
第75章 死亡正如出生一样自然(5)



Then Emperor Zhe Zong prayed to Heaven south of the city, and this caused the winds and rains tobecome very propitious. The emperor was moved to benevolence, and he declared a general amnesty. GaoQiu was able to return to the capital. Liu the Eldest wrote a letter of introduction to Dong Jiangshi, a relativeof his who ran a medicinal herb shop near the Bridge of Golden Girders, gave Gao some traveling money,and told him Dong would take care of him. The druggist took one look at Gao, then read the letter.“Howcan I put this man up in my home?”he mused.“It would be different if he were straight and honest. Thechildren could learn from him. But he’s just a loafer, an untrustworthy fellow who’s been exiled for breakingthe law, and not the kind likely to reform. If I keep him here he’s liable to teach the children bad ways. Yet ifI don’t I’ll be offending Liu the Eldest.”He had no choice but to receive Gao into his home with pretendeddelight. Dong feasted him every day for ten days, then he got an idea. He presented Gao with a suit ofclothes and handed him a letter of introduction.“The light of my household is too feeble,”he said.“Itwould only be holding you back to keep you here. I’m turning you over to Su Junior, the Court Scholar. Withhim you’ll be able to make a start. How does that sound?”Gao thanked him gratefully. The Scholar cameout and greeted him. He saw from the letter of introduction that Gao was a scamp.“I can’t take this manin,”thought the Scholar.“As a favor to Dong I’ll send him to Wang Jinqing, the Young Prince Consort,to serve as a retainer. The Young Prince likes that sort of fellow.”He wrote Dong a reply and let Gao staythe night. The next day he wrote another letter and dispatched it with a steward who took Gao Qiu to theresidence of the Young Prince. Wang had married a younger sister of Emperor Zhe Zong before he took thethrone and while Emperor Shen Zong still reigned. The Young Prince was partial to adventurous men, andhe staffed his retinue with them. He liked Gao the moment he saw him with the Scholar’s letter-bearingservant. He wrote an immediate reply, accepting him as a retainer. From then on Gao remained with theprince, coming and going like one of the family.




Prince Duan would like to have Gao Qiu as a retainer, just because he could play a good game offootball. After Gao went into the service of Prince Duan, he accompanied the prince every day, never takingso much as a step from his side. Before two months had elapsed, Prince Duan was made the emperor. Lessthan half a year later, the Emperor made Gao Qiu a marshal commanding the Imperial Guards. Gao Qiuselected an auspicious day and hour to assume office. He examined the roster name by name. Only Wang Jin,an arms instructor in the Mighty Imperial Guards, had failed to appear. Half a month previous he had reportedill. Because he had not yet recovered, he hadn’t returned to duty. Marshal Gao was furious,“Nonsense,”heshouted.“Sheer insubordination! He sent in his identification document, didn’t he? The oaf is justpretending to be sick. Bring him here at once!”Gao dispatched an officer to Wang Jin’s house to arrest him.

Wang Jin had no choice but to go to headquarters, sick as he was, and report to the marshal.“Are you thechurl whose father was Wang Sheng, an arms instructor in the district garrison?”Kao demanded.“I amthat humble person,”replied Wang Jin.“Rogue,”cried Gao.“Your father was only a medicine pedlarwho twirled a staff to attract to crowd. What do you know about military arts? The previous commander musthave been blind to appoint you arms instructor. How dare you snub me and fail to report for roll call? Whosebacking have you got that you can feign illness and loll around at home?”“Your humble servant wouldnever dare! I really haven’t fully recovered.”“Criminal! If you’re sick, how could you come?”“Whenthe marshal summons me, I must obey.”Gao was enraged.“Guards,”he roared,“seize this fellow andgive him a good beating.”Many of the junior officers were friends of Wang Jin. Together with the chief ofstaff they pleaded:“Today is the lucky day the marshal is assuming office. Please let the arms instructoroff.”“As a favor to these officers I’ll excuse you today, criminal,”shouted Gao.“I’ll settle with youtomorrow.”Wang Jin thanked. Only then did he raise his head and get a good look at Gao Qiu. As he left thegate of the headquaters’ compound, Wang Jin sighed.“My life is in danger. So that’s our fine Marshal Gao.

