

"Howdy, boys," said he, and dropped to the fireside, where he promptly annexed a coal for his pipe.

We all greeted him, but gradually the talk fell to him and Wes.It was commonplace talk enough from one point of view: taken in essence it was merely like the inquiry and answer of the civilized man as to another's itinerary--"Did you visit Florence?

Berlin? St.Petersburg?"--and then the comparing of impressions.Only here again that old familiar magic of unfamiliar names threw its glamour over the terse sentences.

"Over beyond the Piute Monument," the old prospector explained, "down through the Inyo Range, a leetle north of Death Valley--""Back in seventy-eight when I was up in Bay Horse Canon over by Lost River--""Was you ever over in th' Panamit Mountains?

--North of th' Telescope Range?"--

That was all there was to it, with long pauses for drawing at the pipes.Yet somehow in the aggregate that catalogue of names gradually established in the minds of us two who listened an impression of long years, of wide wilderness, of wandering far over the face of the earth.The old man had wintered here, summered a thousand miles away, made his strike at one end of the world, lost it somehow, and cheerfully tried for a repetition of his luck at the other.

I do not believe the possibility of wealth, though always of course in the background, was ever near enough his hope to be considered a motive for action.Rather was it a dream, remote, something to be gained to-morrow, but never to-day, like the mediaeval Christian's idea of heaven.His interest was in the search.For that one could see in him a real enthusiasm.He had his smattering of theory, his very real empirical knowledge, and his superstitions, like all prospectors.So long as he could keep in grub, own a little train of burros, and lead the life he loved, he was happy.

Perhaps one of the chief elements of this remarkable interest in the game rather than the prizes of it was his desire to vindicate his guesses or his conclusions.

He liked to predict to himself the outcome of his solitary operations, and then to prove that prediction through laborious days.His life was a gigantic game of solitaire.In fact, he mentioned a dozen of his claims many years apart which he had developed to a certain point,--"so I could see what they was,"--and then abandoned in favor of fresher discoveries.He cherished the illusion that these were properties to whose completion some day he would return.But we knew better; he had carried them to the point where the result was no longer in doubt and then, like one who has no interest in playing on in an evidently prescribed order, had laid his cards on the table to begin a new game.

This man was skilled in his profession; he had pursued it for thirty odd years; he was frugal and industrious; undoubtedly of his long series of discoveries a fair percentage were valuable and are producing-properties to-day.Yet he confessed his bank balance to be less than five hundred dollars.Why was this? Simply and solely because he did not care.

At heart it was entirely immaterial to him whether he ever owned a dollar above his expenses.When he sold his claims, he let them go easily, loath to bother himself with business details, eager to get away from the fuss and nuisance.The few hundred dollars he received he probably sunk in unproductive mining work, or was fleeced out of in the towns.

Then joyfully he turned back to his beloved mountains and the life of his slow deep delight and his pecking away before the open doors of fortune.By and by he would build himself a little cabin down in the lower pine mountains, where he would grow a white beard, putter with occult wilderness crafts, and smoke long contemplative hours in the sun before his door.For tourists he would braid rawhide reins and quirts, or make buckskin.The jays and woodpeckers and Douglas squirrels would become fond of him.So he would be gathered to his fathers, a gentle old man whose life had been spent harmlessly in the open.He had had his ideal to which blindly he reached; he had in his indirect way contributed the fruits of his labor to mankind; his recompenses he had chosen according to his desires.

When you consider these things, you perforce have to revise your first notion of him as a useless sort of old ruffian.As you come to know him better, you must love him for the kindliness, the simple honesty, the modesty, and charity that he seems to draw from his mountain environment.There are hundreds of him buried in the great canons of the West.

  • 复古诗集


  • 木天禁语


  • Painted Windows

    Painted Windows

  • 薛仁贵征辽事略


  • 鲙残篇


  • 魔之帝尊


  • 呐喊与彷徨(语文新课标课外读物)


  • 独生女孩怎么养


  • 诡医残梦


  • 做吾妻


  • 凡人圣心


  • 阅藏知津


  • 穹轮天下


  • 一世专宠之王爷缠上身


  • 倾国王妃没有宠

