

"Thus I, John, addressed the great ones, my father, and they listened in silence.When I had done they spoke together, a word here and a word there.Then Hokosa, the king's mouth, answered me, telling the thought of the king: 'You are a bold man, you whose name is John, but who once had another name--you, my servant, who dare to appear before me, and to make it known to me that you have been turned to a new faith and serve another king than I.Yet because you are bold, Iforgive you.Go back now to that white man who is named Messenger and who comes upon an embassy to me from the Lord of Heaven, and bid him come in peace.Yet warn him once again that here also we know something of the Powers that are not seen, here also we have our wizards who draw wisdom from the air, who tame the thunderbolt and compel the rain, and that he must show himself greater than all of these if he would not pass hence by the bridge of spears.Let him, therefore, take counsel with his heart and with Him he serves, if such a One there is, and let him come or let him stay away as it shall please him.'""So be it," said Owen; "the words of the king are good, and to-morrow we will start for the Great Place."John heard and assented, but without eagerness.

"My father," he said, in a doubtful and tentative voice, "would it not perhaps be better to bide here awhile first?""Why?" asked Owen."We have sown, and now is the hour to reap.""It is so, my father, but as I ran hither, full of the king's words, it came into my mind that now is not the time to convert the Sons of Fire.There is trouble brewing at the Great Palace, father.Listen, and I will tell you; as I have heard, so I will tell you.You know well that our King Umsuka has two sons, Hafela and Nodwengo; and of these Hafela is the heir-apparent, the fruit of the chief wife of the king, and Nodwengo is sprung from another wife.Now Hafela is proud and cruel, a warrior of warriors, a terrible man, and Nodwengo is gentle and mild, like to his mother whom the king loves.Of late it has been discovered that Hafela, weary of waiting for power, has made a plot to depose his father and to kill Nodwengo, his brother, so that the land and those who dwell in it may become his without question.

This plot the king knows--I had it from one of his women, who is my sister--and he is very wroth, yet he dare do little, for he grows old and timid, and seeks rest, not war.Yet he is minded, if he can find the heart, to go back upon the law and to name Nodwengo as his heir before all the army at the feast of the first-fruits, which shall be held on the third day from to-night.This Hafela knows, and Nodwengo knows it also, and each of them has summoned his following, numbering thousands and tens of thousands of spears, to attend this feast of the first-fruits.That feast may well be a feast of vultures, my father, and when the brothers and their regiments rush together fighting for the throne, what will chance to the white man who comes at such a moment to preach a faith of peace, and to his servant, one John, who led him there?""I do not know," answered Owen, "and it troubles me not at all.I go to carry out my mission, and in this way or in that it will be carried out.John, if you are fearful or unbelieving leave me to go alone.""Nay, father, I am not fearful; yet, father, I would have you understand.Yonder there are men who can work wizardry./Wow!/ I know, for I have seen it, and they will demand from you magic greater than their magic.""What of it, John?"

"Only this, my father, that if they ask and you fail to give, they will kill you.You teach beautiful things, but say, are you a wizard?

When the child of a woman yonder lay dead, you could not raise it as did the Christ; when the oxen were sick with the pest, you could not cure them; or at least, my father, you did not, although you wept for the child and were sorry at the loss of the oxen.Now, my father, if perchance they ask you to do such things as these yonder, or die, say what will happen?""One of two things, John: either I shall die or I shall do the things.""But"--hesitated John--"surely you do not believe that----" and he broke off.

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