

A proof that even the humblest fortune may grant happiness, which depends not on circumstance, but constitution The place of our retreat was in a little neighbourhood, consisting of farmers, who tilled their own grounds, and were equal strangers to opulence and poverty. As they had almost all the conveniencies of life within themselves, they seldom visited towns or cities in search of superfluity. Remote from the polite, they still retained the primaeval simplicity of manners, and frugal by habit, they scarce knew that temperance was a virtue.

They wrought with cheerfulness on days of labour; but observed festivals as intervals of idleness and pleasure. They kept up the Christmas carol, sent true love-knots on Valentine morning, eat pancakes on Shrove-tide, shewed their wit on the first of April, and religiously cracked nuts on Michaelmas eve. Being apprized of our approach, the whole neighbourhood came out to meet their minister, drest in their finest cloaths, and preceded by a pipe and tabor: A feast also was provided for our reception, at which we sat cheerfully down; and what the conversation wanted in wit, was made up in laughter.

Our little habitation was situated at the foot of a sloping hill, sheltered with a beautiful underwood behind, and a pratling river before; on one side a meadow, on the other a green. My farm consisted of about twenty acres of excellent land, having given an hundred pound for my predecessor's good-will. Nothing could exceed the neatness of my little enclosures: the elms and hedge rows appearing with inexpressible beauty. My house consisted of but one story, and was covered with thatch, which gave it an air of great snugness; the walls on the inside were nicely white- washed, and my daughters undertook to adorn them with pictures of their own designing. Though the same room served us for parlour and kitchen, that only made it the warmer. Besides, as it was kept with the utmost neatness, the dishes, plates, and coppers, being well scoured, and all disposed in bright rows on the shelves, the eye was agreeably relieved, and did not want richer furniture. There were three other apartments, one for my wife and me, another for our two daughters, within our own, and the third, with two beds, for the rest of the children.

The little republic to which I gave laws, was regulated in the following manner: by sun-rise we all assembled in our common appartment; the fire being previously kindled by the servant.

After we had saluted each other with proper ceremony, for I always thought fit to keep up some mechanical forms of good breeding, without which freedom ever destroys friendship, we all bent in gratitude to that Being who gave us another day. This duty being performed, my son and I went to pursue our usual industry abroad, while my wife and daughters employed themselves in providing breakfast, which was always ready at a certain time.

I allowed half an hour for this meal, and an hour for dinner; which time was taken up in innocent mirth between my wife and daughters, and in philosophical arguments between my son and me.

  • 莲惑


    她原本有个幸福的家庭,一个深爱她的丈夫,一个可爱的女儿。可是由于阎王的失误一夕之间,与家人天人永隔。重生后的她胸含血莲而生,一出生就被视为杨家天命之女的传人,更是南齐国严太宰唯一的孙女。而这位严太宰就是前世她深爱的丈夫。爷爷对她疼爱有加。取名严慕雪。当雪儿成为天女宫宫主时,才知道原来南齐皇族君家世代身重至命绝情蛊,中了该蛊不仅自己深受蛊毒痛苦,寿命不超过45岁,而且还遗传给其儿子。而天命之女因为天生至阴之血,只有她与君家子孙所生的孩子的脐血才是的绝情蛊的唯一解药,而她的使命就是替君家解毒。一个从小与她青梅竹马在11岁时就以其母妃的传家之宝梅花镯送她做为定情物的瑞王爷君子墨,另一个是帅气睿智深受陛下宠爱的明王爷君子轩。她并不知道自己面临命运的选择。无意中命运把她推上了太子妃的宝座。而明王爷在与她定婚当天被皇上命为皇太子。本十分不愿嫁入皇家的她,知道了子轩对她的情深意重,尤其是婚后子轩为她放弃了整个后宫后,也渐渐地爱上了君子轩。并告诉了他自己是杨家天命之女传人的身份。当雪儿怀上子轩的孩子后,一次未遂的下毒事件才使她知道梅花镯原来是子墨送给他王妃的定情物,而且只有在怀上子墨的孩子后才能拿下来。与其同时,子轩与其大哥欣亲王的夺位之争也处于白日化的状态。在严太宰与子轩的运筹帷幄下,子轩最后赢得了胜利。但皇上却因此而重病不起。临终之前,皇上密见雪儿并求她一定要救救瑞亲王君子墨。然后皇上当着文武百官的面宣布皇太子君子轩继位。亲封雪儿为皇后。最后皇上给了瑞亲王君子墨一根御杖,称该杖上可打昏君下可打佞臣。子轩即位后,雪儿产下一子,顺利解了子轩体内的毒。同时雪儿也以健康为代价解救了墨。此时邻国狄夷国趁南齐新君继位,国事未稳,发动战争。子墨殿前请樱带兵前去御敌。一年后前方传来南齐军在合州被围的消息,而子墨身重毒箭命在旦夕。 雪儿带领其表兄神医之后、天女宫成员与国丈一起去解合州之围。在雪儿的指挥下,合州之围被解。狄夷国灭亡。雪儿衣不解带的照顾子墨,二人因此而产生了感情。可雪儿想到子轩的情深意重,克制了这份还处在朦胧中的感情。
  • 倾世校草倾城妹儿,离近点


  • 美女老板娘的贴身店员


  • 都是生活之奋进


  • 大火影世界


  • 福妻驾到


  • 火影之蛇洞里出来的写轮眼


  • 天帝曰玄


  • 天道寻仙纪


  • 异界监察官

