
第39章 学会做人(1)

Section Two Learning How to Be a Man


In order to survive we have to learn some knowledge or skills, by which we can live. If we want tohave a better life, we must learn something new. Only by constant learning can our ideals be brought torealization. What is most important is to learn how to be a man. We can improve our mind and health bylearning.“Studies pass into the character.”We can perfect our characters and personalities by learningconstantly. Consequently we’ll have a perfect life.


Let’s read William Shakespeare’s Hamlet! We can understand the writer and his main characters howto learn to be a man.

2.1 内容介绍

2.1 Introduction


Hamlet is Shakespeare’s best play—the best of them all. Although this play is usually known asHamlet, its full title is The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. This told the Elizabethanaudience straight away that the play was about the death of a noble hero. Revenge tragedies, in which the herofights for justice and revenge before dying, were very common at this time. Usually they were full of violentaction with lots of bloodthirsty details, which the Elizabethans loved.


Shakespeare completed Hamlet in 1600. The contemporary scholar Gabriel Harvey noted, before 1601,in his copy of Speght’s Chaucer:“The younger sort takes much delight in Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis;but his Lucrece, and The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, have it in them, to please the wisersort.”Thus Hamlet must have been staged round the end of 1600. But the first quarto of Hamlet, a badquarto, was published in 1603, because the play, just like any other plays, could not be published until sometime after they had been performed so as to protect the economic rights and interests of the theatre company.



The story of Hamlet has probably been used three kinds of materials for reference. The first is anold play mentioned in 1589, acted at the Newington Butts Theatre, London in 1594 and now is generallycalled Ur-Hamlet. But the text has not survived. It has been attributed to various writers, notably to ThomsKyd (1558—1594) the author of the popular Spanish Tragedy. It might be he who wrote another“EnglishSenecan”(Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 4BC-65AD) play. It has a very great number of similarities toShakespeare’s Hamlet. The second is the story of Amlethus in Volume 3 and Volume 4 of Historia Danicaby Saxo Grammaticus, a Danish historian, in Latin in the twelfth century. But this historical story was nottranslated into English until 1608, quite a few years after Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. The third is the Frenchversion of the story of Amlethus from Saxo’s Historia Danica translated by the sixteenth-century Frenchwriter F. de Belleforest, whose Histories Traiques included the Hamlet story and was published in 1570.

Shakespeare might have read the French version because many of the details of his story were the same.

Whatever story Shakespeare borrowed for Hamlet, the play was a great success! Shakespeare took thestory and all the other suggestions and wrote an immortal masterpiece which reflected his age and his owninnermost thoughts and feelings.









The story of Hamlet: The guards of Elsinore Castle in Denmark have seen a Ghost on the battlements. Itlooks like the father of Prince Hamlet who died only two months before. They ask Horatio, a young noblemanand a friend of the prince, to watch with them and to talk to the Ghost. When it appears, it does not speak,and disappears from sight. The new King of Denmark is Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle who has just marriedthe Prince’s mother, Gertrude. He allows Laertes, the son of his Lord Chamberlain, Polonius, to return toParis“and let him ply his music”. But to Hamlet he says:“For your intent in going back to school inWittenberg, / It is most retrograde to our desire; / And we beseech you, bend you to remain / Here, in thecheer and comfort of our eye, / Our chiefest courtier, cousin, and our son.”

Hamlet is still extremely distressed by his father’s sudden death and deeply upset that his mother hasmarried barely two months afterwards. He longs for death and condemns his mother with the words,”Frailty,thy name is woman.”Hamlet, meanwhile, has gone to the castle battlements with Horatio. When the Ghostappears, he speaks to Hamlet, as the spirit of his dead father.“I am thy father’s spirit; / Doom’d for a certainterm to walk the night, / And for the day confin’d to fast in fires, / Till the foul crimes done in my days ofnature / Are burnt and purg’d away. But that I am forbid / To tell the secrets of my prison-house, / I could atale unfold whose lightest word / Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood... /’Tis given out that,sleeping in mine orchard, / A serpent stung me; so the whole ear of Denmark / Is by a forged process of mydeath rankly abus’d; ... / Brief let me be. Sleeping within mine orchard, / My custom always in the afternoon,/ Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole, / With juice of cursed hebona in a vial, /And in the porches of mineears did pour / The leperous distilment; whose effect / Holds such an enmity with blood of man / That swiftas quicksilver it courses through / The natural gates and alleys of the body, / And with a sudden vigour itdoth posset / And curd, like eager droppings into milk, / The thin and wholesome blood: so did it mine, / Anda most instant tetter bark’d about, / Most lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust, / All my smooth body. /Thus was I, sleeping, by a brother’s hand, / Of life, of crown, of queen, at once dispatch’d; / Cut off even in theblossoms of my sin, / Unhousel’d, disappointed, unanel’d, / No reckoning made, but sent to my account / Withall my imperfections on my head: / O, horrible! O, horrible! Most horrible! / If thou hast nature in thee, bearit not; / Let not the royal bed of Denmark be / A couch for luxury and damned incest. / But, howsoever thoupursu’st this act, / Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive / Against thy mother aught; leave her to heaven,/ And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge, / To prick and sting her. Fare thee well at once!... / Hamlet,remember me.”

