
第20章 S


adj. holy by connection with God 神圣的 religious in nature or use 宗教(性)的 treated with great respect 不可侵犯的

sacred表示与神有关而令人景仰的意思。如:the sacred altar(神坛)。又可引申为不可侵犯或不容变更的。如:a sacred duty(神圣的职责)。divine用以形容具有上帝或神的性质,或者与其相关连或者源出于上帝和神的事物。如:divine wisdom(神的智慧)。在引申的用法中,表示一种崇高与伟大。如:regard...as divine(把……认为是伟大的)。

holy, sacred

holy 指宗教上认为有重大历史意义和作用的,值得后人崇拜的;如:the holy land 圣地,the Holy Ghost 圣灵,sacred 指某物因奉献给宗教或有意义而使其具崇高的意义,受人尊重。如:a sacred book 圣典

a sacred place 圣地 a room sacred to sb. 专供某人用的房间

Temples, mosques and churches are all sacred buildings.



n. object, condition, circumstance, etc. that tends to prevent harm, give protection (against) 保护;防卫 vt. to ensure the safety of; protect 保护;防护

safeguard the interests of consumers 保护消费者的权利/safeguard one s health 保护健康/safeguard one s rights 维护权力/a safeguard against 防御……的措施

Keeping clean is a safeguard against disease.



n. person who has been declared by the Church to have won by holy living on earth a place in Heaven and veneration on earth (基督教)圣者,圣徒


vt. to accept, approve or permit 批准,认可n. permission 批准,认可 sth. that forces the keeping of a rule or standard 约束因素,约束力 an action taken by one or more countries against a country which is breaking international law (pl.)国际制裁

sanction(n.)作“批准;准许;认可”解时,其同义词是approval。如:I m sure you can get the committee s sanction(或approval)to proceed with your work.(我相信你能获得委员会的批准,继续把你的工作干下去。)不过sanction属正式用语,几乎完全用在与公务或职务有关的场合。如:The minister acts with the sanction of Parliament.(部长按照国会的批准行事。) sanction作vt.时,后可接名词,也可接动名词。

give sanction to 予以批准/economic sanction 经济制裁

His reason doesn t sanction his acting on impulse.


The church would not sanction his second marriage.



v. make sth very wet; soak sth 浸湿或浸透某物 cause sth/sb to absorb a lot of sth; fill sth/sb completely with sth 使某物(某人)大量吸收或充满某物

saturate water with salt 使水中包含盐/a town saturated with charm 充满魅力的城镇/ saturate oneself in 埋头在……中,彻底研究

In his book Mr. Flink argued that by 1973 the American market had become saturated , at one car for every 2.25 people, and so had the markets of Japan and Western Europe (because of land shortages).

Flink 先生在他的书中说,美国市场在 1973年即已饱和,达到每 2.25人拥有 1 辆汽车,日本和欧洲市场也同样如此(因为缺乏土地)。(2003年9月阅读理解)

We lay on the beach, saturated in sunshine.



n. (kind of) liquid or semiliquid preparation served with some kinds of food to give a relish or flavour 沙司,酱油,调味料


adj. not domesticated or cultivated; wild 野蛮的,未开化的,凶猛的,残忍的 vt. to assault ferociously 用暴力对付 n. a person regarded as primitive or uncivilized 原始的人,粗鲁的人

a savage beast 野兽,猛兽/a savage tribe 原始部落/savage anger 暴怒/savage art 原始艺术/savage bad manners 粗鲁无礼的举止

She was savaged by a mad dog.



n. a publicized incident that brings about disgrace or offends the moral sensibilities of society 丑行,丑闻,诽谤,耻辱,流言蜚语


n. a mark left on the skin after a surface injury or wound has healed 伤痕,疤痕 v. to mark with a scar 结疤,使留下伤痕,创伤

an identifying scar 能够起识别作用的疤痕/a noticeable scar 显眼的疤痕/psychological scars 心灵创伤/grief that has left a scar 难以忘怀的悲痛

He has a scar on his arm where the dog bit him.



n. a setting (戏剧)一场,一景 sth. seen by a viewer; a view or prospect 景色,风景 the place where an action or event occurs现场,出事地点

They stood gazing at the happy scene of children playing in the park.



adj. inclined not to believe; in the habit of questioning the truth of claims, statements, etc. 怀疑论的,怀疑的

Many scientists remain sceptical about the value of this research program.



n. contempt or disdain felt toward a person or object considered despicable or unworthy 轻蔑,嘲笑,被斥责的人vt. feel or show contempt for 轻蔑,不屑做

scorn后还可接不定式或动名词,用不定式比用动名词更普遍。如:He scorned to bow to (或bowing to) the decision of the committee.(他不屑服从委员会的决定。)

be a scorn to 是……的嘲笑对象;遭到……的鄙视/feel/have scorn for 对……表示藐视/hold up to scorn 藐视 laugh sb./sth.to scorn 嘲笑或挖苦某人(某事)/point the finger of scorn at sb.奚落某人,嘲笑某人/hold it scorn to (do) 不屑(做)

She scorned all our offers of help.



n. a small piece or bit; a fragment 小片,小块;碎屑 discarded waste material 废料,废物 vt. to discard as worthless; junk 丢弃,废弃

There is not a scrap of truth in what he says.


n. handwriting (连体英语草书的)笔迹,手迹 the text of a play, broadcast, or movie 讲话稿;剧本;广播稿;原稿


n. a close, careful examination or study 细阅;详细检查;仔细研究

make a scrutiny into... 详细检查……/constant scrutiny 经常不断的检查/rigid scrutiny 苛刻的检查/strict scrutiny 严格的检查/not bear scrutiny 有可疑的地方

Although the model looks good on the surface, it will not bear close scrutiny.


