
第51章 奋斗改变人生(1)

Section Two Striving for a Change of One’s Life


The path of life is not one covered only with rose petals. In fact, it is oftentimes overgrown withbrambles, full of twists and turns, ups and downs, trials and tribulations, setbacks and frustrations, sometimeseven falling into a trap or being ensnared. But, no matter whatever happens, never be disappointed or loseconfidence! To struggle, and again and again to renew the conflict. This is life’s inheritance. Striving canchange one’s life. Death makes life more precious; frustration makes success more fulfilling; failure makesthe next accomplishment more meaningful. You can’t really know how great is your sense of satisfaction atsucceeding at a hard job unless you are also deeply aware of the pain of failure. It’s through the capacity tofeel that we discover ourselves and others and explore the potential for a full, significant life. Consequently,we have been striving for our final goal—Perfection of One’s Life.


Let’s read Luo Guanzhong’s The Romance of the Three Kingdoms! We can see how the writer and hismain characters have changed their lives by constant striving.

2.1 内容简介

2.1 Introduction


The first long novel in the history of Chinese literature, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, whichnarrates historical events and portrays historical figures in the form of literature, is called historical romanceor what is today known as historical novel. Different from its Western counterparts, the literary historicalromance in ancient China is much closer to historical facts, therefore, the theory of“seventy percent truthand thirty percent fabrication”about the novel, put forward by the Qing-dynasty historian Zhang Xuecheng,is widely recognized. Such being the case, however, the author Luo Guanzhong combined historical facts, folklegends and unique artistic imagination into a perfect whole, rendering it not only full of moving dramatic plotbut also infused with intense love and hate. Through his intricate portrayal of the characters, Luo Guanzhongsucceeds in swaying readers toward his pro-Liu and anti-Cao sentimental bias. In the novel, each of theimportant figures is a model of a certain ethic or character, such as Cao Cao’s treachery, Guan Yu’s loyaltyto his sworn brothers, Liu Bei’s benevolence, and Zhuge Liang’s wisdom, all repeatedly displayed througha variety of situations. In narrating the history of this period, the author displays his clear-cut inclination toextol Liu Bei and disparage Cao Cao, which reflects his ideal of“the benevolence government”. Liu Beiis portrayed as an outstanding emperor, who sparkles with honesty and kind-heartedness, benevolence andloyalty as well as love for the people and the respect for the subordinates. And those working faithfully for himare all representative of the ideal personalities in the feudal society. For example, Zhuge Liang is both a primeminister of insight and ability and a wise and resourceful strategist; Guan Yu is a brave general and also aman of loyalty and heroism; Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei are the brave and fearless heroes. Conversely, Cao Cao,Liu Bei’s counterpart, is depicted as evil and treacherous. He is villainy in treachery and deceit, suspicionand tyranny and extreme selfishness. He orders the lords about in the emperor’s name, throwing his weightaround and running amok. In the depictions of Cao Cao the author expresses his strong disapproval of“thetyrannical government”.


This great classic chronicles the century long political and military struggle among the three Kingdoms,Wei, Shu and Wu. It spans the period from 184 when the Yellow Turbans Uprising broke out to 280 whenEmperor Wu of Western Jin Sima Yan reunited China.


In Chapter 1, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, we find Cao Cao and Liu Xuande serving the Hanemperor Ling on the battlefield as they conduct operations to suppress peasant uprisings led by the YellowScarves. In the following chapters the focus shifts to the Emperor. In A.D. 189 Ling dies, and his successor,Shao, reigns briefly. A warlord named Dong Zhuo deposes Shao and places Shao’s younger brother Xian onthe throne. Emperor Xian will reign until the dynasty ends in A.D. 220. Cao Cao and Liu Xuande appearintermittently until chapter 20, when Cao Cao presents Liu Xuande to Emperor Xian. At this point Cao Caohas command of the armed forces and holds the Emperor in thrall. But like a shogun careful to preservethe facade of imperial rule, Cao Cao refrains from usurping the throne and founding his own ruling house.

The Emperor, in an effort to limit Cao Cao’s control, tries to make an ally of Liu Xuande. He confirms LiuXuande’s claim to royal lineage by naming him imperial uncle and in A.D. 199 issues an edict written inhis own blood and calling for action against the traitor Cao Cao. Liu Xuande joins a group of court loyalistswho, inspired by the edict, vow to rescue the Emperor. This intrigue fails, and Liu Xuande leaves the courtand the capital. Henceforth Liu Xuande as well as Cao Cao—but no one else—can legitimately claim to actunder imperial sanction, and so they become rival loyalists. Emperor Xian is always at the center of theircalculations, and his survival is therefore assured. Cao Cao remains the dominant figure at court; Liu Xuandegoes to seek his fortune in the wide world, the“rivers and hills”of China, by proving his virtue (de) ofworthiness to rule. The Cao Cao-Liu Xuande struggle, which begins as a court conflict, becomes an empire-wide crisis in Chapter 38; the crisis culminates in Chapter 50. In these thirteen chapters (from Chapter 38to Chapters 50), the narrative runs from the meeting of Liu Xuande and his ideal minister, Zhuge Liang(Kongming), in A.D. 207 to the battle at Red Cliffs in A.D. 208.


