
第38章 学习是人生的需要(11)




The Tang Emperor Taizong:“At that time Emperor Taizong of the Great Tang was on the throne. Hehad changed the name of the period of reign to Zhenguan, and had been reigning for thirteen years. The yearwas Ji Si and the world was at peace; tribute was being sent in from the eight directions, and all within thefour seas acknowledged themselves as subjects.”“The Emperor asked,‘Who are you and why have youcome to meet me?’‘A fortnight ago your humble servant heard the Dragon King of the River Jing bringinga case against Your Majesty in the Senluo Palace because he was executed despite your promise to savehim,’replied the other.‘The King of Qinguang of the First Palace sent devil messengers with an urgentsummons to Your Majesty to be present when the case is heard between the Three Orders: the Human Order,the Underworld Order and the Water Order. When I heard this I came here to meet Your Majesty.’‘Whatis your name and position?’asked Taizong.‘When your humble servant was alive I used to serve His LateMajesty. I was magistrate of Cizhou, and later made vice-president of the Ministry of Rites. My name is CuiJue. I have now been given office in the underworld as the judge in charge of cases at Fengdu.’Taizong,greatly delighted to learn this, went up to him and supported him with his imperial hands as he said,‘Sir,you have made a long and exhausting journey. Wei Zheng, our minister, gave us a letter for you; how luckythat we have met.’The judge thanked him and asked where the letter was. Taizong produced it from hissleeve and handed it over to Cui Jue.”“The letter reads as follows:‘As the cultured Emperor Taizonghas recently passed away from a sudden illness it seems likely that his case will be discussed by the ThreeOrders, so that he is bound to meet you, elder brother. I beseech you to remember the friendship of the dayswhen you were alive and give His Majesty such assistance as will enable him to return to the sunlight. Thiswould be a great favour, and I shall write again to thank you.’The judge was very pleased when he hadread the letter.‘I know about how the official Wei of the personal department beheaded the dragon in adream the other day,’he said,‘and this news filled me with great admiration. He has always looked aftermy sons and grandsons, and now that I have a letter from him, Your Majesty need have no worries. Yourhumble servant can undertake to escort Your Majesty back to the light, where you will once more ascend thethrone.’Taizong thanked him.”As they were talking, they were led into devil gate of the world of darknessand went along its streets.“Beside the road he saw his father and predecessor Li Yuan, as well as his deadbrothers Jiancheng and Yuanji, who went up to him and said,‘Shimin’s here, Shimin’s here,’using hispersonal name. They grabbed and hit him, demanding their lives back; and as Taizong could not avoid themthey held him fast until Judge Cui ordered a blue-faced devil with terrible fangs to drive them away. Onlythen was Taizang able to escape from their clutches.”“A moment later the King of Qinguang claspedhis hands together and said,‘Why is it that the ghost dragon of the River Jing has brought a case againstYour Majesty, saying that he was executed despite your promise to save him?’‘I had a dream that an olddragon came to ask me to save him,’replied Taizong,‘and I did in fact promise that he would come to noharm; but as it turned out his crime was a capital one, for which he was due to be beheaded by the ministerin the personnel department, Wei Zheng. We summoned Wei Zheng to come and play chess in the palace,and I never knew that he had beheaded the dragon in a dream. This happened because that officer can comeand go miraculously, and also because the dragon king had committed a crime for which he deserved to die.