All the fruit undergoes a careful scrutiny before it is sold in the shops.



n. art of making representative in stone, wood, metal, etc. by carving or modelling 雕刻术;雕塑术 a work of art created by sculpture 雕塑品;雕刻品 vt. &; vi. to represent in sculpture 雕刻;雕塑 to decorate with sculpture 雕塑成像;雕刻成形

clay sculpture 泥塑/an enormous iron sculpture 一尊巨大的铸铁雕像/an ivory sculpture 牙雕作品/modern sculpture 现代雕塑

He made a beautiful sculpture of her head.



n. a line of junction formed by sewing together two pieces of material along their margins (布、皮革的)缝,接缝 line where two edges, e.g. of boards forming a ship a deck, meet 接合线;缝合处 a thin layer of coal or rock 矿层;煤层 vt. marked with (lines, scars, etc.) 使有线纹;使有痕迹 to put together with or as if with a seam 缝合,接合


n. a part or division, as of a city or a national economy 部门;界 part of a circle lying between two straight lines drawn from the center to the circumstances 扇形,扇形面


adv. in appearance; apparently 表面上地


n. any of the parts into which sth. can be divided 段,节,片断 v. to divide or become divided into segments 分割


v. to put apart from the rest; to separate 分开,隔开

segregate A from B 把A与B分开(离),作vi.时,后常接from。

segregate sb./sth.from sb./sth.把……隔离/分开/a segregated school/state 实行种族隔离的学校/州

In the U.S.A., blacks and whites used to go to segregated schools.



n. small group of students at a university, etc. meeting to discuss or study a particular topic with a teacher 研究会,讨论发表会


n. a member of a senate 参议院议员,上院议员


n. ability to feel; feeling 知觉;感觉 (instance of, sth. that causes, a) quick and excited reaction 激动;轰动

a blank sensation 茫然的感觉/a choking sensation 令人窒息的感觉/a curious sensation of terror 一种奇怪的恐怖感/feel no sensation 毫无知觉

It was a strange sensation to return to the school again after so long.



n. thought or judgement arising from or marked by feeling 感情,情绪 expression of feeling, opinions or points of view 意见,观点

sentiment所指的感情含有较多的理智成分,一般指较高尚的或细腻的感情,偶尔也指假装、造作的感情,或指各种emotions和feelings的综合。如:Sentiment unchecked by reason is a bad guide.(不受理智约束的感情会把人引上歧途。)He seemed to be overflowing with sentiments in his speech,but lacked real feeling.(他在演讲中似乎感情洋溢,但缺乏真情实感。)

sentiment, emotion,feeling

sentiment, emotion和feeling均有“感情”意思。 sentiment指思想感情的综合,具有高尚或细腻的感情,含有较多的理智成分,多指情操而言,也指某种特殊情感。如:In his speech he frequently appealed to such sentiments as love of country and children.他在演讲中一再激发人们热爱祖国、热爱儿童等情操。 emotion指喜、怒、哀、乐、爱、憎等感情,可与理智相对,含义较广。如:Love, hatred,and grief are emotions.爱、憎、忧郁是情感。 feeling与emotion相似,口语化用语,通常用复数,表示“情绪”,但还含有对冷热等的感觉。如:We can understand his feelings.我们能理解他的心情。

have hostile sentiments toward sb.对某人有敌意/public sentiment 公众的情绪/a man of sentiment 善感的人

There is strong public sentiment on the question of unemployment.



adj. or the sexes or the physical attraction between them 性交的;性行为的;性吸引的;两性的;肉体吸引的 of sex or gender 性别的;性的;男性或女性的;雄性或雌性的

sexual feelings 性吸引的感受/sexual differences 性的区别

Her interest in him is corporeal sexual.



adj. in bad repair or condition; much worn; poorly dressed 破旧的,褴褛的,低劣的 (of behaviour) mean; unfair 卑鄙的,不公平的

shabby furniture 破旧的家具/a shabby street 穷街陋巷/look shabby 看上去一副穷酸相/be shabby in dress 衣衫褴褛

What a shabby trick, driving off and leaving me to walk home!



n. the long, narrow stem or body of a spear or an arrow 箭杆;矛柄 the long handle of axe or other tool 斧柄 bar or rod joining parts of a machine, or transmitting power 机械轴 ray of light (与 of 连用)一束光;光线

a shaft of lightning 一道闪电/a shaft of sunlight 一缕阳光/the drive shaft 主动轴/a mine shaft 矿井

A shaft of sunlight reached the room.



v. to break suddenly into small pieces 粉碎,砸碎 to damage badly, to ruin 破坏,毁坏 to have a strong effect on the feelings of 使震惊

shatter指“使粉碎,砸碎”。如:shatter a mirror(打碎镜子);也指“破坏,毁坏,损害”。如:shatter a plan(破坏计划);shatter one s health(损害健康)。

shatter a mirror 打碎镜子/shatter one s health 损害健康

The explosion shattered every window in the building.



adj. thin, fine, and transparent 极轻薄的,几乎透明的 unmixed 纯的;没有掺杂的 complete; thorough; absolute 全然的 almost perpendicular; steep 陡峭的;重直的 adv. completely; altogether 完全地;全然 vi. (esp. of a ship) to deviate from course (常有与 away, off 连用)躲开,避开;迅速转向

Your story about the frog turning into a prince is sheer nonsense.


