
第59章 奋斗改变人生(9)


Liu Bei, His style, Xuande. Generations before, during the reign of Emperor Wu, Liu Sheng’s son, Zhen,was made lord of Zhuolu precinct, but the fief and title were later forfeited when Zhen was accused of makingan unsatisfactory offering at the eighth-month libation in the Emperor’s ancestral temple. Thus a branchof the Liu family came to settle in Zhuo County (in today’s Hebei Province). Xuande’s grandfather was LiuXiong; his father, Liu Hong. Local authorities had recommended Hong to the court for his filial devotion andpersonal integrity. He received appointment and actually held a minor office; but he died young. Orphaned,Xuande served his widowed mother with unstinting affection. However, they had been left so poor that he hadto sell sandals and weave mats to live. He, though no scholar, was gentle and generous by nature, taciturn andreserved. His one ambition was to cultivate the friendship of the boldest spirits of the empire. He stood sevenand a half spans tall, with arms that reached below his knees. His ear lobes were elongated, his eyes widelyset and able to see his own ears. His face was flawless as jade, and his lips like dabs of rouge. This man wasa descendant of Liu Sheng, Prince Jing of Zhongshan, a great-great-grandson of the fourth Han Emperor,Jing. At fifteen Xuande was sent away by his mother to study, and Zheng Xuan and Lu Zhi were among histeachers. He also formed a close friendship with Gongsun Zan. Xuande was twenty-eight when Governor Liuissued his call for volunteers.


How could Liu Bei“who had been so poor that he had to sell sandals and weave mats tolive”become“the emperor of the kingdom of Shu”?


Liu Bei met with Zhang Fei and then with Guan Yu.“Three of them went to Zhang Fei’s farm todiscuss their plan. The next day the three men had a black bull, a white horse, and other offerings brought tothe peach garden. Amid the smoke of incense they performed their ritual prostration and took their oath: wethree, though of separate ancestry, join in brotherhood here, combining strengthen and purpose, to relieve thepresent crisis. We will perform our duty to the Emperor and protect the common folk of the land. We darenot hope to be together always but hereby vow to die the selfsame day. Let shining Heaven above and thefruitful land below bear witness to our resolve. May Heaven and man be killed whosever fails this vow. Soswearing, Xuande became the eldest brother; Lord Guan, the second; and Zhang Fei, the youngest. After theceremonies they butchered the bull and spread forth a feast in the peach garden for the three hundred localyouths they had recruited; and all drank to their heart’s content. The next day they collected weapons, butthey wanted for horses. Two visitors whose servants were driving a herd of horses toward Zhang Fei’s farmprovided the solution. The visitors were delighted to support the cause by supplying the brothers with fifty finemounts, five hundred ounces of gold and silver, and one thousand jin of wrought iron manufacture weapons.

At the head of five hundred local youths, the brothers presented themselves to Commandant Zou Jing. Jingbrought them to Liu Yan, governor of Youzhou, before whom the brothers gave account of themselves. WhenXuande mentioned his royal surname, the governor was delighted and acknowledged him as a nephew. Somedays later it was reported that the Yellow Scarves chieftain Cheng Yuanzhi was advancing on Zhuo districtwith fifty thousand men. The governor had Commandant Zou Jing lead the brothers and their five hundredagainst the enemy. Eagerly, Xuande took his company to the base of Daxing Mountain where he encounteredthe rebels, who as always appeared with hair unbound and yellow scarves across their foreheads. The twoforces stood opposed. Xuande rode out, Lord Guan to his left, Zhang Fei to his right. Raising his whip,Xuande cried out,‘Traitors to the Emperor, surrender now!’Enraged, Cheng Yuanzhi sent his subordinatecommander Deng Mao into the field. Zhang Fei sped out, leveled his eighteen-span serpentheaded spearand jabbed his adversary through the chest. Seeing Deng Mao tumble dead from his horse, Yuanzhi cuttoward Zhang Fei, slapping his mount and flourishing his blade. Lord Guan swung out his mighty sword and,giving his horse free rein, rushed the foe. Cheng Yuanzhi gulped with fright and, before he could defendhimself, was sliced in two with a stroke of Lord Guan’s weapon. Their leaders slain, the rebels dropped theirspears and fled. Xuande pursued, taking more prisoners than could be counted, and the brothers returnedtriumphant.”(Chapter 1)


In Chapter 1, Liu Bei and Cao Cao were serving the Han emperor Ling on the battlefield as they wereconducting operations to suppress peasant uprisings led by the Yellow Scarves.“Huangfu Song won a greatvictory, and the court used him to replace the oft-defeated Dong Zhuo... Song then fetitioned the Emperor,stating that Lu Zhi’s conduct was meritorious, not blame-worthy, and the court restored his former office. CaoCao’s service, too, was recognized, and he was awarded a fief at Jinan.”(Chapter 2) Only Xuande was leftwaiting many days receiving no word of an appointment. Disheartened, the three brothers, Liu, Guan, Zhang,were walking in the capital when they came upon the carriage of the counter Zhang Jun. Xuande presentedhimself and gave a brief account of his victories... And so Xuande was appointed judicial officer of Anxicounty in the Zhongshan jurisdiction of Dingzhou imperial district, with orders to depart on a specified date.

