
第40章 学会做人(2)

2.2 作者人生

2.2 The writer’s life



William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, central England.

His grandfather Richard Shakespeare, yeoman farmer of Snitterfield, north-east of Stratford, had diedbefore February 1561. His father John Shakespeare was born in 1530 or so. He had left farming to learnhandicraftsmanship in Stratford and had lived at Henely Street since 1552. After finishing apprenticeship hehad become a successful glover and also traded in grain, wool and malt. In 1556 he bought the eastern houseat Henely Street and another in Greenhill Street. In 1557 he married and began to take part in the StratfordCommon Council. From 1558 he was a constable. In 1561-1563 he was one of the two chamberlains keepingthe borough accounts, and in 1563-1565 continued to do the job. This showed that he could read andwrite. His mother Mary Arden, the youngest daughter of a branch of the important Arden family, formerlycalled Turchill, inherited one house, 50 acres of land and other interests at Wilmcote, 3 miles north-westof Stratford. His two elder sisters died in childhood. He was the third child and the eldest son. In 1569,when William was 5, and his father was bailiff, Stratford for the first time received London players, whogave borough-subsidized performances in the Guildhall. These were the earliest opportunities for the boyShakespeare to watch plays. The same year, Shakespeare probably entered, perhaps free, as privileged bycouncilors’ children, the petty school attached to the Stratford Grammar School—King Edward VI School,or the King’s New School—to learn English reading and writing, from the alphabet to catechism, as wellas simple arithmetic, from an usher. Shakespeare, about seven years old, probably entered the King’s NewSchool proper—only boys were accepted. The pupils mainly learnt Latin grammar, conversation, rhetoric,speech making and poetry writing. They read Latin writings, from easier to more difficult, such as Aesop’sfables, Mantuanus’ poems, Sallust, Plautus, Seneca, Terence, Cicero, Ovid, Horace and Virgil. Among themthe comedies of Plautus and Terence, the tragedies of Seneca and Ovid’s long poem Metamorphosis wereto exercise the greatest influence on Shakespeare’s writings. On Sundays and other holy days, the youngShakespeare went to church with the grown-ups to listen to sermons, read from the Bible, sing psalms andsay prayers. These were already done in English in Anglican churches. Children were required to commit tomemory important passages from the Bishops’ Bible and the Common Prayer Book and answer questions ofcatechism. That was the main way Shakespeare improved his English.


In 1579 Shakespeare, only 15, probably left school in order to help father with his trade and businessand contribute towards family economy, for his father, because of his business deteriorated and burdened withthe expenses of a growing family, had to raise cash and even incur debts. On the other hand, his father mighthave Catholic sympathies and stopped going to Anglican church, dispersed and disguised his properties toavoid confiscation, and withdrew from public affairs in a town that was increasingly Puritan. From autumnthis year, Shakespeare was probably a teacher for two years. He had no university education and was notqualified as a schoolmaster, but he could be an usher or a private teacher. He was probably recommendedby his Grammar School teacher Cottom (a native of Lancaster) to be assistant teacher and player attachedto the wealthy Lancashire Catholic family of Alexander Hoghton, who was a close friend of Earl of Derbyand his son Lord Strange, both of whom patrons of Lancashire players. On 27 November 1582, the clerknoted in the Episcopal Register of the Diocese of Worcester the application made by William Shakespeare(18 years old) and Anne Hathwey (26 years old) for a special marriage licence. The special licence wasrequired for a number of reasons: the groom was a minor (not a major), the penitential season of Advent whenmarriages might not be solemnized was only five days away, Ann’s father (who had been an old acquaintanceof Shakespeare’s father) was dead, and she was already three months pregnant at the time. Of all thesecircumstances the most unusual is William’s age: he was not yet 19. Six months later the Shakespeare’sfirst child, Susanna, was baptized, on 26 May 1583. On 2 February 1585 his twins were christened Hamnetand Judith. Now there were 11 members in the Shakespeare family of three generations: father, mother,Shakespeare, his wife (29), younger brother (19), younger sister (16), second brother (11), third brother (5),elder daughter (2), son and second daughter (just born). It was now more difficult to meet the family expenses.

