
第72章 死亡正如出生一样自然(1)

Section Two It Is as Natural to Die as to Be Born


Just as everybody cannot choose his or her parents or family, then nobody can choose when, where andhow to die (except the suicide of one’s own free will). Human life, naturally, is a part of the biosphere of theearth. Human being is distinguished from other animals or living things by superior mental development,power of articulate speech, and upright stance. Consequently, since our human beings existence, wehave regarded ourselves as the central and most significant entities in the universe, or the assessment ofreality through an exclusively human perspective. This concept can be referred to as human supremacy oranthropocentrism which is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmental philosophy,where it is often considered to be the root cause of the environmental problems of pollution created by humaninteraction with the environment. In other words, we human beings should avoid merely anthropocentricenvironmentalism, which is concerned with conservation of the environment only for exploitation by andfor human’s purposes, which excludes the fundamental philosophy of deep ecology. Deep ecology is acontemporary ecological philosophy that emphasizes the interdependent nature of human and non-humanlife as well as the importance of the ecosystem and natural processes. We humans should mend our waysand drop the bad habits of eating other animals indiscriminately. Without the biological diversity, how canwe humans survive alone? That’s why we maintain that Humans and Nature should coexist friendly while wehumans live in harmony and strive to build a harmonious society so that we humans can live longer than everbefore.


Natural environment and social environment coexist and interact each other. Social environmentcomprises the areas and components that are strongly influenced by humans, such as history, politics, religion,culture, custom, habit, races, societies, global inequalities and eco-environmental protection, sustainabledevelopment and improving the living conditions for human beings in poverty, etc. Because of humans’

different beliefs or different ways of thinking or different passions or emotions or living conditions, peoplehave different attitudes toward their deaths. Just as Francis Bacon writes in his essay Of Death:“Revengetriumphs over death; love slights it; honor aspires to it; grief flocks to it; fear preoccupates it; nay, we read,after otho the Emperor had slain himself, pity (which is the tenderest of affections) provoked many to dieout of mere compassion to their sovereign, and as the truest sort of followers. Nay Seneca adds nicenessand satiety: Consider how long you have done the same thing; a man may wish to die not only because he isbrave or miserable, but because he is discriminating. A man would die, though he were neither valiant normiserable, only upon a weariness to do the same thing so oft over and over. It is no less worthy to observe howlittle alteration in good spirits the approaches of death make, for they appear to be the same men till the lastinstant. Augustus Caesar died in a compliment: Farewell, Livia, forget not the days of our marriage; Tiberiusin dissimulation, as Tacitus saith of him, His bodily strength was gone, but not his duplicity; Vespasian ina jest, sitting upon the stool, It seems I am becoming a god; Galba with a sentence, Strike, if it be for thegood of the Roman people, holding forth his neck, Septimus Severus in dispatch, Hurry, if there is anythingmore.”In ancient China, when the great thinker Zhuangzi’s wife passed away, he banged on a pot and sangto himself, celebrating the victory of dialectics, for he had already seen the nature of human life and death.

Ji Xianlin, a great contemporary scholar in China, died a smiling death. Such instances are too numerous tomention.“Anyone that dies in an earnest pursuit is like one that is wounded in hot blood who, for the time,scarce feels the hurt; and therefore a mind fixed and bent upon somewhat that is good doth avert the pain ofdeaths.”



In his Ode to Regret, Jiang Wentong writes:“Death has existed since time immemorial. Everyonehas to swallow it and harbor regret at heart.”This is the feelings common to all ordinary people, and it isunderstandable. People are attached to their lives and loath to part with their families or their relatives andfriends, particularly their children. But we should understand that our children can take care of themselveswhen they grow up. Just as everybody knows, our children are the continuance of our own or the recycle ofour own lives—not only of our kind, but of our work. Since we have our successors succeed us, why shouldwe not take a rest? It is no use telling grown-up children not to make mistakes, both because they will notbelieve us, and because mistakes are an essential part of education. We must realize that while we can stillrender our children material services, such as making them an allowance or knitting them jumpers, we mustnot expect that they will enjoy our company. Why should we be loath to part with them? People may also seethe noblest works and foundations have proceeded from childless humans, which have sought to express theimages of their minds where those of their bodies have failed; so the care of posterity is most in them that haveno posterity. Since“they have sought to express the images of their minds”, what else should they regret?

Even if they have neither children nor“the noblest works and foundations”, they have enjoyed their nicelives, and what else are worth their while“to swallow it and harbor regret at heart”?


Social ecology holds that the present ecological problems are rooted in deep-seated social problems,particularly in dominatory hierarchical political and social systems. These have resulted in an uncriticalacceptance of an overly competitive grow-or-die philosophy. Now all societies are faced by increasinglyglobal environmental problems and international cooperation is needed in order to find workable solutions.

