
第50章 人生全由你自己去创造(4)

1.4 主要人物的人生(经验教训)

1.4 Major Characters’ Lives (Experiences and Lessons)


Jean Valjean: He is not only the easily recognized hero of Les Misérables, but Jean Valjean is also thesymbol of Hugo’s concepts of goodness and love. Hugo sums up the impression of this miserable, great inhis obscurity, when he writes:“Life, misfortunes, isolation, abandonment, poverty, are battlefields whichhave their heroes; obscure heroes, sometimes greater than the illustrious heroes.”Jean Valjean is a tree-trimmer from the south of France who has spent the last nineteen years in prison. The first five years ofValjean’s prison term were for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his impoverished family, and the next fourteenwere imposed for his frequent escape attempts. Indeed, Hugo’s brief deions of the prison in whichValjean stayed are so brutal that we sympathize with Valjean’s frequent attempts to escape. Hugo advocatescompassion rather than this harsh prison treatment. Myriel’s kindness does not have immediate results, butit activates Valjean’s conscience, causing him to cry over the evil that has overtaken his soul and to make hisfirst steps to atone for his deeds. The redemption of Jean Valjean proceeds by four steps: the ferment in hismind after leaving Bishop Myriel with a first fall from grace in the theft of the boy’s coin; the decision to savean old comrade from the galleys who is falsely accused in his place; the trip to the barricade to save Mariuseven though this feat will result in the loss of Cosette to her lover; and the renunciation of Cosette after hermarriage to Marius. In addition to the spiritual salvation of Jean Valjean in the four stages outlined above,there are the confrontations with Javert: the first takes place when Jean Valjean is known as Madeleine, mayorof the town and a superior to the police officer; the indirect and almost fatal encounter with the inspectorwhen Jean Valjean is a prisoner of the Thénardiers; and the third meeting at the barricades and after theescape from the sewers. In the flight through Paris with Cosette, Jean Valjean and Javert do not actually meetone another—although both are well aware of the other’s probable identity. Once Jean Valjean opens up hisheart, he becomes a testament to the redemptive power of love and compassion. His hard work and new visiontransform the derelict town of Montreuil-sur-mer into a thriving manufacturing center, which in turn teachesValjean the value of philanthropy. In taking care of Cosette, Valjean learns how to love another personand how to pass that love onto others. He is exceptional only in his physical strength and his willingness todiscover what is good, and this earnestness is enough to make him the novel’s hero as well as a savior and afriend to a number of people who find themselves in danger. Hardened by prison and rescued by the kindnessof M. Myriel, Valjean is a blank state, molded by his encounters and circumstances. This ability to changemakes him a universal symbol of hope—if he can learn love and charity after suffering so much injustice,anyone can. In short, Les Misérables is controlled by Jean Valjean, as Paul Benichou recognizes aptly:“Andfrom beginning to end, through all the interruptions and innumberable subsidiary adventures, the noveldevelops the magnificent story of Jean Valjean, escaped convict, hero and saint.”



Myriel: Born in 1740 to a wealthy aristocratic family, Myriel is forced to flee to Italy during the FrenchRevolution of 1789. Years later, he returns to his homeland as a priest. A chance encounter with EmperorNapoleon in 1806 leads to Myriel’s appointment as bishop of Digne. When he moves to Digne, he discoversthat the church has provided him and his small entourage with a well-appointed eighteenth-century palace,while the patients at the hospital next door live in cramped and dangerous conditions. Myriel insists onswitching houses with the hospital and gives the majority of this church salary to the city’s poorest citizensand to charities in Paris and abroad. Myriel and his family live a simple life. Myriel’s compassion earns himthe love of his parishioners, and he becomes a clergyman of wide renown. He defends the needs of the poorand argues that most petty criminals steal to survive, not because they are inherently malicious. He becomesa vocal critic of the prejudices of French society and an advocate for universal education. Among the needy,Myreil’s actions earn him the nickname“Bienvenu”, which means“welcome”. He passes on thesesame qualities to Valjean and initiates the ex-convict’s spiritual renewal by saving Valjean from arrest andmaking him promise to live as an honest man. In Bishop Myriel, Hugo has relied upon actual facts so thatthe imaginative would seem to be subordinated to the realistic and biographical. However, as Elliot M. Grantnotes:“The truth is that Bishop Myriel is not merely a reflection of Msgr. De Miollis, but also of Victor Hugohimself. If Myriel’s career is, for the most part, like that of the benign bishop of Digne, his ideas are certainlysimilar to those of the novelist.”In addition to these two considerations of Bishop Myriel as a real portrait andas a representation of Hugo’s thought, the prelate likewise symbolizes the ideal Christian and is the author’spractical embodiment of the essential worth of the religious doctrine. The symbol of the candlesticks, BishopMyriel’s gift to Jean Valjean, is recurring image which recalls the ecclesiastic although he is absent fromfurther involvement in the plot.



