393/2 Keilway, 145 b, 146, pl. 15; Sir Henry Nevil's Case, Plowd.
377, 381; Chudleigh's Case, 1 Co. Rep. 119 b, 122 b.
393/3 F. N. B. 180 N.; Co. Lit. 385 a; Spencer's Case, 5 Co. Rep.
16 a, 17 b; Pakenham's Case, Y.B. 42 Ed. III. 3, pl. 14; Keilway, 145 b, 146, pl. 15; Comyns's Digest, Covenant (B, 3).
394/1 Holms v. Seller, 3 Lev. 305; Rowbotham v. Wilson, 8 H. L.
C. 348; Bronson v. Coffin, 108 Mass. 175, 180. Cf. Bro. Covenant, pl. 2.
394/2 Y.B. 21 Ed. III. 2, pl. 5; F. N. B. 180 N.
394/3 The action is case in the Prior of Woburn's Case, Y.B. 22Hen. VI. 46, pl. 36. In F. N. B. 128 E, n. (a), it is said that a curia claudenda only lay upon a prescriptive right, and that if the duty to fence was by indenture the plaintiff was put to his writ of covenant. But see below, pp. 396, 400.
394/4 Y.B. 32 & 33 Ed. I. 430.
395/1 Y.B. 20 Ed. I. 360.
395/2 Y.B. 32 & 33 Ed. I. 516.
395/3 "Quia res cum homine [obviously a misprint for onere]
transit ad quemcunque." Fol. 382, 382 b.
395/4 Lib. VI. c. 23, Section 17.
395/5 Pakenham's Case, Y.B. 42 Ed. III. 3, pl. 14.
395/6 Sugd. V. & P. (14th ed.), 587; Rawle, Covenants for Title (4th ed.), p. 314. Cf. Vyvyan v. Arthur, 1 B. & C. 410; Sharp v.
Waterhouse, 7 El. & Bl. 816, 823.
396/1 Co. Lit. 385 a.
396/2 Cf. Finchden as to rent in Y. B, 45 Ed. III. 11, 12.
396/3 Cf. Y.B. 50 Ed. III. 12, 13, pl. 2.
397/1 Covenant, pl. 17.
397/2 There is a colon here in both editions of the Year Books, marking the beginning of a new argument.
397/3 Pakenham's Case, Y.B. 42 Ed. III. 3, pl. 14.
398/1 Bro. Covenant, pl. 5. Cf. Spencer's Case, 5 Co. Rep. 16 a, 17 b, 18 a.
398/2 Horne's Case, Y.B. 2 Hen. IV. 6, pl. 25.
399/1 "Quod conceditur." Cf. Spencer's Case, 5 Co. Rep. 16 a, 18a.
399/2 It was quite possible that two liabilities should exist side by side. Bro. Covenant, pl. 32; Brett v. Cumberland, Cro.
Jac. 521, 523.
399/3 1 Co. Rep. 122 b; S.C., sub nom. Dillon v. Fraine, Popham, 70, 71.
400/1 Essays in Ang. Sax. Law, 248.
400/2 Y.B. 22 Ed. I. 494, 496.
400/3 Y.B. 4 Ed. III. 57, pl. 71; S.C., 7 Ed. III. 65, pl. 67.
401/1 Bract., fol. 17 b, 37 b; Fleta, III. c. 14, Section 6; 1Britton (Nich.), 223, 233, 244, 255, 312; Abbrev. Plac. p. 308, col 2, Dunelm, rot. 43 (33 I.); Y. B, 20 Ed. I. 232; Co. Lit. 384 b.
401/2 Hyde v. Dean of Windsor, Cro. Eliz. 552.
401/3 Spencer's Case, 5 Co. Rep. 16 a. Cf. Minshill v. Oakes, 2H. & N. 793, 807.
402/1 Hyde v. Dean of Windsor, Cro. Eliz. 552, 553; S.C., ib.
457. Cf. Bally v. Wells, 3 Wilson, 25, 29.
402/2 Dean of Windsor's Case, 5 Co. Rep. 24 a; S.C., Moore, 399.
Cf. Bro. Covenant, pl. 32. Cf. further, Conan v. Kemise, W.
Jones, 245 (7 Car. I.).
403/1 F. N. B. 181 N; Sir Henry Nevil's Case, Plowden, 377, 381.
403/2 Ewre v. Strickland, Cro. Jac. 240. Cf. Brett v. Cumberland, 1 Roll R. 359, 360 "al comen ley"; S.C., Cro. Jac. 399, 521.
403/3 Cockson v. Cock, Cro. Jac. 125.
403/4 Sale v. Kitchingham, 10 Hod. 158 (E. 12 Anne).
403/5 Supra, pp. 396, 398, 400. Cf., however, Lord Wensleydale, in Rowbotham v. Wilson, 8 H. L. C. 348, 362, and see above, p.
391, as to rents.
404/1 4 Kent (12th ed.), 480, n. 1.
404/2 It is used in a somewhat different sense is describing the relation between a tenant for life or years and a reversioner.
Privity between them follows as an accidental consequence of their being as one tenant, and sustaining a single persona between them.
406/1 Rowbotham v. Wilson, 8 H. L. C. 348, 362 (Lord Wensleydale).
406/2 Harbidge v. Warwick, 3 Exch. 552, 556.
406/3 Rowbotham v. Wilson, 8 El. & Bl. 123, 143, 144.
404/4 5 Co. Rep. 16, a.
407/1 Y.B. 8 Ed. IV. 5, 6, pl. 1; 22 Ed. IV. 6, pl. 18. Cf. 5 Ed.
IV. 7, pl. 16.
407/2 Cf. Keilway, 42 b, 46 b; 2 Bl. Comm. 329.
408/1 Y.B. 14 Hen. VIII. 6, pl. 5. Cf. Chudleigh's Case, 1 Co.
Rep. 120a, 122 b; S.C., nom. Dillon v. Fraine, Popham, 70-72.
408/2 Lewin, Trusts, Ch. I. (7th ed.), pp. 16, 15.
408/3 4 Inst. 85; Gilb. Uses (Sugd.), 429, n. (6); Lewin, Trusts (7th ed.), pp. 15, 228.
408/4 Burgess v. Wheate, 1 Eden, 177, 203, 246.
408/5 Lewin, Trusts, Introd. (7th ed.), p. 3.
408/6 1 Rich. III. c. 1. Cf. Rex v. Holland, Aleyn, 14, Maynard's arg.; Bro. Feoffements al Uses, pl. 44; Gilb. Uses, 26* (Sugd.
ed., 50).
409/1 4th Inst. 85; S.C., Dyer, 869, pl. 50; Jenk. Cent. 6, c.
30. Cf. Gilb. Uses, 198* (Sugd. ed. 399).
409/2 Gilb. Uses, 35* (Sugd. ed. 70).
409/3 Theloall's Dig., I. 16, pl. 1.