
第42章 OF BAPTISM(1)

We have now finished the three chief parts of the common Christian doctrine.Besides these we have yet to speak of our two Sacraments instituted by Christ,of which also every Christian ought to have at least an ordinary,brief instruction,because without them there can be no Christian;although,alas!hitherto no instruction concerning them has been given.But,in the first place,we take up Baptism,by which we are first received into the Christian Church.However,in order that it may be readily understood we will treat of it in an orderly manner,and keep only to that which it is necessary for us to know.For how it is to be maintained and defended against heretics and sects we will commend to the learned.

In the first place,we must above all things know well the words upon which Baptism is founded,and to which everything refers that is to be said on the subject,namely,where the Lord Christ speaks in the last chapter of Matthew,v.19:

Go ye therefore and teach all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father,and of the Son,and of the Holy Ghost.

Likewise in St.Mark,the last chapter,v.16:

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;but he that believeth not shall be damned .

In these words you must note,in the first place,that here stand God's commandment and institution,lest we doubt that Baptism is divine,not devised nor invented by men.For as truly as I can say,No man has spun the Ten Commandments,the Creed,and the Lord's Prayer out of his head,but they are revealed and given by God Himself,so also Ican boast that Baptism is no human trifle,but instituted by God Himself,moreover,that it is most solemnly and strictly commanded that we must be baptized or we cannot be saved,lest any one regard it as a trifling matter,like putting on a new red coat.For it is of the greatest importance that we esteem Baptism excellent,glorious,and exalted,for which we contend and fight chiefly,because the world is now so full of sects clamoring that Baptism is an external thing,and that external things are of no benefit.But let it be ever so much an external thing here stand God's Word and command which institute,establish,and confirm Baptism.But what God institutes and commands cannot be a vain,but must be a most precious thing,though in appearance it were of less value than a straw.If hitherto people could consider it a great thing when the Pope with his letters and bulls dispensed indulgences and confirmed altars and churches,solely because of the letters and seals,we ought to esteem Baptism much more highly and more precious,because God has commanded it,and,besides,it is performed in His name.For these are the words,Go ye baptize;however,not in your name,but in the name of God.

For to be baptized in the name of God is to be baptized not by men,but by God Himself.Therefore although it is performed by human hands,it is nevertheless truly God's own work.From this fact every one may himself readily infer that it is a far higher work than any work performed by a man or a saint.For what work greater than the work of God can we do?

But here the devil is busy to delude us with false appearances,and lead us away from the work of God to our own works.For there is a much more splendid appearance when a Carthusian does many great and difficult works and we all think much more of that which we do and merit ourselves.But the Scriptures teach thus:Even though we collect in one mass the works of all the monks,however splendidly they may shine,they would not be as noble and good as if God should pick up a straw.Why?Because the person is nobler and better.Here,then,we must not estimate the person according to the works,but the works according to the person,from whom they must derive their nobility.But insane reason will not regard this,and because Baptism does not shine like the works which we do,it is to be esteemed as nothing.

From this now learn a proper understanding of the subject,and how to answer the question what Baptism is,namely thus,that it is not mere ordinary water,but water comprehended in God's Word and command,and sanctified thereby,so that it is nothing else than a divine water;not that the water in itself is nobler than other water,but that God's Word and command are added.

Therefore it is pure wickedness and blasphemy of the devil that now our new spirits,to mock at Baptism,omit from it God's Word and institution,and look upon it in no other way than as water which is taken from the well,and then blather and say:How is a handful of water to help the soul?Aye,my friend,who does not know that water is water if tearing things asunder is what we are after?But how dare you thus interfere with God's order,and tear away the most precious treasure with which God has connected and enclosed it,and which He will not have separated?For the kernel in the water is God's Word or command and the name of God which is a treasure greater and nobler than heaven and earth.

Comprehend the difference,then,that Baptism is quite another thing than all other water;not on account of the natural quality,but because something more noble is here added;for God Himself stakes His honor His power and might on it.Therefore it is not only natural water,but a divine,heavenly,holy,and blessed water,and in whatever other terms we can praise it,--all on account of the Word,which is a heavenly,holy Word,that no one can sufficiently extol,for it has,and is able to do,all that God is and can do [since it has all the virtue and power of God comprised in it].Hence also it derives its essence as a Sacrament,as St.Augustine also taught:Aocedat verbum ad elementum et fit sacramentum.That is,when the Word is joined to the element or natural substance,it becomes a Sacrament,that is,a holy and divine matter and sign.

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