Hamlet tells Horatio and Marcellus“And now, good friends, as you are friends, scholars, and soldiers,give me one poor request. Never make known what you have seen tonight.”Both of them have sworn.

Hamlet decides to find proof of his uncle’s wickedness. He is determined to kill the king, and pretends tobe mad in order to trick him. Ophelia, Laertes’ sister, who has been courted by Hamlet, notices his strangebehaviour. She tells her father, Polonius, who decides that Hamlet is lovesick for Ophelia. Claudius, theKing, is also worried about Hamlet’s behaviour. The King and Queen decide to see if Hamlet is sufferingfrom lovesickness. They arrange for Ophelia to be alone with Hamlet, but where the King and Polonius caneavesdrop on the conversation. Hamlet ponders on death and asks Ophelia whether it is better to live or die.

Hamlet spurns Ophelia’s love with cruel words, and she cries out in despair at the change in him. Havingheard the conversation between Hamlet and Ophelia, the King now knows that it is not love that disturbsHamlet. He suspects Hamlet of evil plans and decides to send him to England. Meanwhile, the King sends forRosencrantz and Guildenstern, old school friends of Hamlet, and asks if they can find out what is wrong withhim. Hamlet soon discovers that they are messengers from the King. He describes his melancholy to them.

When Hamlet learns that a group of travelling players are to perform at Elsinore Castle, he asks the actors ifthey will add a scene to their play—“I’ll have these players / Play something like the murder of my father /Before mine uncle; I’ll observe his looks; / I’ll tent him to the quick: if he but blench / I know my course... I’llhave grounds / More relative than this: the play’s the thing / Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.”

Hamlet instructs the actors how to play their parts well. He carefully watches the reactions of Claudiusand his mother to the play.“The lady doth protest too much, methinks,”is Gertrude’s response, but theKing is disturbed. When the actors reach the point where the Player King is poisoned, Claudius rises andsays“Give me some light: away!”Frightened and guilty, the King rushes from the hall. Hamlet is nowconvinced that Claudius murdered his father and he is determined on revenge. The King now realizes thatHamlet knows of his murderous deed. Alone, Claudius tries to pray for forgiveness but finds it difficult.

Hamlet, seeing him alone, rejects the chance to kill him. If the King’s prayers were heard, argues Hamlet tohimself, Claudius might be forgiven and would not suffer the fires of hell. Hamlet has been summoned to seehis mother and she agrees that Polonius should hide behind the arras, or tapestry curtain, to listen to theirconversation. Hamlet speaks harshly to his mother, threatening her, and Polonius cries out, alarmed for hersafety. Hamlet, believing it to be the King, draws his sword and thrusts it through the curtain. Polonius fallsdead at his feet. The Queen, convinced that his son is mad, tells the King of Polonius’s death. Claudius knowsthat the blow was intended for him and insists that Hamlet leave for England at once. Soon after Hamlet setsout for England, it becomes obvious that Ophelia has gone mad because of her father’s death and the lossof Hamlet’s love.“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, But in battalions,”observes Claudius.

Laertes, who has heard of his father’s death, rushes back from France to Denmark. He is shocked byOphelia’s insanity. She strews flowers and sings, oblivious of her surroundings. Claudius convinces Laertesthat Hamlet is responsible for his father Polonius’s death and also for his sister Ophelia’s madness. Whenthey learn from a messenger that Hamlet has not gone to England but is returning to court, they set up a planto kill him. Claudius advises Laertes to challenge Hamlet to a fencing match. He says:“He, being remiss.

/ Most generous and free from all contriving. / Will not peruse the fails; so that, with ease / Or with a littleshuffling, you may choose / A sword unbated, and, in a pass of practice /Requite him for your father.”