Xuande disbanded his troops and set out with his brothers and some two dozen followers. In Anxi he avoidedall injury to the interests of the local people, and civic morality improved withink a month. While in officeXuande shared bed and board with his brothers, and they stood beside him throughout long public sessions.

In a few months’ time, however, the court decreed a purge of leading officials whose posts had been awardedin recognition of military service, a measure Xuande suspected would lead to his removal. Just then a districtinspector came to Anxi, one of the counties under his jurisdiction. The official spoke:“Tell me about yourbackground, Officer Liu.”“I am a descendant of Prince Jing of Zhongshan,”replied Xuande.“I begancampaigning against the Yellow Scarves in Zhuo county and have destroyed many of them, achieving someslight merit in over thirty engagements, some small, some large. As a result, I was appointed to this post. AfterZhang Fei whipped the government inspector, Xuande took his seal and cord of office and hung them on theinspector’s neck, saying,‘For the harm you’ve caused the people we should have your life. However, weshall spare you. You may take these back, and I shall take my leave.’Liu, Guan and Zhang found refuge inDaizhou with Liu Hui, who hid them in his home in consideration of Xuande’s imperial lineage. (Chapter 2)


By conducting operations to suppress peasant uprisings led by the Yellow Scarves and taking part intangled warfare among the warlords for power and territory, and being driven and cast adrift for more thantwenty years, Liu Bei has come to understand that neither he nor his brothers are able to master the rapidchanges in the empire, and that to become a major contender for power he needs diplomatic and militaryguidance. He not only respects talented people but also seeks talent with eagerness. After“XuandeEncounters a Recluse in Nanzhang”(Chapter 35), Liu Bei finds a worthy man named Xu Shu, whose styleis Yuanzhi. When Xu Shu leaves,“Yuanzhi Recommends Zhuge Liang”(Chapter 36).“Liu XuandePays Three Visits to Zhuge Liang”(Chapter 37). Zhuge Liang is deeply moved.“Kongming Determinesthe Realm’s Division and Charts a Course.”“Liu Bei treats Kongming as his mentor. They eat togetherand sleep together and spend the days analyzing events in the empire”(Chapter 38). It is true that idealliege finding ideal minister brings about their rise to power, just as Liu Bei says“He is to me as water to thefish”(Chapter 39).


Liu Xuande has no family backing, though he claims a remote kinship to the imperial house, whosesurname he bears. His immediate circumstances are humble, and he is devoted to his mother. His virtues aregreater than his talents. In his quest to recover the Central Plains as the leader of the common people againstthe feudal lords, he has neither the powerful clan connections of Yuan Shao nor the network of politicalpower that Cao Cao has; he only has the assistance of the men he swore brotherhood with in the PeachGarden and the flag of benevolence and righteousness to rely on. His political program is the restorationof the Han Dynasty, and at all times he appears as a loyal supporter of the house of Han. In this he formsa complete contrast to Cao Cao, who harbors a sinister ambition to use the emperor as a puppet. The novelamply describes how Liu Bei attempts to put into practice his lofty ideals of benevolence and righteousnessin the course of his dire political struggles. For instance, following his reverse in the battle of Xiangyang, LiuBei leads his army in retreat from the pursuing cavalry of Cao Cao. His flight is slowed by large numbers ofdependants scurrying along with the army.“The commanders say:‘but with such a multitude on our handswe’re barely covering ten li a day. Who knows when we will make Jiangling? And how could we engageCao’s army if it found us now? Wouldn’t it be expedient to leave the people behind for now and go on aheadourselves?’Xuande replied with deep feeling,‘The human factor is the key to any undertaking. How canwe abandon those who have committed themselves to us?’These words became known, and all were deeplymoved.”(Chapter 41) Liu Bei would rather risk the annihilation of his forces than abandon the masses.“Hewho wins men, prospers; he who loses them, fails.”Liu Bei is deeply beloved and greatly supported by thepeople though he suffered most from the battle. History proves that anyone who wins men’s hearts, deserves torule.





