
第37章 学习是人生的需要(10)



Pig: When Wukong won over Bajie in the Cloud Pathway Cave, Zhu Bajie told Sun Wukong: He wasborn stupid, an idler and a slacker. He never nourished his nature or cultivated the truth, but spent his timein primal ignorance. Then he happened to meet a true Immortal, who advised him to reform and not to sinkamong mortals, for taking life was a heinous sin. One day, when his life came to an end, it would be too lateto regret the punishments in store. His words moved him to seek reform, and his heart longed for miraculousspells. He was lucky enough to have him as his teacher; he showed him the gates of Heaven and Earth. Hetaught him the Nine Changes and the Great Return of Cinnabar, as they worked by night and day with never abreak. When their work was done, he could fly. Coloured clouds grew beneath his feet, as he faced HeavenlyPalace gates with a body light and strong. As he had become a great Immortal, he now enjoyed eternal life.

The Jade Emperor gave a banquet for all the Immortals, he was made Marshal Tian Peng in charge of theMilky Way, commanding all the sailors on that river in the sky. The Jade Emperor bestowed the SupremelyPrecious Rake on him to mark his imperial office. When the Queen Mother gave a Peach Banquet, sheinvited many guests to the Jade Pool. As drunkenness clouded his mind that day, and he charged in drunkenpride into the Cool Broad Palace. At the sight of her beauty his soul was captivated, and he could not represshim mortal passions of old. Losing all sense of rank and dignity, he seized the beauty and asked her to sleepwith him. The Miraculous Inspecting Officer reported to the Jade Emperor, and from that day he was doomed.

Then he was arrested by the gods. He was marched to the Hall of Miraculous Mist to see the Jade Emperor,and, after questioning, sentenced to death. Luckily the Great White Planet stepped forward, bowed low, andinterceded. His sentence was commuted to two thousand strokes of the heavy rod, which tore his flesh andall but smashed his bones. He was released alive and expelled from heaven, so he was exiled to the mortalworld. His spirit had to find a womb to occupy, but he lost his way and entered the womb of a sow. Naturally,he has a face like a wild boar. He ate up his sow mother, drove all the other pigs away, and seized theirmountain. He took his name from his looks and was called Zhu Ganglie, Iron-haired Pig. He just lived inthe Cloud Pathway Cave on the Mount of Blessing. Second Sister Luan, who used to live there, saw that heknew how to fight and asked him to be the head of her household as her husband, but she died within a yearand all her property became his. As the days lengthened into years he found that he had no way of supportinghimself, so he had to eat people to keep himself going as he had done before, until he fell in love and marriedin Gao Village. Then the Bodhisattva Guanyin converted him and told him to obey the monastic rules andeat vegetarian food till he could go with that pilgrim, the one who’s going to the Western Heaven to worshipthe Buddha and ask for the ures. He would be able to make up for his sins through this good deed, andwin a good reward. That’s why he asked Wukong“Where’s this pilgrim?”and begged“Please take me tomeet him.”As soon as he heard Wukong say“I’m protecting the Patriarch Sanzang on his Journey to theWestern Heaven to visit the Buddha and ask for the ures. When he was introduced to Sanzang, he fellto his knees, kowtowed to Sanzang and shouted,“Master!”Then he told Sanzang all about how he had beenconverted by the Bodhisattva.“Master!”he said,“When the Bodhisattva laid her hands upon my headand told me to obey the prohibitions, she gave me a Buddhist name—Zhu Wuneng, Pig Awakened to Power.

I have been instructed by the Bodhisattva and I never eat the five stinking foods and the three forbiddenmeats—wild goose, dog and snake-fish. I’ve eaten vegetarian food in my father-in-low’s house and nevertouched the stinking foods; but now that I have met you, master, I’m freed from these restrictions.”“Youare not,”Sanzang replied.“You are not to eat the five stinking foods and the three forbidden meats, and I’mgiving you another name: Eight Prohibitions, or Bajie.”From then on he was known as Zhu Bajie, or EightProhibitions Pig.


