375/1 I do not stop to inquire whether this was due to the statute of Quia Emptores, by which the assign was made to hold directly of the first grantor, or whether some other explanation must be found. Cf. Bract., fol. 37 b; c. 14, Sections 6, 11; VI.
c. 28, Section 4; 1 Britton (Nich.), 256, [100 b].
375/2 Fleta, III. c. 14, Section 6, fol. 197; 1 Britton (Nich.), 223, 233, 244, 255, 312; Co. Lit. 384 b; Y.B. 20 Ed. I. 232; Abbr.
Placit., fol. 308, 2d col., Dunelm, rot. 43; Y.B. 14 Hen. IV. 5, 6.
377/1 Fol. 67 a; cf. 54 a.
377/2 Fol. 381; supra, p. 874, n. 3.
378/1 Cf. Pincombe v. Rudge, Hobart, 3; Bro. Warrantia Carte, pl.
8; S.C., Y.B. 2 Hen. IV. 14, pl. 5.
378/2 Y.B. 50 Ed. III. 12b & 13.
378/3 Y.B. 42 Ed. III. 3, pl. 14, per Belknap, arguendo.
378/4 Noke v. Awder, Cro. Eliz. 373; S.C., ib. 436. Cf. Lewis v.
Campbell, 8 Taunt. 715; S.C., 3 J. B. Moore, 35.
379/1 Middlemore v. Goodale, Cro. Car. 503; S.C., ib. 505, Sir William Jones, 406.
379/2 Harper v. Bird, T. Jones, 102 (Pasch. 30 Car. II.). These cases show an order of development parallel to the history of the assignment of other contracts not negotiable.
380/1 Andrew v. Pearce, 4 Bos. & Pul. 158 (1805).
383/1 Austin, Jurisprudence, II. p. 842 (3d ed.).
383/2 "Quoniam non personae, sed praedia deberent, neque adquiri libertas neque remitti servitus per partem poterit." D. 8. 3. 34, pr.
383/3 "Qui fundum alienum bona fide emit, itinere quod ei fundo debetur usus est: retinetur id ius itineris: atque etiam, si precario aut vi deiecto domino possidet: fundus enim qualiter se habens ita, cum in suo habitu possessus est, ius non deperit, neque refert, iuste nec ne possideat qui talem eum possidet." D.
8. 6. 12.
383/4 Elzevir ed., n. 51, ad loc. cit.; Cicero de L. Agr. 3. 2.
383/5 D. 50. 16, 86. Cf. Ulpian, D. 41. 1. 20, Section 1; D. 8.
3. 23, Section 2.
383/6 Inst. 2. 3, Section 1.
384/1 D. 8. 1. 14, pr. Cf. Elzevir ed., n. 58, "Et sic jura . . .
accessiones ease possunt corporum."
384/2 "Cum fundus fundo servit." D. 8. 4. 12. Cf. D. 8. 5. 20, Section 1; D. 41. 1. 2O, Section 1.
384/3 Jurisprudence, II. p. 847 (3d ed.).
384/4 Cf. Windscheid, Pand., Section 57, n. 10 (4th ed.), p. 150.
385/1 Fol. 10b, Section 3.
385/2 Fol. 220b, Section 1.
386/1 Fol. 221.
386/2 Fol. 219a, b.
386/3 Fol. 102a, b.
386/4 Fol. 226 b, Section 13. All these passages assume that a right has been acquired and inheres in the land.
387/1 Fol. 53 a; cf. 59 b, ad fin., 242 b.
387/2 "Nihil praescribitur nisi quod possidetur," cited from Hale de Jur. Maris, p. 32, in Blundell v. Catterall, 5 B. & Ald. 268, 277.
388/1 Bract., fol. 46b; cf. 17b, 18, 47 b, 48.
388/2 Fol. 81, 81 b, 79 b, 80 b.
388/3 Fol. 24 b, 26, 35 b, 86, 208 b, &c. Cf. F. N. B. 123, E;Laveleye, Propriete, 67, 68, 116.
388/4 Abbr. Plac. 110; rot. 22, Devon. (Hen. III.}.
388/5 Stockwell v. Hunter, 11 Met. (Mass.) 448.
389/1 Keilway, 130 b, pl. 104.
389/2 Keilway, 113 a, pl. 45; Dyer, 2b.
389/3 Keilway, 113a, pl. 45. Cf. Y.B. 33-35 Ed. I. 70; 45 Ed.
III. 11, 12.
389/4 Litt. Section 589.
389/5 Keilway, 2 a, pl. 2 ad fin. (12 Hen. VII.). But cf. Y.B. 6Hen. VII. 14, pl. 2 ad fin.
389/6 4 Laferriere, Hist. du Droit. Franc. 442; Bracton, fol. 53a.
390/1 Cf. Co. Lit. 322 b, et seq.; Y.B. 6 Hen. VII. 14, pl. 2 ad fin.
390/2 Daintry v. Brocklehurst, 3 Exch. 207.
390/3 Y.B. 5 Hen. VII. 18, pl. 12.
391/1 Y.B. 9 Hen. VI. 16, pl. 7.
391/2 Y.B. 14 Hen. VI. 26, pl. 77.
391/3 Y.B. 5 Hen. VII. 18, pl. 12.
391/4 Cf. Theloall, Dig. I. c. 21, pl. 9.
391/5 Buskin v. Edmunds, Cro. Eliz. 636.
391/6 Harper v. Bird, T. Jones, 102 (30 Car. II.).
391/7 Bolles v. Nyseham, Dyer, 254 b; Porter v. Swetnam, Style, 406; S.C., ib. 431.
391/8 3 Bl. Comm. 231, 232.
392/1 Yielding v. Fay, Cro. Eliz. 569.
392/2 Pakenham's Case, Y.B. 42 Ed. III. 3, pl. 14; Prior of Woburn's Case, 22 Hen. VI. 46, pl. 36; Williams's Case, 5 Co.
Rep. 72 b, 73 a; Slipper v. Mason, Nelson's Lutwyche, 43, 45(top).
392/3 F. N. B. 127; Nowel v. Smith, Cro. Eliz. 709; Star v.
Rookesby, 1 Salk. 335, 336; Lawrence v. Jenkins, L.R. 8 Q.B.274.
392/4 Dyer, 24 a, pl. 149; F. N. B. 180 N.
393/1 F. N. B. 128 D, E; Co. Lit. 96 b. It is assumed that, when an obligation is spoken of as falling upon the land, it is understood to be only a figure of speech. Of course rights and obligations are confined to human beings.