Out of sheer revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.



n. the act or an instance of shipping goods 装船,出货


adj. clever in judgement, esp. of what is to one s own advantage 精明的,机灵的,机敏的


clever 是指头脑反应快而机灵;shrewd 是指对实际事物精明。如:He was rather clever in saying that.他那么说很聪明。 cunning 主要用于狡猾的意义上。如:The fox is a cunning animal.狐狸是一种狡猾的动物。

a shrewd politician 狡猾的政客/shrewd common sense 敏锐的观察力/be shrewd at bargain 精于讨价还价/be shrewd in business 精于经商

Although he has had no formal education, he is one of the shrewdest businessmen in the company.



vt. &; vi. raise shoulders slightly to express doubt, indifference, ignorance, etc. 耸肩

shrug off 对……满不在乎,对……不屑一顾; shrug off an insult 对辱骂一笑置之

He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and shrugged it in a single nod, a gesture boys used then for O.K.



n. one that shuts 遮蔽物;百叶窗;窗板


n. a device used in weaving to carry the woof thread back and forth between the wrap threads 织布梭 regular travel back and forth over an established, often short route by a vehicle (飞机、汽车等在两地间的)家往返班次 (=shuttlecock) 羽毛球 (=space shuttle) 航天飞机v. to go, move, or travel back and forth by or as if by a shuttle 穿梭往返

a shuttle bus 区间公共汽车/the London to Paris air shuttle 伦敦至巴黎的短程航班/shuttle diplomacy 外交斡旋

We shuttled the passengers to the city center by helicopter.



vt. to be a sign of; to represent or mean 表示,意味,表明vi. 要紧,有重要性

作vt.表示“表明,表示,示意”时无被动态。作vi.表示“有重要性”时,只用于疑问句和否定句中。注意在下列用法中signify的不同的意思。如:“DD”signifies “Doctor of Divinity”.(“DD”意为“神学博士”。)He signified that he couldn t consent.(他表示他不能同意。)The clouds signified the coming storm.(乌云预示着即将有暴风雨。)

A red sunset signifies fine weather.



n. (pl. silicium) nonmetalic element found commonmetallic element found combined with oxygen in quartz, sandstone, etc. 硅,硅元素(元素符号为:Si)


vt. to have or take on the appearance, form, or sound of; imitate 假装,伪装;模仿

simulated pearls 仿珍珠/simulated leather 仿皮草/simulate enthusiasm 假装热心/simulate goodness 假装善良

The insecft simulates a twig.



adj. happening, existing, or done at the same time 同时的;同步的

simultaneous interpretations 同声翻译/a simultaneous broadcast 联合转播

We know very little about the brain and how it deals with simultaneous conflicting input, but every commonsense intuition suggests we should be profoundly alarmed.


This event ws almost simultaneous with that one.



n. disobedience to God the breaking of law regard as holy 罪,罪孽 vi. to break God s law, to do wrong according to some standard 违犯戒律,犯过失

sin首先是以宗教观点来看的罪过。如:the sin of Adam(亚当之罪)。有时也用作日常用语。如:It s a sin to waste food.(浪费食品是一种犯罪行为。)而crime主要指从法律观点来看的罪行。如:an economic(political) crime(经济/政治罪行)。guilt是以道德和社会观点来看的罪过,含义侧重于罪责和犯罪事实两点。如:acknowledge one s guilt for sth.(承认对某事的罪责)。

sin against 犯……罪孽,亵渎/commit a sin 犯有罪恶/be liable to sin 易于犯罪/a life of sin 不道德的生活

They believe that if they kiss the rock sins will pass away as their lips touch it.


Lying and cheating are both sins.



adj. having a place or location; located 坐落的,位于的 being in... situation 处于……处境的

be conveniently situated 位置方便/be awkwardly situated 处境尴尬,处境困难/be poorly situated 处境很糟;位置不好

I am rather badly situated since I lost my job.



n. condition, state of affairs, esp. at a certain time 形势;状况;事态 work; employment 工作;职位 position( of a town, building, etc.) 地势;地理位置

in an embarrassing situation 处于尴尬的境地

When he applied for a situation in the offices of the local newspaper he was told to see the manager.



adj. inclined not to believe; in the habit of questioning the truth of claims, statements, etc. 怀疑论的,怀疑的

be skeptical about 对……表示怀疑的/skeptical listeners 怀疑的听众/skeptical remarks 表示怀疑的评论

Everyone says our team will win, but I m skeptical of it.



vi. to jump lightly and quickly 跳跃;轻快地跳 to jump over a rope which is turned over the head and under the feet as one jumps 跳绳

skip the first Chapter跳过第一章/skip from one subject to another 从一个话题跳到另一个话题/skip a class 逃课/skip school 逃学


adj. loose; not tight 松弛的,不紧的(绳子或铁丝等) dull;inactive; with not much work to be done or business being done 萧条的,不景气的 giving little care or attention to one s work; having or showing little energy 懈怠的;疏忽的

slack screws 松动的螺丝/the slack season 淡季/a pair of golfing slacks 一条高尔夫球宽松裤/slack one s pace 放慢脚步/slack one s vigilance 放松警惕

Organization of the conference was rather slack.



vt. to strike quickly with the flat part of the hand 掌击,拍 to place quickly (随意,快速地)涂抹 roughly or carelessly 啪的一声(用力)放 n.a quick blow with the flat part of the hand 掌击

slap, punch,beat, knock,hit,strike,pat,pound,tap

slap是指用手掌拍打。如:He slapped the child on the shoulder.他拍了拍孩子的肩膀。 punch指用拳头打。如:He punched the man in the nose.他用拳猛击那人鼻子。 beat是指连续打,毒打,殴打。如:He was beaten for disobedience.他因不服从而被打。 knock是指用拳头打硬的物体。如:Someone is knocking at the door.有人在敲门。 hit 和strike都指普通的打,但hit常用于表示“打中”,“打一下”;指有目标地重重一击。如:The stone hit the window.石子击中了窗子。 strike指用手或手持东西打一次,或连续打,可以有意的或无意的打,与at连用。如:The robber struck me with a stick.强盗用棒打我。 pat 是轻打,指轻轻地拍打,常与on连用。如:Don t be afraid to pat the dog.别怕拍这狗。 pound 是“打,乱打,连击”的意思,多指用拳头或重物连续地猛打或敲打,出声很响,与at,on连用。如:The child pounded the floor with a hammer.那小孩用锤子在地板上敲击。 tap是“轻叩”的意思,包括叩门、叩窗等。如:I tapped on the window to let them know I d arrived.我敲敲窗户让他们知道我来了。

slap down 砰地一声放下/slap...in the face 侮辱,使难堪

They started to quarrel and she slapped him on the cheek.



