Tasarla, s. The evening. This word must not be confounded with the one which precedes it; the present is derived from the Wallachian Seari (evening), whilst the other is from the Arabic Sohr, Sahar (morning).
Tassa-mengri, s. A frying-pan. See Tattra-mengri.
Tatchipen, s. Truth. Sans. Satyata.
Tatcho, a. True. Sans. Sat.
Tatti-pani / Tatti-pauni, s. Brandy. Lit. hot water.
Tatti-pen, s. Heat.
Tatto, a. Hot, warm. Sans. Tapta. Tap (to be hot). Gaelic, Teth.
Tatto yeck, s. A hot un, or hot one; a stinging blow given in some very sensitive part.
Tattra-mengri, s. A frying-pan.
Tawno m. / Tawnie f., a. Little, small, tiny. Sans. Tarana (young).
Wal. Tienir (young). Lat. Tener. Span. Gyp. Chinoro.
Tawnie yecks, s. pl. Little ones, grandchildren.
Te, prep. To: te lesti, to her; this word is not properly Gypsy.
Te, conjunct. That: te jinnen, that they may know, an optative word; O beng te poggar his men, may the devil break his neck. Wal.
Tel, v. a. imp. Hold: tel te jib, hold your tongue.
Tem, s. Country.
Temeskoe, a. Belonging to a country.
Temno, a. Dark. Rus. Temnoy. Sans. Tama (darkness).
Ten, s. See Tan.
Tikno, s. A child. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]
Tikno, a. Small, little. Span. Gyp. Chinoro. Lat. Tener.
Tippoty, a. Malicious, spiteful: tippoty drey mande, bearing malice against me.
Tiro, pron. Thine.
Tobbar, s. The Road; a Rapparee word. Boro-tobbarkillipen (the Game of High Toby--highway robbery). Irish, Tobar (a source, fountain).
Tornapo. Name of a Gypsy man.
Tororo, s. A poor fellow, a beggar, a tramp. Sans. Daridra.
Tove, v. a. To wash: tovipen, washing. Sans. Dhav.
Toving divvus, s. Washing day, Monday.
Traish, v. a. To frighten, terrify: it traishes mande, it frightens me.
Trihool, s. Cross: Mi doveleskoe trihool, holy cross. Span. Gyp.
Trijul. Hin. Trisool.
Trin, a. Three.
Tringrosh / Tringurushee, Shilling. Lit. three groats.
Tringurushengre, s. pl. Things costing a shilling.
Tringush, s. Shilling.
Trito, a. Third. Sans. Tritiya.
Truffeni. Female Gypsy name: Truffeni Kaumlo, Jack Wardomescres dieyas nav--Truffeni Lovel, the name of John Cooper's mother. Mod.
Gr. [Greek: ]
Truppior, s. pl. Stays.
Trupo, s. Body. Wal. Troup. Rus. Trup Trushni, s. Faggot.
Trusno, a. Thirsty, dry. Sans. Trishnaj.
Tu, pron. Thou: shoon tu, dieya! do thou hear, mother!
Tud, s. Milk. Sans. Duh (to milk).
Tudlo gueri. Milkmaid.
Tug, a. Sad, afflicted.
Tugnipen, s. Affliction.
Tugnis amande. Woe is me; I am sad.
Tugno, a. Sad, mournful.
Tule / Tuley, prep. Below, under: tuley the bor, under the hedge.
Slavonian, doly.
Tulipen, s. Fat, grease.
Tulo, a. Fat.
Tute, pron. Accusative of Tu; generally used instead of the nominative.
Tuv, s. Smoke, tobacco.
Tuvalo / Tuvvalo, a. Smoky. Span. Gyp. Chibalo (a cigar).
VVANGUS, s. Finger. Sans. Angula.
Vangustri, s. Ring. Sans. Angulika, anguri. See Wangustri.
Vaneshu, s. Nothing. From the Wallachian Ba nitchi, not at all.
Var, s. Flour: var-engro, a miller. See Waro.
Vardo, s. Cart. See Wardo.
Vassavo / Vassavy, a. Bad, evil.
Vast, s. Hand.
