
第36章 学习是人生的需要(9)




Sun Wukong was saved from inside the stone box under the Double Boundary Mountain by the TangPriest and became his disciple and protected him on the way to the western Paradise to fetch the ure.

In order to save the Tang Priest from being killed, Wukong killed six of the bandits. The Tang Priestcriticized Wukong,“It was precisely because you acted with such tyrannical cruelty among mortals andcommitted the most desperate crimes against Heaven that you got into trouble five hundred years ago. Butnow you have entered the faith, you’ll never reach the Western Heaven and never become a monk if youdon’t give up your taste for murder. You’re too evil, too evil.”Wukong, who had never let himself be putupon, flared up at Sanzang’s endless nagging.“If you say that I’ll never become a monk and won’t everreach the Western Heaven, then stop going on at me like that. I’m going back. Wukong leapt up in a fury,shouting“I’m off.”He went back to the east. Guanyin gave Sanzang an embroidered tunic and a hat insetwith golden patterns and asked him to give them to Wukong to wear. At the same time she taught the TangPriest a spell called True Words to Calm the Mind or the Band-tightening Spell. Guanyin met Wukong onhis way and asked him,“Why did you reject the Tang Priest’s teaching and stop protecting him?”BrotherMonkey frantically bowed to her from his cloud and replied,“As you had predicted, Bodhisattva, a monkcame from the Tang Empire who took off the seal, rescued me, and made me his disciple. I ran away fromhim because he thought I was wicked and incorrigible, but now I’m going back to protect him.”“Hurryup then,”said the Bodhisattva,“and don’t have any more wicked thoughts.”Wukong returned to theTang Priest, who fooled Wukong by saying,“With that hat on you can recite ures without ever havingbeen taught them, and if you wear that tunic you can perform the rituals without any practice.”“Dearmaster, please let me wear them,”Monkey pleaded. As soon as Monkey had the hat on, Sanzang silentlyrecited the Band-tightening Spell,“My head aches, my head aches,”cried Brother Monkey, but hismaster went on and recited the Spell several times more. The pain was so bad this time that Monkey stoodon his head, turned somersaults, and went red in the face and ears. His eyes were popping and his bodywent numb.“Will you accept my instruction now?”Sanzang asked.“Yes,”Monkey replied.“Will youmisbehave again in future?”“I certainly won’t,”said Monkey. Although he had made this verbal promise,he was still nurturing evil thoughts, and he shook his needle in the wind till it was as thick as a rice-bowl.

He turned on the Tang Priest, and was on the point of finishing him off when the terrified Sanzang recitedthe spell two or three more times. The monkey dropped his cudgel and fell to the ground, unable to raise hisarm,“Master,”he shouted,“I’ve seen the light. Stop saying the spell, please stop.”“How could you havethe perfidy to try to kill me?”asked Sanzang.“I’d never have dared,”said Brother Monkey. From then onSun Wukong was controlled both by his loyalty to his master and by the threat of excruciating headaches. Hewas forced to change his great ambitions, to enter the Buddha’s religion, to comply with all kinds of ethics. Onthe way to the Western Heaven to fetch the ure he learnt how to adapt himself to his new surroundingsand also learnt the ways of the world. He learnt a lot of knowledge about the ways of the human, the heavenlyand the demonic worlds. It was just this kind of knowledge that brought into play another of his talents thatturned out to be at least as important as his strength, speed and power of transformation. Monkey’s ownfighting prowess made him all but invincible, but it was his expertise in knowing the right people, and inknowing or finding out what everybody’s background was, that enabled him to beat the monsters. With thatknowledge, his old prestige as a heaven-smashing rebel and his present status as the Tang Priest’s escortMonkey could get past the underlings who would block anyone else’s access and ask for help from whoeverhas the power to subdue the monster in question. In the last resort it was not what Monkey could do but whohe knew that could give him most power. This was typical of Monkey’s worldly wisdom and maturity.


As the saying goes, rivers and mountains may be changed but it’s hard to alter a man’s nature. It wasindeed very hard to alter Sun Wukong’s nature although the Lord Buddha could turn his five fingers intoa mountain chain belonging to the elements Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, renamed them the FiveElements Mountain and pressed Monkey down and told the Bodhisattva Guanyin to persuade Monkeyto“observe and uphold the faith, enter our Buddha’s religion, and cultivate good retribution for yourselfin the future”, to teach the Tang Priest the Band-tightening Spell to control Monkey and consequentlychanged Monkey’s life and made him change his attitude towards his life. He did not at all lose his fightingspirit, daring in his struggles and victories, just as before. He was rewarded with high office as the VictoriousFighting Buddha, for he won glory by defeating monsters and demons along the journey. Charged with arebellious spirit, he showed contempt for the authority and disregarded for all rules of etiquette. When hesaw the Jade Emperor, he just chanted a“na-a-aw”.“The Jade Emperor said,‘Let Sun Wukong comeforward. We do now proclaim you Great Sage Equalling Heaven. Your rank is now very high. Let therebe no more mischief from you.”The monkey simply chanted‘na-a-aw’to express his thanks to theEmperor.”When he saw the Tathagata, he also just called the name. Even when he knelt at the foot of thelotus throne and heard what the Tathagata said, he cried with a smile,“By that line of argument, Tathagata,you’re the evil spirit’s nephew.”When the two arhats, Ananda and Kasyapa, tried to extort things from theTang Priest and his disciples and conspired and deliberately let them take away blank paper versions withouta single word written on them, Sun Wukong yelled,“Let’s go back, report them to the Tathagata and getthem accused of extortion.”Monkey was all along seeking for equality and freedom. He still said to the TangPriest even though he had been rewarded with high office as the Victorious Fighting Buddha,“Master, nowthat I’ve become a Buddha just like you, surely I don’t have to go on wearing this golden band. Do you planto say any more Band-tightening Spell to tighten it round my head? Say a Band Loosening Spell as quicklyas you can, take it off, and smash it to smithereens. Don’t let that Bohhisattva or whatever she is make lifemiserable for anyone else with it.”Monkey’s loyalty did not extend to toadying, whether to his master or toanyone else. Wukong was always optimistic. He was“one of the happy immortals in the human world.”Inhis frank speaking and impatience, vainglory, pomposity and tyrannical government he was the same Monkeyas always, very hard to alter his nature. He’s really a heavenly-born Great Sage whose nature can never bechanged!


