
第29章 学习是人生的需要(2)

1.2 作者人生

1.2 The Writer’s Life


Wu Cheng’en (1500—1582) bore the style Ruzhong and the pen name Sheyang Hermit. His ancestralhome was Lianshui in Jiangsu Province, and the family later moved to Shanyang in Huai’an (present-dayHuai’an, Jiangsu Province). His great-grandfather, Wu Ming, had served as education commissioner forYuyao County, Zhejiang Province, and his grandfather, Wu Zhen, had served as an education official inRenhe County (present-day Hangzhou), also in Zhejiang. His father, Wu Rui, had in his childhood shownan aptitude for study, and had received a good primary education, but his father died when he was only fouryears old. His mother took him to Shanyang, their native land and lived there. Due to the family’s straitenedcircumstances he had to abandon his studies and go into trade to earn a living. When he was quite young, hemarried into and lived with his wife’s family. Because his wife was the only child of her parents, he took overthe silk shop from his wife’s side of the family after his father-in-law died. Despite being a tradesman, WuRui kept aloof from the company of his fellow merchants, instead devoting himself to literary pursuits anddiscussions of current affairs. On account of this, he was often bullied and dubbed the“Silly old fellow”bythe townspeople. He and his wife Xu gave birth to a daughter named Wu Chengjia. When he became middle-aged, he had a concubine nee Zhang, who gave birth to a son named Wu Cheng’en. Influenced by this familybackground, Wu Cheng’en showed an enthusiasm for books at a very early age, and had ambitions to passthe imperial civil service examination. While he was still young, he became very widely read, was praisedby the local inspector of education and earned a reputation for learning. However, he failed to pass theexamination even after several attempts, and it was only in middle age that he entered the Imperial Collegewith recommendations. In the 4th year of the Jiajing period (i.e. 1525) he married Miss Ye who came from adistinguished family in Huai’an. They had a son named Feng Mao (phoenix Feathers), who was engaged to hisgood friend Shen Kun’s daughter. But he died before their marriage. This was a heavy blow to Wu Cheng’en,for whose family had only one son for several generations. After Wu’s father died, he failed the imperialexaminations for another several years, and finally in the 43 rd year of the Jiajing period (1564) he was invitedto the capital to be selected for official positions by a senior official named Li Chunfang, who was from thesame hometown. One or two years later, he managed to obtain an official post in Changxing County, Zhejiang,as assistant to the county magistrate. It turned out to be a menial position. During his term of office, he andanother official were in charge of provisions and police. He offended some rich and powerful people during hiscollecting grains for the country and in return they falsely accused him of accepting bribes. Consequently, hewas dismissed from his post. What a pity! His first time and also the last time in his life to be an official onlylasted a year or so. Before long his case was made clear. Later, he was named to a post as secretary at PrinceJing’s Mansion. That might be regarded as the rehabilitation of his reputation. But it is uncertain whether heactually took up the post or not. He returned home and spent his remaining years in his hometown, passinghis time in literary composition. He underwent Hongzhi, Zhengde, Jiajing, Longqing, Wanli five periods ofMing Dynasty and was a man of wide knowledge and experience. He also lived a long life with the age ofeighty-three.


Wu Cheng’en had a fondness for anecdotes and stories in his childhood. In the preface to his YudingAnnals, he writes,“When I was at school, I would secretly buy storybooks and so-called unofficial histories,and read them in secret, for fear my father might scold me and confiscate them. In this way, I became evermore curious about such lore.”He was especially intrigued by the fantastic tales in such works as Accountsof Mysteries and Monsters by Niu Sengru of the Tang Dynasty and the Youyang Miscellany by DuanChengshi. His Yuding Annals is a collection of a dozen or so fantastic stories. He wrote:“My book does notjust deal with the supernatural; it deals with the foibles of men too. And so it can be regarded as a collection ofcautionary fables.”Wu Cheng’en suffered personally from the political corruption and ever-increasing socialdespair of the Jiajing period. During the Jiajing reign of 1522—1567, Wu Cheng’en, after having failed in theimperial civil service examinations for quite a few times, was invited to the capital to be selected for officialpositions by a senior official named Li Chunfang, who was a friend of his and from his same hometown. Hemight have learned much about palace politics and court life. In fact, the Jiajing emperor was a devotee ofheterodox Taoist magic. During the Jiajing reign of 45 years, the Emperor held court only once, every day heperformed Taoist sacrificial ceremony and prayed for eternal life, including some of a very unpleasant nature:

the story in the book of the king of Bhiksuland who was going to have 1111 little boys murdered so that theirheart could be used to make a potion for him was only to some extent an exaggeration of what was done for theMing emperor. A deluded monarch under the influence of devilish Taoist magicians that is found in severalepisodes of the novel (as in chapters 37—39, 44—46, and 78—79) would have had a special relevanceduring or soon after the Jiajing reign.



Wu Cheng’en lived in the middle part of the Ming Dynasty, at a time when the prose of the Qin and Handynasty and the poetry of the heyday of the Tang Dynasty were the fashionable models for literary men. ButWu’s literary works were not modeled on any of the ancient styles, but came straight from the heart and borethe unmistakable stamp of his own individuality. That’s one of the reasons why he repeatedly failed in theImperial Examinations. After he went to Nanjing to take part in the Imperial Examination in 1537 and failedagain and again, he made up his mind to open up another world so that he could achieve his ambition—to make the stories about the Tang Priest and his three disciples’ quest for the Scriptures from the WesternParadise circulated through dynasties and generations more perfect and spread far and wide and remain inthe world for ever by rejecting the dross and assimilating the fine essence, carding and integrating and bringforth something new from the old. Hence, Wu Cheng’en began to write the Journey to the West in the primeof his life, until his old age he was still polishing, revising his novel and finally he finished it. He has reworkedall kinds of materials that had been accumulated, developed and improved by countless professionalentertainers over nine centuries. He has stretched the story cycle to the length of one hundred chapters. Hehas invented the whole new episodes. He has spread out and detailed the nine times nine ordeals. He hasperfected more than forty series of episodes that are both connected and separated. He has written a fantasynovel which has something so superior to any other treatments of the story cycle that he’s given it a definitiveform. There is no further room or need for improvement. He’s the last one who has epitomized the stories ofthe journey. He’s also a creative summarizer. But he was too poor to get the novel published, and he left nodescendent. The earliest extant copy of Journey to the West is a woodlock version published by the Shidetangin the 20thyear of the Wanli period (1592) of the Ming Dynasty, i. e. after ten years of Wu Cheng’en’s death,his good friend Li Chunfang had the novel published in Wu’s pen name the Master of Huayang Dongtian butonly with“proofread by”instead of“written by”or“by”.

根据明朝天启时期编撰的《淮安府志》记载,吴承恩“性敏而多慧,博极群书,为诗文下笔立成”。 他与当代主要学者,如李春芳、文徵明、罥中行、归有光、陈文烛关系密切。


According to Records of Huai’an compiled during the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty, Wu Cheng’enwas“lively and clever, erudite and an accomplished writer.”He was on intimate terms with contemporaryleading scholars, such as Li Chunfang, Wen Zhengming, Xu Zhongxing, Gui Youguang and Chen Wenzhu.

During his lifetime, his output of poetry and prose was considerable, but because he was too poor to get themprinted, and he left no descendents, they have mostly been lost. Nevertheless, his grandnephew, named QiuZhenggang, collected as many manus as he could from relatives and friends, and compiled them into theRemaining Manus of Mr. Sheyang, in four volumes. Famous collections of Ming poetry published inthe Qing Dynasty, such as Zhu Yizun’s A Digest of Ming Poetry and Chen Tian’s A Record of Ming Poetry,all include some of his poetic works. But Wu Cheng’en’s main literary achievements were in the field of thenovel. His novel Journey to the West not only is the fruit of painstaking labour of his whole lifetime but alsomakes him live for ever in the hearts of the readers all over the world.

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