
第31章 学习是人生的需要(4)





In their A Taoist Interpretation of Journey to the West, the early Qing Dynasty critics Wang Xiangxuand Huang Taihong see the main theme of the novel as an education of the Taoist theories of Yin and Yangand the Five Elements. Monkey’s causing Havoc in Heaven, according to this point of view, is explained bysaying that the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit is the source of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements:“Fruitand flowers refer to wood; the Water Curtain refers to water; the Iron-Plated Bridge refers to metal; therocky hill refers to earth; and Monkey, representing the heart, resides in fire. So all the Five Elements arerepresented in what could be called“an ideal cosmic setup”. That is to say that it is the true meaning ofTaoism. And so, it follows that Monkey’s wreaking Havoc in Heaven was brought about by the withering ofthe Five Elements, and there were no societal factors involved. Sun Wukong as the Mind Ape, belongs to theelement fire. The Jade Emperor making him Protector of the Horse is using fire to fight fire. In the Garden ofthe Peaches of Immortality, because wood produces fire, the fire is enhanced. The Eight Trigrams Furnacecannot melt Monkey, because it uses fire to attack him, and“two fire elements make each other stronger.”Itis only after the Mountain of the Five Elements remedies deficiencies in the Five Elements that the MindApe is reined in. Wang and Huang ignore the structure of the novel, and concentrate upon the images asgeneralized symbols, the messages of which constitute the novel’s true meaning. For instance, they arguethat Xuangzang and his three disciples plus the White Dragon Horse make the number of the companionsfive, corresponding to the Five Elements: Monkey belongs to fire; Pig to wood; Friar Sand to metal; Xuanzangto earth; and the Dragon Horse to water. These manifestations of the Five Elements mutually promote andrestrain each other. It must be remembered that in the period in which Wu Cheng’en lived, Taoist conceptswere very much in fashion, and so many of the deions and concepts in Journey to the West could nothelp but be influenced by the theories of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. Nevertheless, Journey to theWest is a novel, and a novel endeavors to express thoughts and emotions through the medium of the charactersand the plot. If we ignore the link of the imagery of the characters and the plot, and regard them simply as aseries of symbols or riddles, then we depart from the special methods by which literature interprets the world.

The influence of A Taoist Interpretation of Journey to the West was immense. Following in its footsteps cameA True Interpretation of Journey to the West, New Explanation of Journey to the West and StraightforwardGuide to Journey to the West. The fact is that there were only a small number of scholars who had thespecial insight to treat the obscure elements in it from the angle of the construction of the novel. Some of themexplained that the theme of the novel Journey to the West was to persuade people to learn. Some of theminterpreted it as propagation of Buddha dharma. Some of them said that it was to preach the Taoist theory—the Way of Nature. But we must see clearly the fact that most readers read Journey to the West as a novel.