We were in no way to blame for his death.’When the ten generations of kings of the underworld heard hisstatement they bowed and replied,‘Only because the ghost dragon has been arguing about the matter wehad to send for Your Majesty. We hope that Your Majesty will forgive us for forcing you to attend.’Thenthey ordered the judge in charge of the Registers of Birth and Death to fetch them at once to see how longHis Majesty was due to live. Judge Cui hurried to his office and took down the general register of the lengthsof the reigns Heaven had allowed to the kings of all the countries of the earth. As he was looking through ithe saw to his horror that Emperor Taizong of the Great Tang in the Southern Jampu Continent was due to diein year 13 of his reign. He hurriedly seized a large brush soaked in ink, changed 13 into 33, then he handedthe register up. The Ten Kings started at the beginning and read it through until they saw that Taizong wasdue to reign for thirty-three years.‘How long has Your Majesty been on the throne?’asked the shockedkings of hell.‘It is now thirteen years since my accession,’Taizong replied.‘Then there is no need forYour Majesty to worry,’said King Yama.‘You have twenty years of life ahead of you. Now that you haveanswered these charges satisfactorily, will you please return to the World of Light.’The Ten Kings thenordered Judge Cui and Marshal Zhu to return Taizong his soul.”“We took our leave of the Ten Kings andpromised to send them some pumpkins and fruit as a mark of our thanks.”“Then we went through theCity of the Unjustly Slain where there were countless ghosts of the wrongly killed, blocking our way. LuckilyJudge Cui acted as our guarantor and lent us one of the hoards of gold and silver of a Mr. Xiang of Henan,with which we were able to buy them off and continue on our way. Judge Cui told us that when we returned tothe world of the living we had an inescapable obligation to hold a Great Mass to enable all those forlorn ghoststo be reborn. Don’t on any account forget, as there can only be peace on Earth if there are no vengeance-seeking ghosts in the underworld. Every single wrong will have to be corrected. Teach all people to be good,and then you will be able to assure the continuity of your line and the eternal security of your empire.”Thiswas why the Tang Emperor Taizong“issued a notice summoning monks to come and hold a Great Mass forthe rebirth of those lonely souls in the underworld”after he had returned to rule the world of the living oncemore. This was also why the Tang Emperor was overjoyed and went forward to raise Xuanzang to his feet,saying“if you are prepared to exert your loyalty and wisdom to the full, not fearing the length of the journeyor the rivers and mountains you will have to cross, I shall make you my sworn brother as soon as he had heardthe Hierarch Chen Xuanzang say“I would like to offer my humble efforts to fetch the true ures for YourMajesty and thus ensure the eternal security of your empire. This was also why the Tang Emperor said“theBodhisattva said yesterday that there are Three Stores (san zang) of ures in the Western Heaven. You,brother, should take a courtesy name from this. What about Sanzang?’This was also why the Tang Emperorand a host of officials went by carriage to accompany Sanzang to the checkpoint and toasted Tang Sanzang, bysaying“The days and years will be long, the mountains will be high, and the road will lead you far away, asyou should drink this wine to show that you have more love for a pinch of dust from home than for thousandsof ounces of foreign gold.”

“原来那太宗自贞观十三年九月望前三日送唐僧出城,至十六年,即差工部官在西安关外起建了望经楼接经,太宗年年亲至其地。恰好那一日出驾复道楼上……八戒挑着担,沙僧牵着马,行者领着圣僧,都按下云头,落于望经楼边。太宗同多官一齐见了,即下楼相迎道:‘御弟来也?’唐僧即倒身下拜,太宗搀起,又问:‘此三者何人?’唐僧道:‘是途中收的徒弟。’太宗大喜,即命侍官:‘将朕御车马扣背,请御弟上马,同朕回朝。’太宗又问:‘多少经数?怎生取来?’三藏道:‘臣僧到了灵山,参见佛祖,蒙差阿傩、伽叶二尊者先引至珍楼内赐斋,次到宝阁内传经。那尊者需索人事,因未曾备得,不曾送他,他遂以经与了……皆是无字空本。臣等着惊,复去拜告恳求,佛祖道:‘此经成就之时,有比丘圣僧将下山与舍卫国赵长者家看诵了一遍,保佑他家生者安全,亡者超脱,止讨了他三斗三升米粒黄金,意思还嫌卖贱了,后来子孙没钱使用。’我等知二尊者需索人事,佛祖明知,只得将钦赐紫金钵盂送他,方传了有字真经。此经有三十五部,各部中检了几卷传来, 共计五千零四十八卷,此数盖合一藏也。’太宗更喜,教:‘光禄寺设宴,开东阁酬谢。’太宗草拟‘圣教序’,以表对三藏取回真经的谢意。太宗即令多官:‘把真经各虔捧几卷,同朕到雁塔寺,请御弟谈经去来。’长老仍命:‘八戒沙僧牵龙马,理行囊,行者在我左右。’



“Now after seeing the Tang Priest off from the city on the twelfth day of the ninth month in thethirteenth year of Zhen Guan the Emperor Taizong had in the sixteenth year sent officials of his Departmentof Works to build a Watching For the Scriptures Tower outside the city of Xi’an to receive the ures.

Here Taizong went in person every year. It so happened that on the very day the emperor went o the tower...

Bajie then shouldered a pole while Friar Sand held the horse and Brother Monkey led the holy monk asthey brought their cloud down to land beside the Watching For the Scriptures Tower. When Taizong andhis officials all saw this they came down to greet the travallers with the words,‘You are back, ImperialYounger Brother,’The Tang Priest fell to the ground in a kowtow, only to be helped back to his feet byTaizong, who asked,‘Who are the three?’‘They are disciples I took on along the way,’Sanzang replied.

