


Everyone goes to school until the age of 16, that is, the length of time on Mars would correspond to 32 years on your Earth. The Martian year is nearly twice as long as on your globe.

There are many universities on Mars where students enter direct from their homes, where the primary and preparatory education is first inculcated in their minds.Wonderful teachers have charge of the students, and many truths not yet known on your Earth are taught.Special and particular attention is given to the subject of the development of Spiritual gifts to the end that all may come into man's Divine Heritage, the PEACE, POWER AND PLENTY of the KINGDOM OF GOD.

Each student is selected for his or her proper vocation, and this vocation is determined scientifically and accurately, for what benefits the individual also benefits the entire community.

Each individual is trained to perform his part in a manner that will ensure the unity and harmony of the entire industrial system of the planet, and each unit understands the dignity and importance of his position, no matter what that position may be, for on Mars no activity of human endeavor is considered menial; no one position in life is less important than the rest: all is God's work.

And so each gravitates to his special liking in the realm of physical activity, for God has created each individual for some particular work.Six hours is a day's work, the remainder of the time is devoted to recreation, music, lectures, and those general activities that best develop the highest spiritualities with the individual.For the Martians realize that life on the material plane is but temporary the isolation of the individual Divine Spark from the Infinite whole to the end that the personality may become for all Eternity self-conscious and in harmony with God, whichmeans the inheritance of God's Kingdom for all time.

Failure to come into harmony with God is destruction of the individuality, but not of the Divine in man, for that is indestructible: it always was and always will be.

Education on Mars is inculcated with a view principally of developing the individual spiritually in order to prepare one for the spiritual progress after the completion of the material probationary period as well as having life in greatest abundance during that period, and with this main end in view the subject of marriage, the rearing of children, receives special consideration and attention.

The pivotal idea is that when the time for mating arrives the selection of a wife by the prospective husband must be in accordance with true conjugal harmony, and this is not possible in the absence of Spiritual development.Hence, divorces are unknown with us, and to that end is special care taken in the matter of teaching the truth concerning the marital relation, the rearing of children and their Spiritual growth.

The marriage age for both sexes is about 35 years, in terms of your time measurements.The result of this early training is that the young couple just embarked on the "Sea of Matrimony," are true mates and go through life without the usual occurrence of domestic turmoil so characteristic of your Earth's people.

Marriage on your Earth, with but few exceptions, has degenerated from God's holiest of institutions to a happy convenience for the gratification of the animal passions; and the rearing of children is an accident rather than a preconceived reality.Such marriages are unholy and destructive, and unless your people respond to a Spiritual awakening such as God's workers are now trying to inaugurate on your Earth the growing degeneracy will be augmented rather than diminished and the extinction of the race will be inevitable.

The curriculum of our schools embraces all branches of Domestic Science, as well as all the sciences, with the difference from your system that Spiritual development must be the principal task of those having supervision over the studies of the young.

One of the subdivisions of Domestic Science receiving particular attention on Mars is the PREPARATION OF FOODS.With an atmospheric pressure of only eight pounds to the square inch, water boils at 175 degrees on our planet.This temperature is inadequate for cooking foods properly, especially the coarser varieties.But recourse is had to the cooking of food in vacuum or under pressure, as the exigencies of the occasion demand.

Electrical energy is used most generally for producing heat, and the variety of foods, both animal and vegetal, are as extensive as on your planet, for the flora and fauna of Mars differs little from yours.

Martians are not excessive eaters, as their bodies do not require the gross foods so characteristic of your Earth.There are two reasons for this.In the first place the difference in the gravitational pull on Mars being thirty-eight one-hundredths to that of your Earth, obviates the necessity of supplying as much fuel to the human body as your physical make-up demands.In the second place the Martians partake of food to keep the body alive, and not for the vulgar pleasure afforded by the consumption of victuals.We eat to live: whereas most of your Earth tenants live to eat.

Although each individual has his particular place in the universe where he will excel in some kind of activity, there being no two persons in all Creation exactly alike, the student on Mars is given an opportunity to obtain a broad and comprehensive knowledge relating to all subjects, both material and spiritual.

The study of matter, divided as it is into a number of elements, offers an interesting field for study and research work, as does also its concomitant Cosmic Energy.

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