
第49章 人生全由你自己去创造(3)

1.3 作品赏析

1.3 Appreciation of the Novel


Victor Hugo utilizes the history of France from 1789 through the bloody insurrections of Paris as thebackground for his novel, Les Misérables. He tries to sketch the conflicting ideological struggles betweenroyalists and revolutionaries, liberals and conservatives, the middle class and the workers. At the sametime, the writer places himself decisively on the side of democracy, liberalism, and humanitarianism as thenecessary elements in a social order being crushed by mechanization and profits. Hugo also shows himselfin the current of all the literary trends of the day in Les Misérables, particularly Romanticism and Realism.

Romanticism and Realism, with their attendant characteristics, are observed in the book: The entire love storyof Marius and Cosette is strictly according to the Romantic school. While the love story is a type of the genre,it is developed according to the whims of Romanticism. But Les Misérables is also the culminating creationof Romanticism even though it chronologically falls after the decline of the Romantic ideal. Paul Benichoudefines it thus:“It is certainly true that Les Misérables is the most finished example of a technique whichthe Romantics preferred to all others: the development of an idea by means of a story.”Even so, the plot isstrongly Romantic in that it centers on the tragic existence of a solitary and unwanted individual battling fateand misfortune. Meanwhile Les Misérables is a Realistic novel because the actors are taken from real lifeand circumstances although the occurrences which befall these characters are treated Romantically. Thereis also a precise and objective enumeration of the environment, the geographical setting, the histories of thepersonages, the historical period, and the contemporary milieu. In fact, most of the characters are drawn fromthe lowest, most unfortunate classes of society, which makes the task of the Realistic novelist more forcefuland influential. Paul Benichou reduces the formula of Hugo in this fashion:“Les Misérables is first of allthe product of a varied experience of the world, containing the perceptions of an entire life. And this image ofreality is also a realistic image. The symbol, as Hugo uses it, does not idealize things; rather, it expresses theirspiritual meaning without disguising them.”In short, Les Misérables, while it is a Romantic novel, is also aproduct of Realism, the next great literary movement of the nineteenth century in France.


The human imagination which Hugo demonstrated at such great length in Les Misérables may be seenin the way that the novel has been assigned to several forms of the genre; indeed, one of the chief qualities ofLes Misérables resides in the fact that it is a synthesis of existing aspects of the novel. Thus, Les Misérablesis a detective story, a story of war and revolution, a love story, a romantic novel, a realistic novel, a religiousnovel, and a philosophical novel. Hugo has succeeded in writing an epic in prose—something which heattempted in poetry and never fully brought off. Despite the various types of novel in Les Misérables, thereis outstanding artistic unity; and Hugo defined his ambitions about this book thus:“The book has beencomposed from within to outward: the idea giving birth to the characters, the characters producing thedrama—there is the law of art.”

虽然我们试图从不同的角度去理解这部小说,但艾略特·M. 格兰特得出的需要从整体上去理解《悲惨世界》的结论仍能引起人们的深思:“因此,我们也许不必为维克多·雨果这部小说的确切类别归属而担心。让我们满足于把它称为巨着吧。因为书中的一些人物受到全世界的欢迎,因为它准确地反映了19世纪的难题和信念,因为它把某些历史事件讲述得如此生动,更因为深厚的人类同情心使每一页都充满活力。这样,我们便会再次发现,雨果已有意或无意地超出了任何一个小说流派的界限。”

Although we have attempted an understanding of the novel under its various aspects, one canreflect upon the considerations of Elliot M. Grant about the necessity of comprehending the totality of LesMisérables:“So perhaps we need not worry too much about the exact classification of Victor Hugo’s novel.

Let us be satisfied that the book is great; great because it contains certain characters who have achievedworld-wide fame, great because it reflects so admirably some of the problems and beliefs of the nineteenthcentury, great because it relates so stirringly certain historical events, great above all because a profoundhuman sympathy animates its every page. Once again we discover that, wittingly or not, Victor Hugo has gonebeyond the limitations of any one school.”




Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. In Les Misérables,Hugo asserts that love and compassion are the most important gifts one person can give another and thatalways displaying these qualities should be the most important goal in life. Valjean’s transformation froma hate-filled and hardened criminal into a well-respected philanthropist epitomizes Hugo’s emphasis onlove, for it is only by learning to love others that Valjean is able to improve himself. While Valjean’s effortson behalf of others inevitably cause him problems, they also give him a sense of happiness and fulfillmentthat he has never felt before. Valjean’s love for others—in particular, for Cosette—is what keeps him goingin desperate times. Hugo also makes clear that loving others, while difficult, is not always a thankless task,and he uses Valjean and Fauchelevent to show that love begets love, and compassion begets compassion.

Valjean jumps out of a crowd of onlookers to rescue Fauchelevent; years later, Fauchelevent repays Valjean’sbravery by offering him refuge in the convent of Petit-Picpus. In Hugo’s novel, love and compassion arenearly infectious, passed on from one person to another. After M. Myriel transforms Valjean with acts of trustand affection, Valjean, in turn, is able to impart this compassion to Cosette, rescuing her from the corruptingcruelty of the Théardiers. Cosette’s love then reaches fulfillment through her marriage to Marius, and theirlove for each other leads them both to forgive Valjean for his criminal past. Hugo uses his novel to condemnthe unjust class-based structure of nineteenth-century France, showing time and again that the society’sstructure turns good, innocent people into beggars and criminals. Hugo focuses three areas that particularlyneed reform: education, criminal justice, and the treatment of women. In Les Misérables, Hugo traces thesocial impact of the numerous revolutions, insurrections, and executions that took place in late eighteenth-and early nineteenth-century France. By chronicling the rise and fall of Napoleon as well as the restorationand subsequent decline of the Bourbon Monarchy, Hugo gives us a sense of the perpetual uncertainty thatpolitical events imposed upon daily life. Though Hugo’s sympathies are with republican movements ratherthan with the monarchy, he criticizes all of the regimes since the French Revolution of 1789 for their inabilityto deal effectively with social injustice or eliminate France’s rigid class system.


Nonetheless, it is well to inquire into the technical and artistic procedures of Hugo in the constructionof his novel, and to see which are fruitful in their development and which may be defective in their execution.

Hugo began his career as a poet and as a dramatist, and he carried over some of the theories from those genresinto his novelistic art. Thus, his style reflects a forceful and dynamic poetic wellspring. He indulges freelyin a rich and flowery prose which makes abundant use of adjectives, for instance. Nevertheless, the style ofHugo is basically simple, and his conversational patterns reflect the environment and class of the speaker.

Hugo also employs hyperbole and repetition very frequently; his exaggerated expression and emphasis anewon the idea lend powerful weight to his opinions. Enough has been indicated within the plot summaries to seeclearly and often Hugo’s reliance upon coincidence and chance as basic to his concept of the novel. Theseideas are also part of the Romantic credo, which refuses to accept life as ruled only by cold reason and totallyexplicable phenomena. Thus, these devices serve to resolve story situations but they likewise prove Hugo’sloyalty to Romanticism. Antithesis is the fundamental trait of the sentence structure of Les Misérables; andthis antithetical composition is employed in epigrammatic fashion. The balancing of thoughts is frequentlysimilar in context and even more frequently of a directly opposite idea from the first part of the sentence.

Metaphor, symbol and personification, usually encountered in poetry, also are to be found in Hugo’s novel.

He cannot resist the direct and implied comparisons of a thought, and the results are compelling in theirattraction. He also sees the human analogy in apparently inanimate objects and is tempted to digress intothese relationships. Although these characteristics lend beauty and richness of texture to the text, theyadmittedly slow down the process of story and plot development. In a rapid reading, they are probably not soclosely observed; once the reader will take the occasion to review the text—when interest in“what happensnext”is not followed at feverish pace—he will appreciate to fuller advantage the interior decoration ofHugo’s edifice in Les Misérables. In short, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, although these partsare artistically portrayed. Thus Saurat summarizes the total effect:“Les Misérables, on the other hand, is atremendous building which is harmoniously planned and executed, a real living organic unit. Hugo managedto produce in prose that epic which he somehow failed to achieve in poetry.”

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