Laertes agrees but says that he will add poison to the tip of the sword. To make sure that Hamlet dies,Claudius decides to add poison t the wine Hamlet will drink when he is hot and dry during the duel. On thevoyage to England, Hamlet says,“Up from my cabin, / My sea-gown scarf’d about me, in the dark / Grop’dI to find out them, had my desire, / Finger’d their packet, and in fine withdrew / To mine own room again;making s bold— / My fears forgetting manners—to unseal / Their grand commission; where I found, Horatio,/ O royal knavery! an exact command, / Larded with many several sorts of reasons / Importing Denmark’shealth, and England’s too, / With, ho! such bugs and goblins in my life, / That, on the supervise, no leisurebated, / No, not to stay the grinding of the axe, / My head should be struck off.”/“Being thus benetted roundwith villainies,— /..., I sat me down, / Devis’d a new commission,... / An earnest conjuration from the king,/ As England was his faithful tributary, /As love between them like the palm should fourish,... / And manysuch-like‘As’es of great charge, / That, on the view and knowing of these contents, / Without debatementfurther, more or less, / He should the bearers put to sudden death, / Not shriving-time allow’d.”/“I hadmy father’s signet in my purse, / Which was the model of that Danish seal; / Folded the writ up in form of theother, / Subscrib’d it, gave’t th’ impression, plac’d it safely, / The changeling never known. Now, the next day/ Was our sea-fight....”“Finding ourselves too slow of sail, we put on a compelled valour, in the grappleI boarded them: on the instant they got clear of our ship, so I alone became their prisoner. They have dealtwith me like thieves of mercy, but they knew what they did; I am to do a good turn for them.”Hamlet on hisreturn to Elsinore has been met by Horatio in the graveyard outside the city. Horatio and Hamlet discoverthat the grave is for Ophelia. Hamlet declares his love for Ophelia, but Laertes insists that the fencingmatch take place. The fencing match begins, but during it Laertes wounds Hamlet; them, in scuffling, theychange rapiers, and Hamlet wounds Laertes in return. Consequently, both Hamlet and Laertes are cut withthe poisoned sword. The Queen picks up the wine meant for Hamlet, and before the King can stop her, shedrinks it for her son’s fortune and she dies. Hamlet picks up the poisoned sword and kills the King. Laertesdies and it is clear that Hamlet, too, is dying. Horatio wants to drink the poisoned wine in order to die withHamlet, but Hamlet insists that he remain alive to tell Hamlet’s story and clear his name. before he dies,Hamlet asks“What war-like noise is this?”He is told that“Young Fortinbras, whose father was defeatedand killed by his father—the last king old Hamlet in the war, with conquest come from Poland, To theambassadors of England gives“This war-like volley.”Hamlet says:“O! I die, Horatio; / The Potent poisonquite o’er-crows my spirit: / I cannot live to hear the news from England, / But I do prophesy the eleclionlights / On Fortinbras: he has my dying voice; / So tell him, with the occurrents, more or less, / Which havesolicited...”

As Hamlet dies in Horatio’s arms, Horatio bids him a last farewell. At that moment, Fortinbras, theEnglish Ambassadors and others arrive at the Danish court to find a scene of devastation. The EnglishAmbassadors say:“The sight is dismal; / And our affairs from England come too late: / The ears are senselessthat should give us hearing, / To tell him his commandment is fulfill’d, / That Resencrantz and Guildensternare dead. / Where should we have our thanks?”Fortinbras says,“For me, with sorrow I embrace my fortune;/ I have some rights of memory in this kingdom, / Which now to claim my vantage doth invite me.”Horatioreplies,“Of that I shall have also cause to speak, / And from his mouth whose voice will draw on more: / Butlet this same be presently perform’d, / Even while men’s minds are wild, lest more mischance / On plots anderrors happen.”“Having heard what Horatio explained, Fortinbras commands: Let four captains / BearHamlet, like a soldier, to the stage; / For he was likely, had he been put on, / To have prov’d most royally: and,for his passage, / The soldiers’ music and the rites of war / Speak loudly for him.”



By 1603 Hamlet had been diverse times acted... in the City of London: as also in the two Universities ofCambridge and Oxford, and elsewhere. Since its first publication, nobody knows how many times Hamlet hasbeen performed all over the world. Many scholars have written a great deal about the play—pointing out howcomplicated a person Hamlet is—but, when it is acted on stage, it tells a gripping tale that is not at all difficultto follow. In the play, the characters are like living people. The audience follows their actions, thoughts andfeelings and becomes involved with them. Was Hamlet really mad for a time, or was he only pretending? Didthe queen really love her son? Was Hamlet really in love with Ophelia? If he was, why did he treat her socruelly? Hamlet is like a good mystery story, because people still ask these questions after seeing the play.

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