
第60章 奋斗改变人生(10)


Zhuge Liang:“He is from Yangdu in Langye (in today’s Shandong Province), and bears the doublesurname Zhuge. His given name is Liang; his style, Kongming. He is a descendant of Zhuge Feng, formercommander of the Capital Districts. His father, Zhuge Gui (styled Zigong), was a governor’s deputy in Taishandistrict. Zhuge Gui died young, leaving Liang in the care of his younger brother Xuan. Zhuge Xuan, Liang’suncle, was a long-standing friend of Liu Biao, protector of Jingzhou. That is why they made their home inXiangyang, under Liu Biao’s protection. After Zhuge Xuan died, Liang and his younger brother Jun workedon the family’s farm in Nanyang. Liang enjoyed chanting the Liangfu elegies. Where they lived there was astretch of hills known as Sleeping Dragon Ridge; he took the sobriquet Master Sleeping Dragon from that.

His talents are indeed transcendent.”(Chapter 36)“Kongming is known for his mastery of military arts. Heapplies himself to the subject daily.”“Learned words are piled around his bed; No common men have comebefore his seat.”“Kongming befriended Xu Shu and three others: Cui Zhouping of Boling, Shi Guangyuanof Yingchuan, and Meng Gongwei of Runan. These four dedicated themselves to esoteric rituals of spiritualrefinement. Kongming, however, was the only one who contemplated the doctrine in its entirety.”Kongmingand his friends go on-the-spot investigation now and then.“They might have gone rowing down some lakeor river, or to visit some Buddhist or Taoist on his hilltop retreat. Or to look for friends in the villages. Or theymight have simple decided to entertain themselves with lutes and chess in some cavern den.”(Chapter 37)It is true that he makes friends extensively and has wide experience and extensive knowledge. He is trulylearned and knows every subject.


Zhuge Liang has two brothers and two sisters. Zhuge Jin is the eldest of the three brothers, seven yearsolder than Liang. He serves as a civil official in the Southland (Chapter 44). Liang’s younger brother ZhugeJun does what Liang has told him:“Remain at your labors and do not let our acres go fallow. When my workis done, I shall return to resume my life of seclusion”(Chapter 38).“Cao Cao also searched for Kongming’sfamily in Longzhong, but on Kongming’s instructions they had long since moved to Three Rivers”(Chapter41). One of Liang’s elder sisters has been married to Pang Shanmin, son of the famous man Pang Degong inthe south of Mian (Pang Tong’s elder male cousin with the same surname) while the other elder sister hasbeen married to Kuai Qi from a notable family and great clan of Zhonglu. At the age of seventeen, ZhugeLiang himself has married Huang Chengyan’s daughter. She has an ugly look but an extraordinary talent.

Though Huang Chengyan has never been an official, he has married the eldest daughter of Cai Feng (CaiMao’s father) from a great clan of Xiangyang while Liu Biao, the Protector of Jingzhou, has married theyounger daughter of Cai Feng. That is why Zhuge Liang can have wide experience and extensive knowledgeand“No common men have come before his seat”. This is also why he can still have an intimate grasp ofwhat is going on in the world even when he is living the life of a hermit.


To Xuande, Kongming appeared singularly tall, with a face like gleaming jade and a plaited silkenband around his head. Cloaked in crane down, he had the buoyant air of a spiritual transcendent. Xuandeprostrated himself and said,“Twice before I have presented myself and, failing to gain audience, finally setmy worthless name to a letter. I have never learned whether it was brought to your discerning attention.”“Icould see in your letter,”Kongming began,“a compassionate concern for the people and the dynasty. But Ifear that you are mistaken in seeking the help of one so young and so limited in ability.”“How can a manwith the ability to shape the times waste himself among the groves and springs?”Xuande continued.“Ibeg you to consider the living souls of this land and for their sake enlighten me, free me of ignorance andfolly.”“Since the time of Dong Zhuo’s sedition,”Kongming began,“powerful and aggressive figures havecome into their own. Cao Cao could overcome Yuan Shao, though his strength was initially inferior, thanks towise planning and favorable occasion. Now Cao has an army of one million and uses his hold on the Emperorto make the feudal barons do his bidding. There is no way you can cross spear points with him. As for SunQuan, he has a firm grip on the Southland and represents the third generation of his family’s power there. Theterritory is difficult of access, and the people are devoted to him. Hence, the south may serve as a supportingally, but it is not a strategic objective.”Kongming hung a map and continued:“These are the fifty-fourcounties of the west. To establish your hegemony, let Cao Cao in the north have the advantage of timelycircumstance; let Sun Quan in the south have his geographical advantages; you, my general, will have theallegiance of men. First, take Jingzhou and make it your home base. Then move into the Riverlands and buildyour third of the triangle of power. Eventually, the northern heartland will become your objective.”Xuandehumbly petitioned Kongming:“Though my name be inconsiderable, my virtue meager, I beg you not to spurnme as a vulgar man of little worth. Come out from these hills to lend us your aid, and I will listen obediently toyour enlightening instruction.”Kongming, moved by the sincerity of his intent, said,“If you will have me,then, General, I shall serve you like a hound or horse.”The next day Kongming told Zhuge Jun, who hadcome back,“I am accepting the kind generosity of Imperial Uncle Liu, who has favored me with three calls.

