

"I don't know--come to think of it, I can't just leave the kid all my property. I--I've got a kid of my own, and if she's alive--I ain't heard anything of her for fifteen years and more, but if she's alive she'd come in for a share. She's a woman grown by this time. Her mother died when she was a baby. Imarried the woman I hired to take care of her and the house--like a fool. When we parted, she took the kid with her. She did think a lot of her, I'll say that much for her, and that's all Ican say in her favor. I drifted around and lost track of 'em. Old woman, she married again, and I heard that didn't pan out, neither. Anyway, she kept the girl, and gave her the care and schooling that I couldn't give. I was a drifter.

"Well, she can bust the will if I leave her out, yuh see. And if the old woman gets a finger in the pie, it'll be busted, all right. I can write her down for a hundred dollars perviding she don't contest. That'll fix it. And the rest goes to the kid here.

But I want him to have the use of my name, understand. Something-or-other Markham Moore ought to suit all hands well enough."Bud, holding Lovin Child on his knees, frowned a little at first. But when he looked at Cash, and caught the wistfulness in his eyes, he surrendered warm-heartedly.

"A couple of old he-hens like us--we need a chick to look after," he said whimsically. "I guess Markham Moore ought to be good enough for most any kid. And if it ain't, by gosh, we'll make it good enough! If I ain't been all I should be, there's no law against straightening up. Markham Moore goes as it lays--hey, Lovins?" But Lovin Child had gone to sleep over his foster fathers' disposal of his future. His little yellow head was wabbling on his limp neck, and Bud cradled him in his arms and held him so.

"Yeah. But what are we going to call him?" Methodical Cash wanted the whole matter settled at one conference, it seemed.

"Call him? Why, what've we been calling him, the last two months? ""That," Cash retorted, "depended on what devilment he was into when we called!""You said it all, that time. I guess, come to think of it--tell you what, Cash, let's call him what the kid calls himself.

That's fair enough. He's got some say in the matter, and if he's satisfied with Lovin, we oughta be. Lovin Markam Moore ain't half bad. Then if he wants to change it when he grows up, he can.""Yeah. I guess that's as good as anything. I'd hate to see him named Cassius. Well, now's as good a time as any to make them wills, Bud. We oughta have a couple of witnesses, but we can act for each other, and I guess it'll pass. You lay the kid down, and we'll write 'em and have it done with and off our minds. I dunno --I've got a couple of lots in Phoenix I'll leave to the girl.

By rights she should have 'em. Lovins, here, 'll have my share in all mining claims; these two I'll name 'specially, because Iexpect them to develop into paying mines; the Blind Lodge, anyway."A twinge of jealousy seized Bud. Cash was going ahead a little too confidently in his plans for the kid. He did not want to hurt old Cash's feelings, and of course he needed Cash's assistance if he kept Lovin Child for his own. But Cash needn't think he was going to claim the kid himself.

  • 呆妻万般宠,老婆你过来


  • 亡灵出没


  • 九天下


  • 英雄联盟装备传说


  • 四肢健美


  • 灵魂拯救者


  • 未来的幸福


  • 下堂小娘子


  • 玺欢原来很简单


  • 可惜不是你,陪我到最后

