
第16章 PART ONE(15)

The child entered the hut.

The old man followed him with his eyes,and added,as though speaking to himself:——

'I shall die while he sleeps.

The two slumbers may be good neighbors.'

The Bishop was not touched as it seems that he should have been.He did not think he discerned God in this manner of dying;let us say the whole,for these petty contradictions of great hearts must be indicated like the rest:

he,who on occasion,was so fond of laughing at'His Grace,'was rather shocked at not being addressed as Monseigneur,and he was almost tempted to retort'citizen.'He was assailed by a fancy for peevish familiarity,common enough to doctors and priests,but which was not habitual with him.This man,after all,this member of the Convention,this representative of the people,had been one of the powerful ones of the earth;for the first time in his life,probably,the Bishop felt in a mood to be severe.

Meanwhile,the member of the Convention had been surveying him with a modest cordiality,in which one could have distinguished,possibly,that humility which is so fitting when one is on the verge of returning to dust.

The Bishop,on his side,although he generally restrained his curiosity,which,in his opinion,bordered on a fault,could not refrain from examining the member of the Convention with an attention which,as it did not have its course in sympathy,would have served his conscience as a matter of reproach,in connection with any other man.A member of the Convention produced on him somewhat the effect of being outside the pale of the law,even of the law of charity.

G——,calm,his body almost upright,his voice vibrating,was one of those octogenarians who form the subject of astonishment to the physiologist.The Revolution had many of these men,proportioned to the epoch.In this old man one was conscious of a man put to the proof.Though so near to his end,he preserved all the gestures of health.In his clear glance,in his firm tone,in the robust movement of his shoulders,there was something calculated to disconcert death.Azrael,the Mohammedan angel of the sepulchre,would have turned back,and thought that he had mistaken the door.

G——seemed to be dying because he willed it so.

There was freedom in his agony.

His legs alone were motionless.

It was there that the shadows held him fast.His feet were cold and dead,but his head survived with all the power of life,and seemed full of light.

G——,at this solemn moment,resembled the king in that tale of the Orient who was flesh above and marble below.

There was a stone there.

The Bishop sat down.

The exordium was abrupt.

'I congratulate you,'said he,in the tone which one uses for a reprimand.

'You did not vote for the death of the king,after all.'

The old member of the Convention did not appear to notice the bitter meaning underlying the words'after all.'

He replied.The smile had quite disappeared from his face.

'Do not congratulate me too much,sir.

I did vote for the death of the tyrant.'

It was the tone of austerity answering the tone of severity.

'What do you mean to say?'resumed the Bishop.

'I mean to say that man has a tyrant,——ignorance.

I voted for the death of that tyrant.

That tyrant engendered royalty,which is authority falsely understood,while science is authority rightly understood.Man should be governed only by science.'

'And conscience,'added the Bishop.

'It is the same thing.

Conscience is the quantity of innate science which we have within us.'

Monseigneur Bienvenu listened in some astonishment to this language,which was very new to him.

The member of the Convention resumed:——

'So far as Louis XVI.

was concerned,I saidno.'I did not think that I had the right to kill a man;but I felt it my duty to exterminate evil.

I voted the end of the tyrant,that is to say,the end of prostitution for woman,the end of slavery for man,the end of night for the child.

In voting for the Republic,I voted for that.

I voted for fraternity,concord,the dawn.I have aided in the overthrow of prejudices and errors.

The crumbling away of prejudices and errors causes light.

We have caused the fall of the old world,and the old world,that vase of miseries,has become,through its upsetting upon the human race,an urn of joy.'

'Mixed joy,'said the Bishop.

'You may say troubled joy,and to-day,after that fatal return of the past,which is called 1814,joy which has disappeared!Alas!

The work was incomplete,I admit:

we demolished the ancient regime in deeds;we were not able to suppress it entirely in ideas.To destroy abuses is not sufficient;customs must be modified.The mill is there no longer;the wind is still there.'

'You have demolished.

It may be of use to demolish,but I distrust a demolition complicated with wrath.'

'Right has its wrath,Bishop;and the wrath of right is an element of progress.

In any case,and in spite of whatever may be said,the French Revolution is the most important step of the human race since the advent of Christ.

Incomplete,it may be,but sublime.It set free all the unknown social quantities;it softened spirits,it calmed,appeased,enlightened;it caused the waves of civilization to flow over the earth.

It was a good thing.

The French Revolution is the consecration of humanity.'

The Bishop could not refrain from murmuring:——


The member of the Convention straightened himself up in his chair with an almost lugubrious solemnity,and exclaimed,so far as a dying man is capable of exclamation:——

'Ah,there you go;'93!

I was expecting that word.

A cloud had been forming for the space of fifteen hundred years;at the end of fifteen hundred years it burst.

You are putting the thunderbolt on its trial.'

The Bishop felt,without,perhaps,confessing it,that something within him had suffered extinction.

Nevertheless,he put a good face on the matter.

He replied:——

'The judge speaks in the name of justice;the priest speaks in the name of pity,which is nothing but a more lofty justice.A thunderbolt should commit no error.'

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