

"I have no wish to weary and pain you by dwelling on this part of my childhood in detail.It will be enough if I tell you that I sank lower and lower until I ended in selling matches in the street.My mother's legacy got me many a sixpence which my matches would never have charmed out of the pockets of strangers if I had been an ugly child.My face.which was destined to be my greatest misfortune in after-years, was my best friend in those days.

"Is there anything, Mr.Holmcroft, in the life I am now trying to describe which reminds you of a day when we were out walking together not long since?

"I surprised and offended you, I remember; and it was not possible for me to explain my conduct at the time.Do you recollect the little wandering girl, with the miserable faded nosegay in her hand, who ran after us, and begged for a half-penny? I shocked you by bursting out crying when the child asked us to buy her a bit of bread.Now you know why I was so sorry for her.Now you know why I offended you the next day by breaking an engagement with your mother and sisters, and going to see that child in her wretched home.After what I have confessed, you will admit that my poor little sister in adversity had the first claim on me.

"Let me go on.I am sorry if I have distressed you.Let me go on.

"The forlorn wanderers of the streets have (as I found it) one way always open to them of presenting their sufferings to the notice of their rich and charitable fellow-creatures.They have only to break the law--and they make a public appearance in a court of justice.If the circumstances connected with their offense are of an interesting kind, they gain a second advantage: they are advertised all over England by a report in the newspapers.

"Yes! even I have my knowledge of the law.I know that it completely overlooked me as long as I respected it.But on two different occasions it became my best friend when I set it at defiance! My first fortunate offense was committed when I was just twelve years old.

"It was evening time.I was half dead with starvation; the rain was falling; the night was coming on.I begged--openly, loudly, as only a hungry child can beg.An old lady in a carriage at a shop door complained of my importunity.The policeman did his duty.The law gave me a supper and shelter at the station-house that night.I appeared at the police court, and, questioned by the magistrate, I told my story truly.It was the every-day story of thousands of children like me; but it had one element of interest in it.I confessed to having had a father (he was then dead) who had been a man of rank; and I owned (just as openly as I owned everything else) that I had never applied to him for help, in resentment of his treatment of my mother.This incident was new, I suppose; it led to the appearance of my 'case' in the newspapers.The reporters further served my interests by describing me as 'pretty and interesting.' Subscriptions were sent to the court.A benevolent married couple, in a respectable sphere of life, visited the workhouse to see me.I produced a favorable impression on them--especially on the wife.I was literally friendless; I had no unwelcome relatives to follow me and claim me.The wife was childless; the husband was a good-natured man.It ended in their taking me away with them to try me in service.

"I have always felt the aspiration, no mat ter how low I may have fallen, to struggle upward to a position above me; to rise, in spite of fortune, superior to my lot in life.Perhaps some of my father's pride may be at the root of this restless feeling in me.It seems to be a part of my nature.It brought me into this house--and it will go with me out of this house.Is it my curse or my blessing? I am not able to decide.

"On the first night when I slept in my new home I said to myself, 'They have taken me to be their servant: I will be something more than that--they shall end in taking me for their child.' Before I had been a week in the house I was the wife's favorite companion in the absence of her husband at his place of business.She was a highly accomplished woman, greatly her husband's superior in cultivation, and, unfortunately for herself, also his superior in years.The love was all on her side.Excepting certain occasions on which he roused her jealousy, they lived together on sufficiently friendly terms.She was one of the many wives who resign themselves to be disappointed in their husbands--and he was one of the many husbands who never know what their wives really think of them.Her one great happiness was in teaching me.I was eager to learn; I made rapid progress.At my pliant age I soon acquired the refinements of language and manner which characterized my mistress.It is only the truth to say that the cultivation which has made me capable of personating a lady was her work.

"For three happy years I lived under that friendly roof.I was between fifteen and sixteen years of age, when the fatal inheritance from my mother cast its first shadow on my life.One miserable day the wife's motherly love for me changed in an instant to the jealous hatred that never forgives.Can you guess the reason? The husband fell in love with me.

"I was innocent; I was blameless.He owned it himself to the clergyman who was with him at his death.By that time years had passed.It was too late to justify me.

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