
第30章 学习是人生的需要(3)

1.3 作品赏析

1.3 Appreciation of the Novel



The artistic achievements of the novel Journey to the West are very prominent and its most outstandingone is that an active romantic formula for creation has been successfully used. Its plot and characters seemto be very fantastic, but their fantasy is firmly grounded in social reality. Journey to the West creates a worldfull of fantasy and illusion. But this fantasy world reflects various kinds of contradictions in the society ofWu Cheng’en’s time. The characters of the demons are generalizations and sublimations of the characters ofordinary mortals. Fantasy and reality reach a high level of synthesis in Journey to the West. It is remarkablethat most of the supernatural characters are portrayed as animals. The author is good at combining the naturesof humans, gods and animals: Monkey is given the nimble, quick-witted and lively character of a monkey,and Pig (although he claims to be an incarnation of Marshal Tianpeng) is given the bumbling, greedy, selfishand simple-minded character of a pig. Their supernatural natures have their distinctions too: Monkeyundergoes 72 transformations but no matter what he changes himself into, he can’t get rid of his tail. Likewise,Pig can also change his shape, but he can never get rid of his gross, porcine nature. For instance, when hechanges himself into a woman, he becomes a fat, repulsive one. Readers find Monkey and Pig endearingbecause they have essentially human natures, yet they have broken through the barrier which separatesthe human from the supernatural world. In fact, they are the most popular magical characters in Chineseliterature.


The artistic structure of Journey to the West is very perfect and unique. The writer Wu Cheng’enchanged the traditional way of structure and put“Playing Havoc in Heaven”at the beginning of the novelas young Monkey’s heroic biography instead of“Xuanzang’s Origin”or“the Reason for Going to Fetch theScriptures”.“Journey to the West to Fetch the Scriptures”is the main part of the novel as the monumentof the grown-up Monkey’s making contributions.“Monkey’s Playing Havoc in Heaven”and“Journeyto the West to Fetch the Scriptures”are made up of a Monkey’s entire heroic legend, and it’s also a wholestructure of Journey to the West. The structure is just like a high mountain piercing into the cloud whichcovers the middle part of it and looks like two peaks. The cloud is“the Reason for Going to Fetch theScriptures”. It’s a three-tiered structure which demonstrates that the writer has an inventive mind. Itconveys perfectly the main theme of the work.“The Reason for Going to Fetch the Scriptures”, as thecloud, not only tells readers the purpose—“so that the Wheel of the Law may revolve, and our sage Emperorenjoy eternal security”, but also implies further—that it brings benefit to the people and the country. Thatis a noble goal and a grand cause. But, to the Thunder Monastery on Vulture Peak to fetch the ures,there are not only wide rivers and high mountains and lofty ranges and cliffs to cross, but also many a tigerand leopard along the way and evil demons and foul fiends difficult to subdue. Xuanzang himself also knowsthat“it will be a journey into the unknown, and there is no saying what my fate will be”. Thus, what is mostimportant is that who can protect Xuanzang to the West. Who can fight incessantly and subdue all monstersand demons on the journey and fetch the true ures? Guanyin chooses none other than Monkey who hasbeen pressed under the mountain for five hundred years because of his Playing Havoc in Heaven. This notonly makes“the Reason for Going to Fetch the Scriptures”connect with the foregoing“Monkey’s PlayingHavoc in Heaven”and carry forward to“Journey to the West to Fetch the Scriptures”, but also indicatesthat Guanyin is good at choosing the right person for the right job just like Bo Le and breaks through thetraditional concept of making use of personnel. This is really a wonderful artistic construction!“Journey tothe West to Fetch the Scriptures”is the largest part of the novel, including that Sanzang acquires his threedisciples, his White Dragon Horse and a series of stories of“81 ordeals”. In each episode the travelers arepresented with a problem that they have to deal with before they can continue on their way. Once the problemis solved, as it always is, the place where it happened is left behind and a new episode immediately begins.

Apart from the pilgrims themselves and some of their heavenly patrons who put in an occasional appearance,characters virtually never recur after the episode in which they feature. It is unusual for earlier episodes onthe journey even to be referred to once they are over. Monkey, Pig, Friar Sand the Tang Priest hardly evertalk about them; and while the monsters, kings and other characters met along the way have often heard ofthe pilgrims’ general reputations and origins, they rarely know anything about Monkey’s needs along the way.

