
第38章 BOOK IV(1)


How Merlin was assotted and doted on one of the ladies of the lake,and how he was shut in a rock under a stone and there died.

SO after these quests of Sir Gawaine,Sir Tor,and King Pellinore,it fell so that Merlin fell in a dotage on the damosel that King Pellinore brought to court,and she was one of the damosels of the lake,that hight Nimue.But Merlin would let her have no rest,but always he would be with her.And ever she made Merlin good cheer till she had learned of him all manner thing that she desired;and he was assotted upon her,that he might not be from her.So on a time he told King Arthur that he should not dure long,but for all his crafts he should be put in the earth quick.And so he told the king many things that should befall,but always he warned the king to keep well his sword and the scabbard,for he told him how the sword and the scabbard should be stolen by a woman from him that he most trusted.Also he told King Arthur that he should miss him,--Yet had ye liefer than all your lands to have me again.Ah,said the king,since ye know of your adventure,purvey for it,and put away by your crafts that misadventure.Nay,said Merlin,it will not be;so he departed from the king.And within a while the Damosel of the Lake departed,and Merlin went with her evermore wheresomever she went.And ofttimes Merlin would have had her privily away by his subtle crafts;then she made him to swear that he should never do none enchantment upon her if he would have his will.

And so he sware;so she and Merlin went over the sea unto the land of Benwick,whereas King Ban was king that had great war against King Claudas,and there Merlin spake with King Ban's wife,a fair lady and a good,and her name was Elaine,and there he saw young Launcelot.There the queen made great sorrow for the mortal war that King Claudas made on her lord and on her lands.Take none heaviness,said Merlin,for this same child within this twenty year shall revenge you on King Claudas,that all Christendom shall speak of it;and this same child shall be the most man of worship of the world,and his first name is Galahad,that know I well,said Merlin,and since ye have confirmed him Launcelot.That is truth,said the queen,his first name was Galahad.O Merlin,said the queen,shall I live to see my son such a man of prowess?Yea,lady,on my peril ye shall see it,and live many winters after.

And so,soon after,the lady and Merlin departed,and by the way Merlin showed her many wonders,and came into Cornwall.And always Merlin lay about the lady to have her maidenhood,and she was ever passing weary of him,and fain would have been delivered of him,for she was afeard of him because he was a devil's son,and she could not beskift him by no mean.And so on a time it happed that Merlin showed to her in a rock whereas was a great wonder,and wrought by enchantment,that went under a great stone.So by her subtle working she made Merlin to go under that stone to let her wit of the marvels there;but she wrought so there for him that he came never out for all the craft he could do.And so she departed and left Merlin.


How five kings came into this land to war against King Arthur,and what counsel Arthur had against them.

AND as King Arthur rode to Camelot,and held there a great feast with mirth and joy,so soon after he returned unto Cardoile,and there came unto Arthur new tidings that the king of Denmark,and the king of Ireland that was his brother,and the king of the Vale,and the king of Soleise,and the king of the Isle of Longtains,all these five kings with a great host were entered into the land of King Arthur,and burnt and slew clean afore them,both cities and castles,that it was pity to hear.Alas,said Arthur,yet had I never rest one month since I was crowned king of this land.Now shall I never rest till I meet with those kings in a fair field,that I make mine avow;for my true liege people shall not be destroyed in my default,go with me who will,and abide who that will.Then the king let write unto King Pellinore,and prayed him in all haste to make him ready with such people as he might lightliest rear and hie him after in all haste.All the barons were privily wroth that the king would depart so suddenly;but the king by no mean would abide,but made writing unto them that were not there,and bade them hie after him,such as were not at that time in the court.Then the king came to Queen Guenever,and said,Lady,make you ready,for ye shall go with me,for I may not long miss you;ye shall cause me to be the more hardy,what adventure so befall me;I will not wit my lady to be in no jeopardy.Sir,said she,I am at your commandment,and shall be ready what time so ye be ready.So on the morn the king and the queen departed with such fellowship as they had,and came into the north,into a forest beside Humber,and there lodged them.When the word and tiding came unto the five kings above said,that Arthur was beside Humber in a forest,there was a knight,brother unto one of the five kings,that gave them this counsel:Ye know well that Sir Arthur hath the flower of chivalry of the world with him,as it is proved by the great battle he did with the eleven kings;and therefore hie unto him night and day till that we be nigh him,for the longer he tarrieth the bigger he is,and we ever the weaker;and he is so courageous of himself that he is come to the field with little people,and therefore let us set upon him or day and we shall slay down;of his knights there shall none escape.


How King Arthur had ado with them and overthrew them,and slew the five kings and made the remnant to flee.

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