“By the fourth watch, the dead of night, the encamped multitude began to hear them—out of thenorthwest—the shouts of men that shook the ground as they came. Xuande leaped to his horse and ledtwo thousands of his own crack troops to meet them. But Cao Cao’s force had the advantage of numbers.

Opposition was impossible. Xuande was fighting for his life. At just this juncture of mortal extremity ZhangFei arrived with a body of men and cut a route for Xuande enabling him to escape eastward...‘One hundredthousand living souls,’he lamented,‘have borne these woes for remaining with us. Of the fate of ourcommanders and of my family we know nothing. Even a man of clay or wood would have to grieve.’(Chapter41)”“Zhao Ziling Rescues Master Liu Single-handedly.”“Still breathing hard, Zilong said,‘Tenthousand deaths could not redeem my offense. Lady Mi was wounded so badly that she refused my horseand threw herself down a well. I could do nothing but knock over an earthen wall to cover her body. Then,holding the young master on my chest, I broke through the enemy’s lines, and by the favor Heaven bestowson you, my lord, I survived.’Zilong untied his armor and looked inside. The infant was asleep.‘Safe andsound,’he announced happily. He handed Ah Dou carefully to Xuande, who flung him to the ground theinstant he received him.‘For the sake of a suckling like you,’Xuande cried,‘I risked losing a greatcommander!’Zilong swept the child off the ground and prostrated himself, saying through his tears.‘If I cutmy heart out here, I could not repay your kindness to me.’A poet of later times described the scene:‘Howdid the liege requite his liege man’s love? / Down before the horse, Xuande his own son hurled!’(Chapter42) From here we can see Liu Bei not only is brave in a dangerous situation but also has courage and the willto fight and keeps on fighting in spite of all setbacks. He loves the people and his generals and soldiers, inreturn, he’s deeply beloved and greatly supported by them.



When Guan Yu is killed at the battle of Maicheng, Liu Bei swears a solemn oath that he will avengehis death, even though he knows that by taking up arms against the Kingdom of Wu he will be contraveningthe strategy of allying with Wu against Cao Cao. This shows that he puts his ties of friendship with his swornbrother above considerations of political expediency:“If I do not avenge my brother, even if I gain the wholeempire I can not be considered noble.”Even in the disaster that marked the end of the expedition againstWu, Liu Bei’s noble spirit of loyalty is sublimated to a new plane of magnificence.


“Lu Xun of the Southland had decisively beaten the Riverlands troops at Xiaoting and Yiling, andthe Emperor was in sanctuary in Baidi, guarded by Zhao Zilong.”Liu Bei was confined to his bed by aworsening illness.“The Emperor expressed his wish that the prime minister sit at the edge of the couch.

Placing his hand gently on Kongming’s back, he said,‘Through you alone the imperial quest was achieved.

How could I have foolishly rejected your advice and thus brought on this defeat? Wracked by remorse, I standat death’s door. My heir is an inconsequential weakling, and so I must entrust you with my cause.’... To thelarger assembly the Emperor said,‘I am entrusting my heir to the prime minister. I have instructed my heirto serve him as his father. Let none of you neglect this charge and betray my hopes.’...The Emperor finishedspeaking; then he was no more. He had reached the age of sixty-three. It was the twenty-fourth day of thefourth month of Zhang Wu 3 (A.D. 223).”(Chapter 85)


Liu Bei’s success is based on his virtue of benevolence and righteousness.“The success or failureof the affair is all due to the very same person.”It is his benevolence and righteousness that constrain himto do what he ought not to. For instance, his oath haunts him until the pledge“to die for one another”isinvoked by Lord Guan’s death. Liu Xuande’s fidelity to the oath becomes a trial of his worth as a brother andas a king.“Kongming, at the head of the assembly, addressed the Emperor:‘Your Majesty has assumedthe throne so recently; if it is your purpose to bring the northern traitors to justice so that the principle ofallegiance to legitimate authority may prevail in the empire, then it is altogether right for you to take commandof the entire army yourself. But if you simply mean to attack the Southland, ordering one of your superiorcommanders to lead the campaign should suffice. Why should your own sagely self bear the burden?’Inview of Kongming’s strenuous objections, the Emperor was experiencing some uncertainty about the invasionwhen Zhang Fei’s arrival was announced. The Emperor summoned him at once. Zhang Fei bent to theground before the reviewing stand, weeping as he hugged his lord’s feet. The emperor wept too.‘Today YourMajesty reigns,’Zhang Fei said,‘and already the peach garden oath is forgotten! Can you leave our brotherunavenged?’‘Many officials oppose taking revenge. I cannot act rashly.’was the reply.‘What do othersknow of our convenant? If you will not go, I will avenge him whatever the cost to myself. Should I fail, I shallbe content to die and see you no more.’‘Then I shall go with you.’The Emperor said.‘You start outfrom Langzhou with your own troops. I shall meet you with an elite force at Jiangzhou. Our joint campaignagainst the Southland will redeem our shame.’(Chapter 81)”From what is quoted here we can see why LiuBei“has foolishly rejected Kongming’s advice and thus brought on this defeat”. And consequently, it hasbrought on not only his loss of life but also the disappearance of Shu-Han Dynasty later on because of hiscontravening the strategy of allying with Wu against Cao Cao.





