

His heart, generally so quiet, began to throb.On the first possible day, he went shopping in company with Petrovitch.They bought some very good cloth, and at a reasonable rate too, for they had been considering the matter for six months, and rarely let a month pass without their visiting the shops to inquire prices.Petrovitch himself said that no better cloth could be had.For lining, they selected a cotton stuff, but so firm and thick that Petrovitch declared it to be better than silk, and even prettier and more glossy.They did not buy the marten fur, because it was, in fact, dear, but in its stead, they picked out the very best of cat-skin which could be found in the shop, and which might, indeed, be taken for marten at a distance.

Petrovitch worked at the cloak two whole weeks, for there was a great deal of quilting: otherwise it would have been finished sooner.He charged twelve rubles for the job, it could not possibly have been done for less.It was all sewed with silk, in small, double seams; and Petrovitch went over each seam afterwards with his own teeth, stamping in various patterns.

It was--it is difficult to say precisely on what day, but probably the most glorious one in Akakiy Akakievitch's life, when Petrovitch at length brought home the cloak.He brought it in the morning, before the hour when it was necessary to start for the department.Never did a cloak arrive so exactly in the nick of time; for the severe cold had set in, and it seemed to threaten to increase.Petrovitch brought the cloak himself as befits a good tailor.On his countenance was a significant expression, such as Akakiy Akakievitch had never beheld there.He seemed fully sensible that he had done no small deed, and crossed a gulf separating tailors who only put in linings, and execute repairs, from those who make new things.He took the cloak out of the pocket handkerchief in which he had brought it.The handkerchief was fresh from the laundress, and he put it in his pocket for use.Taking out the cloak, he gazed proudly at it, held it up with both hands, and flung it skilfully over the shoulders of Akakiy Akakievitch.Then he pulled it and fitted it down behind with his hand, and he draped it around Akakiy Akakievitch without buttoning it.Akakiy Akakievitch, like an experienced man, wished to try the sleeves.Petrovitch helped him on with them, and it turned out that the sleeves were satisfactory also.In short, the cloak appeared to be perfect, and most seasonable.

Petrovitch did not neglect to observe that it was only because he lived in a narrow street, and had no signboard, and had known Akakiy Akakievitch so long, that he had made it so cheaply; but that if he had been in business on the Nevsky Prospect, he would have charged seventy-five rubles for the making alone.Akakiy Akakievitch did not care to argue this point with Petrovitch.He paid him, thanked him, and set out at once in his new cloak for the department.Petrovitch followed him, and, pausing in the street, gazed long at the cloak in the distance, after which he went to one side expressly to run through a crooked alley, and emerge again into the street beyond to gaze once more upon the cloak from another point, namely, directly in front.

Meantime Akakiy Akakievitch went on in holiday mood.He was conscious every second of the time that he had a new cloak on his shoulders; and several times he laughed with internal satisfaction.In fact, there were two advantages, one was its warmth, the other its beauty.He saw nothing of the road, but suddenly found himself at the department.He took off his cloak in the ante-room, looked it over carefully, and confided it to the especial care of the attendant.It is impossible to say precisely how it was that every one in the department knew at once that Akakiy Akakievitch had a new cloak, and that the "cape" no longer existed.All rushed at the same moment into the ante-room to inspect it.They congratulated him and said pleasant things to him, so that he began at first to smile and then to grow ashamed.When all surrounded him, and said that the new cloak must be "christened," and that he must give a whole evening at least to this, Akakiy Akakievitch lost his head completely, and did not know where he stood, what to answer, or how to get out of it.He stood blushing all over for several minutes, and was on the point of assuring them with great simplicity that it was not a new cloak, that it was so and so, that it was in fact the old "cape."At length one of the officials, a sub-chief probably, in order to show that he was not at all proud, and on good terms with his inferiors, said, "So be it, only I will give the party instead of Akakiy Akakievitch; I invite you all to tea with me to-night; it happens quite a propos, as it is my name-day." The officials naturally at once offered the sub-chief their congratulations and accepted the invitations with pleasure.Akakiy Akakievitch would have declined, but all declared that it was discourteous, that it was simply a sin and a shame, and that he could not possibly refuse.Besides, the notion became pleasant to him when he recollected that he should thereby have a chance of wearing his new cloak in the evening also.

That whole day was truly a most triumphant festival day for Akakiy Akakievitch.He returned home in the most happy frame of mind, took off his cloak, and hung it carefully on the wall, admiring afresh the cloth and the lining.Then he brought out his old, worn-out cloak, for comparison.He looked at it and laughed, so vast was the difference.

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