Shakespeare naturally wanted to try again his fortune away from home and also to avoid the arrival of morechildren. In 1586, after ten years of absence from council meetings, John Shakespeare’s name was finallystruck off the list of aldermen. In the summer of 1587, the Queen’s Men, the Earl of Leicester’s Men, theEarl of Essex’s Men, Lord Stafford’s Men and another unknown troupe performed at Stratford. Some of thetroupes lacked personnel. Probably Shakespeare joined one of the companies as a temporary player andthen followed them to London, thus starting his career as a dramatist. Nicholas Rowe recorded (1709) thataccording to tradition recounted by Thomas Betterton (actor 1635—1710), Shakespeare, some time afterhe married,“had, by a Misfortune common enough to young Fellows, fallen into ill Company; and amongstthem, some that made a frequent practice of Deer-stealing, engag’d him with them more than once in robbinga Park that belong’d to Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlecot, near Stratford. For this he was prosecuted by thatGentleman, as he thought, somewhat too severely; and in order to revenge that ill Usage, he made a Balladupon him. And tho’ this, probably the first Essay of his Poetry, be lost, yet it is said to have been so very bitter,that it redoubled the Prosecution against him to that degree, that he was oblig’d to leave his Business andFamily in Warwickshire, for some time, and shelter himself in London... He was receiv’d into the Companythen in being, at first in a very mean Rank; but his admirable Wit, and the natural Turn of it to the Stage, soondistinguish’d him, if not as an extraordinary Actor, yet as an excellent Writer.”


Shortly after Shakespeare’s arrival in London, he got employment either in or near a playhouse, takingcare of gentlemen’s horses or serving a prompter’s attendant. Then he became an actor and later startedto write plays, at first possibly in collaboration with other playwrights or engaged in revising old plays. In1588, Shakespeare probably wrote A Lover’s Complaint (published as appendix to the Sonnets in 1609) andbegan to help revise plays for a London company. In 1589, Shakespeare probably took part in the writingof two historical plays. One was War Hath Made All Friends, the manu of which, without authorship,is in the British library. It deals with a struggle for the English throne in the early 11th century. One of thecharacters is Turchill, an 18th generation forefather of Shakespeare on the maternal side, who favored theDane Canute as the King of England. The other was The Reign of King Edward the Third. It was publishedanonymously in 1596 and 1599. It was then that the actors’ parts were usually written out with their cues,while the stage-manager worked from a“platt”listing cue lines and exits and entrances. There can seldomhave been an entire copy to spare for a publisher, and besides, the players’ companies reckoned their play-books among their chief assets. Many plays were never published, and many were published anonymously.

Few were ascribed to single authors, unless the authors were particularly well known, in which case theirnames appeared on plays they had nothing to do with. In the same year, Shakespeare wrote The Comedy ofErrors in imitation of the Roman comedian Plautus (254?-184B.C.), a translation of whose Menaechmi byWarner William was published in 1595. This play is Shakespeare’s shortest, with only 1,777 lines. It wasalso in the same year that Shakespeare probably joined a company combined by Lord Strange’s Men and theAdmiral’s Men. In 1590, Shakespeare began to write or rewrite two historical plays. The First Part of theContention of the Two Famous Houses of York and Lancaster (It corresponds to The Second Part of KingHenry the Sixth in the First Folio of 1623.) and The True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York (It correspondsto The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth in the First Folio of 1623.). In 1591, Shakespeare wrote The FirstPart of King Henry the Sixth. It started as an independent pageant, and later some links and the final scenewere added to join it with Parts 2 and 3 of Henry the Sixth. This year, Shakespeare also wrote or compiledthe bloody tragedy Titus Andronicus in imitation of the Roman tragedian Seneca (4B.C.-A.D.65). In thewinter of the same year, Shakespeare came into acquaintance with the 18 year old Earl of Southampton whosename was Henry Wriothesley (1573-1624). When he was 8, his father died and he became the third Earl.