Although Pig was converted by the Bodhisattva Guanyin and volunteered to protect the Tang Prieston his Journey to the West to worship the Buddha and fetch the ures, he was weak-willed and wouldchoose to disband himself whenever any difficulty would crop up. He was very gluttonous. Where there aregoodies available, his mouth would begin to water. To satisfy his appetite, he was not ashamed of bringingdisgrace to himself. He was also very lecherous. He would burn with his sexual desires at the sight of anywoman, and he was still never forgetful of his wife even as he had been tonsured to become a monk. Hechanted a“na-a-aw”of respect to Old Gao, and said,“Please inform my mother-in-law, my sisters-in-law, my brothers-in-law, and my uncles that I have become a monk today, and ask them to excuse me fornot saying good-bye to them in person. Father-in-law, look after my wife well. If we don’t get the ures,I’ll go back to lay life and work for you as a son-in-law again.”“Moron,”shouted Monkey,“stop talkingnonsense.”“I’m doing nothing of the sort,”Pig replied,“I am thinking that if things go wrong I’d bewasting my time as a monk, and my wife’s marriage would have been ruined, both for nothing.”Narrow-minded and selfish, he was given to profiting at other’s expense and telling tales. He was the archetypal manof appetite, greedy, vain, jealous and boastful. Lazy when he could be, he would also work hard when he hadto. Stupid though he was usually, he could also know a trick or two, as when he would tie straw on the horse’shooves before the crossing of the Frozen River. He was also a good help to Monkey in his fights against themonster and demons. Without Pig, how could Monkey spin a thread from only on strand or clap with the palmof a single hand!? Who’d look after the luggage or the horse!?


Just like everyone else Pig also has his own strong points. His most outstanding one is that he couldendure hardships and be capable of hard work.“He has made great efforts, carrying the load all along theway, and been very useful in crossing rivers”although he sometimes complained that“with all this luggageto carry day after day of course I find the going heavy. While you’re allowed to be the master’s disciple, I’mtreated as a hired hand.”As he won merit by carrying the luggage he was rewarded with promotion as theAlter Cleanser. Besides, he never spared his energy to do the farm work at the Gao Village. Just as he saidto his wife,“I may have eaten some food and drunk some tea since marrying you, but I haven’t been idleeither. I’ve swept for your family and dug ditches, I’ve shifted bricks and tiles, I’ve built walls for you, I’veploughed and weeded your fields, I’ve sown your wheat, and I’ve transplanted your rice. I’ve made yourfamily’s fortune.”His father-in-law Squire Gao also said,“From the moment he became a member ofour family he worked very hard. He ploughed and hoed without using oxen or tools; and he didn’t need ascythe or a stick to harvest the crops.”Bajie“stroke forward and wielded the rake two-handed to clear theundergrowth from both sides of the path”of eight hundred li at the Thorn Ridge. His another strong pointis that he was not afraid of dirt or stink. He groped around till he found the King’s body of the Wuji State,dragged it over and brought it up from in the eight-sided well with glazed-tiles in the palace garden of theWuji State, and put it across his shoulder and carried it to the monastery and flung the corpse to the groundright in front of the doors to the meditation hall. What a horrible stink the putrid and overwhelming stenchof Runny Persimmon Lane on Mount Seven Perfections was! It’s really stinking to the skies! It’s also Bajiewho“won merit doing this filthy job.”He said,“I can do thirty-six transformations. If you ask me to turninto a mountain, a tree, a rock, a mound of earth, an elephant, a hog, a water buffalo or a camel and I canmanage any of them. The only thing is that the bigger I make myself the bigger my belly gets. I can’t do thingsproperly unless it’s full.”Bajie, who was on the second day of clearing the way with his snout, was by nowravenously hungry. The villagers had brought much more than seven or eight hundredweight of food, whichhe scooped up and devoured all at once, not caring whether it was rice or wheat. When he had eaten his fillhe went back to clear the way. Indeed, was there any dirty or heavy job not done by Bajie on the Journey tothe West Heaven to fetch the ures? That’s why he’s thought to be like an uneducated peasant, a physicallabourer. He had to eat so much because he laboured so hard. He was always so toiling that he was gluttonousand sleepy. He had a special affinity with the great mass of the common labourers. Last but not least, hewould crave for a life of self-contentment, which is marked by a few acres of field, one willing ox and his wifeand children in his company. He’s a“homesick ghost”as Brother Monkey remarked. His heart was alwaysat home, for instance, he considerately asked his wife,“These days you dress in brocade and have goldenpins in your hair. You have fruit and flowers in all four season, and vegetables for the pot throughout the year.