Taizong was delighted.‘Harness the horses to our imperial carriage,’he ordered his aides,‘and invitethe Imperial Younger Brother to mount his steed and return to the palace with us.’‘How many uresare there?’the emperor asked.‘And how did you fetch them?’‘When your clerical subject reachedVulture Peak and saw the Lord Buddha,’Sanzang replied,‘he told the arhats Ananda and Kasyapa to takeus first to a precious tower where we were given meatless food, then to the library, where we were handedthe ures. The arhats demanded presents, but as we had not brought any we had none to give. Then theygave us the ures... they were all blank, wordless versions. We were so shocked that we went back toreport to the Buddha and plead for the real ones. What the Lord Buddha said was,‘When these ureswere composed, bhiksus and holy monks went down the mountain and recited them to the family of theelder Zhao in the land of Sravasti. This ensured peace and safety for the living and deliverance for the deadmembers of the family. All that was asked for was three bushels and three pecks of granular gold. I thoughtthat they sold the ures too cheap, so I saw to it that Zhao’s sons and grandsons would be poor.’Whenwe realized that the two arhats were demanding a present and that the Lord Buddha knew all about it we hadno choice but to give them our begging bowl of purple gold. Only then did they hand over the true ureswith words. There are thirty-five of them, and a number of rolls from each of them was selected to be givenus, making a total of 5,048 rolls. This corresponds to the number of rolls in a single Store.’At this Taizongwas more delighted than ever and ordered,‘Let the Protocol Office arrange a thanksgiving banquet inthe eastern hall.’Taizong drafted a‘Preface to the Holy Teaching’to express his thanks for Sanzang’sfetching the true ures. Taizong then ordered his officials,‘Each of you is reverently to bring a few rollsof the true ures and accompany us to the Monastery of the Wild Goose Stupa, where we shall invite ouryounger brother to preach on the ures.’‘Pig, Friar Sand’the venerable elder commanded,‘bringthe dragon horse with you and put the luggage in order. Monkey will stay beside me.’He then addressedthe emperor, saying,‘If Your Majesty wishes to spread the true ures throughout the world copies mustbe made before they can be published. The original texts must be stored as great treasures. They may not beshown any disrespect or be defiled.’‘Younger Brother,’replied Taizong with a smile,‘what you say isvery correct, very correct.’He then ordered the officials of the Hanlin Academy and the Palace Secretariatto copy out the true ures and had another monastery, the Copying Monastery, founded to the east of thecity wall. The venerable elder mounted the platform with several scripures in his hands. He was just aboutto begin reciting them when scented breezes began to waft around and the Eight Great Vajrapanis appearedin mid-air to shout aloud,‘Scripture-reciter, put those ures down and come back to the West withus.’Monkey and the other two, who were standing below Sanzang, all rose up above the ground together withthe white horse. Sanzang put the ures down and also rose up to the ninth level of clouds, then went awaywith them through the air. Taizong and his officials were all so alarmed that they kowtowed to the sky. WhenTaizong and all the officials had finished worshipping, eminent monks were selected to prepare a great Landand Sea Mass in the Monastery of the Wild Goose Stupa at which the true ures of the Great Store wouldbe recited, and by which all evil-doing ghosts in the underworld would be saved, and goodness would spreadall around.”


Tang Taizang was a key character in Journey to the West, for the stories in the novel originated fromthe historical event that a sagacious monk named Xuanzang made his journey to the Indian subcontinentto fetch the Buddhist sutras in the years of Zhenguan during the reign of Emperor Tang Taizong. Both theTang Emperor Taizong and the Tang Priest Xuanzang were not only two true famous men in the history ofour country but also two important fictionalized characters in the novel Journey to the West. They had closerelationship and could never be separated no matter whether they were true men or fictionalized characters.

Just like the Tang Priest, the Tang Emperor, as a true man, was also both brave and sagacious. In the historyof our country, the Tang Emperor sent his minister Fang Xuanling to Luoyang to meet the Tang PriestXuanzang in person when he returned to the Great Tang from India. After the Tang Priest entered the city ofChang’an, the Tang Emperor let him resume secular life and be an official but he refused. Later on the TangEmperor appointed the monastery for him and let him translate the Buddhist sutras, consequently, makingthem known in China and spreading far and wide. This historic fact is in accord with the plot concerned in thenovel. Journey to the West is not a fictionalized version of the actual travels of Xuanzang, but had Xuanzangnot made his journey west from Tang China the legends and fantasies that let to the present book would neverhave developed.