I am obliged to go.”Just as Kongming says in his“Petition on Taking the Field”: Grateful for his regard, Iresponded to his appeal and threw myself heart and soul into his service. Hard times followed for the cause ofthe late Emperor. I assumed my duties at a critical moment for our defeated army, accepting assignment in aperiod of direst danger.”



Since Kongming promised to serve Liu Bei“like a hound or horse”, he has used his talent for militarystrategy to support Liu Bei in his struggle against Cao Cao, and in a series of far-ranging battles over a periodof many years he has enabled Liu Bei to extricate himself from the position of being the underdog in the threegold division of the empire. By persuading Sun Quan to join forces with Liu Bei against Cao Cao at the Battleof the Red Cliffs he has laid the foundation of the destiny of the Three Kingdoms. He has guided Liu Bei to theoccupation of Jingzhou, the conquest of Yizhou and Hanzhong, and the creation there of the kingdom of Shu-Han (the Riverlands). After the death of Liu Bei, his successor Ah Dou proves incompetent, and the kingdomof Shu-Han falls into dire straits. At this critical juncture, Zhuge Liang rises to the occasion and pacifies thesouthwest in a campaign which demands his utmost efforts, having Meng Huo“seven times captured, seventimes freed”, culminating in the magnificent Six Sorties from Mount Qi. Just as Kongming says in bothhis“Petitions on Taking the Field”and his“Testament for the Second Emperor”:“Painfully recognizingthat either the kingdom of Han or the kingdom of Wei must fall and that our royal rule would never knowsecurity if confined to a part of the realm, the Emperor empowered me to wage righteous war against thenorthern traitors. Accurately appraising his vassal’s abilities, he knew full well what feeble talent I had to pitagainst so strong an enemy; but not to go forward spelled our doom. To arms, rather than to bow to fate! Thus,the late Emperor charged me, and he wavered in that commitment. The day I received his mandate, I neitherslept nor ate; the northern expedition occupied my thoughts. But first we had to move into the region south ofus. In the fifth month I crossed the River Lu and penetrated deep into aboriginal territory, going without foodfor days at a time—not because I threw caution to the winds but because, knowing that Your Majesty’s rulecould never have survived confined to the Shu capital, we would have faced any danger, any difficulty, to carryout the late Emperor’s last wishes. This is the way I mean to honor my debt to the late Emperor and fulfill myduty to Your Majesty.”“But the Southland turned on its Riverlands ally; Lord Guan perished, Zigui fell,and Cao Pi proclaimed a new dynasty. That’s how things happen; it is difficult to anticipate things to come.

Humbly I shall toil to the last ounce of my strength, until my end; but whether the outcome will favor us or notis beyond my powers of prediction.”“Now, stricken by unforeseen and incurable illness, I face imminentdeath, and I despair that my service to Your Majesty remains unfinished. I humbly beg that Your Majestykeep an honest mind and limit your desires, disciplining yourself and caring tenderly for the people. Serve thelate Emperor in a spirit of filial piety; show humane generosity throughout your kingdom. Promote those not inthe public eye to advance the cause of true excellence; deny access to the vicious and depraved to strengthenthe moral tone of the realm.”(Chapter 91, Chapter 97, Chapter 104) Kongming works indefatigably day andnight, and breaks down from constant overwork. He died at Wuzhangyuan on the twenty-third day of theeighth month, the autumn of the twelfth year of Jian Xing (A.D.234), at the age of fifty-four.


Zhuge Liang has consummated the classical Confucian ideal of the conjunction of great virtue andtalent. He has dedicated his life to the cause of the Han: his absolute devotion to his lieges (Liu Bei and hisson Liu Shan); his ability in civil and military administration; his strategic insight; his receptivity to the viewsof subordinates; his personal humility and willingness to accept responsibility for failure; his fairness inapplying the law and assigning reward and punishment; his enterprising spirit—having created wooden bullsand gliding horses, having invented a bow that releases arrows simultaneously; and his honorable refusal touse his position to enrich himself. He seeks not power for himself but only to realize his notions of propergovernment. He is the ideal of many of us Chinese people.


