

And this process is not the working of a blind, senseless force, some of your scientists would have you believe, but the Creator: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent is the Dominator: the Directing Intelligence, who sees to it that all is provided for His children.

On your Earth you have thus far discovered some 85 elements.In order to complete the list of 92, to conform to the so-called Periodic Table, there are yet seven elements to be found by your scientists.On Mars the most elementary school pupil is well informed on the subject, and has knowledge of the complete list among the new elements yet to be discovered by your chemists, and which exist in appreciable quantities on your Earth, is one which has the peculiar property of neutralizing Gravity.

This neutralizing is accomplished by screening off the gravitational pull when interposed between the Earth and the matter sought to be madeimmune from the attraction, just as you would insulate against the flow of electricity by inter- posing a non-conductor between two conducting metals.

The knowledge and use of this element on Mars has been utilized in the solution of our transportation problem.Instead of cumbersome railroads consuming energy at a great loss, we use an almost perfect flying or floating ship.It is made buoyant by being screened from the gravitational pull of the planet.[3]

[3] In the February issue of the "Electrical Experimenter," (1920) which was published about a month after this information was received by revelation, the following article appeared--another startling confirmation of the truth contained herein, and points to the possibility that whatever is possible on one planet, is also possible on another, depending upon that planet's type of civilization and real knowledge, not superficial theory:

"Recently a cable dispatch from Rome brought the announcement that Prof.Maiorana discovered that lead balls swimming on a pool of mercury lost a certain amount of weight.It was explained that the weight was lost due to a screening effect which the mercury produced on the lead balls.In other words, mercury acts as a sort of insulator against the earth's gravitational waves.For gravitation certainly is propagated the same as other forms of energy, i.e., in wave form.Prof.T.J.See, famous investigator of Mare Island, California, in an address before the California Academy of Sciences, announced recently that his researches on gravitation in 1917 and his latest researches on molecular forces confirmed Maiorana's claim that the screening of gravitation has been shown to exist.In 1917, says Professor See, 'I explained the fluctuation of the Moon's main motion by the circular refraction of the sun's gravitation waves, as they are propagated through the solid body of our earth at the time of lunar eclipses.'

" 'I found also from dealings with capillary forces that quicksilver is indeed very resistant to the waves which produce molecular action, and this developed a new theory of the depression of the mercury in capillary tubes.This would tend to confirm Maiorana's claim that a basin ofmercury beneath a suspended mass of lead may decrease the gravitation of the lead by a small amount.My researches on ether show conclusively that gravitation is due to waves in the ether, and certain very resistant bodies in the line of action may thus introduce a slight screening effect.'

"This reasoning opens up new avenues of thought of what may be accomplished in the future when we have found a perfect screen against gravitation."Another subject of importance, that takes no little time to understand by the Martian student is the part played by the planet's satellites in the generation of Electro-Magnetic energy.The sun together with its circulating family of planets is a huge Electric motor, so a planet and its satellites are minor generators of Electric energy.Satellites have a higher importance and necessity than the mere creation of moonshine.

All the planets have their satellites, although your astronomers have not yet discovered any in the case of Mercury and Venus.The latter planet has a satellite whose distance is so close to its primary that its presence is lost in the intense reflection of light caused by Venus' cloudy atmosphere, which is much denser than that of your Earth.In the case of Mercury, owing to its extremely close proximity to the sun, its satellite probably never will be seen by observers on your Earth, as it is lost in the intense brilliance cast by the Solar Orb on this planet.

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