在小说《西游记》一百回版本中,第一回至第十二回,讲述的是唐僧西天取经的缘由和取经团队是如何组成的。第十三回到第一百回,共有八十八回,讲述的都是唐僧取经团队在西行途中,遇到了各种妖魔鬼怪,都想吃唐僧肉以获得长生不死,他们经历了九九八十一难,终于到达西天,取得了真经。在阻拦唐僧取经团队西行道路的妖魔鬼怪中,一些是自然力量的化身——火焰山就是一个典型的例子,但大多数却是社会邪恶的表现。小说中描写的各种妖魔鬼怪都是当时各种黑暗、腐败的社会势力的形象。比如,车迟国王有三个最爱而被称为“国师”的道士,他们进出王宫不对国王打招呼,他们对人民的劫掠和折磨都给王国带来了一种致命的氛围。这种情况和明朝嘉靖时期皇帝被道士邵元节、陶仲文掌控如奴的情况非常接近。此外,比丘国王相信道士给他带来的延寿秘方,要一千一百一十一个小儿的心肝煎汤服药的故事,和灭法国王要杀一万个和尚的故事都是嘉靖时期皇帝听信道士谄媚的话并迫害佛教徒的政治现实的反映。小说中的许多恶魔都与天宫的高官有关系,例如,劫持宝象国公主的黄袍怪是天上二十八宿中的奎木狼星下凡的。平顶山莲花洞也有两个妖魔,金角大王和银角大王,是太上老君家奴,看守炼丹金炉和银炉的两个童子,托化妖魔, 想吃唐僧肉。夺取乌鸡王国王权的妖怪是青毛狮子精,本是文殊菩萨的坐骑,乌鸡国王的灵魂向唐僧托梦哀述道:“他(青毛狮子精)神通广大,各处官吏他都熟悉:都城隍常与他会酒,海龙王尽与他有亲,东岳天齐是他的好朋友,十代阎罗是他的异兄弟。因此我也无处投告。”所有这些恶魔都有背后支持者和保护者,正如当时社会上普遍存在的贪官劣绅官官相护或寻求背后支持者,或直接要其受贿者保护一样。由此可见小说的主题思想:《西游记》通过创造一个充满荒诞和幻想的世界,间接地反映了作者生活时期的各种社会矛盾,歌颂头号主人公孙悟空代表的进步势力——他追求平等、自由,反叛天宫的欺诈和歧视而大闹天宫;揭露并批判了象征着贪官劣绅的妖魔鬼怪,他们代表反动势力,都有背后的支持者和保护者,即天上的“神、仙、佛”,“神、仙、佛”象征人间的皇帝和封建制度。妖魔鬼怪与神、仙、佛之间既有矛盾的一面,又有相互依存的一面。孙悟空很想除掉一切妖魔鬼怪,但他只能打死白骨夫人、红鳞大蟒、蜘蛛精之类的小妖。他既气愤又抱怨,但他知道他无能为力,他斗不过神、仙、佛的“联军”。这也反映了作者受时代影响难免有思想局限性。

In the 100-chapter version of the novel Journey to the West, from Chapter 1 to Chapter 12, it tellsreaders about the causes why the Tang Priest travels to the West to fetch the Buddhist ures and howthe companions are made up of. From Chapter 13 to Chapter 100, all together 88 chapters, it tells us that theTang Priest and his companions on the Journey to the West meet with all kinds of monsters and demons,all of whom are eager to eat some of the flesh of the Tang Priest so as to attain immortality, and that they’vefinally reached the Western Paradise and fetched the true ures after the nine times nine ordeals. Ofthe monsters and demons which bar the Tang Priest and his companions way, some are embodiments ofnatural forces—the Fiery Mountains are a classic example, but most are representations of social evils. Allmonsters and demons described in the novel are images of contemporary dark and corrupt social forces. Forinstance, the King of Tarrycart has three favorites whom he calls his“elders”. These three enter and leavethe court without acknowledging the king. Their depredations and affliction of the people bring a pestilentialatmosphere to the kingdom. This situation is very close to that prevailing in the Jiajing period of the MingDynasty, when the emperor was held in thrall by the Taoist priests Shao Yuanjie and Tao Zhongwen. Inaddition, the episodes in which the King of Bhiksuland puts his faith in a secret recipe for longevity broughtfrom overseas and given him by a Taoist and requiring as ingredients the hearts and livers of 1,111 infants,and in which the King of Miefa wishes to slay 10,000 monks are reflections of the deluded and barbarouspolitical reality of the Jiajing period, when the emperor lent his ear to Taoist sycophants and persecutedthe Buddhists. Many of monsters in the novel are connected with high officials in Heaven, for instance,the Yellow-Robed Monster who abducts the princess of Elephantia is the Strider, the Wooden Wolf fromHeaven. Also, the two demons, King Gold Horn and King Silver Horn of Lotus Flower Cave on Flat-TopMountain, who wish to eat Xuanzang, are the boys who watch Lord Lao Zi’s furnace. The monster whichseizes control of the kingdom of Wuji is the Blue-haired Lion, upon which Bodhisattva Manjusri rides. Asthe ghost of the King of Wuji laments to Xuanzang:“His magic powers are so extensive and he is so well inwith all the relevant officials. He’s always drinking with the city god, and he’s connected with all the dragonkings. The Heaven-equaling God of Mount Tai is a friend of his, and all the Ten Kings of the Underworldare his sworn brothers. We have nowhere to turn if we want to bring a case against him.”All these demonshave their behind-the-scenes supporters and protectors, just as the corrupt officials, local tyrants and evilgentry, commonly existing then in the society, shield one another or seek for their supporters behind themor directly ask their bribees to protect. Now from what is explained above we can see the main theme of thenovel: Journey to the West indirectly reflects various kinds of contradictions in the society of the author WuCheng’en’s time by creating a world full of fantasy and illusion. It eulogizes the progressive forces representedby No. 1 hero Monkey—he has been seeking for equality and freedom and rebelled against Heaven’s deceitand discrimination by playing Havoc in Heaven; it exposes amd criticizes the reactionary forces representedby the demons and monsters, symbolizing the corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry. They all havetheir behind-the-scenes supporters and protectors, who are gods, immortals and Buddhas in Heaven andsymbolize the human Emperor and feudal system. The relations between monsters and the gods, immortalsand Buddhas are both contrary and mutually-dependent. Monkey wants very much to kill all demons andmonsters but he can only kill the minor ones such as Lady White Bone, the Red-Scaled Python, the SpiderSpirit and the like. He is incensed and grumbles but he knows that there is nothing he can do about thesituation and the joint forces of gods, immortals and Buddhas are too strong for him to defeat. This also reflectsthat the author’s thinking is inevitably limited under the influence of the times.