Zhuge Liang is not only a wise, resourceful strategist and a tactician who can have“plans evolvedwithin the tent decide victories a thousand li away”, but also a great statesman and a prime minister ofinsight and ability. He says:“Our new administration must win respect through legal authority; when thelaws are carried out, then the people will appreciate our kindnesses. Moreover, we must use rank to limitambition so that when rank is granted, the honor wil be appreciated. Balanced bestowing of kindness andhonor will restore proper relations between lord and vassal, and the principles of good governance willagain be manifest.”(Chapter 65)“From the Riverlands capital of Chengdu, Prime Minister Zhuge Liangadministered the government, personally handling affairs of state, whether great or small, in a spirit of fairness.

The inhabitants of the region welcomed the reign of peace; a climate of honesty and mutual trust prevailed,and fortune favored the land with generous harvests several years in a row. Both old and young tapped theircontented bellies rhythmically as they rejoiced in song. Compulsory labor service was eagerly undertaken,with the result that the army was amply supplied and the granaries and treasury overflowed.”(Chapter 87)No wonder in his own time, key advisers to Cao Cao, Jia Xu and Liu Ye praised Kongming for his skill inadministering Shu. In later times, Kongming was honored even by those who did not advocate the cause ofShu-Han against Wei. Li Shimin, the second Tang emperor, spoke of Kongming’s excellence as a primeminister despite having to serve under a weak ruler. And the Northern Song reformer, Wang Anshi, dedicateda poem of praise to him. Bai Juyi has also left a poem:“Ensconced in hills, the master hid his tracks; / Bytwist of fate a sage king sued three times. / Only in Nanyang could‘fish’and‘water’meet: /‘Thedragon flies to Heavenly Han—a wholesome rain.’/ To Liu Bei’s heir Kongming gave zealous care; / Servingthe state, he poured forth his loyal heart. / And still today his calls to war live on; / How many readers canrestrain their tears?”(Chapter 104)

孔明对姜维说:“吾本欲竭忠尽力,恢复中原,重兴汉室;奈天意如此,吾旦夕将死。 吾平生所学,已着书二十四篇,计十万四千一百一十二字,内有八务、七戒、六恐、五惧之法……吾有‘连弩’之法,不曾用得。其法矢长八寸,一弩可发十矢,皆画成图本。汝可依法造用。”孔明于卧榻上手书遗表:“何期病入膏肓,名垂旦夕,不及终事陛下,饮恨无穷!伏愿陛下:清心寡欲,约己爱民;达孝道于先皇,布仁恩于宇下;提拔幽隐,以进贤良;屏斥奸邪,以厚风俗。臣家成都,有桑八百株,薄田十五顷,子弟衣食,自有余饶。至于臣在外任,别无调度,随身衣食,悉仰于官,不别治生,以长尺寸。臣死之日,不使内有余帛,外有赢财,以负陛下也。”(第一○四回)这就是诸葛亮留给我们中国人的遗产。这是多么宝贵的文化遗产啊!

Kongming says to Jiang Wei:“I have tried my best to return the heartland to Han rule. But Heaven’swishes rule us all. My end is near, very near. The results of a lifetime of study are written in these twenty-fouressays in 104, 112 characters. They contain esoteric information on the Eight Principal concerns, the SevenPrecautions, the Six Dangers, and the Five Alerts... I have invented a bow that releases arrows simultaneously,but I have never had a chance to test it in combat. It shoots ten eight-inch arrows at a time. The sketcheshave been collected into a volume. Have the weapon built according to design.”Kongming in his bed penshis testament for the Second Emperor:“Now, stricken by unforeseen and incurable illness, I face imminentdeath, and I despair that my service to Your Majesty remains unfinished. I humbly beg that Your Majestykeep an honest mind and limit your desires, disciplining yourself and caring tenderly for the people. Serve thelate Emperor in a spirit of filial piety; show humane generosity throughout your kingdom. Promote those not inthe public eye to advance the cause of true excellence; deny access to the vicious and depraved to strengthenthe moral tone of the realm. My home in Chengdu, with its eight hundred mulberry trees and a meager fifteenhundred mu of land, should provide for my children. On assignment outside the capital I have acquirednothing of value; beyond the food and clothing that Your Majesty’s officers supplied, I have had no otherincome. Hence, after my death no excess silks, no surplus wealth, nor any other violation of Your Majesty’strust will be discovered.”(Chapter 104) This is what Zhuge Liang has handed down to us Chinese people.