Vava. An affix, by which the future of a verb is formed, as Heta-vava. It seems to be the Wallachian Wa-fi, he shall or will be.
Vellin, s. A bottle.
Vauros, s. A city. Hun. Varos. Sans. Puri. Hin. Poor. Wal.
Venor / Vennor, Bowels, entrails. See Wendror, WWAFO, a. Another. Sans. Apara.
Wafo divvus, s. Yesterday. Lit. the other day.
Wafo tem. Another country, foreign land.
Wafo temeskoe mush, s. A foreigner, another countryman.
Wafo tem-engre. Foreigners.
Wafodu / Wafudo, a. Bad, evil.
Wafoduder. Worse: wafoduder than dovor, worse than they.
Wafodu-pen, s. Wickedness.
Wafodu guero, s. The Evil One, Satan.
Wafodu tan, s. Hell, bad place.
Wangar, s. Coals, charcoal. Sans. Angara. See Wongar.
Wangustri, s. Ring.
Warda, v. To guard, take care: warda tu coccorus, take care of yourself.
Wardo, s. Cart. Sans. Pattra.
Wardo-mescro, s. Carter, cartwright, cooper, name of a Gypsy tribe.
Waro, s. Flour.
Waro-mescro, s. Miller.
Wast, s. Hand. See Vast. Wastrors, hands. Gaelic, Bas (the palm of the hand).
Weggaulus / Welgorus / Welgaulus, s. A fair. Wal. Bieltchiou.
Wel, v. a. He comes; from Ava. Sometimes used imperatively; e.g.
Wel adrey, come in.
Welling pali. Coming back, returning from transportation.
Wen, s. Winter.
Wendror, s. pl. Bowels, inside. Wal. Pentetche. Lat. Venter.
Wentzelow. Name of a Gypsy man.
Werriga, s. Chain. Rus. Veriga. Wal. Verigie (bolt).
Wesh, s. Forest, wood. Pers. [Persian: ]
Wesh-engro, s. Woodman, gamekeeper.
Weshen-juggal, s. Fox. Lit. dog of the wood.
Woddrus / Wuddrus, s. Bed. Hun. Gyp. Patos. Wal. Pat. The Spanish Gypsies retain the pure Indian word Charipe.
Wongar, s. Coal. Also a term for money; probably because Coal in the cant language signifies money. See Wangar.
Wongar-camming mush, s. A miser. Lit. one who loves coal.
Wuddur, s. Door. Span. Gyp. Burda. Wal. Poartie.
Wuddur-mescro, s. Doorkeeper.
Wust, v. a. To cast, throw.
Wusto-mengro, s. Wrestler, hurler.
YYACK, s. Eye. Sans. Akshi. Germ. Auge. Rus. Oko. Lithuanian, Akis. Lat. Oculus.
Yackor. Eyes.
Yag, s. Fire. Sans. Agni. Rus. Ogon. Lithuanian, Ugnis. Lat.
Ignis. Irish, An (water, fire).
Yag-engri, s. Gun, fire-thing.
Yag- engro / Yago-mengro, s. Gamekeeper, sportsman, fireman.
Yag-kairepenes, s. Fireworks.
Yag-vardo, s. Fire-car, railroad carriage.
Yarb, s. Herb.
Yarb-tan, s. Garden.
Yeck, a. One. Sans. Eka. Hin. Yak.
Yeckoro, a. Only: yeckoro chavo, only son.
Yeckorus, ad. Once.
Yo, pron. He.
Yoi, pron. She. Sometimes used for La or Las, her; e.g. Mande putch'd yoi, I asked she, her.
Yokki, a. Clever, expert: a yokki juva, a yokki woman--a female expert at filching, ringing the changes, telling fortunes, and other Gypsy arts. Sans. Yoga (artifice, plan), Yuj (to combine, put together, plan).
Yora, s. Hour. See Ora.
Yoro, s. An egg. Wal. Ou.
ZZI, s. The heart, mind. Hun. Sziv. Sans. Dhi.
Zimmen, s. Broth. Wal. Zmenteni (cream).
Zoomi, s. f. Broth, soup. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] Wal. Zamie (juice).