
第73章 死亡正如出生一样自然(2)


There are a large number of copies extant of the novel printed in the Ming Dynasty, and they exist ina number of varieties. Their relationship with one another is confused, but it is convenient to divide theminto two categories—the complex and the simple. This refers to the language used to describe the episodesnot to whether there are more or fewer episodes. The earliest of the complex ones dates from 1589, in 100chapters with a preface by a scholar styled himself Tiandu Waichen. Following this there came an edition in120 chapters, which included the expeditions against Tian Hu and Wang Qing, and an edition in 70 chapterswhich cut out everything after the episode of the heroes taking seats in order of rank. The earliest survivingsimple version was published in Fujian Province in 1594 by the Twin Peaks Hall of the Yu Family ofJianyang in 24 volumes and containing 120 chapters. This version is titled The New Edition Fully Illustratedof the Complete Story of the Loyal and Righteous Outlaws of the Marsh with the Addition of the Tian Huand Wang Qing Episodes. Apart from this there are editions in 110, 115 and 124 chapters, as well as editionsin 25 and 30 volumes. The simple editions are characterized not only by their more straightforward languagebut also by the fact that they include the Tian Hu and Wang Qing episodes. As to which are earlier, the simpleor complex versions, scholars are still divided. But one thing is fairly certain, and that is that the Tian Hu andWang Qing episodes are later insertions, and that the complex, 100-chapter versions are closer to the source.

The literary critic Jin Shengtan of the late Ming Dynasty excised everything after the episode of the Liangshanheroes taking seats in order of rank and added the episode concerning Lu Junyi’s nightmare as the finalpart. He also changed the first chapter“Marshal Hong Releases Demons by Mistake”into a prologue andembellished the language of the entire book somewhat. The finished work emerged containing 70 chapters.

It was an instant success, becoming one of the most popular books of the Qing Dynasty. Comparativelyspeaking, nowadays the better edition of the novel Outlaws of the Marsh includes 100 chapters, the first 70chapters of which are based on Jin Shengtan’s version that was once the most popular one, the other 30 arebased on Rongyutang’s 100-chapter version that was first published in the Ming Dynasty (re-published bythe People’s Literature Publishing House, 1975) and considered the most perfect one.


Outlaws of the Marsh has fascinated Chinese readers, young and old, for six hundred years. It has beenadapted for stage and screen, for puppet theater, for picture books. Children know the tales by heart. It hasbeen commented upon by scores of eminent scholars and translated into more than ten foreign languages.

It has long been appreciated and has exercised a considerable influence. The first translation of Outlaws ofthe Marsh was into Japanese. This was in the 18th century, and was done by Kanzan Okajima based on LiZhuowu’s 100-chapter version. It was published in 1759. In 1790, another Japanese version was published,expanding the original one by 20 chapters. The title of this was The Popular Loyal and Righteous Outlawsof the Marsh. In the 20thcentury several more Japanese versions appeared in 70, 100 or 120 chapters,but the most influential was the 100-chapter version based on the Rongyutang edition translated by JiroKawayuki and Shigeru Romizu.The first complete translation into English was done by the American womanwriter Pearl Buck, who titled her 70-chapter version All Men Are Brothers. This was published separatelyin New York and in London in 1933. The first complete French translation was done by Jacques Dars, whose120-chapter version was published in 1978. In the same year, the work was awarded a prize for literature inFrance. The first complete translation into Russian was done by A. Rogachev, whose 70-chapter version waspublished in 1955 by the Moscow State Publishing House of Literature; A Hungarian version done by SzongorBarnabas was published in Budapest in 1961. Apart from these, abridged translations into Latin, German,Italian, Czech, Polish, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai have appeared. The Foreign Languages Press of Chinahas published an English edition in 1980 and a Spanish edition in 1992.

2.2 作者人生

2.2 The Writer’s Life


Shi Nai’an, 1296-1370, alias Er or Zi An, was a brilliant writer of Late Yuan and Early Ming, whosefamily migrated from Suzhou to Baiju Town, Xinhua County, North Jiangsu. He was a talented and generousman who showed uttermost filial piety to his parents. At the age of 19, he obtained the xiucai degree andobtained the juren degree at the age of 28. At the age of 36, he, along with Liu Bowen, obtained the jinshidegree. In Qiantang (present Hangzhou), he served as an official for two years. Later Shi resigned andreturned home since he was unwilling to play up to the bigwigs and unsatisfied with the administration.


