
第37章 BOOK III(7)

AND then he turned him to the other knight,that was sore wounded.But when he saw the other's buffet,he would not fight,but kneeled down and said,Take my cousin the lady with you at your request,and I require you,as ye be a true knight,put her to no shame nor villainy.What,said King Pellinore,will ye not fight for her?No,sir,said the knight,I will not fight with such a knight of prowess as ye be.Well,said Pellinore,ye say well;I promise you she shall have no villainy by me,as I am true knight;but now me lacketh an horse,said Pellinore,but Iwill have Hontzlake's horse.Ye shall not need,said the knight,for I shall give you such an horse as shall please you,so that you will lodge with me,for it is near night.I will well,said King Pellinore,abide with you all night.And there he had with him right good cheer,and fared of the best with passing good wine,and had merry rest that night.And on the morn he heard a mass and dined;and then was brought him a fair bay courser,and King Pellinore's saddle set upon him.Now,what shall I call you?said the knight,inasmuch as ye have my cousin at your desire of your quest.Sir,I shall tell you,my name is King Pellinore of the Isles and knight of the Table Round.Now I am glad,said the knight,that such a noble man shall have the rule of my cousin.Now,what is your name?said Pellinore,I pray you tell me.Sir,my name is Sir Meliot of Logurs,and this lady my cousin hight Nimue,and the knight that was in the other pavilion is my sworn brother,a passing good knight,and his name is Brian of the Isles,and he is full loath to do wrong,and full loath to fight with any man,but if he be sore sought on,so that for shame he may not leave it.It is marvel,said Pellinore,that he will not have ado with me.Sir,he will not have ado with no man but if it be at his request.Bring him to the court,said Pellinore,one of these days.Sir,we will come together.And ye shall be welcome,said Pellinore,to the court of King Arthur,and greatly allowed for your coming.And so he departed with the lady,and brought her to Camelot.

So as they rode in a valley it was full of stones,and there the lady's horse stumbled and threw her down,that her arm was sore bruised and near she swooned for pain.Alas!sir,said the lady,mine arm is out of lithe,wherethrough I must needs rest me.Ye shall well,said King Pellinore.And so he alighted under a fair tree where was fair grass,and he put his horse thereto,and so laid him under the tree and slept till it was nigh night.And when he awoke he would have ridden.Sir,said the lady,it is so dark that ye may as well ride backward as forward.So they abode still and made there their lodging.Then Sir Pellinore put off his armour;then a little afore midnight they heard the trotting of an horse.Be ye still,said King Pellinore,for we shall hear of some adventure.


How on the way he heard two knights,as he lay by night in a valley,and of their adventures.

AND therewith he armed him.So right even afore him there met two knights,the one came froward Camelot,and the other from the north,and either saluted other.What tidings at Camelot?said the one.By my head,said the other,there have I been and espied the court of King Arthur,and there is such a fellowship they may never be broken,and well-nigh all the world holdeth with Arthur,for there is the flower of chivalry.Now for this cause I am riding into the north,to tell our chieftains of the fellowship that is withholden with King Arthur.As for that,said the other knight,I have brought a remedy with me,that is the greatest poison that ever ye heard speak of,and to Camelot will I with it,for we have a friend right nigh King Arthur,and well cherished,that shall poison King Arthur;for so he hath promised our chieftains,and received great gifts for to do it.

Beware,said the other knight,of Merlin,for he knoweth all things by the devil's craft.Therefore will I not let it,said the knight.And so they departed asunder.Anon after Pellinore made him ready,and his lady,[and]rode toward Camelot;and as they came by the well there as the wounded knight was and the lady,there he found the knight,and the lady eaten with lions or wild beasts,all save the head,wherefore he made great sorrow,and wept passing sore,and said,Alas!her life might I have saved;but I was so fierce in my quest,therefore I would not abide.Wherefore make ye such dole?said the lady.I wot not,said Pellinore,but my heart mourneth sore of the death of her,for she was a passing fair lady and a young.Now,will ye do by mine advice?said the lady,take this knight and let him be buried in an hermitage,and then take the lady's head and bear it with you unto Arthur.So King Pellinore took this dead knight on his shoulders,and brought him to the hermitage,and charged the hermit with the corpse,that service should be done for the soul;and take his harness for your pain.It shall be done,said the hermit,as I will answer unto God.


How when he was come to Camelot he was sworn upon a book to tell the truth of his quest.

AND therewith they departed,and came there as the head of the lady lay with a fair yellow hair that grieved King Pellinore passingly sore when he looked on it,for much he cast his heart on the visage.And so by noon they came to Camelot;and the king and the queen were passing fain of his coming to the court.And there he was made to swear upon the Four Evangelists,to tell the truth of his quest from the one to the other.Ah!

Sir Pellinore,said Queen Guenever,ye were greatly to blame that ye saved not this lady's life.Madam,said Pellinore,ye were greatly to blame an ye would not save your own life an ye might,but,save your pleasure,I was so furious in my quest that Iwould not abide,and that repenteth me,and shall the days of my life.Truly,said Merlin,ye ought sore to repent it,for that lady was your own daughter begotten on the lady of the Rule,and that knight that was dead was her love,and should have wedded her,and he was a right good knight of a young man,and would have proved a good man,and to this court was he coming,and his name was Sir Miles of the Launds,and a knight came behind him and slew him with a spear,and his name is Loraine le Savage,a false knight and a coward;and she for great sorrow and dole slew herself with his sword,and her name was Eleine.And because ye would not abide and help her,ye shall see your best friend fail you when ye be in the greatest distress that ever ye were or shall be.And that penance God hath ordained you for that deed,that he that ye shall most trust to of any man alive,he shall leave you there ye shall be slain.Me forthinketh,said King Pellinore,that this shall me betide,but God may fordo well destiny.

Thus,when the quest was done of the white hart,the which followed Sir Gawaine;and the quest of the brachet,followed of Sir Tor,Pellinore's son;and the quest of the lady that the knight took away,the which King Pellinore at that time followed;then the king stablished all his knights,and them that were of lands not rich he gave them lands,and charged them never to do outrageousity nor murder,and always to flee treason;also,by no means to be cruel,but to give mercy unto him that asketh mercy,upon pain of forfeiture of their worship and lordship of King Arthur for evermore;and always to do ladies,damosels,and gentlewomen succour,upon pain of death.Also,that no man take no battles in a wrongful quarrel for no law,nor for no world's goods.Unto this were all the knights sworn of the Table Round,both old and young.And every year were they sworn at the high feast of Pentecost.

Explicit the Wedding of King Arthur.

Sequitur quartus liber.

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  • Le Mort d'Arthur

    Le Mort d'Arthur

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