

Compared to your Earth, industry on Mars, by the aid of labor-saving devices is perfect: and as a consequence the use of energy is considerable, especially so in the realm of Synthetic Chemistry.But it must be understood that the individual is taught that dependence must be placed rather on one's own dexterity, born of that God-given faculty of Intuition, than on the perfectness of a man-made machine, the creation of finitemind.

For it has so happened to races on other planets that complete degeneration and final extinction has come about by the entire dependence of the individual and afterwards of the entire race, on machinery to do the work required of the individual by the Creator, such dependence finally terminating in almost complete atrophy of the worker's intuitional faculties.

This calamity will surely overtake your future generations if a halt is not called on the over-zealous adoption of automatic machines for most every line of industrial activity.You are now getting to the stage where the most simple and elementary mathematical problems are solved by merely pressing a few buttons or turning a crank, the operator understanding little or nothing of the fundamentals underlying the solution of the problems in hand.This means, in the near future, brain atrophy through disuse.

And so with other lines of industrial activity.Not one among a thousand workers engaged in making shoes can do other than make a heel or perform some simple operation, one of hundreds of units in the completion of a pair of shoes.And perhaps it would be impossible to find one individual whose intuitional faculties were developed to the extent that he could turn out the perfect, completed article.

In order to explain how far we have succeeded on Mars in harnessing a mighty universal force to the end of utilizing the same in turning our factory wheels, lighting our domiciles and giving warmth to our homes in winter, it might not be amiss to state a few facts concerning our knowledge of matter and energy.

We have learned that material life simply amounts to functioning in an Effect world.The Cause world is the Reality which is invisible to all while hampered with a physical body; that all forms of matter are but the manifestation of the same ultimate Essence; that this Essence is but a Divine Impulse--a thrust, as it were, in the Ether.That although we observe with our sensory organs many different kinds of matter, consisting of elements and compounds of elements: if we were able to resolve any ofthe different forms of matter before us into their ultimate units, these ultimate particles would all turn out to be the same thing, the "Divine Impulses" just mentioned.

Now you can best grasp the idea by imagining yourselves immersed in an Infinite sea of such Divine Impulses, just as a fish is immersed in an ocean of water.Everywhere.all about us, is a teeming maelstrom of motion.There is not a cubic centimeter of space that you can call at rest.All is eternal motion. All is Energy.

And out of this inexhaustible Cosmic Reservoir do we Martians draw our energy.And as the Divine Impulse is the ultimate essence of all matter and all energy, therefore you might imagine matter in its different aspects as Electrical in origin.As Electricity is a manifestation of the Divine Impulse, then the only Reality in the Universe is GOD.

We have learned to utilize this Cosmic Energy by getting into harmony with its origin--GOD--for only through God can true knowledge be obtained.

On your Earth you have devised a very crude method for utilizing Electrical Energy.You expend more energy by burning coal or using water power than you derive from your electrical pump: for a dynamo is nothing more than a pump.Your machines do not generate electrical power for, as stated before you are immersed in an Infinite sea of energy.

On Mars we have learned to draw directly on this Infinite reservoir of energy. We have learned the law as you some day must.

Located at convenient points on our planet are high towers, capped with suitable receiving apparatus.In turn this energy is transmitted to different parts of our globe where it is used.We do not require wires to transmit energy.Our landscape is neither disfigured with unsightly wires, nor is it covered with a pall of black smoke.We devised a more perfect method of power production and transmission.

The relativity of time, space, motion and matter is an actuality brought to the attention of advanced students on Mars.An understanding of this truth exemplifies the unreality of the world of gross matter and the importance of gaining knowledge concerning Spiritual truths; for the latterare the only real tangible treasures worthy of one's efforts in their acquisition.Already a knowledge of these truths is beginning to be sought for by some of the more spiritually enlightened inhabitants of your Earth; but so immersed in the unreal things of life is the vast majority of your Earth people that it will take a long time before the present seed- sowing toward this end will bear fruit.

The seed-sowing referred to is the work of enlightenment now going on by a mighty group of Spiritual intelligences who, at the present day, have in hand the task of Spiritual reformation on your Earth.Only Truth can stand in the end.All that is unreal or false must ultimately give way to truth, and Omniscience has willed that the day when error shall be no more shall be hastened.

There are other planes of existence for the Spirit: many of them.

But they are simply extensions beyond your limited vision; for as long as you function in a world of unreality and error your Spiritual vision is incapable of discerning what lies beyond your present horizon, and must remain dormant.Material eyes are but the windows of the Soul, and your environment has so beclouded your vision that you grasp but little of the real things beyond.

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