In the course of protecting the Tang Priest to the Western Heaven to fetch the ure, Sun Wukongand his master underwent numerous difficulties and dangers and withstood all trials and tribulations. But theybraved a series of dangers and defeated devils and monsters. The road to the Western Paradise was fraughtwith danger, whether in mountains and forests or in villages and towns. Demons of all deions tried tobar their way, even to the extent of endeavoring to kill and eat Xuanzang. Some of these ghostly opponentsappeared openly hostile, while others were cunningly disguised; some wielded power over kingdoms orfeigned to be officials carrying out their lawful duties. Monkey played a central role in every battle with themonsters, not only contending with them face to face, but also helping his companions overcome the obstaclesand restraints that originated within themselves. For his master he’d wear out the six blades of his lungs andliver and the three hairs and seven apertures of his heart. He often said“that when a man has been yourteacher for a single day, you should treat him as your father for the rest of his life, and that father and sonshould never let the sun set on a quarrel.”“He’s a good and honorable Monkey King.”


From what Sun Wukong reported to the king of India“My father was heaven, my mother earth,And I was born when a rock split open.

I took as my master a Taoist adept,And mastered the Great Way.

In the ocean’s depths I subdued the dragons,Then climbed the mountains to capture wild beasts.

I removed us from the registers of death,Put us on the rolls of the living,And was appointed Great Sage Equalling Heaven.

But because I disrupted the Peach Banquet,And raised a rebellion in the palaces of Heaven,I was captured by the Lord BuddhaAnd imprisoned under the Five Elements Mountain.

When hungry I was fed on pellets of iron,When thirsty I drank molten copper:

For five hundred years I tasted no food or tea.

Fortunately my master came from the eastTo worship in the west.

Guanyin told him to deliver me from heavenly disaster.

I was rescued from my tormentTo be converted to the Yogacarin sect.”

We can see Monkey is the Son of Heaven and Earth, the Son of Heaven—people call their Emperorthe Son of Heaven, i.e. Monkey, the No.1 hero in Journey to the West, is the Emperor in the writer’s mind.

He“was born when a rock split open”, signifying that he springs from nature, and has no connectionwith society, and thus has no attachments or fears. He breaks into the dragons’ palaces, stirs up Hades andcreates Havoc in Heaven. He is brave and fearless in pursuit of freedom and he has the guts to do everythingin defiance of any influences. In Monkey’s eyes, the Jade Emperor is a coward who cannot be roused toanger, Lord Lao Zi is a miserly sycophant, and the strutting officials in Heaven, both civil and military, whocringe before their superiors and bully their inferiors, are useless blockheads. The strict hierarchy of ranksand the stifling protocol in the Heavenly Palace, Monkey treats as ludicrous. The humorous and knowingtwinkle in Monkey’s eyes is able to penetrate to the core of a tradition which has congealed over thousandsof years. His power of insight comes from his straightforward and natural boyish heart, and his grasp of thereasons for things. There may be a number of political and religious aspects to the Havoc in Heaven episode,but its main idea is mockery and scorn directed at the authorities and order of the society of Wu Cheng’en’stime, and to reveal man’s naturally pure and childlike heart. He is possessed of the hatred for the wickedand evil, a sense of justice and a staunch fighting spirit. He acts fairly to all, even to Buddhas and arhats,for instance,“Monkey yelled:‘Tathagata, our master and the rest of us have had to put up with endlessmonsters, demons, troubles and hardships to get here from the east to worship you. You gave the orders for theures to be handed over, but Ananda and Kasyapa didn’t do so because they were trying to extort thingsfrom us. They conspired and deliberately let us take away blank paper versions without a single word writtenon them. But what’s the point in taking those? I beg you to have them punished, Tathagata’.”Monkeyfights incessantly and subdues all monsters and demons on the Journey to the Western Heaven. Withouthis protection it would be impossible at all for Xuanzang to reach the Western Heaven and fetch the trueBuddhist sutras. At the same time he has a good and loyal heart, rights and wrongs, saves those in distress,helps widows and orphans, eliminates the evil and gives peace to the good people, does good deeds to benefitall people and states along the way to the West, e.g.“In the Kingdom of Tarrycart the Monkey King showshis powers to save five hundred captive Buddhist monks.”“Brother Monkey in his charity offers to be adoctor in the Land of Purpuria.”“In Bhiksuland the Great Sage Sun saves 1,111 little boys by using hismighty powers.”“When Heaven Is Offended in Fengxian It Stops the Rain The Great Sage Urges Goodnessand Brings a Downpour”, etc. From this point of view Journey to the West is Sun Wukong’s Journey tothe West. He is just and honorable, brave and fearless. He symbolizes justice and the bright while demonsand monsters symbolize evil and the dark. At last, justice always triumphs over evil and the bright alwaystriumphs over the dark. Monkey is idealized as a national hero and he breathes the cultural spirit in pursuit offree personality in the mid-and late Ming Dynasty as well as the call of the times for a hero. His life reflectsthe deep main-theme of Journey to the West.

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