How brilliant it is! A string of stories that are both strung and separated by a gold string—Journey to theWest to Fetch the Scriptures, just like a string of precious pearls! How perfect and unique the structure of theelaborate invention is!




In Journey to the West many marvelously rich and colourful characters are successfully created bymaking use of a three-dimensional mode in the image system. Its main characteristics are as follows:

A) It breaks with the stereotypes of traditional Chinese fiction like good characters always described asgood and bad ones as bad, e. g. a two-dimensional mode used in Three kingdoms and Outlaws of the Marsh,and employs different writing methods to display their rich and colourful personalities from different angles.

Even all monsters are not shown as being personally evil or loathsome. Some are even shown with a certainwarmth, and the reader suspects that in some of the portrayals the author is satirizing powerful figures in thehuman society of his own day. We even feel a little sorry for Raksasi, the Princess Iron Fan who has beenabandoned by her husband the King of Magic Buffalo and whose son the Red Boy has been taken from her bythe Bodhisattva Guanyin.

B) 它巧妙地处理了主要人物的关系。其中的三藏和孙悟空,正如我们所见到的,即使追溯到更早期的各种版本,都有他们两个,并且孙悟空总是占优势。为了把两者加以对照,更好地突出孙悟空,几个世纪以来,三藏变得越来越弱,越来越无用,直到吴承恩的《西游记》,才把他写成了容易受骗的人。关于唐僧留下的唯一正面的东西,就是他保护自己坚定的决心,所以他能达到目的并取得真经。除此之外,他怯懦、自怜、易受骗、愚蠢、心胸狭隘;他饥饿和疲劳时爱抱怨,并且不情愿承认孙悟空的能力,否认孙悟空的努力。另一方面,孙悟空忠诚、无私地冒着被念可怕的紧箍咒的危险,无畏、勇敢、乐观、孜孜不倦,还有各种魔力使他成为如此杰出的斗士和保护人。孙悟空对师父的真正忠诚被表达得恰如其分,他不敬重唐僧的尊贵,完全没有奴性。但这两个人物不够建构一部伟大的小说。当猪八戒被引入了传说就弥补了这个缺口,是猪八戒给孙悟空提供了理想的陪衬角色。猪八戒妒忌孙悟空的魔力和战斗力比他强,而孙悟空对师父偏爱猪八戒不满意。猪八戒突显了孙悟空性格的某些方面,如顽皮而不是恶意的残忍,否则那些方面就不那么引人注目了;而孙悟空不会让猪八戒死去,他愿他师弟受些不愉快,就为压他一下。沙僧总是保持在阴影中,把聚光留给悟空和八戒,他绝无怨言并愿尽其所能。小白马也是如此。他们既是竞争对手又是好帮手。竞争就是小说中的中心关系,是竞争使每个人都尽力而为。每个人都有长处和短处、优点和缺点。但他们都是忠诚的同伴,在漫长而艰难的西游途中,他们起着互补的作用。他们都是同一家庭的成员,尽管个性不同并不可避免地有着矛盾和斗争,但一直是和睦相处,为他们共同的目的而团结战斗,终于五圣成真。

