
第1章 序言























Innovation has been becoming an internal impetus of global banking industry development in retrospection to the banking development history。Since CDs as a new financial instrument was created by National city Bank of New York in 1961 all kinds of new financial businesses and financial instruments emerge endlessly and make us have too many things to see。Nowadays the development of western commercial banks is just contributed by innovation。During the innovation course of western commercial banks the intermediate business innovative activity in 1980 is very prominent which have a great effect on the western commercial banks and global banking industry。Intermediate business has a low cost,a high yield,few requirements for capital and can avoid risks to some extent which bring great energy for modern commercial banks and play a great role in serving,linking and stabilizing customers and promoting traditional asset and liability business。Intermediate business innovation has been an important development strategy of international banking industry in 21 century with the financial globalization and economic integration especially with the development of international capital market and the declining of international interest rate。

Domestic commercial banks will participate in furious international financial market competition and be confronted with the challenges of stronger foreign banks with china entry to WTO。Establishing innovation strategy of intermediate business in domestic commercial banks has been the necessary selection of our commercial banks development to adapt the trend of international banking development and improve the competitive ability of commercial banks。This will not only help to optimize the profit structure and improve gaining ability of domestic commercial bank but decentralize the management risks and optimize resource allocation of commercial banks to improve their competitive ability。


The internal law of intermediate business innovation and development in western commercial banks has been researched deeply and systematically with intermediate business innovation as researching object,with western financial innovation theory,game theory and comparative economic theory as basis,combining criterion and empirical analysis,static and dynamic analysis,qualitative and quantitative analysis methods in this paper。The experiences and results of intermediate business in western commercial banks are also researched historically and dialecticly and fully absorbed and made use of in this paper。The advanced thoughts and methods of intermediate business innovation in western banks are used in analyzing intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks to explore a road suitable for their development。

The specific researching thought of this paper is as follows:Firstly,the lag of banking system is the basic cause restricting the intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks through comparing the innovation process and systematic variance between domestic and American commercial banks in system level。Secondly,the differences,causes of intermediate business innovation between domestic and western commercial banks and the problems of intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks are found through empirical and comparative analysis of the current situation,operating mechanism and contributions to banking of intermediate business innovation in domestic and western commercial banks。Finally,several major problems including the pricing and charging,guarding risks and supervising of intermediate business confronted and needed to solve urgently at present by domestic commercial banks in intermediate business innovation are analyzed and researched。This paper has seven parts including introduction and six parts of the body。The main contents are:

1.Mainly discussing and analyzing the intermediate business innovation theory of commercial banks。Intermediate business innovation of commercial banks means the innovation of products and instruments of intermediate business confined to the narrow sense of financial innovation。The source of intermediate business innovation theory of commercial banks is the innovation theory of Schurmpeter and his following financial innovation theories。Therefore,two branches of Schurmpeter innovation theory namely technology innovation and system innovation theory are introduced starting with the Schurmpeter innovation theory at first。Then eight causes of financial innovations in financial field,financial innovation effect theory and domestic innovation theory are introduced and reviewed which are the theoretic foundation of intermediate business innovation research in domestic commercial banks。

2.This part analyzes the effect of cent-management system,mix-management system and state-owned property system on intermediate business innovation and finds out system is the basic cause restricting domestic commercial bank innovation which shows the proprietary system and cent-management of domestic commercial banks hold back the innovation and development of intermediate business in domestic commercial banks seriously。Then proprietary system and managing system reform advice in domestic banks is put forward to build a better external environment for intermediate business innovation of domestic commercial banks。

3.This part finds out the difference of intermediate business innovation between domestic and western commercial banks through the general and empirical analysis of the current situation and contribution of intermediate business innovation between domestic and western commercial banks and selecting American Bank in America and the Bank of China which develops the intermediate business early and better to compare。At the same time the operating mechanisms including driving mechanism,charging and pricing mechanism and development mechanism of intermediate business innovation between domestic and western commercial banks are illuminated to explore the intermediate business innovation space and direction of domestic commercial banks。

4.The charging and pricing of intermediate business including the pricing target,pricing principles,pricing mode and pricing strategy as a important problem in domestic commercial bank innovation is analyzed and researched。On such a basis the pricing model of intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks is discussed to show clearly the direction of implementing domestic commercial bank innovation concretely。

5.Risks which are obstacles of intermediate business innovation in commercial banks at present are analyzed and studied。The categories and characters of intermediate business innovation risks are analyzed especially those confronted by credit product innovation including credit risk,market risk,liquidity risk,financing risk,information risk and legal risk。Then the risk appraising methods of intermediate business innovation product in international banks is discussed and specific measures guarding against risks according to product risk of domestic intermediate business innovation are put forward to remove the obstacles of the innovation and development of intermediate business especially derivative business in domestic commercial banks and speed the intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks。

6.The supervision deficiency of intermediate business innovation in commercial banks is discussed through the bankruptcy of Barings Bank。Then there is a game analysis of external supervision of commercial banks and intermediate business innovation including complete information and dynamic game and incomplete information and dynamic game between intermediate business innovation and supervision。We can conclude the relationship between intermediate business innovation in commercial banks and the supervision of the concerned is the repeating game process of supervision,innovation,supervision again and innovation again。The supervision principles of intermediate business and the supervision of international banking to intermediate business innovation are explained and specific advice to strengthen the supervision of domestic commercial banks is put forward。

In theory this paper illustrates the financial innovation theory and intermediate business innovation theory systematically through deeply comparing and analyzing intermediate business innovation between domestic and foreign commercial banks。In practice this paper is trying to explore a road suitable for the development of intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks and exploit a profit channel to reducing the non-performing assets in domestic commercial banks。The major contributions of this paper include:it is the first time to use TRICCR analyzing method to have a complete and comparative analysis of domestic and American intermediate business innovative driving mechanism and expand to eight driving forces so that the research of intermediate business innovation driving mechanism is improved to a new level it discloses the strategic position of intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks and system as the basic cause restricting the intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks through the systematic variance of domestic and foreign commercial banks and the comparative analysis of contribution

current situation and operating mechanism of innovation。It also explains developing banking cards further especially credit cards and trying to promote the innovation of guarantee,promise and derivative business are the direction of intermediate business innovation in domestic commercial banks a reasonable charging and pricing model for domestic intermediate business is given through deep research of charging and pricing of intermediate business which provides a important theoretic basis to price the intermediate business innovative products of domestic commercial banks reasonably and consolidate the ability of intermediate business innovation it provides some valuable exploitation to avoid domestic intermediate business innovative risks including those of guarantee,promise and derivative business through thorough analysis of risks which are obstacles during the course of development of intermediate business innovation。

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