It is also Liu Bei’s benevolence and righteousness that make him as“paternalistic and benevolent,though somewhat dissembling”. For instance, Zhang Song (Yongnian), the Lieutenant Inspector of Yizhou,said to Liu Bei:“‘My lord, take the Riverlands and make it your base, plan an attack on the Hanzhongbuffer, then go on to incorporate the northern heartland and set the dynasty to rights. Your fame wil pass intohistory and you will outshine all rivals. Should you be inclined to adopt this suggestion, I would be willing todo whatever is necessary to coordinate matters from within. Let me know your esteemed decision.’‘Yourconcern touches me deeply,’Xuande responded.‘Alas, Liu Zhang and I share the same ancestor. IfI attacked him, I would be reviled and repudiated by all.’‘A man of noble ambition,’Zhang Songsaid,‘spares no effort to establish his worth and his estate. Apply the whip and assume the lead! For if youdo not take Yizhou, others will—and then it will be too late for regrets.’‘They say the roads are so hillyand rough,’Xuande remarked,‘that neither carriage nor horse can ride abreast. Even if I wanted to take it,what strategy would work?’Producing a map from his sleeve, Zhang Song said,‘I am moved by my lord’sample virtue to present this. A single glance will apprise you of the road system of the Riverlands.’Casually,Xuande unrolled the map and examined it. The geographic details of the region were fully spelled out:

topography and marching stages, dimension and distance of roads, strategic intersections, repositories ofcoin and grain.‘Strike now, my lord,’Zhang Song urged.‘My two close and trusted friends there, FaZheng and Meng Da, can be counted on. Should they come to Jingzhou, you may consult them in completeconfidence.’Xuande raised his clasped hands in an expression of gratitude.‘You will be well rewardedwhen the plan is realized,’he said,‘as sure as the hills stay green and the rivers ever run.’”Afterpresenting himself, Fa Zheng handed Liu Xuande a written proposal. Then he asked:“General, haveyou thought further on Lieutenant Inspector Zhang Song’s proposal?”“My life as an exile,”Xuandereplied,“has never been free of woe and discontent. I often think of the little wren that keeps a cozy spotfor itself and the cunning hare that maintains three holes in case of escape. Men should do the same.

Don’t think I would not have your overabundand land—but I cannot bring myself to conspire against myclansman.”“The Riverlands is a natural storehouse,”Fa Zheng responded.“A sovereign who cannotkeep control cannot last. Liu Zheng has proved unable to assign good men to office, and his patrimony isdoomed to pass to someone else”...Inspired by these words, Xuande answered,“Your memorable adviceshall be inscribed on my heart.”Soon after he consulted with Kongming about raising a force to movewest...“Fa Zheng himself entered.‘We are not acting for ourselves,’he said,‘but in conformity withthe Mandate of Heaven.’‘Liu Zhang is my kinsman. I cannot do it,’was Xuande’s answer.‘You aremistaken, my enlightened lord,’Fa Zheng continued.‘If you do not do it, Zhang Lu, who holds our stateresponsible for his mother’s death, will attack and seize it. Your Lordship has come all this way across hillsand streams; your men and horses have suffered hardship. To go forward is to your advantage; to withdrawis profitless.’”(Chapter 60)“Xuande had Huo Jun and Meng Da guard the pass, and sent his army tocapture Chengdu.”The attacking army has reached the city gates. Under such special circumstances, LiuZhang made up his mind to submit.“Xuande came out of his campsite to receive Liu Zhang, taking hishands and weeping freely as he said,‘Do not think we have forsaken the principles of humanity and honor.

The situation was beyond our control.’... Xuande assumed the protectorship of Yizhou.”(Chapter 65)


Every man has his faults. So does Liu Bei. He strives for the realization of his ideal all his life. Althoughhe died for his sworn brother Guan Yu, he has enhanced his moral quality.

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