

And, forgetting his hundred and sixty thousand francs lost, he took out his pocket-book. Mme. Favoral stopped him. "We have more than we need," said she.

She took from the table, and held out to her husband, the roll of bank notes which the director of the Mutual Credit Society had thrown down before going.

He refused them with a gesture of rage.

"Rather starve to death!" he exclaimed. "Tis he, 'tis that wretch -"

But he interrupted himself, and more gently:

"Put away those bank-bills," said he to his wife, "and let Maxence take them back to M. de Thaller to-morrow."

The bell rang violently.

"The police!" groaned Mme. Desciavettes, who seemed on the point of fainting away.

"I am going to negotiate," said M. Desormeaux. "Fly, Vincent: do not lose a minute."

And he ran to the front-door, whilst Mme. Favoral was hurrying her husband towards Mlle. Gilberte's room.

Rapidly and stoutly Maxence had fastened four sheets together by the ends, which gave a more than sufficient length. Then, opening the window, he examined carefully the courtyard of the adjoining house.

No one," said he: "everybody is at dinner. We'll succeed."

M. Favoral was tottering like a drunken man. A terrible emotion convulsed his features. Casting a long look upon his wife and children:

"0 Lord!" he murmured, "what will become of you?"

"Fear nothing, father," uttered Maxence. "I am here. Neither my mother nor my sister will want for any thing."

"My son!" resumed the cashier, "my children!"

Then, with a choking voice:

"I am worthy neither of your love nor your devotion, wretch that I am! I made you lead a miserable existence, spend a joyless youth.

I imposed upon you every trial of poverty, whilst I - And now I leave you nothing but ruin and a dishonored name."

"Make haste, father," interrupted Mme. Gilberte. It seemed as if he could not make up his mind.

"It is horrible to abandon you thus. What a parting! Ah! death would indeed be far preferable. What will you think of me? I am very guilty, certainly, but not as you think. I have been betrayed, and I must suffer for all. If at least you knew the whole truth.

But will you ever know it? We will never see each other again."

Desperately his wife clung to him.

"Do not speak thus," she said. "Wherever you may find an asylum, I will join you. Death alone can separate us. What do I care what you may have done, or what the world will say? I am your wife. Our children will come with me. If necessary, we will emigrate to America; we'll change our name; we will work."

The knocks on the outer door were becoming louder and louder; and M.

Desormeaux' voice could be heard, endeavoring to gain a few moments more.

"Come," said Maxence, "you cannot hesitate any longer."

And, overcoming his father's reluctance, he fastened one end of the sheets around his waist.

"I am going to let you down, father," said he; "and, as soon as you touch the ground, you must undo the knot. Take care of the first-story windows; beware of the concierge; and, once in the street, don't walk too fast. Make for the Boulevard, where you will be sooner lost in the crowd."

The knocks had now become violent blows; and it was evident that the door would soon be broken in, if M. Desormeaux did not make up his mind to open it.

The light was put out. With the assistance of his daughter, M.

Favoral lifted himself upon the window-sill, whilst Maxence held the sheets with both hands.

"I beseech you, Vincent," repeated Mme. Favoral, "write to us. We shall be in mortal anxiety until we hear of your safety."

Maxence let the sheets slip slowly: in two seconds M. Favoral stood on the pavement below.

"All right," he said.

The young man drew the sheets back rapidly, and threw them under the bed. But Mlle. Gilberte remained long enough at the window to recognize her father's voice asking the concierge to open the door, and to hear the heavy gate of the adjoining house closing behind him.

"Saved!" she said.

It was none too soon. M. Desormeaux had just been compelled to yield; and the commissary of police was walking in.

  • 从零开始学英语:速成英语发音王


    《贝斯特英语·从零开始学英语:速成英语发音王》是一本由基础音标学起的初级英语口语书,供未接触过英语或学过英语而荒废了多年的人使用。从成人学英语的实际出发,语言深入浅出,内容简单、实用。 教材部分融视、听、说为一体。本书包含5大学习阶段(第一部分整装待发:零起点学发音;第二部分大步前进:掌握发音奥妙;第三部分初有成效:速学高频句型;第四部分大有收获:快知天下;第五部分 脱口而出:交流无障碍。)
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