Tang Taizong Li Shimin was the second son of the First Founder of Great Tang Li Yuan and QueenDou. Just as he himself said,“I started to command troops at the age of nineteen, and had many hard years offighting from then on, conquering the north and the south, defending in the east, and wiping out our enemiesin the west.”He performed many military exploits during the course of helping his father fight against theSui Dynasty while establishing the Tang Dynasty. His position was only next to the crown prince; besides,he had formed his small group in the fighting years. After the establishment of the Great Tang, Li Shiminstaged a coup d’etat at Xuanwumen by making use of his clique and killed the crown prince and forcedLi Yuan to give up the throne; thus he came to the throne. He changed the name of the period of reign toZhenguan. After he came to the throne, the Tang Emperor Taizong was prepared for danger in times of peaceand appointed persons of talents and virtue. He modestly listened to opinions and resolutely carried out aseries to political, economic and military reforms, as a result the social stability was promotd, the productiondeveloped, the country was brought about peace and prosperity. The reign of the Tang Emperor Taizong washistorically called“The Reign of Zhenguan”. Tang Taizong was consequently called“A Wise Monarch ofHis Generation”. The Tang Emperor Taizong (A.D. 599-649) died of taking too many golden pills of refinedelixir (immortality) in the year 23 of his reign. He lived only 50 years. This was Tang Taizong’s real life. Thismight be why the writer of Journey to the West thought that the Tang Emperor Taizong was only a“truedragon”, not a son of Heaven as he imagined. It was only Sun Wukong who’s the ideal son of Heaven (andEarth) as the writer imagined. It was also Sun Wukong who could reflect the deep main-theme of the novel asthe writer would like to express.

1.5 复习讨论题

1.5 Questions for Revision and Discussion


(1)Why does everyone have to learn?


(2)How is Journey to the West developed and created?


(3)Why did Wu Cheng’en write Journey to the West? How did he write it?


(4)Why did all earlier versions disappear once Wu Cheng’en’s Journey to the West waspublished?


(5)Why is the novel Journey to the West a prominent one in the world literature?


(6)What do you think of Wu Cheng’en’s life? What can you learn from Wu Cheng’en’s? (Or:On Wu Cheng’en’s Life)


(7)What are the prominent artistic achievements of the novel Journey to the West? What’s themost outstanding one? (Or: Studies on the Artistic Achievements of Journey to the West)


(8)How is the artistic structure of Journey to the West?


(9)What are the main characteristics of the rich and colorful characters in Journey to the West?


(10)What are the major characteristics of the pleasant and light-hearted style of Journey to theWest?


(11)What is the main theme of Journey to the West? (Or: On the Main Theme of Journey tothe West)


(12)How and why was Chen Xuanzang chosen from among many holy and venerable monksrecommended by the local officials everywhere from all over the Tang Empire?


(13)How could Chen Xuanzang“know the thousand sutras and ten thousand holy books”?How could he“sing every Buddhist chant and know all the religious music”? How could he eatvegetarian food and observe the prohibitions ever since his birth? Why did he“have no interest inhonor and glory”?


(14)Why was Chen Xuanzang willing to accept the Tang Emperor’s commission to go to theWestern Heaven to visit the Buddha and fetch the ures?


(15)Why would all kinds of monsters and demons like to eat some of the flesh of the TangPriest?


(16)What would you like to learn from Xuanzang? Why? (Or: Explorations in the Essentials ofthe Tang Priest’s Moral Life.)


(17)How was the stone monkey made the“Great King of a Thousand Years”? How couldSun Wukong learn the seventy-two earthly transformations and the somersault cloud? Why was hedriven back by his Master to where he had come from?


(18)Why did Sun Wukong wreck the Heavenly Palace? How about the results?


(19)What are the causes that made Sun Wukong change his attitude towards life?


(20)What has Sun Wukong learned on the way to the Western Heaven to fetch the ures?

What’s the typical of Monkey’s worldly wisdom and maturity?


(21)What’s Sun Wukong’s nature? Has he ever changed his nature? Why?


(22)How does Sun Wukong’s life reflect the deep main-theme of Journey to the West?


(23)What are Zhu Bajie’s strong and weak points? Why may it be said that he’s the most lovablecharacter in the novel Journey to the West?


(24)What do you think of Zhu Bajie’s life? How are you going to spend your life?


(25)What do you think of Friar Sand’s life? What are you going to learn from Friar Sand?


(26)Why is it said that the Tang Emperor Taizong is a key character in Journey to the West?What are the relationship and difference between the true men and the characters in the novel since boththe Tang Emperor Taizong and the Tang Priest Xuanzang are not only two true famous men in thehistory of our country but also two important fictionalized characters in the novel Journey to the West?


(27)What do you think of the Tang Emperor Taizong’s life? What are you going to learn fromhim?


(28)Do you agree to that one’s life is made up of physical (body) life and moral (spirit) life?

Why? (Or: On Man’s Life)

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