

SCENE I. London. QUEEN KATHARINE's apartments. Enter QUEEN KATHARINE and her Women, as at work QUEEN KATHARINE Take thy lute, wench: my soul grows sad with troubles;Sing, and disperse 'em, if thou canst: leave working.


Orpheus with his lute made trees, And the mountain tops that freeze, Bow themselves when he did sing:

To his music plants and flowers Ever sprung; as sun and showers There had made a lasting spring.

Every thing that heard him play, Even the billows of the sea, Hung their heads, and then lay by.

In sweet music is such art, Killing care and grief of heart Fall asleep, or hearing, die.

Enter a Gentleman QUEEN KATHARINE How now! Gentleman An't please your grace, the two great cardinals Wait in the presence. QUEEN KATHARINE Would they speak with me? Gentleman They will'd me say so, madam. QUEEN KATHARINE Pray their graces To come near.

Exit Gentleman What can be their business With me, a poor weak woman, fall'n from favour?

I do not like their coming. Now I think on't, They should be good men; their affairs as righteous:

But all hoods make not monks.

Enter CARDINAL WOLSEY and CARDINAL CAMPEIUS CARDINAL WOLSEY Peace to your highness! QUEEN KATHARINE Your graces find me here part of a housewife, I would be all, against the worst may happen.

What are your pleasures with me, reverend lords? CARDINAL WOLSEY May it please you noble madam, to withdraw Into your private chamber, we shall give you The full cause of our coming. QUEEN KATHARINE Speak it here:

There's nothing I have done yet, o' my conscience, Deserves a corner: would all other women Could speak this with as free a soul as I do!

My lords, I care not, so much I am happy Above a number, if my actions Were tried by every tongue, every eye saw 'em, Envy and base opinion set against 'em, I know my life so even. If your business Seek me out, and that way I am wife in, Out with it boldly: truth loves open dealing. CARDINAL WOLSEY Tanta est erga te mentis integritas, regina serenissima,-- QUEEN KATHARINE O, good my lord, no Latin;I am not such a truant since my coming, As not to know the language I have lived in:

A strange tongue makes my cause more strange, suspicious;Pray, speak in English: here are some will thank you, If you speak truth, for their poor mistress' sake;Believe me, she has had much wrong: lord cardinal, The willing'st sin I ever yet committed May be absolved in English. CARDINAL WOLSEY Noble lady, I am sorry my integrity should breed, And service to his majesty and you, So deep suspicion, where all faith was meant.

We come not by the way of accusation, To taint that honour every good tongue blesses, Nor to betray you any way to sorrow, You have too much, good lady; but to know How you stand minded in the weighty difference Between the king and you; and to deliver, Like free and honest men, our just opinions And comforts to your cause. CARDINAL CAMPEIUS Most honour'd madam, My Lord of York, out of his noble nature, Zeal and obedience he still bore your grace, Forgetting, like a good man your late censure Both of his truth and him, which was too far, Offers, as I do, in a sign of peace, His service and his counsel. QUEEN KATHARINE [Aside] To betray me.--My lords, I thank you both for your good wills;Ye speak like honest men; pray God, ye prove so!

But how to make ye suddenly an answer, In such a point of weight, so near mine honour,--More near my life, I fear,--with my weak wit, And to such men of gravity and learning, In truth, I know not. I was set at work Among my maids: full little, God knows, looking Either for such men or such business.

For her sake that I have been,--for I feel The last fit of my greatness,--good your graces, Let me have time and counsel for my cause:

Alas, I am a woman, friendless, hopeless! CARDINAL WOLSEY Madam, you wrong the king's love with these fears:

Your hopes and friends are infinite. QUEEN KATHARINE In England But little for my profit: can you think, lords, That any Englishman dare give me counsel?

Or be a known friend, 'gainst his highness' pleasure, Though he be grown so desperate to be honest, And live a subject? Nay, forsooth, my friends, They that must weigh out my afflictions, They that my trust must grow to, live not here:

They are, as all my other comforts, far hence In mine own country, lords. CARDINAL CAMPEIUS I would your grace Would leave your griefs, and take my counsel. QUEEN KATHARINE How, sir? CARDINAL CAMPEIUS Put your main cause into the king's protection;He's loving and most gracious: 'twill be much Both for your honour better and your cause;For if the trial of the law o'ertake ye, You'll part away disgraced. CARDINAL WOLSEY He tells you rightly. QUEEN KATHARINE Ye tell me what ye wish for both,--my ruin:

Is this your Christian counsel? out upon ye!

Heaven is above all yet; there sits a judge That no king can corrupt. CARDINAL CAMPEIUS Your rage mistakes us. QUEEN KATHARINE The more shame for ye: holy men I thought ye, Upon my soul, two reverend cardinal virtues;But cardinal sins and hollow hearts I fear ye:

Mend 'em, for shame, my lords. Is this your comfort?

The cordial that ye bring a wretched lady, A woman lost among ye, laugh'd at, scorn'd?

I will not wish ye half my miseries;

I have more charity: but say, I warn'd ye;Take heed, for heaven's sake, take heed, lest at once The burthen of my sorrows fall upon ye. CARDINAL WOLSEY Madam, this is a mere distraction;You turn the good we offer into envy. QUEEN KATHARINE Ye turn me into nothing: woe upon ye And all such false professors! would you have me--If you have any justice, any pity;If ye be any thing but churchmen's habits--Put my sick cause into his hands that hates me?

Alas, has banish'd me his bed already, His love, too long ago! I am old, my lords, And all the fellowship I hold now with him Is only my obedience. What can happen To me above this wretchedness? all your studies Make me a curse like this. CARDINAL CAMPEIUS Your fears are worse. QUEEN KATHARINE Have I lived thus long--let me speak myself, Since virtue finds no friends--a wife, a true one?

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