n. the killing of animals for food 屠宰 the killing of a large number of people 残杀,屠杀 v. to kill (animals, people) in large numbers 屠宰,残杀,屠杀

mass slaughter 大屠杀/wanton slaughter 肆无忌惮的屠杀/the slaughter of innocent civilians 屠杀无辜百姓

The battlefield was a scene of terrible slaughter.



adj. slender 苗条的;纤细的 vi. to become or make slim (常与 down 连用)使苗条;减轻体重


n. a phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, an organization, or a candidate 口号,标语

shout slogans 喊口号/a catchy slogan 容易记的口号/political slogans 政治口号

We need a new slogan for the advertising campaign.



n. a narrow opening; a groove or slit (机械或工具上的)狭缝;长孔;槽沟

fit into a slot 适应某一职位/fill a job slot 填补职位,补缺/a slot car 遥控电动玩具赛车

The mailman dropped the letters through a slot.



n. court, alley or street of small, badlybuilt, dirty, crowded house (城市的)贫民区,贫民窟


vt. to break into pieces violently (哗啦一声)打碎 to go, drive, throw, or hit forcefully as against sth. solid 猛力冲(击、撞) n. a powerful blow 粉碎、推翻

crush, smash, shatter

crush 指用外力将其粉碎。如:The machine can crush rocks into powder.那种机器能把石头轧成粉末。 smash 指用突然凶猛的力量使其粉碎;伴有强烈的响声。如:The burglar smashed a window with his bare fist and fled away.夜贼用拳头打破窗子逃走了。 shatter 指因受力过重而被彻底破坏,特指易碎物品被砸得碎片四溅。如:The stone shattered the windscreen.石头打碎了挡风玻璃。

smash hit 非常流行的东西

The plate dropped on the floor and smashed into little pieces.



v. get (goods) secretly and illegally into or out of a country, esp. without paying customs duty 走私,偷运

smuggle refugees into the country 偷放难民入境/smuggle a car past customs 将一辆汽车偷偷运过海关/smuggle sb. out of the country 偷放某人出境

They are arrested for smuggling out Swiss watches.



n. small meal, usu. eaten in a hurry esp. between main meals 小吃,点心,快餐 v. eat snacks between or in stead of main meals 吃点心,小吃

He usually has a large meal in the evening and only a snack at lunchtime.



v. break suddenly with a sharp noise 啪地折断 cause sth. to make a sudden sharp noise 使某物突然发出尖厉声音 speak in a sharp voice 厉声说话 take a quick photograph of sb. 很快地给某人拍照 n. act or sound of snapping 折断声 photograph 快照

He tends to snap people when he s ill.



v. to get hold of or seize sth. hastily 猛抓,猛夺 to take quickly as chance allows 抓住机会做n. a short and incomplete party of sth. that is seen or heard 猛抓,夺取

snatch强调突发的、急匆匆的动作,常表示偷偷地、趁机获得。如:snatch an opportunity(抓住机会)。

snatch at 试图抓住/snatch away 迅速拿走/snatch up 突然掏出

The thief snatched her handbag from her hand and ran away with it.



v. go up high in the air quickly 高飞,高翔 rise rapidly 猛增,高涨

The eagles soared high above the valleys.



adj. with one s actions and thoughts not affected by alcohol 未醉的,清醒的 serious and thoughtful; solemn 认真的,镇定的,冷静的 (of colour) not bright (指颜色)不鲜艳的 v. (cause sb. to) become serious and thoughtful (使某人)认真而谨慎

be in sober earnest 非常严肃认真/in sober garments 衣着朴素/sober down 变得持重/ as sober as a judge 非常清醒的

The lady is always in sober garments, though she is very rich.



n. scientific study of the nature and development of society and social behaviour 社会学

Etzioni is still teaching the sociology of right and wrong and still calling for ethical business leadership.



n. data, programmes, etc not forming part of computer but used when operating it 软件


n. unity and agreement resulting from shared interests, feelings, actions, sympathies, etc. 团结,一致

express solidarity 表示团结一致/preserve solidarity 保持团结一致/show solidarity 表现出团结一致/strengthen solidarity 加强团结

The union leaders appealed for worker solidarity.



adj. alone without companions 单独的,独自的 lonely 孤独的,孤僻的


solitary 与 lonely 在意思上相同,但可指主观上喜欢独处。如:He prefers a solitary journey.他喜欢独自一人旅行。 alone 只含“单独”意思,不能用作定语,只作表语。如:Better be alone than in bad company. 交损友,不如无友。 lonely 含义较广,且有感情色彩。如:Aren t you lonely here? 你在这不感到孤独吗? lonesome 指一个地方人烟稀少且凄凉,或者指一个人寂寞难忍。如:It seems to be more lonesome in the mountains when birds are singing. 鸟鸣山更幽。

a solitary journey 独自一个的旅行/a solitary exception 惟一的例外/a solitary existence 隐居生活/a solitary valley 人迹罕至的幽谷