It is said that he once joined the uprising army led by Zhang Shicheng. After the army was defeated,he wandered to Shandong, Henan and other provinces. He roamed everywhere. He once lived in Jiangyinas a tutor of a private family. For fear of being summoned by the Ming government, he escaped to Huai An,where he died at the age of 75 and was buried there. Decades later, his grandson Wenyu (Shuyuan) flourishedand relocated his remains to Xiluo Lake, Baiju (present Shijiaqiao Village, Xinduo Town, Xinghua County,Jiangsu) and invited Wang Daosheng to write an epitaph in honor of Shi Nai’an.


Later Shi Nai’an Museum was erected. It is located in Huajia Duo, Baiju Town, where Shi Nai’anconcentrated on writing. It was a place surrounded by water and flush reeds on four sides. The surroundingsare so close to what is depicted in Outlaws of the Marsh that tourists would take it as Liao Er Flats,Liangshan Marshes. The museum stands right in the middle of Huajia Duo. It was an Anhui style two-roomancient residence built with blue bricks and small tiles. The first entrance is the main gate on which a stele byQi Gong, a great calligrapher reads“Shi Nai’an Museum”.



Shi’s greatest achievement is his Outlaws of the Marsh, which is based upon the peasant war in lateNorthern Song Dynasty. As early as the Southern Song Dynasty stories about Song Jiang were told or sung bysome folk artists. Old Incidents in Xuanhe Period of the Great Song Dynasty, which appeared around themid-13th century, contained some plots like Capturing the Birthday Gifts by a Ruse,Yang Zhi Selling HisSword, Song Jiang Releasing Chao Gai, Liu Tang Going Downhill and Song Jiang Killing Yan Poxi, etc. Atthat time, a scholar named Gong Kai wrote Song Jiang and his 30 Companions, giving a full account of the36 characters, with each one having a nickname. During the Yuan Dynasty, there appeared some zaju playsfeaturing Li Kui, Yan Qing, Wu Song,Yang Xiong and Zhang Shun, among others. In these zaju plays, thecharacters were developed further.



With amazing artistic techniques, Shi Nai’an reworked the previous folklore, storytelling and zajuinto this great masterpiece. Outlaws of the Marsh portrays outlaws from different walks of life. In telling thesestories, the indignant author, while exposing corruption of the society and evils of the ruling class, revealedthe social root causes of the peasant revolt.


This high accomplished novel is characterized by intriguing plot, dramatic effects, and concise language.

The characters depicted in this novel, though somewhat utopian, were deeply rooted in real life. Outlaws ofthe Marsh represents a terse, lively and expressive language style which was created out of the vernacularthen in use.


About Luo Guanzhong’s introduction, please make reference to“The Writer’s Life”of Threekingdoms.

2.3 作品赏析

2.3 Appreciation of the Novel


Outlaws of the Marsh is the originator of the fictional genre popularly known as the heroic romance. Asthe archetype for the literary genre of heroic romance, the gallant spirit that Outlaws of the Marsh sings odeto becomes a permanent theme for later literary works, even for contemporary martial arts novels. Since theTV serials Outlaws of the Marsh were broadcast on television, its thematic song A Song of Heroes“Shout astop to something unjust in your way...”has made a hit with the audiences all over the country and seeminglyit will last for ever. The Liangshan heroes are willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives, for theirfriends and justice. That’s why Pearl Buck, the first American woman writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize inliterature, has translated the novel Outlaws of the Marsh into English and entitled it All men Are Brothers.

That’s also why all people who love justice love to read Outlaws of the Marsh.



Chinese authors in olden times generally took the glorification of the deeds of emperors and kings astheir themes. In contrast, the protagonists of the novel Outlaws of the Marsh are for the most part low-bornmembers of a stalwart band of heroes forced by some injustice or another to seek refuge in the mountainfastness of Liangshan. The choice of subject matter and the thrust of the novel have a somewhat subversivetinge to the general works. It is just its unusualness that fascinates a large number of common people. It is alsoprecisely its ethos of“all men are brothers”and principles of equality and justice that reflect the essence ofthe folk culture of the time.


