

And when three days were gone, he sent the old woman to Lily again.And this time she went and was very respectfully entertained, and treated to wine and other things the whole day.But when she was ready to go back in the evening, a terrible shouting was heard outside.They heard people running and crying: "Oh, oh! A mad elephant has escaped from his stable and is running around and stamping on people."Then Lily said to the old woman: "Mother, you must not go through the street now where the elephant is.I will put you in a swing and let you down with ropes through this great window into the garden.Then you canclimb into a tree and jump on the wall, and go home by way of another tree." So she had her servants let the old woman down from the window into the garden by a rope-swing.And the old woman went home and told the prince and the counsellor's son all about it.

Then the counsellor's son said to the prince: "My friend, your wishes are fulfilled.She has been clever enough to show you the road.So you must follow that same road this very evening to the room of your darling." So the prince went to the garden with the counsellor's son by the road that the old woman had shown them.And there he saw the rope-swing hanging down, and servants above keeping an eye on the road.And when he got into the swing, the servants at the window pulled at the rope and he came to his darling.And when he had gone in, the counsellor's son wentback to the old woman's house.

But the prince saw Lily, and her face was beautiful like the full moon, and the moonlight of her beauty shone forth, like the night when the moon shines in secret because of the dark.And when she saw him, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.So he married her and stayed hidden with her for some days.

One day he said to his wife: "My dear, my friend the counsellor's son came with me, and he is staying all alone at the old woman's house.I must go and see him, then I will come back."But Lily was shrewd and said: "My dear, I must ask you something.Did you understand the signs I made, or was it the counsellor's son?" And the prince said to her: "My dear, I did not understand them all, but my friend has wonderful wisdom.He understood everything and told me." Then the sweet girl thought, and said: "My dear, you did wrong not to tell me before.Your friend is a real brother to me.I ought to have sent him some nuts and other nice things at the very first."Then she let him go, and he went to his friend by night by the same road, and told all that his wife had said.But the counsellor's son said: "That is foolish," and did not think much of it.So they spent the night talking.

Then when the time for the twilight sacrifice came, a friend of Lily's came there with cooked rice and nuts in her hand.She came and asked thecounsellor's son about his health and gave him the present.And she cleverly tried to keep the prince from eating."Your wife is expecting you to dinner," she said, and a moment later she went away.

Then the counsellor's son said to the prince: "Look, your Majesty.I will show you something curious." So he took a little of the cooked rice and gave it to a dog that was there.And the moment he ate it, the dog died.And the prince asked the counsellor's son what this strange thing could mean.

  • 一嫁世子财运亨


  • 狐狸妖娆:为你守候


  • 仙界保全局


  • 帝珩


  • 联对佳话(开启青少年智慧故事)


  • 月舞流光


  • 浮屿默示录


  • 依稀记得你的微笑


  • 我是一个墓童


  • 屠夫四少

