361/2 "Cum is, qui ex edicto bonorum possessionem petiit, ficto se herede agit." Gaii Inst. IV. Section 34. Cf. Ulp. Fragm.
XXVIII. Section 12; D. 37. 1. 2. So the fidei commissarius, who was a praetorian successor (D. 41. 4. 2, Section 19; 10. 2. 24), "in similitudinem heredis consistit." Nov. 1. 1, Section 1. Cf. Just. Inst. 2. 24, pr., and then Gaius, II. Sections 251, 252.
361/3 Gaii Inst. II. Sections 102 et seq. Cf. ib. Sections 252, 35.
361/4 Gaii Inst. IV Section 35: "Similiter et bonorum emptor ficto se herede agit." Cf. ib. Sections 144, 145. Keller, Roemische Civilprocess, Section 85, III. But cf. Scheurl, Lehrb. der Inst., Section 218, p. 407 (6th ed.).
361/5 Paulus in D. 50. 17. 128.
362/1 "In re legata in accessione temporis quo testator possedit, legatarius quodammodo quasi heres est." D. 41. 3. 14, Section 1.
362/2 D. 41.1.62; 43. 3. 1, Section 6; Gaii Inst. II. Section 97;Just. Inst.
2. 10, Section 11.
363/1 "[Accessiones possessionum] plane tribuuntur his qui in locum aliorum succedunt sive ex contractu sive voluntate:
heredibus enum et his, qui successorum loco habentur, datur accessio testatoris. Itaque si mihi vendideris servum utar accesssione tua." D. 44.3.14, Sections 1, 2.
363/2 "Ab eo . . . in cujus locum hereditate vel emptione aliove quo iure successi." D. 43. 19. 3, Section 2.
363/3 D. 50. 4. 1, Section 4. Cf. Cic. de Off. 3. 19. 76; Gaii Inst.
IV. Section 34.
363/4 C. 2. 3. 21; C. 6. 16. 2; cf. D. 38. 8. 1, pr.
364/1 "In locum successisse accipimus sive per universitatem sive in rem sit successum." D. 43. 3. 1, Section13. Cf.D.
12.2.7&8;D. 39. 2. 24, Section 1.
364/2 D. 41.2. 13, Sections 1, 11. Other cases put by Ulpian may stand on a different fiction. After the termination of a precarium, for instance, fingitur fundus nunquam fuisse possessus ab ipso detentore. Gothofred, note 14 (Elz. ed.). But cf. Puchta, in Weiske, R. L., art. Besitz, p. 50, and D. 41.2.13, Section7.
364/3 Inst. 2. 6, Sections 12, 13. Cf. D. 44. 3. 9. See, for a fuller statement, 11 Am. Law Rev. 644, 645.
365/1 Recht des Besitzes, Section11 (7th ed.), p. 184, n. 1, Eng.
124, n. t.
365/2 Paulus, D. 8. 6. 18, Section 1. This seems to be written of a rural servitude (aqua) which was lost by mere disuse, without adverse user by the servient owner.
365/3 Hermogenianus, D. 21. 3. 3; Exe. rei jud., D. 44. 2. 9, Section 2; ib. 28; ib. 11, Sections 3, 9; D. 10. 2. 25, Section 8; D. 46.
8. 16, Section I;
Keller, Roem. Civilproc., Section 73. Cf. Bracton, fol. 24 b, Section 1 ad fin.
365/4 "Recte a me via uti prohibetur et interdictum ei inutile est, quia a me videtur vi vel clam vel precario possidere, qui ab auctore meo vitiose possidet. nam et Pedius scribit, si vi aut clam aut precario ab co sit usus, in cuius locum hereditate vel emptione aliove quo lure suceessi, idem esse dicendum: cum enim successerit quis in locum eorum, aequum non est nos noceri hoc, quod adversus eum non nocuit, in cuius locum successimus." D. 43.