Outlaws of the Marsh is so complicated in ideological content that people have their widelydiffering views about it. In fact, its earliest name is A Loyal and Righteous Outlaws of the Marsh, whichcentres on“loyalty and righteousness”. Song Jiang is the most representative of it and, so to speak, itspersonification. A leader of the Mount Liangshan heroes, Song Jiang is very loyal, hospitable and generousand is ready to lend a helping hand to the poor and distressed. A filial son and loyal subject, he leads theMount Liangshan heroes to receive the government amnesty, exerts himself to his utmost for the throne. Hewould rather die for than turn against the throne, thus bringing the cause of Liangshan to a tragic ending.



Why are so many people forced to Liangshan? Why are Song Jiang and his brothers so loyal andrighteous that Song Jiang leads the Mount Liangshan heroes to receive the governmental amnesty and be givena mission to campaign against the rival Liao Dynasty and the uprising led by Fang La, but at the end of theirusefulness they are eliminated upon orders from the court? What an injustice! Under such circumstances,how can people survive? What an abnormal society! It’s really out and out corrupted! No wonder Song Jiangand his brothers and countless soldiers died from the serious pollution of the social environment. This is aprofound idea of the ideological content in Outlaws of the Marsh.



The other profound idea of the ideological content in Outlaws of the Marsh is how to treat talentedpeople. Talents, such as Song Jiang, Lin Chong, Wu Song and many others, are not respected at all orappointed to any important position. On the country, they are cruelly persecuted or framed. It is just theinjustice perpetrated against them by corrupt officials and evil gentry that have forced them one by one toseek refuge on Liangshan. This is a striking contrast with Gao Qiu who is a rascal and hooligan and made amarshal commanding the Imperial Guards—the top military commander in less than half a year, for he hadbeen a playfellow of Prince Duan who has been known as Emperor Hui Zong. Since Gao Qiu assumed office,he has used the power of the state for his own private revenge. He has forced“Arms Instructor Wang to gosecretly to Yanan Prefecture”. He has collided with the corrupt high-ranking officials Cai Jing, Tong Guan,Yang Jian, etc and manipulated the administration. They appoint people by favoritism. They have formed awell-connected network and conspired against loyal and virtuous officials and cruelly oppressed people andpersecuted talents.


The 108 heroes in Outlaws of the Marsh are mostly the heroes of the rivers and lakes. What is the moststriking about the novel is the bravery and chivalry of these heroes, who are driven to rise in insurrectionagainst the government by fighting and killing, robbing and burning, preying on the rich and avaricious andlending a helping hand to the poor and distressed. We are surely impressed by the following plots: Major LuPommels the Lord of the West; Lin Chong Ascends the Mountain One Snowy Night; Wu Song, Drunk, BeatsJiang the Gate Guard Giant; Wu Yong by a Ruse Captures the Birthday Gifts and the like. Just as thousandsof brooks empty into the sea, as all the heroes ascend Mount Liangshan one after another and channel theirrespective revolts into their collective ones against the government: Song Jiang’s Third Attack on the ZhuFamily Manor; Song Jiang Attacks Zengtou Village at Night; Wu Yong by a Ruse Takes Daming City; ChaoJin Is Trapped in Gaotang Prefecture; Song Jiang Twice Vanquishes Chancellor Tong Guan; Song Jiang ThirdDefeats Marshal Gao, all combine to accomplish a grand and spectacular cause. In this sense, Outlaws of theMarsh is a praiseworthy song of the revolts of the heroes of the rivers and lakes against the government.




Now let us come to the artistic features of Outlaws of the Marsh. Of the 108 heroes only Song Jiangappears in the official historical records and the others are all imaginary characters. To distinguish Outlawsof the Marsh from any historical novel, people rank Outlaws of the Marsh among legendary novels ofheroes. The greatest success of Outlaws of the Marsh is in its portrayals of a series of legendary hero-figures, which radiate with vivacity and vigor as well as differing individual traits. Jin Shengtan, a QingDynasty scholar, had a great adoration for its characters and made comments about the novel, saying:“Ihaven’t the least idea of reading the other novels again after I have ever read them, but I have been constantlyreading Outlaws of the Marsh with undivided interest for it has come up with 108 differing individualtemperaments.”In characterization Outlaws of the Marsh, which focuses on their different backgrounds andexperiences, displays their distinctive temperaments through their languages and behaviors. For example, inthe chapter“Major Lu Pommels the Bully of the West”Lu Zhishen’s bravery, chivalry and forthrightnessis well exhibited in his dialogue with Butcher Zheng and his three fatal blows to him. Moreover, it resorts tohyperboles or exaggerations to realize the heroes’s behaviors and color them with superhuman qualities. Forexample, Lu Zhishen uproots a willow tree, Wu Song kills a tiger and Shi Xiu jumps from the heights.