After Liu Bei leaves the imperial court, he takes refuge with Yuan Shao in A. D. 200 after being defeatedby Cao Cao’s army. The next year after being defeated by Cao Cao’s army again, he takes refuge with Liu Biao,protector of Jingzhou, but he is not safe. Liu Biao’s wife Lady Cai and her brother CaiMao threaten him fromwithin, while Cao Cao, who covets Jingzhou, remains a threat from without. In A.D. 207 Cao Cao marcheson Jingzhou, hoping to annex it; Xuande is about to be overwhelmed. Xuande has come to understand thatneither he nor his brothers are able to master the rapid changes in the empire, and that to become a majorcontender for power he needs diplomatic and military guidance. At this point Kongming enters the scene,both in history and in the novel. Liu Xuande pays three visits to Zhuge Liang and has won Kongming’s heart.

Zhuge Liang’s decision to serve Xuande as chief adviser confirms Xuande’s virtue. Kongming appears inChapter 36. He is twenty-seven, twenty years Xuande’s junior. Despite his youth Kongming proves to beshrewd and erudite as both a diplomat and a strategist. In his first interview with Xuande, Kongming presentshis three-part project for restoring the Han dynasty (in Chapter 38). His immediate goal is for Xuande tojoin forces with the Southland in order to save Xuande from Cao Cao and to inspire the south to resist him.

His intermediate goal is for Liu Bei to establish an independent kingdom in the west, along the river, and tomaintain the alliance with the south against the north. His ultimate goal is to reconquer the northern heartlandand place Liu Bei on the Han throne. As events unfold, southern resistance to Cao Cao leads to the division ofthe Han empire into three warring Kingdoms. Thus, at the outset Kongming’s career becomes bound up withthe central issue of his time. He uses his talent for military strategy to support Liu Bei in his struggle againstCao Cao, and in a series of far-ranging battles over a period of many years he enables Liu Bei to extricatehimself from the position of being the underdog in the threefold division of the empire. By persuading SunQuan to join forces with Liu Bei against Cao Cao at the Battle of the Red Cliffs he laid the foundation of thedestiny of the Three Kingdoms (from Chapter 43 to Chapter 50).


After Cao Cao’s serious defeat at Red Cliffs Battle, he abandons his effort to unify the empire byconquest and proceeds to develop his position in the north. As their influence grows, Liu Xuande and CaoCao increasingly appear not merely as supporters of the Han emperor but as potential emperors in their ownright, though neither one can afford to take any action that would expose him to the charge of treason by theother. Normally, of course, a son of Emperor Xian or Emperor Ling would stand in the line of succession. ButCao Cao neutralizes all the imperial sons by demoting them to minor princes. And he murders the one consortpermitted to Emperor Xian, Empress Fu, along with her two sons. On the first day of the first month of JianAn 20 (A.D 215), on the celebration of the new year, Cao Cao’s daughter, the concubine Cao, became theEmpress of Han. And no courtier dared object (in Chapter 66). The care Cao Cao takes to eliminate possibleheirs to Emperor Xian only makes Liu Xuande’s place in the royal Liu clan, however remote or dubious,all the more significant. He, like Cao Cao, awaits the next generation. For Cao Cao or for one of his sons tobecome emperor would constitute a change of the ruling house. What principle could justify a nonfamilialsuccession? This question raises what is commonly known as the issue of legitimacy or orthodxy. Cao Caohimself never takes the final step of usurpation; he always casts himself in the role of regent to Emperor Xian.

Accordingly, he often compares himself to the regent of the first reign of the Zhou dynasty (late eleventhcentury B.C.), the Duke of Zhou (Zhougong), celebrated for fulfilling his custodial office and then returningpower to the child-king in his trust when the ruler came of age. By taking the Duke of Zhou as his model,Cao Cao makes it known that he will not depart from his custodial role and depose the Emperor. Cao Caoclaims that his regency preserves civil order by restraining a multitude of contenders who, in pursuit of theirends, would plunge the empire into civil war. Cao Cao’s claim sounds quite reasonable. But he preservesEmperor Xian’s position, he also builds his own kingdom and thus lays the foundation for his heirs to founda new dynasty. His first step is to proclaim himself duke of Dake (Weigong) (in Chapter 61), a title last usedby Wang Mang, the usurper of the Former Han dynasty. Cao Cao’s second step is to proclaim himself King ofWei and to name an heir (in Chapter 68). As king he becomes a dynast. And rivalry between two of his sons,Pi and Zhi, swiftly brings home to the house of Cao the curse of dynastic government. Cao Cao dies of illnessin A.D. 220 (in Chapter 78), and Cao Pi, his first son, succeeds him as King of Wei. Within the year Cao Pidemands and receives the abdication (shan) of Emperor Xian and establishes himself on the throne of the Weidynasty. The Han is no more (in Chapter 80).