B) It artistically handles the relations of the main characters. Two of them, Sanzang and Monkey, hadbeen in the earlier versions of the story as far back as it can be traced, as we have seen, and Monkey hadalways been the dominant one. In order to set him off better, Sanzang became weaker and more useless overthe centuries, until by the time the present Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en was written he had becomea nincompoop. The only positive thing left about him is his unswerving determination to preserve himself sohe can reach his goal and collect the ures. Apart from that, he is cowardly, self-pitying, easily deceived,stupid, petty, given to complaining when he is hungry or tired, and grudging in acknowledging Monkey’sabilities and efforts. Monkey, on the other hand, is loyal, selfless to the point of risking the dreaded Band-tightening Spell-being recited, unafraid, dauntless, cheerful and tireless, in addition to all the magic powersthat make him so outstanding a fighter and a fixer. Monkey’s attitude to his master, in which real loyalty isexpressed with no respect for Sanzang’s dignity, is utterly free from slavishness. But these two charactersare not enough to build a great story on. This gap was filled when Pig was brought into the tradition. It isPig who provides the ideal foil for Monkey. Pig envies Monkey’s superior magical and fighting powers,while Monkey resents what he sees as the master’s favouritism towards Pig. Pig brings out some aspects ofMonkey’s character, such a playful but malicious cruelty, that might otherwise be less noticeable. WhileMonkey won’t let Pig die, he is willing to let his junior fellow-disciple suffer all sorts of unpleasantness justin order to get one up on him. Friar Sand is always retained in the shadows, leaving the limelight to Monkeyand Pig, never complains and usually does his utmost. So does the White Dragon Horse. They are both rivalsand good helpers. That rivalry is the central relationship in the novel. It is rivalry that makes everyone do hisbest. Everyone has his own strong and weak points, virtues and defects. But all of them are loyal companions,who are playing their complementary roles during their long and difficult journey to the West. They are themembers of the same family, though with different personalities and inevitably different contradictions andconflicts, yet always getting along harmoniously and united in struggle for their common goal, and at last, fiveof them achieve Nirvana.


To describe the magic, fantastic domain of the Journey to the West, the author flaps his wings ofimagination and soars as freely as possible in the fantastic universe, breaking away in time and space fromthe fetters of life and death, the barriers between heaven and earth, and the obstacles between human worldand the underworld. His characters are free to ascend up to the celestial palaces and descend down to Hades,travel through the world and play around the dragons’ palaces, mount the fairy mountains and visit the cavesdeep in the mountains. All immortals, monsters and demons, though strange-looking, possess their unusualpowers and ever change with the occasion. In reading the novel, we feel as if located in the grotesque mythicalor fairy world and derive boundless joy from it.


In characterization the novel skillfully blends the human nature with that of things and immortals anddisplays their unity in each character. With the human nature it means the gamut of emotions of humanbeings including joy, anger and sorrow; by the nature of things it is meant the characteristics of animals andplants. For example, Sun Wukong is a monkey, Pig a pig and King of Magic Buffalo a buffalo—the threecharacters breathe their respective characteristics of the three corresponding animals. By the nature ofimmortals we mean the superhuman abilities and characteristics. Monkey, Pig, King of Magic Buffalo and theLioness Monster, all possess the superhuman abilities. Born of this blend, the characters can transcend thehuman, the heavenly and the demonic three worlds’ boundaries. They are magic, lifelike and interesting, withprofound implications and at the same time resemble those from mythical and fairy tales.




In the image system the three-dimensional mode is formed as follows. One dimension is the progressiveforces, represented by Monkey who has been seeking for freedom and equality all his life, of course,including his companions. Though they have different personalities, they have the same goal to take back theures. They all seek for the true meaning of life and all want to bring benefit to the people and country.

Another dimension is the conservative forces, which are made up of gods represented by the Jade Emperor,immortals represented by Lord Lao Zi, Buddhas represented by the Lord Buddha. The joint forces of gods,immortals and Buddhas have suppressed Monkey’s rebellion and finally pressed Monkey down under theFive Elements Mountain, for Monkey has been seeking for freedom and equality, and rebelled against theirdeceit and discrimination by Playing Havoc in Heaven. This shows that they have done their utmost to“holdtheir sacred and exalted authority”and“keep their feudal ethics, traditional order and ruling position”.