Loafer and football player, Gao the Second! When he was learning to joust with staves, my father gave himsuch a drubbing he couldn’t get out of bed for three months. He’s hated us ever since. Now that he’s come upin the world and been appointed commander of the Imperial Guards he’s sure to want revenge. Who wouldhave thought that I’d be under him? As the old saying goes:‘Fear not officials—except those who officiateover you!”How can I stand up against him? What am I going to do?”Consequently, Arms Instructor Wanghad to go secretly to Yanan Prefecture. (Chapter 2)


Song Jiang: His popular given name was Gongming. A third son, he was born in the country’s SongFamily Village. Because he was short and swarthy, everyone called him Dark Song Jiang. And since hewas filial to his parents, and was a chivalrous man, generous to friends, he was also known as the Filial andGallant Dark Third Master. Above him, his father was still alive, though his mother had died early. Belowhim was a younger brother Song Qing, known as the Iron Fan who, with their father, the Venerable Song, ranthe farm in the village and lived on the fruits of their fields. Song Jiang was a clerk of the country magistrate’scourt in Yuncheng. He wrote legibly and well, and was familiar with administrative procedures. Especiallyfond of playing with weapons, he was adept at many forms of fighting. He made friends only in the gallantfraternity, but he helped anyone, high or low, who sought his aid, providing his guest with food and lodgingin the family manor, tirelessly keeping him company, and giving him traveling expenses when he wantedto leave. Song Jiang scattered gold about like dust! He never refused a request for money. He was alwaysmaking things easy for people, solving their difficulties, settling differences, saving lives. He provided theindigent with funds for coffins and medicines, gave charity to the poor, assisted in emergencies, helped incases of hardship. And so he was famed throughout the provinces of Shangdong and Hebei, and was knownto all as the Timely Rain. As Song Jiang walked from the magistracy with an attendant, Inspector Ho crossedthe street to meet him.“Won’t you join me for some tea, Sir Clerk?”While they were drinking tea, InspectorHo said:“You’re the keeper of the official records, Sir Clerk. There’s no harm in telling you. On YellowEarth Ridge, which is under our prefect’s jurisdiction, a band of eight robbers drugged fifteen men who werebringing birthday gifts from Governor Liang of Daming, the Northern Capital, to Premier Cai and made offwith eleven loads of gold and jewels of an estimated value of a hundred thousand strings of cash. We’vecaught Bai Sheng, the accomplice. He says the other seven, the actual robbers, are all in this country. ThePremier has sent an aide to our prefecture with orders to remain until we’ve caught them. We hope you’llgive us every assistance.“Of course we’ll apprehend the criminals and turn them over. We’d do that onyour order, Inspector, to say nothing of orders from the Premier himself. Who are the seven named by BaiSheng?”“The leader is Ward Chief of East Bank. To tell you the truth, we don’t know the names of theother six. We beg your utmost diligence.”Song Jiang was shocked. He said to himself:“Chao Gai is one ofmy dearest friends! This crime he’s committed is a capital offense! I must save him. If they capture him he’ssure to die!”Thereupon, Song Jiang secretly helps Ward Chief Chao flee. (Chapter 18)


“好呀!我正要和张三两个做夫妻。单单只多你这厮,今日也撞在我手里!原来你和梁山泊强贼通同往来,送一百两金子与你。且不要慌,老娘慢慢地消遣你。”当宋江要她还他招文袋 时,她却说:“这封书,老娘牢牢地收着。若要饶你时,只依我三件事便罢!……第一件,你可从今日便将原典我的文书来还我;再写一纸,任从我改嫁张三,并不敢再来争执的文书。”宋江道:“这个依得。”婆惜道:“第二件,我头上带的,我身上穿的,家里使用的,虽都是你办的,也委一纸文书,不许你日后来讨。”宋江道:“这个也依得。”阎婆惜又道:“只怕你第三件依不得。”宋江道:“我已两件都依你,缘何这件依不得?”婆惜道:“有那梁山泊晁盖送与你的一百两金子,快把来与我,我便饶你这一场天字第一号官司,还你这招文袋里的款状。”宋江道:“那两件倒都依得。这一百两金子,果然送来与我,我不肯受他的,依前教他把了回去。若端的有时,双手便送与你。”婆惜道:“可知哩!常言道:‘公人见钱,如蝇子见血。’他使人送金子与你,你岂有推了转去的?这话却似放屁!做公人的,‘那个猫儿不吃腥?’”宋江道:“果然不曾有这金子。”婆惜道:


Ward Chief Chao is very grateful to Song Jiang for saving his life. Liu Tang has been sent with a letterand a hundred ounces of gold as a token of their thanks to Song Jiang and Constable Zhu Tong. Liu Tangopened his pack, produced a letter and gave it to Song Jiang. The clerk read it, then drew a pouch frominside his gown. Liu Tang also took a bundle of gold from the pack and placed it on the table. Song choseonly a single gold bar, wrapped it in the letter and put both in the pouch, which he again concealed beneathhis gown.“Listen to me, brother.”he said.“You seven have just gone to the mountain stronghold. It’stime when you can use money. I have a family income I get along on. Keep the rest of this gold for me in thefortress. I’ll come for it when I need it. You see I’m not refusing—I’ve taken one bar.”No matter how LiuTang pleaded, Song Jiang remained unyielding. He had the waiter bring pen and paper, wrote a detailedletter and made Liu Tang place it in his pack. It was getting late.“Since you have a reply, brother,”saidLiu Tang,“I’ll deliver it tonight.”(Chapter 20) Later, his treacherous mistress found out the gold bar andletter.“Aha!”she said.“Song Jiang is all that prevents me and Zhang from becoming man and wife. TodayI’ve got him in the palm of my hand. So he’s in cahoots with the bandits in Liangshan Marsh, and they’vesent him a hundred ounces of gold. I’ll fix him!”When Song Jiang asked her to give him back his pouch,she said stubbornly:“I’m going to hold on to that letter! I might return it, but you have to do three things,first, give back my contract of sale to you, and write another transferring me to Zhang in marriage, with aguarantee that you’ll never contest it.”“Agreed.”“Second, all the ornaments in my hair, the clotheson my body, the furnishings in the house, all come from you. Write another promise that you won’t ask theirreturn.”“Agreed.”“It’s the third thing I’m afraid you’ll balk at.”“I’ve already agreed to two things.

Why not a third?”“I want those hundred ounces of gold Chao Gai sent you from Liangshan Marsh. Inexchange, I’ll let you off your‘top-magnitude crime’, and return your purse and what’s in it.”“Your firsttwo demands I’ve already agreed to. It’s true I was sent a hundred ounces of gold, but I refused them, and toldthe man to take them back. If I still had the gold here I’d gladly present it to you with both hands.”“Finewords!‘Money to an official is like blood to a fly.’They sent you gold and you turned it down? That’s afarting lie! Among officials‘What cat doesn’t eat meat?’”“I don’t have any gold, I tell you!”“Is thatwhat you’re going to say when I accuse you in court this morning!”At the mention of the word“court”,Song Jiang began to turn. He glared at the girl.“Are you going to give it back or not?”“Dare I refuse,with you so fierce?”she said sarcastically.“You really won’t give it back?”“No, a hundred times no! I’llreturn it to you in the county court!”Song Jiang killed her in a fit of anger. (Chapter 21) With Constable ZhuTong’s help Song Jiang escaped to Henghai County of Cangzhou Prefecture and lived in the manor of Chai Jinthe Small Whirlwind. (Chapter 22)






In Chai Jin’s manor, Song Jiang met with Wu Song. Then they joined in brotherhood (Chapter 23). Oneyear later they met again at the manor of Squire Kong who had dispatched a man to bring Song Jiang therefrom Lord Chai’s manor. The two remained at Squire Kong’s manor for ten days or more, then announcedthat they were setting forth. The old squire wouldn’t hear of it. He kept them another four or five days, butSong Jiang was determined, and he had no choice but to give them a farewell feast. Song Jiang and Wu Songchatted as they walked, and came to the fork in the road. Song Jiang turned to Wu Song and said“Brother,let’s part here.”Wu Song strode off along the western road, heading for Sagacious Lu and Yang Zhi, to jointheir band on Two-Dragon Mountain. Song Jiang took the eastern road to Clear Winds Mountain. Before herealized it darkness began closing in, and he looked around in alarm. He couldn’t see, and stumbled overa trip-cord. Immediately, a bell tinkled among the trees. Fourteen or fifteen robbers, who had been lyingin ambush, came yelling out. They seized Song Jiang and bound and escorted him up the mountain. Thecaptive sighed.“What a pity that Song Jiang should die here!”Yan rose from his chair.“You fellow. Doyou know Song Jiang?”“I am Song Jiang.”Yan came closer.“Which Song Jiang are you?”“FromJizhou Prefecture. I was clerk of the Yuncheng County magistracy.”“Not Song Jiang the Timely Rain fromShandong Province? The one who killed Mistress Yan and fled, Song Jiang of the gallant fraternity?”“Yes.