How precious this cultural heritage is!


Naturally, Zhuge Liang is not without his faults and limits. For instance,“The envoy returned toWuzhangyuan and told Kongming,‘Sima Yi expressed no anger when he took the clothing and read theletter. He simply asked how you were eating and sleeping and inquired about your workload. He said nothingat all about military matters. When I answered his questions he said, He eats too little and works too hard.

How long can he last?’... First Secretary Yang Yong tried to get Kongming to reduce his workload:‘I haveseen Your Excellency checking over our books and records personally. It seems to me unnecessary. Everygoverning system has to have a structure whose higher and lower levels function independently, much asthe operation of a household requires menials to farm and maids to prepare food. No chores are neglectedand all needs are supplied; thus, the master of the house can eat and drink carefree and at ease. But if themaster busies himself with every last detail, it leads to physical and mental exhaustion, and in the end nothinggets done. Does that mean his knowledge is inferior to that of a menial or a maid? No. It means he has notfound the right way to run the household... Now Your Excellency wastes energy attending to the most trivialmatters—and for what? What Sima Yi said is all too ture.’Weeping, Kongming replied,‘I am not unawareof this. But I carry the heavy responsibility given to me by the late Emperor, and I fear that others may not beso conscientious.’(Chapter 103)”From here we can see he does not believe in others. He does not believein Wei Yan. He does not believe in Liu Feng. But in fact he is mistaken. Consequently, he died from constantoverwork.



Zhuge Liang is a great scholar. He has learned a lot of knowledge. He knows astronomy, geography,history, politics, military affairs, culture, etc.“On Seven Star Altar Kongming Supplicats the Wind”, for heknows astronomy.“The winter’s yin phase is spent; the yang now begins its cycle. A southeast wind is quitenormal.”(Chapter 49) But“Kongming Deploys the Eightfold Ramparts Maze”, how can it be that“duringevery time period of every day the openings move unpredictably, like ten crack legions in constantmotion”? And why can it be that“the transformations never end. They cannot be mastered”? (Chapter84)“Disguised as a God, Kongming Comes Forth from Longshang”, it can be understood. But how canhe“use the technique‘Foreshortening the Land’from the divine text of the Six Jia”? And why“can thearmy not overtake him”? (Chapter 101)“At Wuzhangyuan Zhuge Prays to Reverse His Star-told Fate”,how can it be that“if the main lamp stays lit seven more days, my life may last another circuit of the zodiac(i.e. twelve years)”? (Chapter 103) No wonder it is remarked“Kongming is a man of much wisdom thoughverging on wizardry”.

关羽:字长生,后改云长,河东解良(今山西运城)人。身长九尺,髯长二尺;面如重枣,唇若涂脂;丹凤眼,卧吞眉:相貌堂堂,威风凛凛。因本处势豪,倚势凌人,被他杀了;逃难江湖,五六年矣。今闻此处招军破贼,特来应募。他遇见刘备、张飞并与他们结为兄弟,愿同心协力,救困扶危,上报国家,下安黎庶。这就是众所周知的“宴桃园豪杰三结义 斩黄巾英雄首立功”。

Guan Yu: His style, Changsheng, is later changed to Yunchang. He is from Jieliang in Hedong (Today’sYuncheng, Shanxi). He is a man of enormous height, nine spans tall, with a two-foot-long beard flowing fromhis rich, ruddy cheeks. He has glistening lips, eyes sweeping sharply back like those of the crimson-facedphoenix, and brows like nestling silkworms. His stature is imposing, his bearing awesome. After killing a localbully who was persecuting his neighbours, Guan Yu has been on the move these five or six years. As soon ashe heard about the recruitment, he came to sign up. He met with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. He joined them inbrotherhood here, combining strength and purpose, to relieve the present crisis and perform their duty to theEmperor and protect the common folk of the land. This is what is known to all that“Three Bold Spirits PlightMutual Faith in the Peach Garden; Heroes and Champions Win First Honors Fighting the Yellow Scarves”.


Guan Yu is extraordinarily brave and his military arts excel all. For instance,“The hero put the cupaside to slake his combat lust: Before the wine had time to cool, Hua Xiong lay in the dust.”(Chapter 5);“TheMan of the Magnificent Beard Rides Alone a Thousand Li / The Lord of Hanshou Slays Six Generals andBreaches Five Passes”(Chapter 27);“A Lone Swordsman, Guan Presents Himself at Lu Su’s Feast”andby this displays his heroic vein. (Chapter 66);“Hua Tuo Scrapes the Poison from Lord Guan’s Bone”, forsuperhuman might, Lord Guan may take the crown (Chapter 75), etc.

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