Besides the above surface main-theme, a deep main-theme is profoundly implied as well in the novelJourney to the West—seeking the secret of eternal youth. How can one attain the secret of eternal youth?

Journey to the West demonstrates four shortcuts to it. The first one is to eat the peaches“in the PeachOrchard tended by the Queen Mother of the Jade Pool”.“They ripen once every nine thousand years, andanyone who eats them becomes as eternal as Heaven and Earth, as long-lived as the Sun and Moon.”Thesecond one is to eat some Golden Pills refined by Lord Lao Zi. The golden pills of refined elixir can not onlymake anyone who has taken a pill live for ever but also make anyone who has died come back to life. Thethird one is to eat the Great Immortal Zhen Yuan’s Manfruit in the Wuzhuang Temple on the Mountain ofInfinite Longevity.“It took three thousand years to blossom, three thousand years to form the fruit, andanother three thousand years for the fruit to ripen, so that every nearly ten thousand years had to pass beforethe fruit could be eaten.”“Anyone whose destiny permitted him to smell one would live for three hundredand sixty years, and if you ate one you would live for forty-seven thousand years”. The fourth one is to eatsome of the flesh of the Tang Priest. The Tang Priest is a reincarnation of the Venerable Golden Cicada, thesecond disciple of the Tathagata Buddha, the ancient sage of the West. As that Xuanzang has been cultivatinghis conduct ever since he was a boy he has never lost a drop of his primal masculinity. He’s a holy man who’scultivated his conduct for ten successive lifetimes. Among all the demons and monsters, the males who eatsome of the flesh of Tang Priest can live for ever and the females are longing to mate with him so that they canbecome golden immortals of the Supreme Ultimate. But none of mortals can take any of the four shortcuts.

Only few of Great Immortals can eat the Peach or the Golden Pill or the Manfruit, even all demons andmonsters who have tried their utmost to eat some of the flesh of the Tang Priest or to mate with him to attainimmortality end up with their failure.

除上述捷径外,《西游记》当然也清楚地说明了获得长生不老秘方的通常途径,即长期修行,越长越好。玉皇大帝,“他自幼修持,苦历过一千七百五十劫,每劫该十二万九千六百年。”共计二十二亿六千八百万年,修得金身,成为万神之主。如来佛祖在雪山顶上,修成不坏金身,着有三藏真经,可以超脱苦恼,解释灾愆。太上老君,原是我们中国古代历史上的一个真人,姓李,名耳,是道家学说的创始人,着有道家经典《道德经》。他不但自己修成长生不死之身,还为神仙们炼制吃了能长生不死的仙丹。作者还通过讲述头号主人公孙悟空在《西游记》第一章就决心去“觅个长生不老之方”到最后一章“径回东土 五圣成真”的故事,详细说明了西天取经团队如何经过“九九八十一难”、如何往返十四年,行程十万八千里,翻越千山万水,最终取回真经,普济众生,取经团队五圣都长生不死并到达了天堂。

