

The magistrates were beset by the quarter-masters of the different corps for billets for men and horses.``Let us,'' said Bailie Littlejohn, ``take the horses into our warehouses, and the men into our parlours--share our supper with the one, and our forage with the other.We have made ourselves wealthy under a free and paternal government, and now is the time to show we know its value.''

A loud and cheerful acquiescence was given by all present, and the substance of the wealthy, with the persons of those of all ranks, were unanimously devoted to the defence of the country.

Captain M`Intyre acted on this occasion as military adviser and aide-de-camp to the principal magistrate, and displayed a degree of presence of mind, and knowledge of his profession, totally unexpected by his uncle, who, recollecting his usual _insouciance_ and impetuosity, gazed at him with astonishment from time to time, as he remarked the calm and steady manner in which he explained the various measures of precaution that his experience suggested, and gave directions for executing them.He found the different corps in good order, considering the irregular materials of which they were composed, in great force of numbers and high confidence and spirits.And so much did military experience at that moment overbalance all other claims to consequence, that even old Edie, instead of being left, like Diogenes at Sinope, to roll his tub when all around were preparing for defence, had the duty assigned him of superintending the serving out of the ammunition, which he executed with much discretion.

Two things were still anxiously expected--the presence of the Glenallan volunteers, who, in consideration of the importance of that family, had been formed into a separate corps, and the arrival of the officer before announced, to whom the measures of defence on that coast had been committed by the commander-in-chief, and whose commission would entitle him to take upon himself the full disposal of the military force.

At length the bugles of the Glenallan yeomanry were heard, and the Earl himself, to the surprise of all who knew his habits and state of health, appeared at their head in uniform.

They formed a very handsome and well-mounted squadron, formed entirely out of the Earl's Lowland tenants, and were followed by a regiment of five hundred men, completely equipped in the Highland dress, whom he had brought down from the upland glens, with their pipes playing in the van.The clean and serviceable appearance of this band of feudal dependants called forth the admiration of Captain M`Intyre; but his uncle was still more struck by the manner in which, upon this crisis, the ancient military spirit of his house seemed to animate and invigorate the decayed frame of the Earl, their leader.He claimed, and obtained for himself and his followers, the post most likely to be that of danger, displayed great alacrity in making the necessary dispositions, and showed equal acuteness in discussing their propriety.Morning broke in upon the military councils of Fairport, while all concerned were still eagerly engaged in taking precautions for their defence.

At length a cry among the people announced, ``There's the brave Major Neville come at last, with another officer;'' and their post-chaise and four drove into the square, amidst the huzzas of the volunteers and inhabitants.The magistrates, with their assessors of the lieutenancy, hastened to the door of their town-house to receive him; but what was the surprise of all present, but most especially that of the Antiquary, when they became aware, that the handsome uniform and military cap disclosed the person and features of the pacific Lovel! Awarm embrace, and a hearty shake of the hand, were necessary to assure him that his eyes were doing him justice.Sir Arthur was no less surprised to recognise his son, Captain Wardour, in Lovel's, or rather Major Neville's company.The first words of the young officers were a positive assurance to all present, that the courage and zeal which they had displayed were entirely thrown away, unless in so far as they afforded an acceptable proof of their spirit and promptitude.

``The watchman at Halket-head,'' said Major Neville, ``as we discovered by an investigation which we made in our route hither, was most naturally misled by a bonfire which some idle people had made on the hill above Glenwithershins, just in the line of the beacon with which his corresponded.''

Oldbuck gave a conscious look to Sir Arthur, who returned it with one equally sheepish, and a shrug of the shoulders, ``It must have been the machinery which we condemned to the flames in our wrath,'' said the Antiquary, plucking up heart, though not a little ashamed of having been the cause of so much disturbance--``The devil take Dousterswivel with all my heart!

--I think he has bequeathed us a legacy of blunders and mischief, as if he had lighted some train of fireworks at his departure.I wonder what cracker will go off next among our shins.But yonder comes the prudent Caxon.--Hold up your head, you ass--your betters must bear the blame for you--And here, take this what-d'ye-call it''--(giving him his sword)--``Iwonder what I would have said yesterday to any man that would have told me I was to stick such an appendage to my tail.''

Here he found his arm gently pressed by Lord Glenallan, who dragged him into a separate apartment.``For God's sake, who is that young gentleman who is so strikingly like''--``Like the unfortunate Eveline,'' interrupted Oldbuck.``Ifelt my heart warm to him from the first, and your lordship has suggested the very cause.''

``But who--who is he?'' continued Lord Glenallan, holding the Antiquary with a convulsive grasp.

``Formerly I would have called him Lovel, but now he turns out to be Major Neville.''

``Whom my brother brought up as his natural son--whom he made his heir--Gracious Heaven! the child of my Eveline!''

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