He likes to be alone and has formed the habit of taking long solitary. 他喜欢孤独,养成了独自散步的习惯。


n. piece of music, dance, entertainment, etc. performed by only one person 独奏曲,独唱曲 adj. by oneself, without a companion, etc. 单独的,独自的 of, concerning or performed as a solo 单独表演的

dance a solo 独舞/perform a solo 单独表演/a soprano solo 女高音独唱/a tenor solo 男高音独唱

When was the first solo flight across the Atlantic?



adj. (of power) without limit; highest (权力)无限的,最高的 fully independent and selfgoverning 独立自主的,有主权的 n. ruler with sovereign power 最高统治者

a legitimate sovereign 正统君主/a ruling sovereign 在位君主/sovereign power 至高无上的权利/the sovereign virtue 至善

He resigned as sovereign of the tiny kingdom.



adj. having or providing much space; roomy 空间多的,宽敞的


v. shine brightly with flashes of light 闪烁,闪耀 n. effect made by sparking; act of sparkling 光亮,闪光,闪耀

a sparkle in one s eyes 闪烁的眼神/a sparkle in the ashes 灰烬中的余火/frequent sparkle of humour 妙趣横生/sparkling water 苏打水

The snow sparkled in the sunlight.



adj. of, concerning or existing in space 空间的;有关空间的;存在于空间的

the spatial qualities of the new concert hall 新音乐厅的空间特性


n. interest, activity, skill, etc. to which a person gives particular attention or in which he specializes 专业,专长 particularly good product or service 优质服务;特制品

Reebok shoes, which are priced from $27 to $85, will continue to be sold only in better speciality, sporting goods, and department stores.



n. group of animals or plants within a genus differing only in minor details from the others, and able to breed with each other but not with other groups 物种;种群 sort, type 种类;类型


adv. in a specific manner 确切地;具体地;特别地

You were specifically warned not to eat fish.


The houses are specifically designed for old people.



n. (esp. pl.) details and instructions describing the design, materials. etc. of sth. to be made or done 规格;规格说明 action of specifying 具体说明,详述

fall short of specifications 不符合规范/follow specifications 遵守规范/manufacturing specifications 生产规范/rigid specifications 严格的规范/specification of quality 技师说明书

The designer drew up the technical specifications for the new car.



n. grand public display, procession, performance, etc. 庆典;旅行大场面 impressive, remarkable or interesting sight 奇观;壮观 help the eyesight 眼镜

a dramatic spectacle 戏剧演出/a charming spectacle 迷人的景象/wear a pair of spectacles 戴一副眼镜

The old gentleman was a very respectable looking person, with gray hair and gold spectacles.


Eighty thousand people turned up for the spectacle.



adj. making a very fine display or show 壮观的,精彩的 impressive or extraordinary 引人入胜的,出色的


n. a person who watches an event or sports without taking part 观众,目击者,旁观者


spectator 和 audience 都是“观众”,两者后面都可加 at 表示“……听/观众”。 spectator 是可数名词;如:Thousand of spectators came to the baseball game. 成千上万的观众来看棒球赛。 audience 是集体名词,用 large 或 small 修饰表示多少。如:She was asked to sing a folk song by a large audience. 很多观众要求她唱一首民歌。

draw many spectators 吸引许多观众/entrance the spectators 使观众着迷/attentive spectators 聚精会神的观众/indifferent spectators 无动于衷的旁观者

The big match attracted 25 000 spectators.

这次大型比赛吸引了25 000名的观众。


n. image of a band of colours as seen in a rainbow (and usu described as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet), 光谱 similar series of bands of sound 声谱;频谱 full or wide range or sequence 范围;系列

a solar spectrum 太阳光谱/a sound spectrum 声谱/the political spectrum 政界

There s a wide spectrum of opinions on this question.



vi. to buy and sell goods, stocks, etc. with risk of loss and hope of profit through changes in their market value 投机,做投机买卖 to think about a matter in a light way or without facts (about, on)推测,推断

speculate作“思考,思索;推测,猜测,推断”解时,后接介词on,upon或about;作“投机”解时,后接介词in。如:speculate in land(做地产投机买卖)。

speculate in 做……投机生意/speculate on 推测,思考

We don t know all the circumstances, so it is pointless to speculate on what happened.


Already the class is speculating about who our new teacher will be.



adj. advancing and ascending in a continuous curve that winds round a central point 螺旋形的,盘旋的

a spiral nebula 螺旋星云/spiral staircase 螺旋楼梯

The dead bird spiraled down into the field.



v. cause (a liquid) to fly about in drops 飞溅 (of a liquid or mud) fly about and fall in drops 溅起水花或泥浆 n. (sound or act of) splashing 飞溅声 mark, spot, atc. made by splashing 溅污的斑点;溅起的泥浆。

splash down 溅落/splash into a river 扑通一声跳进河里/bring a splash of color into the room 给房间增色

A passing car splashed my coat with water.



n. person who speaks, or is chosen to speak on behalf of a group发言人,代言人。

A government spokesmen said today that there would be an official inquiry.



n. kinds of simple sea animal with light structures of elastic material full of holes and able to absorb water easily; one of these, or sth. of similar texture used for washing, cleaning sth. 海绵,海绵体 v. wash, wipe or clean with a sponge 用海绵等洗涤,擦拭 take up liquid with sponge 用海绵吸收液体。


adj. done, happening, said etc. because of a voluntary impulse from within, no caused or suggested by sth./sb. outside 自发的,主动的 natural, not forced 自然的,非勉强的。

make a spontaneous decision 自发做出一个决定 /a spontaneous cheer 自发的欢呼。

Her offer of help was quite spontaneous; she hadn t been told to make it.