Under the guardianship of Lord Burghley, the Lord Treasurer, he went on to study at Cambridge, graduatedwhen 16 and continued to read law. Young and handsome, he loved the letters and later followed Earl ofEssex to see military fame. In 1591 Lord Burghley wanted him to marry his grand-daughter, and Henry’smother also advised him to build a good marital relationship so as to strengthen the position of the family. ButHenry kept putting off these suggestions. After Henry became Shakespeare’s patron, Shakespeare probablywrote the first group of his Sonnets (sonnets 1-17) at the request of Henry’s mother to encourage the youngpeer to marry. On June 23, 1592, all the theatres in London were ordered to close down on account of theplague till December 29 of the same year. 15,000 persons in London died of plague during that half year.

Shakespeare probably went to the country with Pembroke’s Men for some time. But soon the company brokeup due to financial difficulties. Shakespeare probably returned to Stratford to write The Taming of the Shrew,in which for the first time he described the scenery and social manners of his native district. Shakespearecontinued to write Sonnets, some of which he presented to Southampton and were copied and circulatedamong friends. On April 28, 1593, Shakespeare’s long narrative poem Venus and Adonis, being censored andapproved by the Archbishop of Canterbury, was entered in the Stationers’ Register by Shakespeare’s printerfriend Richard Field, and was soon published in quarto form and sold at the sign of the white greyhound inPaul’s churchyard. This was the first Shakespearian work to be published with his authorship. On the titlepage are quoted tow lines from Amores of Ovid (43 B.C.-A.D.18) and at the beginning of the volume is thededication“To the Right Honorable Henry Wriothesley, Earle of Southampton, and Baron of Titchfield”. Inthe same year, Shakespeare continued to write sonnets, which he presented to Southampton. Sonnet 26 aboutthe dedication of a work, Sonnets 27-28 about longing thoughts during sleeplessness on a trip, Sonnets 29-30about ill fortune, and Sonnet 70 about Southampton’s coming of age (October 1593) were probably written inthis year. Furthermore, Shakespeare wrote The Two Gentlemen of Verona, about a man snatching his friend’ssweetheart, a story similar to that described in Sonnets 40,133,144, etc. Shakespeare also wrote Richard IIIwhich was his first serious play of a mature art surpassing that of Marlowe who died on May 30, this year.

After Marlowe’s death and before the rise of Ben Jonson in 1599, Shakespeare was the unrivalled playwrightin England.


On May 1,1594, Shakespeare’s comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream was performed at SouthamptonHouse on the eve of the marriage of Earl of Southampton’s widowed mother and Sir Thomas Heneage, Vice-Chamberlain of the Queen’s Household. Eight days later, i.e. May 9, Shakespeare’s long narrative poem TheRape of Lucrece was entered in the Stationers’ Register and soon printed in quarto form. The volume beginswith“To the Right Honourable, Henry Wriothesley, Earle of Southampton, and Baron of Titchfield”.

In the same month, Lord Chamberlain’s Men was founded, and from the very beginning Shakespeare wasits important actor, shareholder and playwright. It was a successor to Lord Strange’s Men which had beenrenamed the Earl of Derby’s Men in 1593 along with the promotion of its patron. Soon after the death of theEarl of Derby on April 16, 1594, his company came under the patronage of Henry Carey, the First Earl ofHunsdon, Lord Chamberlain from 1585 till his death in 1596, a near relative and confident of the Queen.

Shakespeare was a new member and he brought with him the plays he had written to be property of thenew company. The company began with an initial stock of £700 contributed by William Kempe (principalcomedian), Shakespeare, Richard Burbage (principal tragedian till he died in 1619) etc. 8 sharers (eight ofthem were all actors; and Heminge was later the manager and one of the two chief editors of the First Folioof 1623). In the same month, i.e. late May, Shakespeare’s comedy Love’s Labour’s Lost was probably stagedfor the first time. There are also echoes of the Sonnets Shakespeare then continued to write. The play itselfcontains a few sonnets; Berowne’s love is also a dark lady (III i 206-7); and Chapman is most probablythe rival poet mentioned in the Sonnets (Sonnets 78-83, 85 and particularly 86). August, the same year,Shakespeare’s The Venesyon Comedy (first draft of The Merchant of Venice) was performed at the RoseTheatre in Southwark. Through his success in personifying Shylock, Richard Burbage established his fame asa tragedian. Here started the great cooperation between Shakespeare’s creation and Burbage’ performance.

