
第19章 外交(6)

reject [rI5dVekt]拒绝、抵制rejection [rI5dVekF[n]拒绝、抵制Jailed Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s appeal against fraudand tax evasion convictions is rejected.

Islamist deputies echoed independent activists‘rejection of a new anti-terror law that Abdullah ordered al-Bakhit to push through quickly as a mainplank in the anti-terror drive.

release [rI5lI:s]释放release details [5dI:teilz]透露详细情况Afghanistan is due to begin releasing the first preliminary results fromSeptember’s landmark elections.

At a nationally televised news conference in the capital of Canberra,Australian Prime Minister John Howard said releasing details of the threatwould compromise security concerns.

renew [rI5njU:]重申、使恢复、延期renew the dialogue[5dai[lCg]恢复对话U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also renewed criticism of Syria for dragging its feet in cooperating with a U.N.investigation into the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut last February.(AP)

In his acceptance speech Friday,Jereissati said the party needed to“renew its dialogue with society.”He said that if the party returns to govern the country in 2006,it would maintain and intensify its commitment tofortifying the economy.

reportedly [rI5pC:tIdlI]据报道

The chiefs of car giants Toyota and General Motors are reportedlydiscussing co-operation efforts.

repulse [rI5pQls]打退、排斥repulsion [rI5pQlF[n]排斥“You know,like every country in the world Russia is a target of terrorist attacks,and unfortunately our country,like many others,does not alwaysturn out to be able to effectively repulse these attacks,”Putin said.

Samir Shakir Mahmud al-Sumaidaie,a member of the Iraqi Governing Council,on Thursday said he feels “as much revulsion of what has happened as any American or indeed as any member of those families of those that lost.We feel repulsed and feel the repulsion.”(CNN)request [rI5kwest]要求The North Korean government did not immediately respond to CNN‘srequest for comment on the documentary’s allegations.

reunify [rI5jU:nI9fai]使统一reunification [rI:9jUnIfi5keiF[n]统一To replace the fragile cease-fire mechanism by a lasting peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula with a view to doing away with the last leftover of the Cold War era is essential,not only for the peace andreunification of Korea but for the peace and security in Northeast Asia andthe rest of the world.

Bosnia‘s leaders seem close to an agreement on constitutional changes aimed at further unifying the still-fractured country,a top State Departmentofficial said Monday(.AP)

sanction [5sAnkF[n]制裁lift(impose)sanctions 解除(实施)制裁、取消制裁In response to Hill’s call,Kim insisted that Washington lift sanctions oncompanies accused of weapons proliferation(.FOX NEWS)

Kim pressed Pyongyang‘s demand for an end to the U.S.sanctions imposed in October on eight companies accused of trafficking in nuclear,missile or biological weapons technology(.AP)

Security Council(UN)(联合国)安全理事会“If you have one instance of a failure to report,that’s an error.If you have two,maybe you‘d give them some benefit of the doubt but when you have 18instances of a failure to report,it’s a very clear pattern and it‘s obvious that their intention was to proceed without reporting this to the [U.N.]Security Council,”said Mark Fitzpatrick,senior fellow for non-proliferation studies at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.(FOX NEWS)

seek [sI:k]寻求Kurdish leaders insisted Tuesday they have no plan to secede from Iraq even if they want the new constitution to give them the right to do so.

Meetings were to

resume Wednesday among Iraqi leaders seeking to finish the draft by thenew deadline -midnight Aug.22(.USA TODAY)

settle [5setl]安顿;调停、解决settlement [5setlm[nt]解决Electronic Data Systems Corp.will pay the UK government 71.25million pounds($122million)to settle a dispute over a faulty system theU.S.computer services group supplied to administer a tax credit scheme.(Reuters)

Doug Christie and the Dallas Mavericks were working on a contract settlement Thursday,a week after he left the team to have his surgicallyrepaired left ankle examined by his personal physician(.ABC)

salute [s[5lU:t]鸣礼炮、敬礼19-gun salute 十九响礼炮President Bush on Saturday saluted the leaders of fledgling democracies in three Baltic nations that endured Soviet oppression for half a century,and said they could help Russian President Vladimir Putin see the benefits ofliving in a free society(.CNN)

The Indian Prime Minister was given a 19-gun salute as he descended from Air India One.He was escorted to the saluting base by his Bangladeshi counterpart,which had both the national flags of Bangladesh and India.(Webindia)

President Amani Abeid Karume inspected a military guard of honor and took a 21-gun salute after Zanzibar’s chief justice administered the oath ofoffice(.USA Today)

sovereignty n.[5sCv[rIntI]国家的主权

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