What are you still not satisfied with?”He said,“I am a straightforward, foolish person”. He would alwayssay“Divide it, and I’ll go back to Gao Village to see my wife.”whenever any difficulty might crop up on theJourney to the West. No wonder nowadays many girls and women would like to look for boy-friends of Bajie’stype, saying that he’s honest and straightforward, pure and sincere, taking his living with his wife to heart andknowing to love dearly. Therefore, it may be said that he’s the most lovable character in the novel Journey tothe West.


Zhu Bajie“was born stupid”(mortal).“As I had become a great Immortal, I now enjoyed eternallife, and was commissioned as Marshal Tian Peng (a water god), with this rake to mark my imperialoffice.”“When Heaven sent me down to the mortal dust, for my sins I was reborn from the wrong womb,and now I am known as Iron-haired Pig”(mortal).“After your conversion to the great faith and entry intoour Buddhist sect, you guarded the holy monk on his journey. As you won merit by carrying the luggage youwere rewarded with promotion as the Altar Cleanser”(Buddha). This is Zhu Bajie’s life.


Friar Sand: When Pig fought a great battle in the Flowing Sands River, Friar Sand told Bajie: He’s hada divine essence since childhood and brave knights have taken him as their model. To study the Way he wentto the edge of the heavens, and he roamed the wastes in search of teachers. The Immortal he finally managedto find led him along the great and shining Way. With three thousand accomplishments won, he bowed to theheavenly countenance; piously he worshipped him in his glory. The Great Jade Emperor then promoted himto be the General Who Lifts the Curtain. He led the escort for the Emperor’s carriage, always took precedencewhen he entered or left court. But then the Queen Mother gathered the peaches and invited all the generalsto feast at the Jade Pool. He carelessly smashed some jade and crystal, to the horror of all of the heavenlygods. The Jade Emperor in his terrible fury put his hands together and fumed to the vice-premier. His hatand armour were removed, and he was stripped of office. Then marched to the place of execution. Then tohis good fortune, the great Bare-foot Immortal stepped forward to ask for his reprieve. Death was commuted;he was allowed to live in exile on the east bank of the Flowing Sands River. When well-fed he slept in theriver waters; when hungry he burst through the waves in search of food. When Moksa presented him to theTang Priest, he knelt and said,“I was converted by the Bohhisattva and she gave me this river’s name as asurname and called me by the Buddhist name of Sha Wujing, or Sand Awakened to Purity.”Sanzang sawhim bow to Monkey and Pig with appropriate degrees of reverence just like a real monk he gave him anothername—Friar Sand.


After Friar Sand became one of the companions, he devoted himself to his duty wholeheartedly andwithout complaint. He was always diligent and conscientious in serving the companions. He was assignedto wait upon the master,“brush the horse, saddle and harness it”,“help the master mount”, look afterthe luggage or the horse and carry on some other miscellaneous affairs. But he showed his understandingand sympathy for Pig’s laborious work, sometimes he and Pig took it in turn to carry the luggage. Strong-willed, he guarded the Tang Priest heart and soul. He listened to this master and did anything his masterwished. That’s why he was never criticized by his master. He never said“dividing it”or“splitting it”andpiously observed Buddhist monastic discipline. He respected Monkey very much and Wukong also said tohim:“You are a good man, my brother.”He was very kind, and always thinking of others. He often acted asa mediator and united all the companions. He had, comparatively speaking, not the least character, an out-and-out supporting actor. No matter whether in the heavenly palace or on the journey to fetch the ures,Friar Sand did the same kind of job—being a bodyguard. He did not possess as powerful the superhumanabilities as Monkey or Pig had. But he really had the most important qualities—his absolute devotion toand unquestioning submission to whom he was guarding as a bodyguard should. He was the most ordinaryone of the companions but he was as essential to the journey as the others. His importance grew out of hiscommonness. Consequently, he“won merit by protecting the holy monk and leading the horse up themountain”. He“was elevated to high office as the Golden Arhat”.

  • 鲁迅作品集(7)(中国现代文学名家作品集)


  • 白居易集


  • 远去的书声


  • 论中国人的国民性(鲁迅卷)


  • 像大地一样(散文公社·云南卷)


  • 鬼宅包租娘


  • 德莱帝国


  • 一日一禅


  • 守护型婴幼儿保育


  • 聆风悲


  • 创世神的旅行


  • 野狼的猎杀任务


  • 火影忍者之云炽天光


  • 全能格斗手


  • 土豪太嚣张

