找到52路车站,等了一会,来了一辆。上车坐了几站,没有看到Rue BEAUBIEN的街标,司机是个40多岁的白人女人,我问她“Sorry,We passed Rue BEAUBIEN?”
“Je suis desole, Je ne parle par anglais.(Sorry, I don’t speak English.)”
“Oh Sorry.”
“Where to Monsieur(Mister)?”
“Ah…2 more stops.”她的英语很生硬。我很感动,她本可以不理我的,要是我的话就会这样。
“Merci tres beaucoup.(Thank you very much).”
两站后,我正在看地图,她回头叫我,“Monsieur,You go down here.”
“Merci. Vous etes tres belle.(You are very beautiful.)”我由衷的说了一句,好像不太合适,不过我只会这一句。
“Good luck!”她笑着冲我挥挥手。
“francais ou anglais?(French or English)”他问。
“OK,come in, please.”
他领我在屋里转了一圈,房型很好,两室一厅,我们的厅在英语里叫living room,就是生活的地方,厅里摆着沙发,电视,饭厅很大,很豁亮,饭厅连着阳台,开门就出去,阳台非常大,可以叫平台了,能并排放下两个斯诺克的案子。
“So what’s your name?”
“Allen is a good name.”
“Thanks. You?”
“My English name is Jake.”
“Your English name.”
“Yeah I’m a French Canadian.”
“You not local. You not bored here?”
“No. I came here 10 years ago. From France.”
“OK, Your English not sound like you from France.”
“I don’t speak English at all when I came here. But a lot of people around me helped me a lot.”
“OK. So this is your house?”
“No. This is my sister’s house. She’s the landlord.”
“OK. So who live in that room?”我指了指厅旁边紧锁着的房间。
“Oh. A Chinese guy live in that room.”
“Chinese guy huh. What does he do?”
“He’s a professor.”
“Professor?What does he teach?”
“I have no idea. He never told me about it. The so called professor. Hehe.”
“So he’s gonna move out?”
“Yeah. I made him.”
“Why is that? He’s not nice?”
“Well. This guy told me he’ll live in here himself at first. But after a few weeks his wife came and live here with him. When I talk to him about this He show me the lease and told me that nothing in the lease saying he can not bring his wife. I consider that as cheating. It’s a insult of my intelligence. He thought he’s smart enough. I just hate this kind of behavior. It’ not honest. So I told him to move out. With her wife.”
“Hehe, sound just like Chinese people. So he just package his thing and move out?”
“Of course not that easy. He wanna go to the court with me. He thought he can scare me. But I’m not that stupid.”
“So you go to the court?”
“How was it? Who won?”
“Me of course. I told the judge about his tricks. The judge finished this case right away. He didn’t even let him say a word. Looks like the judge had seen quite enough this kind of Chinese Tricks and already sick and tired of this. You should see the professor’s dame face. Hahaha.”
一阵阵的羞辱感升上嗓子眼,毕竟我也是中国人,他这么直白的说我也有点挂不住了。“Chinese Tricks”huh?!都seen enough了。中国人在当地人的眼中都是一种什么样的形象呢。
“Whatever it is, he’s gonna move out soon. I need to find a new roommate.”
“How did that go?”
“Well, I’ve seen around 5 people.”
“What about them? Not even one fit?”
“It’s not they are not good enough. It’s just, you know, they are all Chinese.”
“OK. So what do you think of me?”
“I don’t know yet. I got to have the right feeling. You know, like you see, I’m old, I don’t have much time left. I don’t want to change roommate all the time. It’s a waste of my time. So I need to find someone who can live here for a little longer. I got to have the right feeling for him to make the decision.”
“So why you want to move out from where you live now?”
“I got bad neighbors. They are so mean to me.”话一出口我就后悔了,我怎么这么直啊。
“What did they do to you? They take advantage of you?”
“Ah actually nothing big. I just sick of being in one same place for such a long time.”
“OK. I see.”
“So what do you think of here?”
“It’s a real nice place.”
“Do you cook?”
“Yeah. I cook a lot. I’m kinda good at it. I cook all kinds of Chinese food. You like Chinese food?”
“Yeah. I love it. Combao Chicken is my favorite. Can you cook that?”
“Piece of cake. I can even teach you.”
“Oh yeah? That will be great.”老头眼一亮。
“You know I make cake myself. I’m real good.”
“Oh really? Can you teach me?”
“Sure thing.”
“It’s getting late. You get home and I will call you later.”
“OK. I’ll wait. Bye.”
“Hey Allen. How’s it going?”
“Everything’s fine. You made you decision?”
“Not yet. Still looking for the right people.”
“I’m not good enough for you either?”
“Let’s not put it that way. It’s just I don’t have the feeling.”
“So what kind of people you are expecting?”
“I don’t know. I guess when I met him I’ll know.”
他听我半天没说话,“Be strong Allen. You will find a better place.”“Be nice to your neighbors now and they will treat you the same way back.”