Javert: He is a police inspector who strictly believes in law and order and will stop at nothing to enforceFrance’s harsh penal codes. Javert is incapable of compassion or pity, and performs his work with suchpassion that he takes on a nearly animal quality when he is on the chase. He nurses an especially strongdesire to recapture Valjean, whose escapes and prosperity he sees as an affront to justice. Ultimately, Javertis unable to say with certainty that Valjean deserves to be punished. This ambiguity under-mines thesystem of belief on which Javert bases his life and forces him to choose between hypocrisy and honor. Javertcertainly has a story to relate which justifies his conduct: he was born in prison of a convict parent; and therationale which made him such a staunch supporter of legality is brilliantly explicated. On Hugo’s side, thecause-and-effect relationship shows a shrewd demonstration of dramatic irony and psychological cunning.

The policeman has been molded so greatly by the past that he is a pathological case; he is a monomaniacabout the adherence to the legalistic code—even when it is wrong and merciless in its execution. When hisdefenses start to crumble because of contact with Jean Valjean, who does not fit his preconceived pattern,Javert’s anguish and doubts are slowly and subtly outlined. In Javert’s mind, a man is guilty when the lawdeclares him so. When Valjean finally gives Javert irrefutable proof that a man is not necessarily evil justbecause the law says he is, Javert is incapable of reconciling this new knowledge with his beliefs. He commitssuicide, plagued by the thought that he may be living a dishonorable life. True to Javert’s nature, he makesthis decision not with any emotional hysterics, but rather with a cool determination. Although he is a man oflogic, he is impassioned about his work. To this end, Hugo frequently uses animal imagery to describe Javert,particularly when he links him to a tiger. In the end, it is difficult to feel anything other than pity for Javert,who assumes his duty with such savagery that he seems more animal than man.



Fantine: Although all of Fantine’s misfortunes are caused by the callousness or greed of others, societyalways holds accountable for her behaviour. In this sense, she embodies Hugo’s view that French societydemands the most from those to whom it gives the least. Fantine is a poor, working-class girl from the desolateseacoast town of Montreuil-sur-mer, an orphan who has almost no education and can neither read nor write.

Fantine is a representation of a common phenomenon of the times: the simple country girl, attracted to the cityby thoughts of improvement, who is seduced by callous young men. This influx from rural to urban areas wasone of the major results of the Industrial Revolution. Fantine’s innocent affair with a dapper student namedTholomyés leaves her pregnant and abandoned. Although she is frail, she makes a Herculean effort to feedherself and her daughter, Cosette. Even as she descends into prostitution, she never stops caring for Cosette.

She represents the destruction that nineteenth-century French society cruelly wreaks on the less fortunate.

柯赛特:芳汀的女儿,母亲死后成为冉·阿让的养女。她在蒙费梅的泰纳迪埃夫妇家度过了奴仆般的童年,这一可怕的经历并没有使她变得冷酷和愤世嫉俗。在冉·阿让和小皮克普斯修女院修女们的关爱下,柯赛特终于出落成一位美丽的、有教养的年轻女子。柯赛特顺从并极为忠于她的养父,但她也有着自己的人格,这一人格在她进入青春期和因无家可归而忍饥挨饿的时候就表现出来了。在他们共同生活期间,冉·阿让的角色一时经历了从柯赛特的救星到监护人的变化。 柯赛特挚爱马里于斯的动力,大多源自冉·阿让教导她要对爱情忠贞不渝。到最后,柯赛特一直不忘对她的教养,她把从冉·阿让那里得到的启示应用于自己的生活,并体现在她对马里于斯的爱中。人们在这两个年轻人身上看到了用冉·阿让和芳汀所作的牺牲换来的成果。一代新人换旧人,但离去的一代应该感到欣慰,因为他们取得了成功。人们相信马里于斯和柯赛特会为实现他们先辈的理想去努力奋斗。