19. 3, Section 2. The variation actore, argued for by Savigny, is condemned by Mommsen, in his edition of the Digest, -- it seems rightly.
365/5 D. 12. 2. 7 & 8.
366/1 Ulpian, D. 39. 2. 24, Section1. Cf. D. 8. 5.7; D. 39. 2.
17, Section 3, n. 79 (Elzevir ed.); Paulus, D. 2. 14. 17, Section 5.
366/2 "Cum quis in alii locum successerit non est aequum ei nocere hoc, quod adversus eum non nocuit, in cujus locum successit. Plerumque emptoris eadem causa esse debet circa petendum ac defendendum, quae fuit auctoris." Ulp. D. 50. 17.
156, Sections 2, 3. "Qui in ius dominiumve alterius succedit, iure ejus uti debet." Paulus, D. 50. 17. 177. "Non debeo melioris condieionis esse, quam auctor meus, a quo ius in me transit."Paulus, D. 50. 17. 175, Section 1. "Quod ipsis qui contraxerunt obstat, et successoribus eoturn obstabit." Ulp. D. 50. 17. 143. "Nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest, quam ipse haberet." Ulp.
D. 50. 17. 54; Bract., fol. 31 b. Cf. Decret. Greg. Lib. II. Tit.
XIII. c. 18, De rest. spoliat.: "Cum spoliatori quasi succedat in vitium." Bruns, R. d. Besitzes, p. 179. Windscheid, Pand., Section 162a, n. 10.
366/3 "Ne vitiosae quidam possessioni ulla potest accedere: sed nec vitiosa ei, quse vitiosa non est." D. 41. 2. 13, Section 13.
367/1 Hill v. Ellard, 3 Salk. 279. Cf. Withers v. Iseham, Dyer, 70 a, 70 b, 71 a; Gateward's Case, 6 Co. Rep. 59b, 60b; Y.B. 20 &21 Ed. I 426; 205; 12 Hen. IV. 7.
368/1 Doe v. Barnard, 13 Q.B.945, 952, 953, per Cur., Patteson, J. Cf. Asher v. Whitlock, L.R. 1 Q.B.1, 3, 6, 7.
368/2 See, further, Sawyer v. Kendall, 10 Cush. 241; 2 Bl. Comm.
263 et seq.; 3 Ch. Pl. 1119 (6th Am. ed.); 3 Kent, 444, 445;Angell, Limitations, ch. 31, Section 413. Of course if a right had already been acquired before the disseisin different considerations would apply. If the right claimed is one of those which are regarded as incident to land, as explained in the following Lecture, the disseisor will have it. Jenk. Cent. 12, First Cent. Case 21.
370/1 Ared v. Watkin, Cro. Eliz. 637; S.C., ib. 651. Cf. Y.B. 5Hen. VII. 18, pl. 12; Dyer, 4 b, n. (4).
370/2 Roe v. Hayley, 12 East, 464, 470 (1810).
371/1 Boyer v. Rivet, 3 Bulstr. 317, 321.
372/1 Essays in A. S. Law, 219.
372/2 "Per medium," Bracton, fol. 37b, Section10 ad fin.
374/1 Bract., fol. 17 b. Cf. Fleta, III. c. 14, Section 6.
374/2 See, further, Middlemore v. Goodale, Cro. Car. 503, stated infra, p. 379.
374/3 See also Bract., fol. 380 b, 381. "Et quod de haeredibus dicitur, idem dici poterit de assignatis .... Et quod assignatis fieri debet warrantia per modum donationis: probatur in itinere W. de Ralegh in Com. Warr. circa finem rotuli, et hoc maxime, si primus dominus capitalis, et primus feoffator, ceperit homagium et servitium assignati." Cf. Fleta, VI. Section 6; Moore, 93, pl.
Sheph. Touchst. 199, 200. As to the reason which led to the mention of assigns, cf. Bract., fol. 20 b, Section 1; 1 Britt.
(Nich.), 223, 312.