On March 15, 1595, the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Queen’s Chamber recorded the payment of £ 20to“William Kempe, William Shakespeare &; Richard Burbage servants to the Lord Chamberleyne”forthe court performances during last Christmas. This was the first official reference to Shakespeare as actorand, moreover, one of the three most important members of his company. This year, Shakespeare wroteRomeo and Juliet, whose story partially reflected the repeated brawls since last year between Southampton’sfriends the Danvers brothers and his neighbours the Long brothers. On December 9 of the same year, firstprivate performance of Shakespeare’s Richard II at the house of Sir Edward Hoby, with Sir Robert Cecil, thesecretary of State, as the chief guest. August 11, 1596, Shakespeare’s only son Hamnet was buried; he diedat the early age of 11. Summer and autumn of the same year, Shakespeare wrote King John, probably basingthe story and structure on the anonymous play called The Troublesome Reign of John King of Englandpublished in 1591. There is a passage about pain at the loss of a son, which seems to reflect Shakespeare’sown feeling:“O Lord! My boy, my Arthur, my fair son! / My life, my joy, my food, my all the world!”Early in1597, Shakespeare completed Henry IV in two parts. In this historical play he created the character Falstaffwho is most loved by the English audience. Falstaff had his origin in the character Vice in traditional moralityplays, but is endowed with an unmistakably amusing individuality, representing both declining knighthoodand English sense of humour. There is the tradition that Queen Elizabeth, watching Henry IV, was so wellpleased with the character Falstaff that she commanded Shakespeare to continue it for one more play and toshow him in love. Within a short period Shakespeare completed The Merry Wises of Windsor, which was firstperformed on April 23, 1597(?) after the feast for the Knights of the Garter at Windsor Castle. May 4 of thesame year, for £60 Shakespeare bought from William Underhill the second biggest house in Stratford, whichwas three-storied and had five gables and ten rooms with fireplaces in them. Shakespeare spent much moneyon repairs and called it“New Place”. The undertaking shows that Shakespeare was making money and thathe had planned for retirement well in advance. Nicholas Rowe recorded (1709) that Sir William D’Avenanthanded down the story that“my Lord Southampton, at one time, gave him (Shakespeare) a thousand pounds,to enable him to go through with a purchase which he heard he had a mind to.”The number of thousand istoo big to believe, but it was probable that Southampton gave Shakespeare financial support (cf. Sonnets 87and 117). On February 4, 1598, the Stratford civic authorities compiled a list of hoarders in the Chapet Streetward, and Shakespeare’s name is included as one who was hoarding ten quarters (2.5 tons) of malt. Successivevery wet summers had led to a scarcity of grain in England, and the poorer people were bitter about thehoarders. Shakespeare’s family had moved into“New Place”in Chapel Street, and theirs was a well-to-do one. Besides hoarding malt, they also brewed some ale. In the summer of the same year, Shakespeareprobably began to write Much Ado About Nothing, finishing it by winter. October 1, this year, WilliamShakespeare named as a tax defaulter in Bishopsgate Ward, London. Winter, this year, Shakespeare beganto write Henry V, finishing it by March next year. In 1599, Shakespeare as one of the“householders”hadone-tenth interest in the Globe. Not long after Kempe left Chamberlain’s (one of the reasons is said to beShakespeare’s objection to Kempe’s way of making extempore jokes), and his interest was shared by the otherfour. So Shakespeare’s interest rose to one-eighth. In the summer, this year, Shakespeare wrote As You LikeIt. About the same time, Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar, a play that reflects the political instability towardsthe end of Elizabeth’s reign. English historical plays having been banned, Shakespeare turned to the historyof foreign countries for his subject matter. October 6, this year, Shakespeare’s name was again included inthe Residuum, or back-tax, accounts of St. Helen’s ward, London.

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