Cosette: Fantine’s daughter, who lives as Valjean’s adopted daughter after her mother dies. Cosettespends her childhood as a servant for the Thénardiers in Montfermeil, but even this awful experience doesnot make her hardened or cynical. Under the care of Valjean and the nuns of Petit-Picpus, Cosette ultimatelyblossoms into a beautiful, educated young woman. Though she is obedient and fiercely loyal to her adoptivefather, Cosette also has her own personality, which emerges as she enters adolescence and begins to hungerfor a less sheltered life. In this period of their lives, Valjean’s role temporarily changes from Cosette’s saviorto her jailer. Cosette’s ability to truly love Marius, however, is due in large part to Valjean, who has taught herto trust and love. In the end, Cosette remains true to her upbringing, and her love for Marius becomes her wayof applying to her own life what she has learned from Valjean. People may see in this young couple the fruit ofthe sacrifices of Jean Valjean and Fantine. One generation is yielding its place to another, but the departureof the first group should be cheerful—its work is a success. One feels more confident that Marius and Cosettewill strive toward a realization of the spirit of their predecessors.



Marius Pontmercy: Unlike the other major characters in the novel, Marius grows up in a well-to-dohousehold free of financial worries. Nonetheless, his family is split apart by politics, and it is not until hedevelops his own personality that he is able to become whole. Marius’s loyalties are torn between his father,Georges Pontmercy, who is a colonel in the Napoleonic army, and his staunchly monarchist grandfather,M. Gillenormand, who raises him. The political differences between his father and grandfather threaten totear apart Marius’s identity, as he learns that his conservative grandfather intentionally prevented him fromestablishing a relationship with his father out of fear that Marius would succumb to his father’s liberal politicalviews. Angry and confused, Marius adopts his father’s beliefs, but it soon becomes apparent that what hereally needs is an idealism of his own. Marius begins to develop truly only when he leaves Gillenormand’shouse, finding himself and falling in love for the first time. Marius also has a strong autobiographical basisas well. He is specifically a reflection of the young Hugo in the thick of the fray of street battles against theRestoration; and more obliquely Marius speaks as if the author himself were uttering his opinions. At the sametime, Marius is the prototype of the lover-hero of Romanticism—prepared to immolate himself on the altarof love and idealism. His devotion to the Colonel Pontmercy’s memory, the dubious cause of Thénardier,and the friends of the ABC political club deny self-interest; on the contrary, Marius has accepted poverty,the possible loss of Jean Valjean’s needed friendship, and life itself for the sake of the causes he espouses.

Then, too, Marius, like his counterpart, Cosette, is the hope of the future for Hugo: the young man will bedetoured from the narrow path of smug and selfish bourgeois ambitions to the broad highway of Jean Valjean’shumanitarianism.


Some minor characters who are important in the development of the action, influence the leadingcharacters and explain the author’s ideas:



The Thénardiers: M. Thénardier is a cruel, wretched, money-obsessed man who first appears asCosette’s keeper and tormentor. Thénardier extorts money from whomever he can, and he frequently servesas an informant to whoever will bid the highest. His schemes range from robbery to fraud to murder, and hehas strong ties to the criminal underworld in Pairs. Blinded by greed, Thénardier is incapable of loving otherhuman beings and spends every minute in pursuit of money. M. Thénardier’s wife, Mme. Thénardier isjust as evil as her husband and takes special pleasure in abusing Cosette. In later years, she becomes herhusband’s most devoted accomplice and is particularly enthusiastic about his schemes to rob Valjean andCosette. The Thénardiers are the epitome of pure and unadulterated evil; they reveal Hugo’s feeling thatsin is beyond redemption and is inexplicable. Jean Valjean carried within himself the same potentialities asthe Thénardiers for a profligate life, but he surmounted temptation and succumbed to goodness. But theThénardiers, when offered the opportunity to reform their lives, reject the occasions; they do not want JeanValjean’s help in the tavern when he takes Cosette, and they try to blackmail him when he extends financialhelp. Finally, Thénardier attempts extortion from Marius. Marius, overjoyed at what Thénardier said is thevindication of Jean, explains proudly to Thénardier that“You come to accuse this man, you have justifiedhim; you wanted to destroy him, you have succeeded only in glorifying him.”At any rate, Marius rids himselfand his conscience of Thénardier by giving him some money to rehabilitate himself. Thénardier uses thefunds to become a slavetrader—going on the road to ruin.


M. Gillernormand: He is Marius’s ninety-year-old maternal grandfather. Gillenormand prevents Mariusfrom seeing his father, Georges Pontmercy, because he fears that Pontmercy will corrupt Marius. As a devoutmonarchist, Gillenormand rejects the French Revolution outright and also rejects Pontmercy’s Napoleonicbeliefs. He is a realistic portrait of members of the“old guard”who will never accept social change; theycontinue to live according to the styles and political modes of the eighteenth century. Nevertheless, Hugohas shown him to be very human: the stubborn pride of old Gillenormand which rejects possibilities ofreconciliation with Marius; the joy when he sees his grandson again; and the understandable hopes of the oldman for the youth.


Colonel Georges Pontmercy: He is an officer in Napoleon’s army and Marius’s father. Pontmercy isseverely wounded at the Battle of Waterloo, and mistakenly believing that Thénardier has saved his life, heasks that Marius honour his debt. Pontmercy by himself is a realistic and compelling depiction of a staunchfollower of the Emperor Napoleon, and he may be modeled on Hugo’s own father, who was a general. Inthe larger sense, Pontmercy represents the source of much of the adulation toward Napoleon which beganto sweep France seriously after the Emperor’s death and contributed to Napoleon III’s seizure of power.

Gillenormand, the grandfather, and Pontmercy, the father, introduce the idea of opposites very sharply:

the former favouring the Bourbons and the latter the Napoleonic ideal. However, the two are sympatheticcharacters in their own right and are very realistically sketched.

1.5 复习讨论题

1.5 Questions for Revision and Discussion


(1)Why did Victor Hugo write Les Misérables? What are the themes of Les Misérables? (Or:

On the Theme of Les Misérables)



(2)Why did Hugo have to live abroad in exile? How many years did he live in exile? Howmany books did he write during the years of exile? Which books are they?

(3)你对雨果的人生有何感悟? 你认为我们应该向雨果学习些什么?

(3)What do you think of Hugo’s life? What do you think we should learn from Hugo?


(4)Why is it said that Les Misérables, while a Romantic novel, is also a product of Realism?


(5)What are the stylistic traits demonstrated in Les Misérables?



(6)Why is it said that Jean Valjean is not only the hero of Les Misérables but also the symbol ofHugo’s concepts of goodness and love? (Or: A Preliminary Study on Jean Valjean’s Life)


(7)What extent does the deion of Myriel’s background at the beginning of Les Misérablesintroduce us to the central themes of the novel?


(8)What ultimately drives Javert to suicide?


(9)What are the factors leading to Fantine’s decline?


(10)What are the central conflicts that lead Marius to leave Gillenormand’s house? How does heresolve them?


(11)What is the role that family allegiance plays in the lives of Cosette and Marius?


(12)What are the ways in which Valjean both helps and hinders Cosette as she becomes anadult? Why?


(13)How does Hugo treat the Industrial Revolution? Is there any place or city that bestrepresents the pros and cons of industry?


(14)How does Valjean struggle to transform himself from a thief into an honest man?


(15)Why is it said that Les Misérables still contains valid and useful ideals of goodness andhumanitarianism for the quest of man toward progress and enlightenment?


(16)Why does the author write in the brief preface to the book Les Misérables that“so long asignorance and misery remain on earth, books like this (Les Misérables) cannot be useless”?

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