

The mart


ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. The gold I gave to Dromio is laid up Safe at the Centaur, and the heedful slave Is wand'red forth in care to seek me out. By computation and mine host's report I could not speak with Dromio since at first I sent him from the mart. See, here he comes.


How now, sir, is your merry humour alter'd? As you love strokes, so jest with me again. You know no Centaur! You receiv'd no gold! Your mistress sent to have me home to dinner! My house was at the Phoenix! Wast thou mad, That thus so madly thou didst answer me? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. What answer, sir? When spake I such a word? ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Even now, even here, not half an hour since. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. I did not see you since you sent me hence, Home to the Centaur, with the gold you gave me. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Villain, thou didst deny the gold's receipt, And told'st me of a mistress and a dinner; For which, I hope, thou felt'st I was displeas'd. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. I am glad to see you in this merry vein. What means this jest? I pray you, master, tell me. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Yea, dost thou jeer and flout me in the teeth? Think'st thou I jest? Hold, take thou that, and that. [Beating him] DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Hold, sir, for God's sake! Now your jest is earnest. Upon what bargain do you give it me? ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Because that I familiarly sometimes Do use you for my fool and chat with you, Your sauciness will jest upon my love, And make a common of my serious hours. When the sun shines let foolish gnats make sport, But creep in crannies when he hides his beams. If you will jest with me, know my aspect, And fashion your demeanour to my looks, Or I will beat this method in your sconce. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Sconce, call you it? So you would leave battering, I had rather have it a head. An you use these blows long, I must get a sconce for my head, and insconce it too; or else I shall seek my wit in my shoulders. But I pray, sir, why am I beaten?

ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Dost thou not know? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Nothing, sir, but that I am beaten. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Shall I tell you why? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Ay, sir, and wherefore; for they say every why hath a wherefore. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Why, first for flouting me; and then wherefore, For urging it the second time to me. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Was there ever any man thus beaten out of season, When in the why and the wherefore is neither rhyme nor reason? Well, sir, I thank you. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Thank me, sir! for what? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Marry, sir, for this something that you gave me for nothing. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. I'll make you amends next, to give you nothing for something. But say, sir, is it dinnertime? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. No, sir; I think the meat wants that I have. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. In good time, sir, what's that? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Basting. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Well, sir, then 'twill be dry. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. If it be, sir, I pray you eat none of it. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Your reason? DROMIO OFSYRACUSE. Lest it make you choleric, and purchase me another dry basting. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Well, sir, learn to jest in good time; there's a time for all things. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. I durst have denied that, before you were so choleric. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. By what rule, sir? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Marry, sir, by a rule as plain as the plain bald pate of Father Time himself. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Let's hear it. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. There's no time for a man to recover his hair that grows bald by nature. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. May he not do it by fine and recovery? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Yes, to pay a fine for a periwig, and recover the lost hair of another man. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Why is Time such a niggard of hair, being, as it is, so plentiful an excrement? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Because it is a blessing that he bestows on beasts, and what he hath scanted men in hair he hath given them in wit. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Why, but there's many a man hath more hair than wit. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Not a man of those but he hath the wit to lose his hair. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Why, thou didst conclude hairymen plain dealers without wit. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. The plainer dealer, the sooner lost; yet he loseth it in a kind of jollity. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. For what reason? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. For two; and sound ones too. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Nay, not sound I pray you. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Sure ones, then. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Nay, not sure, in a thing falsing. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Certain ones, then. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Name them. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. The one, to save the money that he spends in tiring; the other, that at dinner they should not drop in his porridge. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. You would all this time have prov'd there is no time for all things. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Marry, and did, sir; namely, no time to recover hair lost by nature. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. But your reason was not substantial, why there is no time to recover. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Thus I mend it: Time himself is bald, and therefore to the world's end will have bald followers. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. I knew 't'would be a bald conclusion. But, soft, who wafts us yonder?


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    在现代死了爸也死了妈,可怜孤身一人,想不开跳楼自杀鸟。却碰上了时间管理者瑾,帮自己穿越了古代。美貌是资本,运气是底牌,在这个什么都没有的古代,她照样玩的天翻地覆。暗领领主,青楼老鸨,神界公主,皇后,富婆,庄主……可爱的她,身份层出不穷。他,是把爱情当游戏玩转的恶魔,遇到她后,能不再当儿戏吗?他,是被众美人围绕的情圣公子,遇到她后,能只望她一个吗?他,是温柔体贴如天使降临他,是内心冷漠如寒玉,遇到她后,能打开冰冷的心吗?他,是被操纵的九五之尊,遇到她后,能重新找回自我吗?他、、、、、他们都会 弱水三千,只取她一瓢吗?蓝幻儿虽然花痴,但在古代她学会了乐观坚强懂得为他人着想。经过她身边的帅哥在不经意喜欢上她,优柔寡断地她该如何抉择?她要带着帅哥们在各界游山玩水,羡煞他人噢!
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