But how did you know?”Astonished, Yan grabbed the knife from the robber and cut Song Jiang’s bonds,then draped over his shoulders his own date-red padded tunic, carried him to the middle chair and carefullysat him down. He shouted to Wang and Zheng, and all three knelt and kowtowed. Song Jiang hastily returnedthe courtesy.“Not only don’t you kill me, but you treat me with such decorum! What’s the meaning ofthis?”The three remained kneeling.“You’re considerate and kind to men of talent, a companion ofcourageous men, you’re famed far and wide! Who wouldn’t admire you? The stronghold in LiangshanMarsh is flourishing. Everyone has heard. People say it’s due mainly to you. Why do you come here, andalone?”Song Jiang told how he rescued Chao Gai, killed Mistress Yan, how he lived with Lord Chai andSquire Kong for a long time, and why, today, he was seeking Hua Rong at Fort Clear Winds. The threechieftains listened delightedly. They presented him with clothes, ordered the slaughter of sheep and horses,and gave him a feast that very night. Song Jiang stayed six or seven days on the mountain, and they winedand dined him every day. Of that we’ll say no more. It was the beginning of the last lunar month, a time whenShandong people visit their family graves. A robber scout came up the mountain and reported:“There’sa sedan-chair on the road, with seven or eight men behind carrying two boxes. They’re on their way to acemetery to burn paper ingots. Stumpy Tiger was a lecherous fellow. A sedan-chair was almost sure to havea woman in it. He assembled forty or fifty men to go with him down the mountain. Stumpy Tiger was gonetwo or three watches. A far-ranging scout returned and said:“Chieftain Wang caught up with the party onthe road. The seven or eight soldier escorts ran away. He captured the woman in the sedan-chair. The onlything of value was a silver incense burner.”“Where has he taken the woman?”asked Yan.“To his houseon the rear of the mountain.”Yan and Zheng followed Song Jiang to Wang’s place on the rear slope of themountain. They pushed open the door. Stumpy Tiger had his arms around a woman and was pleading withher. He thrust her aside when he saw the three men enter, and invited them to be seated. Song Jiang turnedto the woman.“In whose household are you, madam? What is it that brings you out wandering idly aroundin times like these? Anything important?”The woma advanced shyly and curtsied to each of the three.“Iam the wife of the Commandant of Fort Clear Winds. This is the first anniversary of my mother’s death. Iwas on my way to burn paper money at her grave. I would never dare to wander idly around. I beg you, greatchieftain, save my life!”It was obvious to Yan Shun that Song Jiang was determined to save the woman.

Heedless of the wishes of Stumpy Tiger, Yan shouted for the sedan-chair bearers. The woman kowtowed toSong Jiang worshipfully.“Thank you, great chieftain,”she cried.“Don’t thank me, lady,”he replied.“I’mnot a chieftain here. I’m just a traveler from Yuncheng County.”The woman left the stronghold, carried bythe two bearers. Their lives spared, the men flew down the slope, regretting only that they hadn’t been bornwith two more legs each! Song Jiang remained in the mountain stronghold another six or seven days. But hewas anxious to join Hua Rong, the military commandant. The three chieftains could not persuade him to stay.

They gave him a farewell feast and presented him with gold and other valuables, which he put into his pack.

(Chapter 32)

  • 天意眷顾,我们终有一天会各得其所


  • 燕知草


    “当年” 一例是要有多少感慨或惋惜的, 这本书也正如此。“ 燕知草” 的名字是从作者的诗句“ 而今陌上花开日, 应有将雏旧燕知” 而来; 这两句话以平淡的面目, 遮掩着那一往的深情,明眼人自会看出。书中所写, 全是杭州的事; 你若到过杭州, 只看了目录, 也便可约略知道的。
  • 徐志摩诗文集


  • 和你在一起,我很高兴


  • 纪实中国


  • 末世之黄昏


  • 绝世惊天:倾城狂女


  • 暗夜狂女很腹黑


  • 人间界打手


  • 凯布斯奥特曼


  • 无上寿福


  • 盛世婚礼


  • 三生浮


  • 预言恋爱


  • 古国神都