Nowadays in the world, more and more people die from suicide or being killed or unnatural social disasters,for instance, a list of wars, since the World War Ⅱ, have taken place in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq,Afghanistan, Libya, etc. all sorts of scientific experiments, such as experiments in genetics, nuclear bombtests, experiments with chemical weapons, etc. Furthermore, a large number of people die from all sorts ofman-made disasters or disasters of natural, such as religious persecution, racial discrimination, cases ofwrongly, falsely and unjustly repudiated, violent crimes, AIDS, drug abuse, nuclear radiation, etc. All thesementioned here are concerned with the serious pollution of the social environment.


Let’s read Shi Nai’an and Luo Guangzhong’s Outlaws of the Marsh! We can understand how the writersand their heroes and heroines are facing their lives and their deaths.

2.1 内容介绍

2.1 Introduction


Outlaws of the Marsh is the first full-length vernacular novel in Chinese history, the originator of thegenre popularly known as the heroic romance. Compared with The Romance of the Three kingdoms, whichstresses historical facts in reproducing the lives of emperors and ministers and military events, Outlaws of theMarsh also relates a historical tale of the Song Jiang Uprising, but focuses on the shaping of each characterforced up to the Mount Liangshan and depicts a world full of adventure and legend. Although the novel’sLiangshan Marsh conveys a sense of utopia as opposed to reality, its ethos of“all men under heaven arebrothers”and principles of equality and fairness reflect to a certain degree the spirit of the folk culture of thetime. In particular, the heroes’ pursuit of freedom and pleasure, vividly represented by“eating of big chunksof meat, drinking of large bowls of wine, and sharing gold and silver equally,”happens to reflect what thecommon people pursue in their lives. This is just why Outlaws of the Marsh is one of the best known and bestloved of the ancient Chinese novels which have come down through the ages. A few years ago when the TVserials the Tale of the Marshes were broadcast on television, its A Song of Heroes, the first few lines of whichare“Shout a stop to something unjust in your way, lend a hand while you may and wander through the wholecountry all the way...”, made a hit with the audiences all over the country and at the same time its charactersand stories became a town talk.




Based on the historical facts of Song Jiang’s Uprising at Mount Liangshan in the last years of theNorthern Song dynasty, Outlaws of the Marsh evolved into its present shape for over two hundred years.

As far back as the Southern Song dynasty the story of Song Jiang’s Uprising circulated widely in the societyand became the materials for folk story-tellers. In the story-tellers’ of the Song and Yuan dynastiesAnecdotes of Xuan He Period there existed quite a few stories from Outlaws of the Marsh. In the earlierstories of the Marsh there were only Song Jiang and other thirty-five bandit-heroes and in the Yuan dynastydrama of the Marsh the number of the Liangshan Outlaws increased to one hundred and eight. Between thelate Yuan dynasty and the early Ming dynasty Shi Nai’an improved upon the stories of the Marsh and recastthem into a long novel Outlaws of the Marsh. While Outlaws of the Marsh is a collection of stories from folklegends and dramas of the Song and Yuan dynasties, it also in essence bears the mark of the creativity of theindividual author. Whether it is the overall structure of the novel or the plot, or the characterization or artisticuse of language, it attains a real of artistry never before reached in the Song Jiang stories. What Outlawsof the Marsh is all about is not a group of murderous and plundering wilderness outlaws, as Yuan Dynastyrecords describe them; nor is it about a band of avengers extirpating evil and restoring order, as depicted inthe Yuan Zaju. It is in fact a lively and acute critique of the people’s revolt against official oppression in thesocial and political conditions of feudalism.


The novel Outlaws of the Marsh, may be divided into two parts. The first half from the beginning to theepisode that“The Heroes of Liangshan Marsh Take Seats in Order of Rank”describes how one hundredand eight chieftains are forced to Liangshan. At the start of the story, it is told Gao Qiu, a street urchin who hasimpressed Prince Duan with his football skills. Since Prince Duan ascended the throne to become EmperorHuizong, Gao Qiu has been promoted to the rank of marshal commanding the Imperial Guards. Corrupt high-ranking officials Gao Qiu, Cai Jing, Tong Guan and Yang Jian have manipulated the administration, with thesupport of their cronies, such as Magistrate Caijiu, Magistrate Murong and Magistrate He, under whom thereare minor corrupt officials, local tyrants and villains. All of them have formed the entire ruling class who haveconspired against loyal and virtuous officials and oppressed and exploited the people. The novel begins withGao Qiu’s persecution of Wang Jin, then recounts his framing of Ling Chong, whose wife caught the lasciviouseyes of Gao’s son. Apart from these, Outlaws of the Marsh describes various evils done by landlords andlocal tyrants, such as Zheng Tu’s seizure of Jin Cuilian, Ximen Qing’s murder of Wuda and Mao Taigong’sconspiracy against the hunters Xie Zhen and Xie Bao. It is true that the misgovernment drives the peopleto revolt. The second half from the episode that Song Jiang writes a ci poem in the Hall of Loyalty, whichreads,“Only when the emperor condescends to grant us an amnesty will my heart be full”, to the end ofthe novel portrays that Song Jiang and all of his men are amnestied and given a mission to campaign againstthe rival Liao Dynasty and the uprising led by Fang La, but at the end of their usefulness they are eliminatedupon orders from the court. What an injustice! What a real tragic irony!