n. husband or wife 配偶


n. person employed to find out secret information 密探,特务 v. watch or search secretly暗中监视,侦察 catch sight of 发现,察明

a commercial spy 商业间谍/a master spy 间谍大王/spy out 侦察出,探明

The soldiers spied on the enemy s movements day and night.



v. (cause sth/sb to) become stable (使某事物)稳定;(使某人)变得沉稳。

stabilize a currency 稳定货币/stabilize prices 稳定物价/stabilize a ship 使船稳住。

His condition has now stabilized.



v. walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall 蹒跚,摇晃 arrange (the time of events) so that they do not occur together 错开时间

stagger away 踉跄走开/stagger the seats 把座位错开/stagger under a heavy load 因负重而走路摇晃。

The drunken man staggered along the road.



n. a length of stairs with its supports and side parts for holding on to 楼梯。

come down a staircase 从楼梯上下来/a steep staircase 很陡的楼梯/a winding staircase 盘旋式楼梯。

There is a big hall with a big staircase winding up from it.



n. compartment, usu with three sides, for one animal in a table or cattle shed 牲畜棚中的一栏(通常三面有墙)(often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) table, stand or small openfronted shop from which things are sold in a market, on a street, in a railway station, etc. 摊位;铺子;售货亭

set up a stall 设摊位/a fruit stall 水果摊/stall a sale 拖延一笔生意的交易。

Are there any seats still available in the front stalls?



v. give a shock of surprise to; cause to move or jump 使吃惊,惊吓。

startle from sleep 从睡梦中惊醒/a startled jump 惊跳/startle sb. out of his mind 使某人惊呆。

The horse was startled by the sudden noise in the bushes.



adj. standing still 固定的,静止的,稳定的。

stationary troops 驻防部队/a stationary target 静止的目标/stationary bicycle 室内健身脚踏车。

A stationary target is easiest to aim at.



n. collection of information shown in numbers 数据,统计资料 science of collecting, classifying and analyzing such information 统计学


n. stereophonic soundreproduction system 立体声v. sterevphonic sound 立体声的。

a stereo recording 立体声录音/a stereo tape 立体声录音带/a stereo recorder 立体声录音机。

This programme is being broadcast in stereo.



n. fixed pattern which is believed to represent a type of person or event 陈规,老套v. fix in one form or type 使定型,使固定

break through the stereotypes 打破陈规/fit the stereotype of... 符合……的模式/stereotyped answers 模式化的答案

It is wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike.



adj. very firm or hard towards other s behaviour 严格的,严峻的。

severe, strict, stern

severe, strict 和 stern 均有“严厉、严格”的意思。 severe 为一般用词,指对人对事都很认真,从不让步,可指人也可指社会现象,天气等。如:Don t be severe with Brian;he is only a little boy.不要对布赖恩太严格了,他还是个孩子呢。 strict 指对规则严格遵守,对别人毫不放松,特指规则,准则,标准。如:The are very strict with their children.他们对自己的孩子很严格。 stern 指利用权威使人服从,毫不讲情面,用于人的面容和态度。如:The teacher is stern to her pupils.那位老师对学生很严格。

a stern punishment 严厉的处罚/take stern measures 采取严格措施/a stern test 严峻的考验/stern treatment 苛刻的待遇

The teacher s face wore a stern expression when he saw the naughty boy making trouble again in class.



n. sth. which is the cause of activity 刺激(物);促进(因素)。

a mental stimulus 精神刺激/a stimulus to trade 商业上的刺激。

For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue. But in other cases the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly, of younger Americans.


The new housing policy has provided a great stimulus to their economy.



n. single passing of a needle and thread int and out of cloth, etc. in sewing, or into and out of skin tissue, etc in surgery (缝纫或外科缝合的)一针 (in knitting or crochet) one complete turn of the wool, etc over the needle (编结或编织的)一针;(钩针编织的)一钩 v. put stitches in or on (sth); sew 缝,缝合,编结,编织(某物);缝纫。

stitching (a shirt) by candlelight 点着蜡烛缝(衬衫)。


adj. (of a person, his manner, etc.) honest and frank, without evasion(指人、态度等)诚实的,坦率的,老实的,坦白的 easy to understand or do; without complications or difficulties 易懂的;易做的;简单的;不难的。

be straightforward with somebody 坦率对待某人/give a straightforward explanation 做出坦率的解释/a straightforward job 简单的工作

The experiment was straightforward: 21 therapeutic touch therapists stuck their hands, palms up, through a screen.


He is completely straightforward in his business dealing.



adj. of strategy; forming part of a plan or scheme 战略(上)的;策略(上)的 giving an advantage;right for a particular purpose 有战略意义的;战略上适合的。

strategic(al) decisions 战略决策 /a strategic position, move 战略地位、行动。

There appears to be little strategic focus within a school district s curricula, its textbooks, or its teachers activities. This contrasts sharply with the coordinated national programs of most other countries.



v. give a streamlined form to sth. 使(某物)成流线型 make (sth.) move efficient and effective 使效率更高,作用更大


vi. to walk with long steps or cross with one long step 大踏步走,跨越n. a long stop in walking 大步,阔步,发展,进步,进展。

stride指大步走,特别指向着目标快步走。如:Our country is striding ahead in her economic construction.(我国正在经济建设方面大步前进。)stroll指漫步。如:The old couple are strolling through the park.(那对老妇人正在公园里漫步。)pace常指来回踱步。如:The tiger is pacing around in the cage.(那头老虎在笼子里来回走着。)

stride over the fence 跨过栅栏/three strides 三大步/make great stride 取得很大进步/take...in one s stride 轻而易常地做/with great strides大踏步地,突飞猛进地