Besides the above-mentioned shortcuts, a normal way to attain the secret of eternal youth is, of course,clearly demonstrated in Journey to the West. That is to cultivate one’s conduct for a long time. The longer,the better. The Jade Emperor“has trained himself since childhood, and suffered hardship for one thousand,seven hundred and fifty halpas. Each halpa is 129,600 years, all together 2,268,000,000 years”. He hastrained his golden body and become the Lord of all gods. The Lord Buddha has cultivated his immortalgolden body on the peak of the snowy mountain and created Three Stores of Scriptures that offer deliverancefrom suffering and release from disaster. Lord Lao Zi is originally a real human being in Chinese ancienthistory and his family name is Li, his personal name is Er. He is the founder of Taoism and has written theTaoist Classic The Book of Tao and Teh. He has not only trained his golden body to become immortal butalso refined Golden Pills for gods who take a Pill and can live for ever. The author of Journey to the Westalso, by telling his No.1 hero Monkey’s story from the first chapter in which Monkey is determined to“seekfor the secret of eternal youth”to the last chapter entitled“The Journey Back to the East is Made The FiveImmortals Achieve Nirvana”, illustrates in details the example of the companions to the West to fetch theures how to stand up to the nine times nine ordeals, how to take 14 years, cover 108,000 li, climb over athousand mountains and cross over ten thousand rivers and at last fetched the true ures to save all livingbeings, the five of the companions have become immortals and achieved Nirvana.




When the Tang Priest and his disciples went to Cloudtouching Crossing and saw the bridge was only asingle log, Sanzang said in fear and trembling,“Wukong, no mortal man could cross that bridge.”Monkeyreplied,“You can only become a Buddha by crossing this bridge.”“Sanzang then looked round to seea man poling a boat towards them from downriver.”“It was a bottomless craft.”Sanzang“was still verydoubtful, but Monkey seized him by the arms and pushed him forward. Unable to keep on his feet, themaster tumbled into the water, where the ferryman grabbed hold of him at once and stood him on the boat.

The master shook his clothes and stamped his feet, complaining about Monkey, who led Friar Sand and Pigto stand on board bringing the luggage and the horse with them. Gently and strongly the Buddha pushedoff, at which a corpse came floating downstream to the horror of the venerable elder,“Don’t be frightened,Master,”said Monkey smilingly.“That’s you.”The boatman gave a call, then also put in, too,“It’s you!

Congratulations! Congratulations!”“There is a poem about this that goes:

When the womb-born flesh and body of blood is cast aside,The primal spirit finds kinship and love.

On this morning of actions completed and Buddhahood attainedThe thirty-six kinds of dust from the past are washed away.”

From here we can see that a mortal man like the Tang Priest, so long as his goal of life is“to bringbenefit to the people and the country”, and on the road of life—on the Journey to the West to Fetch theScriptures, tries his best to do as many good deeds and benefactions as possible although he has a humannature of both sides—just as all human beings have—one side is good while the other is evil, can become aBuddha—immortal. But“the immortal”is“the primal spirit”, is not“the womb-born flesh and body ofblood”. That is to say, one’s life is made up of physical (body) life and moral (spirit) life. Physical life, justlike the life of all living beings (animals) has the nature of things—having birth and death, just as Lao Zi saysin his Book of Tao and Teh, Chapter 50,“He who aims at life achieves death.”Moral (spirit) life is immortal(for instance, the Tang Priest’s primal spirit, Chen Guangrui’s soul, Squire Kou’s spirit, etc.) The Tang Priest’sphysical life is dead while his moral life is immortal. He goes to the West to fetch the true ures so as tosave all living beings and bring benefit to the people and the country. These are indeed the path to the truth,the gateway to goodness, the way to perfection. Anyone, so long as he seeks for, maintains and keeps“truth,goodness and beauty (perfection)”all his life, can become immortal—his moral life can be eternal—livingforever in the hearts of the people in the world. This is the secret of eternal youth—the deep main-theme ofthe novel Journey to the West.

