

Long sat the excellent couple under the doorway, exchanging Many a passing remark on the people who happen'd to pass them.

Presently thus to her husband exclaim'd the good-natured hostess "See! Yon comes the minister; with him is walking the druggist:

They'll be able to give an account of all that has happen'd, What they witness'd, and many a sight I fear which was painful."Both of them came in a friendly manner, and greeted the couple, Taking their seats on the wooden benches under the doorway, Shaking the dust from their feet, their handkerchiefs using to fan them.

Presently, after exchanging reciprocal greetings, the druggist Open'd his mouth, and almost peevishly vented his feelings "What strange creatures men are! They all resemble each other, All take pleasure in staring, when troubles fall on their neighbours.

Ev'ry one runs to see the flames destroying a dwelling, Or a poor criminal led in terror and shame to the scaffold.

All the town has been out to gaze at the sorrowing exiles, None of them bearing in mind that a like misfortune hereafter, Possibly almost directly, may happen to be their own portion.

I can't pardon such levity; yet 'tis the nature of all men."Thereupon rejoin'd the noble and excellent pastor, He, the charm of the town, in age scarce more than a stripling:--(He was acquainted with life, and knew the wants of his hearers, Fully convinced of the worth of the Holy Scriptures, whose mission Is to reveal man's fate, his inclinations to fathom;He was also well read in the best of secular writings.)"I don't like to find fault with any innocent impulse Which in the mind of man Dame Nature has ever implanted;For what reason and intellect ne'er could accomplish, is often Done by some fortunate, quite irresistible instinct within him.

If mankind were never by curiosity driven, Say, could they e'er have found out for themselves the wonderful manner Things in the world range in order? For first they Novelty look for, Then with untiring industry seek to discover the Useful, Lastly they yearn for the Good, which makes them noble and worthy.

All through their youth frivolity serves as their joyous companion, Hiding the presence of danger, and.swiftly effacing the traces Caused by misfortune and grief, as soon as their onslaught is over.

Truly the man's to be praised who, as years roll onward, develops Out of such glad disposition an intellect settled and steady,--Who, in good fortune as well as misfortune, strives zealously, nobly;For what is Good he brings forth, replacing whatever is injured."Then in a friendly voice impatiently spoke thus the hostess:--"Tell us what have you seen; I am eagerly longing to hear it."Then with emphasis answer'd the druggist:--" The terrible stories Told me to-day will serve for a long time to make me unhappy.

Words would fail to describe the manifold pictures of mis'ry.

Far in the distance saw we the dust, before we descended Down to the meadows; the rising hillocks hid the procession Long from our eyes, and little could we distinguish about it.

When, however, we reach'd the road that winds thro' the valley, Great was the crowd and the noise of the emigrants mix'd with the waggons.

We unhappily saw poor fellows passing in numbers, Some of them showing how bitter the sense of their sorrowful flight was, Some with a feeling of joy at saving their lives in a hurry.

Sad was the sight of the manifold goods and chattels pertaining Unto a well-managed house, which the careful owner's accustom'd Each in its proper position to place, and in regular order, Always ready for use, for all are wanted and useful.--Sad was the sight of them now, on many a waggon and barrow Heap'd in thorough confusion, and hurriedly huddled together.

Over a cupboard was placed a sieve and a coverlet woollen;Beds in the kneeding troughs lay, and linen over the glasses.

Ah! and the danger appear'd to rob the men of their senses, Just as in our great fire of twenty years ago happen'd, When what was worthless they saved, and left all the best things behind them.

So on the present occasion with heedless caution they carried Many valueless chattels, o'erlading the cattle and horses,--Common old boards and barrels, a birdcage next to a goosepen.

Women and children were gasping beneath the weight of their bundles, Baskets and tubs full of utterly useless articles, bearing.

(Man is always unwilling the least of his goods to abandon.)Thus on its dusty way advanced the crowded procession, All in hopeless confusion.First one, whose cattle were weaker, Fain would slowly advance, while others would eagerly hasten.

Then there arose a scream of half-crush'd women and children, And a lowing of cattle, with yelping of dogs intermingled, And a wailing of aged and sick, all sitting and shaking, Ranged in their beds on the top of the waggon too-heavily laden.

Next some lumbering wheel, push'd out of the track by the pressure, Went to the edge of the roadway; the vehicle fell in the ditch then, Rolling right over, and throwing, in falling, the men who were in it Far in the field, screaming loudly, their persons however uninjured.

Then the boxes roll'd off and tumbled close to the waggon.

Those who saw them failing full surely expected to see them Smash'd to pieces beneath the weight of the chests and the presses.

So the waggon lay broken, and those that it carried were helpless, For the rest of the train went on, and hurriedly pass'd them, Thinking only of self, and carried away by the current.

So we sped to the spot, and found the sick and the aged Who, when at home and in bed, could scarcely endure their sad ailments, Lying there on the ground, all sighing and groaning in anguish, Stifled by clouds of dust, and scorch'd by the fierce sun of summer.

Then replied in tones of compassion the sensitive landlord Hermann I trust will find them and give them refreshment and clothing.

I should unwillingly see them: I grieve at the eight of such sorrow.

  • 崇祯长编


  • Mazelli and Other Poems

    Mazelli and Other Poems

  • 华严游意


  • 台湾日记与禀启


  • 双卿笔记


  • 半路新娘,捡个豪门老公


  • 傲娇姑凉离家出走穿越记


  • 高达之尘埃


  • 夕烨


  • 爱如往事——你丫不爱请滚


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 抗战之间谍传说


  • 穿云裂空


  • 忍辱膑足:孙膑


  • 大学之爱情往事