She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly.



adj. attracting attention or interest 显著的,引人注目的。


vi. to try hard; to make great efforts 搏斗,斗争 to struggle 奋斗,努力。


endeavor (努力,尽力)指用极大努力克服了较大的困难才使某事成功。如:The United Nations is endeavoring to establish peace.联合国正努力建立和平。 strive 指为求完善某事而努力不懈。如:We should strive for the ideal.我们应当为理想而努力奋斗。 attempt (企图,试图)指某人想尽办法去完成某事,但暗示不成功。如:The prisoner attempted to escape but failed.犯人企图逃走,但未成功。 try (试图,设法)为一般用语,最常用,指打算用一切办法把事做好;有时指努力去尝试,看是否行得通。如:He tried to climb the tall tree.他想要爬上那棵高树。

These symbols of distinction assure us and others that we believe strongly in the fundamental equality of all, yet strive as hard as we can to separate ourselves from our fellow citizens.


We must persistently strive to carry out our goals.



adj. determined with a strong will 顽固的,倔强的 difficult to change, move, deal with 难对付的,难以克服的。

a stubborn child 固执的孩子/stubborn problems 棘手的问题/stubborn stains 很难洗掉的污渍。

He is too stubborn to accept other s advice.



n. workroom of a painter sculptor, photographer, etc. 画室,工作室 place where cinema films are acted and photographed 摄影棚。


vi. to catch the foot on the ground while moving along and start to fall 绊脚(倒) to walk in an unsteady way 磕磕绊绊地走 to speak or read in a clumsy or hesitating way 结结巴巴地朗读(说话)。

stumble后接over(或against, at),绊倒,后接along表示“蹒跚而行”;后接across, on, upon 表示“偶然发现(遇到)”。

stumble across/on 偶然遇到,碰巧找到/stumble about/along/around 蹒跚而行,行动不稳。

It is where prices and markets do not operate properly that this benign trend begins to stumble, and the genuine problems arise.


The old man stumbled over the edge of the carpet and fell.



adj. strong and firm, esp. in body (尤指身体)强健的,结实的 determined in action (行动)坚决的,不屈不挠的。

a sturdy lad 强健的小伙子/a sturdy knowledge 真才实学/a sturdy oak tree 结实的橡树。

They kept up a sturdy opposition to the plan.



adj. (of ideas, feelings, etc.) existing in the mind and not produced by things outside the mind (指思想、感情等)主观的(属于自我意识方面的)。

a subjective impression, sensation, etc 主观印象、感觉等。

Our perception of things is often influenced by subjective factors, such as tiredness.



adj. of a lower rank or position 下级的,次位的,附属的 n. person who is subordinate to sb. else 下属人员 v. treat sth. as of lesser importance 使居次要地位,轻视。

a subordinate position 级别低的职位/a subordinate clause 从句/a subordinate unit 下级单位。

He treats his subordinates very badly.



v. to pay or give money in support of some good aim 捐助,赞助 to pay regularly in order to receive a magazine 订阅,订购(书籍等)。

在表示订阅已出版发行的报刊、杂志时,要用介词to。如表示订购书籍时,则用介词for。如:subscribe for a new encyclopaedia(订购一部新出的百科全书)。subscribe作“捐赠,捐助,赞助”解,后面接捐的钱物数量,然后接介词to或for。

subscribe for 认捐,订阅/subscribe to 向……捐款,出钱;订阅,订;赞同,支持。

I subscribe to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine.


You should subscribe to one or more weekly magazines as Time, or Newsweek.



a. a connected but of second importance to the main company, plan, work,etc. 子公司,附属机构;附属物adj. connected to but smaller, of less importance,etc than sth else; subordinate 附属的;从属的;次要的 (of a business company) controlled by another (指业务机构)附属的附设的。

subsidiary foodstuff 副食品/a subsidiary company 附属公司,子公司/subsidiary to 辅助……(的);比……次要。

The means that while local elites, foreign communities and subsidiaries of transnational corporations may benefit, those whose lives depend on access to the information are denied it.


And in 1987, when a subsidiary of Toshiba sold sensitive military technology to the former Soviet Union, the chairman of Toshiba gave up his post.



n. money paid, esp. by a government, to help an industry, to support the arts, to keep prices down, etc. 补助金,津贴。

a cash subsidy 现金津贴/a state subsidy 政府补贴/trade subsidies 贸易补贴。

The industry depends for its survival massive subsidies to cover deficits.



adj. not easy to describe or imagine; delicate 微妙的,难以想像的,精巧的。

a subtle enemy 阴险的敌人/the subtle ploy 狡猾的手段/a subtle plan 诡计。

The body is programmed to start the day with sunrise, he explains, and this gets later as the days get shorter, But why such subtle shifts make some people depressed and not others is a mystery.


Her whole attitude had undergone a subtle change.



n. person or thing that comes after and takes the place of (sb/sth) 接替的人或事物;后继者;继任者;继承人。

the successor to the manager 经理的继任人/the successor to the throne 王位继承人/a legitimate successor 法定继承人。

President Hoover s successor attached even more importance to this problem.