1.4 主要人物的人生(经验教训)

1.4 Major Characters’ lives (Experiences and Lessons)


The Tang Priest: His secular surname is Chen, and he is from Juxian Village, Hongnong Prefecture,Haizhou, in the Tang Empire. His Buddhist name is Chen Xuanzang. But as the Great Tang Emperor Taizongcalled Xuanzang his younger brother and gave him the surname Tang, he is known as the Tang Priest. Hisfather is named Chen E, whose courtesy name is Guangrui. Having been successful in the examination,Chen E went to the palace for the three questions test. The Tang Emperor personally awarded him the firstplace, and he was paraded round the streets on horseback for three days. It happened that just when theprocession was passing the gateway of the minister Yin Kaishan, the minister’s unmarried daughter Wenjiao,was throwing an embroidered ball to see who her future husband would be. When Chen Guangrui passedbelow she saw at once that he was exceptionally handsome, and she knew that he had come first in the recentexaminations. When she dropped her embroidered ball it landed squarely on his black hat. Thus Guangruiwas invited into the minister’s mansion to marry his daughter. Emperor Taizong appointed Chen E prefect ofJiangzhou and ordered him to pack his belongings and set off as he had to be there by a set date. Guangruitook his mother Madame Zhang and his newly-married wife Wenjiao together to his post in Jiangzhou. Onenight, after they had been on the road for several days, they put up at the Liu the Second’s Ten ThousandFlowers Inn, where Madame Zhang was suddenly taken ill.“As I’m not feeling well,”she said to herson,“I’d better stay in this inn for a couple of days to get over it before going on.”Guangrui accepted hersuggestion. The next morning Guangrui saw a man selling a golden-colored carp in front of the inn andbrought it from him for a string of copper coins, intending to have it lightly fried for his mother. Then henoticed it blinking. Guangrui was surprised and had the fish taken back to the Hongjiang River to be releasedthere, Guangrui rent a wing for his mother and gave her some money, then he and his wife took their leave ofher mother and set off. When they reached the ford over the Hongjiang Estuary, they saw two boatmen, LiuHong and Li Biao, punt their ferry to the bank for them. They all climbed sedately into the boat. Liu Hongstared at Miss Yin and saw her so beautiful that evil thoughts surged up in him, and he conspired with LiBiao to punt the boat to a misty and deserted place and wait till the middle of the night, when they killed firstthe servant and then Chen Guangrui. They pushed both the corpses into the river and went away. But ChenGuangrui’s body sank straight to the bottom and did not move. The dragon king examined the body carefullyand said:“This is the benefactor who saved my life. I must save his life today to repay him for the favor hedid me in the past.”He asked and learned the situation, and then said:“I am the golden carp you released.

You saved me then, so I must help you now that you are in trouble.”He had Guangrui’s body placed besidea wall and put a“Face Reserving Pearl”in its mouth to stop it from decomposing so that the soul could bereturned to it in the future for him to obtain his revenge.“As you are now a true soul, you shall stay in mypalace for the time being as a commander,”the dragon king added.


When the young lady saw her husband killed she tried to fling herself into the water, but Liu Hongput his arms round her and said,“If you come with me, you’ll be all right; but if you don’t, I’ll cut youin half.”Unable to think of any other way out, the young lady had to agree to stay with Liu Hong for thetime being at least. The murderer took the boat across to the southern bank and gave it to Li Biao. Then hedressed up in Chen Guangrui’s clothes and, armed with the dead man’s credentials, went with the younglady to take up his post in Jiangzhou. As Miss Yin was pregnant and the child had not yet been born shehad to force herself to go with him. Time flew by. One day, the young lady gave birth to a son and wrappedthe baby tight in swaddling clothes. She could not think what to do. When Liu Hong came back he wantedto drown the child the moment he saw him, but the young lady said,“It’s already dark: we can throw himin the river tomorrow.”Fortunately Liu Hong had to go a long way away on urgent business the next earlymorning. The young lady bit open her finger and wrote a letter in blood giving a full account of his parentageand background. Then she bit off the little toe of the child’s left foot to be an identifying mark, wrapped himup in one of her own shifts, and carried him out of the official residence when nobody was looking. Whenshe reached the river bank, she noticed a board floating beside the bank. The young lady bowed to Heavenin her gratitude and tied the child to the board with her sash, placing the blood letter next to his chest. Thenshe pushed him out into the stream to go where he would and returned to the yamen in tears. The boy floateddownstream on the plank until he came to a stop under the Jinshan Temple. The abbot of this temple was amonk called Faming who was sitting at his meditation and heard a baby crying, and hurried anxiously down tothe riverside to look. He saw a baby lying on a board beside the bank, and got him out of the water as quicklyas he could. When he read the letter written in blood that was on the baby’s chest he knew why he was there.

He gave the child the milk-name Jiangliu,“River Current”, and arranged for him to be fostered. The letterin blood he put away in a very safe place.

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