

"Last year the train went off the rails here," says the magistrate. "Now I see why!""What do you say, your honour?"

"I am telling you that now I see why the train went off the rails last year. . . . I understand!""That's what you are educated people for, to understand, you kind gentlemen. The Lord knows to whom to give understanding. . . . Here you have reasoned how and what, but the watchman, a peasant like ourselves, with no understanding at all, catches one by the collar and hauls one along. . . . You should reason first and then haul me off. It's a saying that a peasant has a peasant's wit. . . . Write down, too, your honour, that he hit me twice -- in the jaw and in the chest.""When your hut was searched they found another nut. . . . At what spot did you unscrew that, and when?""You mean the nut which lay under the red box?""I don't know where it was lying, only it was found. When did you unscrew it?""I didn't unscrew it; Ignashka, the son of one-eyed Semyon, gave it me. I mean the one which was under the box, but the one which was in the sledge in the yard Mitrofan and I unscrewed together.""What Mitrofan?"

"Mitrofan Petrov. . . . Haven't you heard of him? He makes nets in our village and sells them to the gentry. He needs a lot of those nuts. Reckon a matter of ten for each net.""Listen. Article 1081 of the Penal Code lays down that every wilful damage of the railway line committed when it can expose the traffic on that line to danger, and the guilty party knows that an accident must be caused by it . . . (Do you understand? Knows! And you could not help knowing what this unscrewing would lead to . . .) is liable to penal servitude.""Of course, you know best. . . . We are ignorant people. . . . What dowe understand?"

"You understand all about it! You are lying, shamming!""What should I lie for? Ask in the village if you don't believe me. Only a bleak is caught without a weight, and there is no fish worse than a gudgeon, yet even that won't bite without a weight.""You'd better tell me about the shillisper next," said the magistrate, smiling.

"There are no shillispers in our parts. . . . We cast our line without a weight on the top of the water with a butterfly; a mullet may be caught that way, though that is not often.""Come, hold your tongue."

A silence follows. Denis shifts from one foot to the other, looks at the table with the green cloth on it, and blinks his eyes violently as though what was before him was not the cloth but the sun. The magistrate writes rapidly.

"Can I go?" asks Denis after a long silence.

"No. I must take you under guard and send you to prison."Denis leaves off blinking and, raising his thick eyebrows, looks inquiringly at the magistrate.

"How do you mean, to prison? Your honour! I have no time to spare, I must go to the fair; I must get three roubles from Yegor for some tallow! . . .""Hold your tongue; don't interrupt."

"To prison. . . . If there was something to go for, I'd go; but just to go for nothing! What for? I haven't stolen anything, I believe, and I've not been fighting. . . . If you are in doubt about the arrears, your honour, don't believe the elder. . . . You ask the agent . . . he's a regular heathen, the elder, you know.""Hold your tongue."

I am holding my tongue, as it is," mutters Denis; "but that the elder has lied over the account, I'll take my oath for it. . . . There are three of us brothers: Kuzma Grigoryev, then Yegor Grigoryev, and me, Denis Grigoryev.""You are hindering me. . . . Hey, Semyon," cries the magistrate, "takehim away!"

"There are three of us brothers," mutters Denis, as two stalwart soldiers take him and lead him out of the room. "A brother is not responsible for a brother. Kuzma does not pay, so you, Denis, must answer for it. . . . Judges indeed! Our master the general is dead -- the Kingdom of Heaven be his -- or he would have shown you judges. . . . You ought to judge sensibly, not at random. . . . Flog if you like, but flog someone who deserves it, flog with conscience."

  • 物异


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    洗澡就洗澡,却从水里钻出一个蛇王来!天啊,她可一向没肖想过蛇的肉体,没玩弄过蛇的感情,更没有大胆到要进行人蛇恋!为什么这条蛇一尾将她紧紧缠住,严重指控她看了他的下半身,要对他负责!晕,看了蛇尾巴也有罪啊!可惜弱者没有话语权,凌小兔还是被脱了衣服就地阵法!手法利落的令人发指!让她痛得死去活来之后,某蛇居然化为蛇身缠住她呼呼大睡十六个小时!什么,他,他居然是把她当抱枕用!某条无耻的色蛇格言:“每个人睡觉的时候都需要有一个私人抱枕!”不过是他对品质的要求比较高一些。这位可爱的温泉美少女就完全符合了他所有要求。身体很软很香灵魂安静干净,抱着就一夜安眠到天亮。多年失眠症不药而痊!所以无论她是人是兽是妖是鬼!她都跑不掉了 我的微脖http://t.***.***/zz7903901
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