
第36章 BOOK III(6)

How King Pellinore rode after the lady and the knight that led her away,and how a lady desired help of him,and how he fought with two knights for that lady,of whom he slew the one at the first stroke.

THEN King Pellinore armed him and mounted upon his horse,and rode more than a pace after the lady that the knight led away.

And as he rode in a forest,he saw in a valley a damosel sit by a well,and a wounded knight in her arms,and Pellinore saluted her.And when she was ware of him,she cried overloud,Help me,knight;for Christ's sake,King Pellinore.And he would not tarry,he was so eager in his quest,and ever she cried an hundred times after help.When she saw he would not abide,she prayed unto God to send him as much need of help as she had,and that he might feel it or he died.So,as the book telleth,the knight there died that there was wounded,wherefore the lady for pure sorrow slew herself with his sword.As King Pellinore rode in that valley he met with a poor man,a labourer.Sawest thou not,said Pellinore,a knight riding and leading away a lady?

Yea,said the man,I saw that knight,and the lady that made great dole;and yonder beneath in a valley there shall ye see two pavilions,and one of the knights of the pavilions challenged that lady of that knight,and said she was his cousin near,wherefore he should lead her no farther.And so they waged battle in that quarrel,the one said he would have her by force,and the other said he would have the rule of her,by cause he was her kinsman,and would lead her to her kin.For this quarrel he left them fighting.And if ye will ride a pace ye shall find them fighting,and the lady was beleft with the two squires in the pavilions.God thank thee,said King Pellinore.

Then he rode a wallop till he had a sight of the two pavilions,and the two knights fighting.Anon he rode unto the pavilions,and saw the lady that was his quest,and said,Fair lady,ye must go with me unto the court of King Arthur.Sir knight,said the two squires that were with her,yonder are two knights that fight for this lady,go thither and depart them,and be agreed with them,and then may ye have her at your pleasure.Ye say well,said King Pellinore.And anon he rode betwixt them,and departed them,and asked them the causes why that they fought?Sir knight,said the one,I shall tell you,this lady is my kinswoman nigh,mine aunt's daughter,and when I heard her complain that she was with him maugre her head,I waged battle to fight with him.Sir knight,said the other,whose name was Hontzlake of Wentland,and this lady I gat by my prowess of arms this day at Arthur's court.That is untruly said,said King Pellinore,for ye came in suddenly there as we were at the high feast,and took away this lady or any man might make him ready;and therefore it was my quest to bring her again and you both,or else the one of us to abide in the field;therefore the lady shall go with me,or I will die for it,for I have promised it King Arthur.And therefore fight ye no more,for none of you shall have no part of her at this time;and if ye list to fight for her,fight with me,and I will defend her.Well,said the knights,make you ready,and we shall assail you with all our power.And as King Pellinore would have put his horse from them,Sir Hontzlake rove his horse through with a sword,and said:Now art thou on foot as well as we are.When King Pellinore espied that his horse was slain,lightly he leapt from his horse and pulled out his sword,and put his shield afore him,and said,Knight,keep well thy head,for thou shalt have a buffet for the slaying of my horse.

So King Pellinore gave him such a stroke upon the helm that he clave the head down to the chin,that he fell to the earth dead.


How King Pellinore gat the lady and brought her to Camelot to the court of King Arthur.

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