The other dimension is the reactionary forces, represented by demons and monsters who symbolize thecorrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry, etc. The relations between Monkey and gods, immortals,Buddhas are both contradictory and cooperative. Monkey objects to officials shielding one another or theirprotection of the demons and monsters by letting them escape scot-free under the pretence of kindness. Thisis the contradictory aspect. Whenever Monkey is in trouble on the journey, or goes to Heaven to find out themonster’s background, or asks for help from whoever has the power to subdue the monster in question, any ofthe gods, immortals or Buddhas who’s asked will help. This is the cooperative aspect. The relations betweenmonsters and the gods, immortals and Buddhas are both contrary and mutually-dependent. The gods,immortals and Buddhas are not only opposed to monsters’ doing harm to Sanzang and humans, and thereforethey are willing to help Monkey but also play the part of protective umbrellas and object to Monkey killingthem with his cudgel. The relation between Monkey and demons or monsters is an antagonistic contradictionand there is no room for compromise. Among all the demons and monsters, the males are particularly eagerto eat some of the flesh of the Tang Priest because he is so holy that it will make them live for ever; and thefemales want to attain immortality by mating with him. But Monkey is determined to do his best to protecthis master Sanzang who has saved his life, on the Journey to the West to Fetch the Scriptures. This is thefocus of their struggle. So it is directly concerned with Sanzang’s life and safety, the success or failure oftheir cause of taking back the ures. However, all demons and monsters have their behind-the-scenessupporters, so when they are brought to book for their misdeeds they escape the punishment they deserve.

Their high-placed patrons, such as the Supreme Lord Lao Zi, Guanyin, Dragon King of the Western Sea andother Heavenly kings, connive at their enormities and cover up for them when they are found out, letting themescape scot-free. Monkey is incensed, and rails against these scoff-laws. But he knows that there is nothinghe can do about the situation. This is an allegorical picture of the social and political scene in the middle ofthe Ming Dynasty. This way of realistic expression breaks through the traditional way of thinking and writing.


Humour is a major characteristic of the pleasant and light-hearted style of Journey to the West. Monkeyis the supreme comic figure in all the classical Chinese novels. His humour springs from his optimisticself-confidence and his sharp ability to perceive people’s true natures, as well as his tolerance of others’

weaknesses and his hatred of evil. The humour in the novel is also manifested in certain plots and subplots ofthe nature of comedies. Monkey and Pig’s dialogues are one of the greatest joys of the novel and also anothermain characteristic of the style of the novel. Sometimes very warm, sometimes needling, sometimes getting ateach other, sometimes discussing the situation, often joking, their talk is an unending source of pleasure. Formany readers they are the heart of the novel; and because they are so true to human nature everywhere theygive the book its immortality and universal appeal. Pig’s clumsy actions and speech are invariably hilarious,but the laughter he elicits is tolerant but sad at the same time. The author’s cynical attitude toward religionis a chief characteristic of the style of the novel as well. Examples of this are the Taosit priests who carry offwomen and gouge out children’s hearts and livers to make medicine. Tathagata Buddha too is derided asa“nephew of evil spirits,”as even in his Pure Land extortion and bribery are rife. The author’s caustic wit isespecially directed at Xuanzang, who is depicted as being obstinate and pompous when faced with difficulties,thus revealing some of the ways in which Buddhist teachings are divorced from reality. To express his attitudetoward religion, the author uses humour—in the same way as he does in Havoc in Heaven to express hisattitude toward feudalism— to strip off the holy trappings and pretensions, and bring religion back to earth.

Of course, the author does not reject religion altogether; he merely pokes fun at Xuanzang’s dogmatic defenseof the sacred tenets and the malpractices prevalent in contemporary Buddhist circles. The author’s humour isbuilt up on a base of profound knowledge of human society and a high degree of psychological penetration.


The ideological content of Journey to the West is very rich and profound. What is the main theme ofJourney to the West after all? Different people hold their different views about it. Some think it is a“workof games”without any implied meaning, and the author writes it up only for the sake of entertainment ormere play. Some think it is pregnant with meaning, which, nevertheless, varies from person to person. Manytheories about it emerged during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. According to Xie Zhaozhi’s Reading Journeyto the West, there is a deep meaning in the novel which can be summed up in a few words, vies.,“Seek yourabandoned heart”. This is in accord with the basic theory of Wang Yangming about the nature of the heart;roughly, the abandoned heart is one which has been lost to the delusions of outside things, and what one mustdo is try to return it to the realm of self-consciousness and knowledge of what is good. Monkey is comparedto one’s heart like a capering monkey, which symbolizes indulgence and intemperance; and Pig to one’s heartlike galloping horse, which is symbolic of licentious and unbridled desires. When Monkey creates Havoc inHeaven, that is the heart running rampant and the loss of knowledge of what is good. Monkey’s becoming aBuddhist and the Incantation of Golden Hoop, which is used to control him, signify the taming of the waywardheart.

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