On the Kingdom front, the next year of Cao Pi’s declaration of a new dynasty, i.e. A.D.221, the King ofHanzhong, Liu Xuande, takes the Two Plain’ throne as Han’s true heir.“It being the day Dingsi, fifty-fourthof the cycle, twelve days after the beginning of the fourth moon on Bingwu, the twenty-sixth year of Jian An.

I, Bei, the August Emperor, resolve to proclaim to the august shining Heaven and the fruitful earth that theHan hold the empire in unbroken succession.... Now Cao Cao has committed atrocities and cruelly murderedthe reigning sovereign, a hideous crime that assails the very skies. His son Pi gives free rein to nefarioustreason, unlawfully seizing the sacred instruments of rule. The whole of our civil and military hold that, withthe services of the Han lapsed and void, it is proper for me, Bei, to resume them ...”“...they changed thereign title to Zhang Wu, Manifest Might. The Emperor’s consort, Lady Wu, was made Empress. His eldestson, Shan, was appointed heir apparent....”Hence the kingdom is called Shu-Han. These events (Chapter80) mark the official beginning of the era called The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The third king, SunQuan, who rules Wu, or the Southland, waits until A.D. 229 before proclaiming his own dynasty. From whatis introduced above we can see the novel’s main concern is the reign of the last Han emperor, Xian (r. A.D.189-220). To this period the author devotes two- thirds of his work, the first eighty chapters; he describes inrich detail the final crisis of the four-hundred-year Han dynasty and vividly portrays the historical scenesabout tangled warfare among the warlords and a number of contenders for the throne, finally culminating inthe displacement of its ruling house, the Liu, by the Cao family.


The last third of the novel, the final forty chapters, tells the story mainly of the rise and fall of the threecliques like Cao Cao’s, Liu Bei’s and Sun Quan’s, the emergence of the Three Kingdoms and their mutualstruggles as well as the reunification of China by Sima Yi’s son Sima Yan of the Sima clique in A.D. 280.

That’s why we say The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, based on a history of several heroes’ contention forthe throne during the chaotic Three Kingdom Period, deals with the historical process from the unification ofthe country through its division to its final reunification.




The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the first full-length classic historical romance with clearchapter divisions to appear in Chinese history. This historical novel transports the reader from the highestcouncils of dynastic power to the lowest fringes of society, from the capital and key provinces to the edges ofthe empire and beyond. It is a tale of China itself in its infinite variety, a tale peopled with kings and courtiers,commanders and scholars, magicians and peasant rebels. Women seem to play a small part, but their roleshave the utmost significance. The novel offers a starling and unsparing view of how power is wielded, howdiplomacy is conducted, and how wars are planned and fought; and the novel has in turn influenced the waysthe Chinese think about power, diplomacy, and war. It includes not only fine writing from the traditionalcategories of the rites, music, poetry and prose, it also draws from the folk arts storytelling, drama, divination,etc. as well as a plethora of vigorous plot lines, and life-like characters. This is why it’s said that the novel isa crystallization of the heritage of Chinese literature and contains a wealth of wisdom accumulated throughthe ages. No other work of this genre, in past times or present, has had such a deep and wide-ranging impacton Chinese society. The various episodes have been transmitted to every nook and cranny of Chinese society,either directly or indirectly by means of the theatre, songs and other channels of popular culture, and areknown in every household in the land. The literate of China read and reread it; those who cannot read learnit (perhaps even more intensely) from story tellers and opera and word of mouth. It is, simply, a terrific story.

Every element is there: drama and suspense, valor and cowardice, loyalty and betrayal, power and subtlety,chivalry and statecraft, the obligations of ruler and subject, conflicts in the basic ties of brotherhood andlineage, etc. It is an important piece of world literature. In a word, the novel not only well merits a reading butalso continues to have vitality in Chinese attitudes and behaviour.


The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which has had a wide and profound influence in China, hasbeen translated into more than sixty foreign languages and has been widely read across the world. Theearliest translation into a foreign language was into Japanese. This was a complete translation in 50 volumes.

The novel’s popularity in Japan can be judged from the fact that there are at present about a dozen versionson sale. In English, the first translations were of excepts serialized in periodicals during the 19th century,and the first full-length translation was published in two volumes in Shanghai in 1925. This version wasreprinted in the United States by the Charles E. Tuttle Company in Rutland, Vermont, and in Tokyosimultaneously in 1959. The latest complete English translation was done by Moss Roberts who was born inNew York, is Professor of Chinese at New York University and published jointly by the Foreign LanguagesPress and University of California Press in 1991. The first volume of the French translation was publishedin Paris in 1845, and the second volume, which goes only as far as Chapter 44 in the original, in 1851. Acomplete translation into Russian, in two volumes and 120 chapters, was published by the Moscow LiteraturePublishing House in 1954. The whole novel translated for the first time into Vietnamese was published inHanoi in 1949, and the first complete translation into Korean was published by the National Literature andArt Publishing House in 1959. There are besides partial or complete translations of the novel in scores ofother languages. In short, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been spread all over the world, not justas a masterpiece of Chinese literature, but as a precious gem from the treasure house of world literature.

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