
第79章 PART ONE(78)

'Christi!'said Thenardier,'let's not give up the child.'

In the meantime,Fantine did not recover.

She still remained in the infirmary.

The sisters had at first only received and nursed'that woman'with repugnance.

Those who have seen the bas-reliefs of Rheims will recall the inflation of the lower lip of the wise virgins as they survey the foolish virgins.

The ancient scorn of the vestals for the ambubajae is one of the most profound instincts of feminine dignity;the sisters felt it with the double force contributed by religion.

But in a few days Fantine disarmed them.She said all kinds of humble and gentle things,and the mother in her provoked tenderness.

One day the sisters heard her say amid her fever:

'I have been a sinner;but when I have my child beside me,it will be a sign that God has pardoned me.While I was leading a bad life,I should not have liked to have my Cosette with me;I could not have borne her sad,astonished eyes.It was for her sake that I did evil,and that is why God pardons me.I shall feel the benediction of the good God when Cosette is here.I shall gaze at her;it will do me good to see that innocent creature.She knows nothing at all.

She is an angel,you see,my sisters.At that age the wings have not fallen off.'

M.Madeleine went to see her twice a day,and each time she asked him:——

'Shall I see my Cosette soon?'

He answered:——


She may arrive at any moment.

I am expecting her.'

And the mother's pale face grew radiant.

'Oh!'she said,'how happy I am going to be!'

We have just said that she did not recover her health.

On the contrary,her condition seemed to become more grave from week to week.That handful of snow applied to her bare skin between her shoulder-blades had brought about a sudden suppression of perspiration,as a consequence of which the malady which had been smouldering within her for many years was violently developed at last.At that time people were beginning to follow the fine Laennec's fine suggestions in the study and treatment of chest maladies.The doctor sounded Fantine's chest and shook his head.

M.Madeleine said to the doctor:——


'Has she not a child which she desires to see?'said the doctor.



Make haste and get it here!'

M.Madeleine shuddered.

Fantine inquired:——

'What did the doctor say?'

M.Madeleine forced himself to smile.

'He said that your child was to be brought speedily.

That that would restore your health.'

'Oh!'she rejoined,'he is right!

But what do those Thenardiers mean by keeping my Cosette from me!

Oh!she is coming.

At last I behold happiness close beside me!'

In the meantime Thenardier did not'let go of the child,'and gave a hundred insufficient reasons for it.

Cosette was not quite well enough to take a journey in the winter.

And then,there still remained some petty but pressing debts in the neighborhood,and they were collecting the bills for them,etc.,etc.

'I shall send some one to fetch Cosette!'said Father Madeleine.'If necessary,I will go myself.'

He wrote the following letter to Fantine's dictation,and made her sign it:——


You will deliver Cosette to this person.

You will be paid for all the little things.

I have the honor to salute you with respect.


In the meantime a serious incident occurred.

Carve as we will the mysterious block of which our life is made,the black vein of destiny constantly reappears in it.



One morning M.Madeleine was in his study,occupied in arranging in advance some pressing matters connected with the mayor's office,in case he should decide to take the trip to Montfermeil,when he was informed that Police Inspector Javert was desirous of speaking with him.

Madeleine could not refrain from a disagreeable impression on hearing this name.

Javert had avoided him more than ever since the affair of the police-station,and M.Madeleine had not seen him.

'Admit him,'he said.

Javert entered.

M.Madeleine had retained his seat near the fire,pen in hand,his eyes fixed on the docket which he was turning over and annotating,and which contained the trials of the commission on highways for the infraction of police regulations.

He did not disturb himself on Javert's account.

He could not help thinking of poor Fantine,and it suited him to be glacial in his manner.

Javert bestowed a respectful salute on the mayor,whose back was turned to him.

The mayor did not look at him,but went on annotating this docket.

Javert advanced two or three paces into the study,and halted,without breaking the silence.

If any physiognomist who had been familiar with Javert,and who had made a lengthy study of this savage in the service of civilization,this singular composite of the Roman,the Spartan,the monk,and the corporal,this spy who was incapable of a lie,this unspotted police agent——if any physiognomist had known his secret and long-cherished aversion for M.Madeleine,his conflict with the mayor on the subject of Fantine,and had examined Javert at that moment,he would have said to himself,'What has taken place?'It was evident to any one acquainted with that clear,upright,sincere,honest,austere,and ferocious conscience,that Javert had but just gone through some great interior struggle.

Javert had nothing in his soul which he had not also in his countenance.

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