This car is the successor to our popular hatchback model.



v. to make a legal claim to 对……提起诉讼; 控告,起诉

sue for divorce 诉请离婚/sue sb. 控告某人/sue out 请求法院给予(赦免,赔偿等)。

If you don t complete the work according to the contract,I will sue you for damages.



v. to be enough 足够 (esp. of food) to satisfy (尤指食物)满足。

hardly suffice the interviewer 很难使面试考官满意/suffice for one s basic needs 满足某人的基本需求。

No words will suffice to convey his grief.



n. killing oneself intentionally 自杀

commit suicide 自杀


n. case with flat sides, used for carrying clothes, etc when travelling 手提衣箱;小提箱


n. highest point; top, esp. of a mountain 山顶,顶峰 meeting between the heads of two or more governments, esp. of the world s most powerful countries (政府的)最高级会议

Many climbers have reached the summit of Mount Everest.



v. to send a message telling sb. to come; to call people) together 召唤,召集 force (a particular quality) to come as if from deep inside oneself, in an attempt to do sth. 鼓起(勇气),振作(精神)。

summon a doctor 请医生/be summoned before a judge 被传唤到庭受审/summon Parliament 召开国会。

We do not realize that waving good-bye is the way to summon a person from the Philippines to one s side, or that in Italy and some LatinAmerican countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of farewell.


He wakes up in the morning and summons the rest of the world to its tasks.


The driver was summoned to appear in court on a change of careless driving. 这位司机被指控违章驾驶,受到法庭的传唤。


adj. perfect in form, quality, etc. wonderful 极好的,出色的,一流的。


n. state of being superior 优越(性),优势。

achieve superiority 获得优势/a sense of superiority 优越感/air superiority 空中优势。

There is no doubt that the superiority of these goods to the others is easy to see.



adj. faster than the speed of sound 超音速的,超声速的。


vt.&; vi. watch or keep a check to make sure sb. is done properly 监督,监视。

If you don t supervise the children properly, Mr. Chiver, they ll just run riot.



adj. additional; extra 增补的;补充的;附加的 (mathematics 数) (of an angle) making a total of 180° with another angle (指角)补角的

supplementary water supply 补充供水系统/supplementary reading 补充读物/supplementary means 辅助手段。

This question is supplementary to the previous question.



v. to put an end to (st.) esp. by force 镇压,压制 to prevent (one s feeling) from being expressed; control 抑制,忍住。

suppress a yawn 抑制哈欠/suppress one s anger 抑制怒火/suppress the news 查禁这条新闻。

Opposition to the government was quickly suppressed.



vi. to move forward in or like waves 浪涛般汹涌向前 to increase abnormally 猛冲。

the surge of the sea 海浪汹涌/a surge of anger 勃然大怒/a surge of people to holiday resorts 涌到假日游乐区的人潮/surge up 高涨,变得越来越强。

Their surging exploitation of resources threatens to exhaust or unalterably spoil forests, soils, water, air and climate.


The waves surged over the rocks during the storm.



n. a doctor who performs surgical operations 外科医师。

The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U.S.



v. to do or be better than, exceed 超过,胜过。

surpass the goal one sets for oneself 超过自己所确定的目标/surpass oneself 超常发挥/surpass expectations 比预计的要好。

By day, Bill s contact lenses will focus rays of light so accurately on the retina that the image of a small leaf or the outline of a far distant tree will be formed with a sharpness that surpasses that of conventional vision aids by almost half a diopter.


She surpasses her sister in playing the piano.



n. an amount additional to what is mended or used 过剩,剩余 adj. more than is needed or used 过剩的,剩余的。


n. state of continuing live or exist; surviving 幸存,残存。


adj. easily influenced 易受影响的 likely to experience strong feelings 敏感的,易受感染的,感动的。

be susceptible of 可以,能够/susceptible of another interpretation 可作另一种解释的。

He is rather vain and is highly susceptible to flattery.



n. suspending or being suspended悬浮;暂停;延缓;停职。

suspension bridge 吊桥/dust particles in suspension in air 空中的飘浮尘粒/the suspension of the players 暂停球员的参赛。

She appealed against her suspension.



adj. causing to suspect 可疑的 not trusting; likely to suspect 多疑的,疑心的。

terribly suspicious 极其可疑的/unreasonably suspicious 过度猜疑的/obviously suspicious 明显可疑的。

She is always suspicious of anyone who offers to call on her.



n. (area of) soft wet land; marsh 沼泽;沼泽地;困境v. drench in or cover with liquid;overwhelm 使湿透使陷入沼泽;使陷入困境

be swamped with phone calls 对来电应接不暇/be swamped with letters from job applicants 很多求职者的来信。

Already the public agencies for adult education are swamped by the tide that has swept over them since the depression began.


A big wave swamped the boat.



n. exact match in size and shape between the two halves of sth. 对称 pleasingly regular way in which parts are arranged 匀称。

the symmetry of the building 建筑物的匀称/perfect symmetry 完全对称/with symmetry 对称地。

The line on the left side of the painting spoiled its symmetry.



n. long complex musical composition, usu. in three or four parts for a large orchestra 交响乐。

symphony orchestra 交响乐团/play a symphony 演奏交响乐。

Mozart s works included 41 numbered symphonies.

莫扎特的作品包括 41 部编号的交响曲。


n. small conference for discussion of a particular subject (专题)讨论会,研讨会 collection of essays by several people on a particular subject, published as a book 专题论文集。

a symposium on alternative energy 替代能源讨论会/publish a symposium 发表专题论文集。

The ecologist was invited to attend a symposium on ecology.



n. a change of in body or mind which shows disease or disorder 症状 sign of existence of sth. bad 征兆。

The “overtraining syndrome” is the name given to the collection of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms due to overtraining that has persisted for weeks to months. It is marked by cumulative exhaustion that persists even after recovery periods.


The first symptom of a cold is often a sore throat.


The symptoms of morning sickness would be listed and horrors of childbirth pictured.



n. the combining of separate things, ideas, etc. into a complete whole 综合 sth. such as a chemical material or an idea, made by combining or bringing together various parts 合成。

network synthesis 网络综合(法),网络合成法/computer synthesis 计算机综合法/natural synthesis 自然合成。

Detergent is produced by synthesis.


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