While describing the characters, Outlaws of the Marsh also excels in story-telling—displaying thecharacters’ personalities in the progressing stories and in turn developing the stories through the characters’

activities, all combine to make the whole story very complicated and appealing. For example, Wu Song isdepicted in a string of breathtaking stories: Wu Song Kills the Tiger on Jingyang Ridge; Wu Song Fights andKill Ximen Qing; Wu Song, Drunk, Beats Jiang the Gate Guard Giant; Wu Song Goes Wild at Flying-CloudPonds; and General Zhang’s Blood Spatters the Duck and Drake Bower.


The language of Outlaws of the Marsh is plain and fluent, succinct and accurate, vivid and graphic. Amaster at the vernacular language and the clean and straightforward style of writing, the author draws a true-to-life picture of his characters, presents a brief and lively narration, thus making his scenic deions veryvivid and graphic. In this way the language of Outlaws of the Marsh becomes the model for ancient Chinesevernacular novels.



正是小说《水浒传》所表述或再现的博大精深的文化确定了 它是人类文化财富宝库中的一颗真正的宝石。

The novel, Outlaws of the Marsh, centered on the vicissitudes and exploits of the 108 heroes, unrollsa panorama of the real society of that time, which just reflects the rich and colorful traditional Chineseculture. While we are reading the novel, we can also find a strong eco-consciousness that is at one witheco-ethics and eco-philosophy. Traditional Chinese philosophy is a philosophy of“life”. To Confucius,Heaven is the source of all living things. The Book of Changes (Yijing) explains,“The continuous creationof life is change”, and“The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life.”Confucian thinkers of latergenerations have been carrying on the idea of Heaven and Earth giving birth to all life”.“Heaven createslife through yang and nurtures life through yin.”Please read Chapter 71“In Loyalty Hall a Stone TabletBears a Heavenly Script”:“These are names of all of you gallant warriors. On one side it says:‘Act inHeaven’s Behalf.’On the other:‘Complete Loyalty and Righteousness.’At the top are diagrams of theGreat and Small Dippers. Below that are your names.”“On the front of the stone tablet were the namesof the 36 stars of Heavenly Spirits.”“On the back of the stone tablet were written the names of 72 starsof Earthly Fiends.”Oh, the 108 Liangshan outlaws originally came from Heaven. They“act in Heaven’sbehalf”.“Heaven”in their slogan means the Song emperor, who is Heaven’s son. Look!“Heaven”is justat one with humans! The theory that man is an integral part of nature is the core of traditional Chinese culture.

The theory that man is an integral part of nature is just at one with the contemporary ecological philosophy—deep ecology. It is the broad and profound culture the novel Outlaws of the Marsh expresses or representsthat establishes it as a true jewel in the store of mankind’s cultural wealth.


When Gao Qiu first rose to high office he had no son to help him run his numerous affairs. And so headopted the son of his uncle, Gao the Third. Since the boy was not only his cousin but now also his foster son,Marshal Gao loved him to excess. He was called Young Master Gao. The young scoundrel made full use ofhis foster father’s influence in the Eastern Capital. His favorite pastime was despoiling other men’s wives.

Fearful of his powerful connections, none of the husbands dared speak out against him. He became known asthe“King of Lechers”. When Gao Qiu was told that his son had failed in both attempts to get Lin Chong’swife and had that awful scare in addition, he felt worse than ever. The marshal asked his old chamberlainto summon his trusted men Lu Qian and Fu An into the marshal hall and said:“Do you two have a planthat can cure my son’s ailment? If so, I’ll raise you both in rank.”They set a series of traps, including“LinChong Enters White Tiger Inner Sanctum by Mistake”(Chapter 7),“Arms Instructor Lin Is Tattooed andExiled to Cangzhou”(Chapter 8),“Lin Chong Defeats Instructor Hong in a Bout with Staves”(Chapter9),“Lin Chong Shelters from the Snowstorm in the Mountain Spirit Temple”(Chapter 10),“Lin ChongClimbs Mount Liangshan in the Snowy Night”(Chapter 11). Lin Chong is finally driven by desperation toslay his enemy and flee to Liangshan.

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