When did Outlaws of the Marsh first appear in book form, and who was the author? These questionsare still matters of debate among scholars. So far, the consensus is that Outlaws of the Marsh is a productof the period which saw the closing of the Yuan and opening of the Ming dynasties, and that the author wasShi Nai’an. This is based on the fact that the earliest reference to the novel says that it was written by LuoGuanzhong and Shi Nai’an. The Hundred Rivers Bibliographical Notes by Gao Ru says, in the author’spreface to the 1541 (19th year of the Jiajing reign period of the Ming Dynasty) edition:“The Patrioticand Righteous Outlaws of the Marsh is in one hundred chapters. Originally written by Shi Nai’an ofQiantang, and arranged by Luo Guanzhong.”And a bibliography compiled by Lang Ying has the followingentry:“Both the novels known as The Three Kingdoms and Song Jiang (another name for Outlaws of theMarsh) cite the editor as Luo Guanzhong of Hangzhou. Therefore, the author must have been someone else.

Moreover, the author of the Song Jiang is named as Shi Nai’an of Qiantang.”These documents records nameShi Nai’an as the author of the material in the novel, and Luo Guanzhong as the editor or compiler. Some ofthe editions of the novel which appeared in the Ming Dynasty bear the names of both men as the authors,some one or the other, and some bear the name of no author. The 70-chapter edition of the novel by JinShengtan of the late Ming Dynasty gives Shi Nai’an as the sole author, and thereafter Luo Guanzhong’s namegradually disappears, leaving only that of Shi Nai’an.


Outlaws of the Marsh was banned several times under the Ming and Qing dynasties, because itlauds acts of resistance to oppression and sings the praises of the“greenwood outlaws.”Such activities, ofcourse, were regarded by the feudal rulers as“banditry.”Nevertheless, the novel never failed to circulatein editions with varied numbers of chapters and in language expanded or condensed, which explains its highdegree of popularity over several centuries. But what is the real attraction of Outlaws of the Marsh? It isprecisely its fiercely robust spirit of resistance to oppression, expressed in vivid images. When you read howSagacious Lu batters down a local bully with his iron fist, or how Gao Qiu relentlessly drives Lin Chong intoa corner, and how the latter fights back and escapes from the Mountain God’s shrine you cannot help feelingan extraordinary sense of elation. Sagacious Lu and Lin Chong are but two of the 108, desperadoes who havesought refuge in Liangshan. The novel relates a score of them fight back against tragic circumstances, and theinjustices perpetrated against them by corrupt officials and evil gentry, until they are forced, one by one, toseek refuge on Liangshan. Viewed objectively, seeking shelter on this wild mountain is a reflection of classantagonism in those feudal days and clearly reveals the true circumstances in which the common people rosein revolt against oppression.


The influence of Outlaws of the Marsh has been extremely far-reaching. It provided a wealth of artisticexperience for the creation of novels by later generations as well as material sources for later literary scholars.

Apart from a host of dramas which drew their subject matter from Outlaws of the Marsh, many novels tracetheir line of descent back to it. For instance, the Golden Lotus springs from chapters 23 to 26 of Outlaws ofthe Marsh; and a sequal to it appeared in the early Qing Dynasty, carrying on the story. In addition, someof the characters in the novel The Complete Tale of the Yue Family are supposed to be a later generationof Liangshan heroes, and this work can be viewed as a continuation of the Liangshan story from the point ofview of the anti-Jin resistance. But the influence of Outlaws of the Marsh is not confined to the sphere ofliterature; it also influenced peasant rebels and secret societies. Li Zicheng, who led the peasant uprising atthe end of the Ming Dynasty, Hong Xiuquan, who set up the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, all raised the sloganof“defending justice on behalf of Heaven”.Secret societies plotting against the Qing Dynasty called theirmeeting places“Halls of Loyalty”.All these obviously drew their inspiration from Outlaws of the Marsh.

It is also known that some leaders of peasant rebellions studied the strategies and tactics of the Liangshanoutlaws. So the influence of the novel in this respect had both positive and negative connotations. Besides, thechivalric spirit and sense that injustice must be avenged which are prominent in Outlaws of the Marsh, aswell as its deep-seated prejudice against women, have permeated Chinese society to an extent that cannot belightly passed over.

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