll know which treacherous scoundrels were behind it!”Gazing around at the magnificentcitadel and its three fortified passes, the emperor was impressed.“What is this place?”“LiangshanMarsh, Sire, where we dwelt in the old days.”“Although you have passed on, you will be reincarnated asmen again. Why do you congregate here?”“The Jade Emperor of Heaven, moved by my righteous loyalty,designated me Deity of Liangshan Marsh. Since this is my domain, my cheiftaisns have joined me. We sentDai Zong, the Marvellous Traveller to bring you, Emperor of Ten Thousand Carriages, to our marsh, so that wemight state our grievances and assure you personally of our devotion.”“But why didn’t you appear to me inmy inner palace?”“I am a spirit of the Nether World. How could I appear amid imperial splendor? Todayyou left your palace, so we were able to invite you.”“I’ve been sitting a long time. Is it possible for me tolook around?”Song Jiang bowed and conducted him from the building. The sovereign noted the plaqueabove the entrance. It read, in large letters, Loyalty Hall. He nodded and descended the steps. Suddenly,from behind Song Jiang, Li Kui appeared, battle-axes in hand.“Emperor, emperor!”he cried in a terriblevoice.“How could you believe your four deceitful ministers and wrongfully destroy us? Today we’ve metand I can take vengeance!”Brandishing his axes, he rushed at the monarch. Startled, the sovereign awoke.

It had all been a dream. He was drenched in perspiration. Shishi was sitting alone in the lamplight.“Wherewas I just now?”he asked.“Why, you’ve been lying on the bed, Sire.”He told her of his strange dream,and she said:“The righteous become saints when they expire. Can it be that Song Jiang really has died andappeared to you in a dream?”“I’ll certainly inquire about this. If it’s true, I’ll have a temple built in hismemory and give him a posthumous title.”“A good idea. It will show that Your Majesty does not forgetyour meritorious officials.”The emperor sighed much that night. At his imperial court the next day he wasvery angry. He berated Gao and Yang in the presence of all his officials.“Traitorous liars, would you ruin myempire!’Falling to their knees the two kowtowed and begged forgiveness. Cai and Tong spoke up on theirbehalf.“Life and death are pre-ordained. The ministries have received no official notification, so they darednot report. As a matter of fact, they didn’t know. A document arrived from Chuzhou only last night. They wereintending to report to you this morning, Sire. They were just waiting for you to ask.”Again the monarch wasdeceived by the four rogues, and their crimes were concealed. He shouted for Gao and Yang to withdraw, anddirected that the emissary who delivered the wine be produced. But the fellow had unexpectedly died on thereturn trip from Chuzhou. Look!“Again the monarch was deceived by the four rogues, and their crimes wereconcealed.”(the last Chapter)


Gao Qiu: In Bianliang the Eastern Capital, in Kaifeng Prefecture previously called Xuanwu District,there lived a young scamp named Gao. A second son, he was quite useless. He cared only for joustingwith spear and staff, and was an excellent football player. People in the capital were fond of making quips.

They dubbed him Gao Qiu, or“Gao the Ball”. Later, when he prospered, he changed“Qiu”to anothercharacter with the same sound but with a less inelegant meaning. In addition to his skill with weapons, GaoQiu could play musical instruments and sing and dance. He also learned a bit about poetry and versifying.

But when it came to virtue and proper behaviour, he didn’t know a thing. He spent his time gadding about thecity and its environs. Thanks to him, the son of Master Wang, an iron-shop owner, dissipated a considerablesum of money in theathers, gambling dens and brothels. For this reason the father made a written complaintagainst Gao to Kaifeng Prefecture. The perfect gave Gao twenty strokes, banished him from the city, andforbade the people of the Eastern Capital from either feeding him or giving him shelter. Gao Qiu’s solutionwas to proffer his services to one Liu Shiquan, known as Liu the Eldest, who ran a gambling house in LinhuaiPrefecture, west of the Huaihe River. Liu surrounded himself with idlers and riffraff from all over. Gao Qiuremained with Liu for three years.

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